Facts! I live in TN where yesterday (July 1, 2024) was the effective date of our enacted legislation that BANNED chemtrails and geoengineering across the state, however I took pictures and video of the sky yesterday (I’m just south of Nashville) and they are STILL doing it in PLAIN SIGHT. Active planes criss-crossing the sky leaving long…
Facts! I live in TN where yesterday (July 1, 2024) was the effective date of our enacted legislation that BANNED chemtrails and geoengineering across the state, however I took pictures and video of the sky yesterday (I’m just south of Nashville) and they are STILL doing it in PLAIN SIGHT. Active planes criss-crossing the sky leaving long-ass chemtrails along with massive, patterned, clearly geoengineered man-made fake cloud seedings STILL covering the skies here. I have no doubt Gates has his hand in the various departments assigned to override and/or coverup the evidence we are still seeing before our very eyes. Idk what else to do except now re-write my legislators and provide the proof of this obvious and blatant disregard for the LAW. Absolutely infuriating, especially after all the hard work it took to get this bill to pass. :(…
Mebbe a group could be formed of folks documentin' the continuation of the chemtrails post-legislation? I alerted our local reps of this "legislation" hopin' they'd follow suit -- upstate New Yawk (no response...typical I'm sorry ta say).
But if what TN enacted has no teeth folks should know about it--this is purdy major was many've us were countin' on TN to set a precedent! Contact AJ even?!
Facts! I live in TN where yesterday (July 1, 2024) was the effective date of our enacted legislation that BANNED chemtrails and geoengineering across the state, however I took pictures and video of the sky yesterday (I’m just south of Nashville) and they are STILL doing it in PLAIN SIGHT. Active planes criss-crossing the sky leaving long-ass chemtrails along with massive, patterned, clearly geoengineered man-made fake cloud seedings STILL covering the skies here. I have no doubt Gates has his hand in the various departments assigned to override and/or coverup the evidence we are still seeing before our very eyes. Idk what else to do except now re-write my legislators and provide the proof of this obvious and blatant disregard for the LAW. Absolutely infuriating, especially after all the hard work it took to get this bill to pass. :(…
Mebbe a group could be formed of folks documentin' the continuation of the chemtrails post-legislation? I alerted our local reps of this "legislation" hopin' they'd follow suit -- upstate New Yawk (no response...typical I'm sorry ta say).
But if what TN enacted has no teeth folks should know about it--this is purdy major was many've us were countin' on TN to set a precedent! Contact AJ even?!
I’m not far from you. I saw them, too, yesterday.