Frightening as hell, but thank you for this. I've always said if Charles Manson was a billionaire, he'd be Bill Gates. And as J.P. Morgan supposedly said, "We can hire half the working class to kill the other half". The question I increasingly have is are these creatures even actually earthlings? Increasingly, it sounds like the answer is "No".

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Geoengineering operations are not controlled by piss-ant jerks like Bill Gates. These are widespread military based deployments with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as licencee. The National Weather Service (a subsidiary of NOAA) has established a GAG order prohibiting weather forecasters from reporting exercises related to weather control operations. >>> http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/file/10_8_15_NWS_gag_complaint.pdf

None of this is new...

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True, it's not new, but tying Gates to it in this way I had not heard before. For whom then is our military - or our government - working so hard for if not for the Gates' of the world? All of them. It is nothing new that the most conscienceless, most ruthless, most psychopathic seem to end up with the money and the power. That's what's so frightening - this is just more of the same, just infinitely, technologically worse.

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He’s been involved for many, many years, according to patents acquired by Dr Naomi Wolf in an appearance on the War Room a couple of years ago; he underwrote “geoengineering” experiments at Harvard in 2021 and last summer in Sweden, they dropped huge amounts of, I think it was “chalk” over their populace.

I suspect Gates has been behind the nefarious aspects of it, all along. “Cloud-seeding” by the military has been going on for at least 70 years.

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Facts! I live in TN where yesterday (July 1, 2024) was the effective date of our enacted legislation that BANNED chemtrails and geoengineering across the state, however I took pictures and video of the sky yesterday (I’m just south of Nashville) and they are STILL doing it in PLAIN SIGHT. Active planes criss-crossing the sky leaving long-ass chemtrails along with massive, patterned, clearly geoengineered man-made fake cloud seedings STILL covering the skies here. I have no doubt Gates has his hand in the various departments assigned to override and/or coverup the evidence we are still seeing before our very eyes. Idk what else to do except now re-write my legislators and provide the proof of this obvious and blatant disregard for the LAW. Absolutely infuriating, especially after all the hard work it took to get this bill to pass. :(…

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Mebbe a group could be formed of folks documentin' the continuation of the chemtrails post-legislation? I alerted our local reps of this "legislation" hopin' they'd follow suit -- upstate New Yawk (no response...typical I'm sorry ta say).

But if what TN enacted has no teeth folks should know about it--this is purdy major was many've us were countin' on TN to set a precedent! Contact AJ even?!

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I’m not far from you. I saw them, too, yesterday.

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Think: Warren Buffet.

Due diligence is key to find truthfulness.

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To add to this, I just came in from spending a couple hours outside this morning and realized that I’m COVERED in tiny white flaky particles. It’s always like this on days of the heavy cloud seeding…and been happening more regularly here for about a year

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This morning, I was cleaning my swimming pool and floating on the surface of the water was small fibers +-0.5 1mm long fibers. I collected them to be analyzed. I compare with pictures on the web and the fiber looks like aluminum oxide. We had intensive rain yesterday and the sun was shining at the same time. We see Chemtrails each day here in Canada, Quebec, in the City of Vaudreuil near Montreal. This needs to stop!

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Same here in Québec City. I’ve never seen and cleaned so much dark gray «dust» and tiny pieces of plastic in my life; must also breathe a lot… 🤬

They even spray at night and their summer pattern is 6 out of 7 sunrises display horizontal linear chemtrails that spread and cover the Sun for +- two hours or all day. Two days before a rain forecast, preferably before the week-ends, chemtrails planes are frenetics. They sometimes work in fireworks patterns -aka central departure with equidistant fan arrays- or a mix of horizontal and vertical lines, up to five within 15 mins.!!! Have you noticed that most of the spraying planes are light blue/green? They are militaries’.

Last summer, many of our nights were cloudless and often surprisingly warmer than the following day, which is abnormal. Last week, we had a second 13° C day and night; that is impossible because the St. Lawrence River generates restless cooling winds and very high turbulences.

I too desperately want this to stop, for these chemicals will stay in the atmosphere for at least five years… just in time for the Agenda 2030. However, they will stay for much longer in our rivers and soils.


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If they are poisoning the populations they need to be shot down no matter the one off consequences so that the traitor pilots know it is an eye for an eye and at least theirs will be a quick death and not a slow starvation and toxic health deaths. Thanks all you Globalist Leaders and your enriched Industry pals in your depopulation of the masses.....as planned.

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The *enemy* are not the 'elite' classes. The enemy are the wanna-be administrative classes, who continue to pilfer the planet for a fist full of pennies. Here's some juice:

Partial List of United States defense contractors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_defense_contractors

After pursuing the identity of *listed* agencies and companies, perhaps observe these additional references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_contractor




They all want to own the world...

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Anyone who seeks to own billions of dollars, however harmful to others, or to the planet is an enemy of those who seek to protect and preserve. The APA considers hoarding of such things as rubber bands, aluminum foil or newspapers to be a sign if mental illness. But hoarding of money which couldn't be used in ten lifetimes is not only perfectly healthy but admirable. Administrators are just the jackals seeking to feast on the predators leftovers. As was said by - i thought J.P. Morgan, but just read today that it was said instead by Jay Gould, so whoever said it, it's woefully true: "I can hire half the human race to kill the other half".

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Quite true. However, there are 'employees' such as these. >>> Evergreen Aviation. Supertanker: https://evergreenaviation.com/fuselage/supertanker/

Note under usage. "Are there any other markets for the Evergreen Supertanker? Can it operate globally?

Evergreen is studying other applications for the Supertanker. Oil spill containment, chemical decontamination and weather modification are all potential markets for this aircraft. Because the aircraft is pressurized, the Evergreen Supertanker has the capability of any long-range Boeing 747 passenger aircraft. This allows the aircraft to deploy to any international location." [End quote]

There are other examples of who manufactures the aircraft, and the FAA is totally aware of the situation. Here's another avenue: Weather and Climate Modification – National Science Foundation – NSF 66-3 >>> December 20, 1965 >>> https://www.nsf.gov/nsb/publications/1965/nsb1265.pdf

I guess they forgot to ask for our consent…

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Q post 3856

“The lines are drawn.


Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name].

Standard definition.

Define EVERGREEN [HRC USSS code name]

Non-standard defintion.

Think depopulation.

The Silent War continues…


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Please see the video I posted called The Zion King. I believe it does come from the top in the House of Windsor (not their real name).

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“The chemtrail program, which involves the spraying of biocides on the population, was authorized by Royal Decree”. It’s the Royals! Prince Phillip said, "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."

The Zion King explains the power the royals have and that they are the top controlling secret society.


Start at 1:58 if you’re short on time. The murals at The Denver New World Airport explain their depopulation plans complete with a CHEMTRAIL! Everyone needs to see these murals.

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yes, we tend to oversimplify to console ourselves

blame a scapegoat to feel like we are still in control

it now seems to have a life of itself

this thing this hideous strength

so called intelligence giving the directives

unwitting humans are just the messengers

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Piss ant? Where do you think these people get their money from? Inevitably it's from Rothschild Bankers. Compared to them Bill Gates is a pauper.

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that's a good question, there seems to be a higher intelligence at play in this

so, what do us knowing entities do when the whole thing collapses?

begin again I guess, like the animals that we are

this is our chance and we blew it

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You're right, they are not. Satan controls this world. Greed is the currency. Time is short.

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Chas Man is the father of - None other than, Elon Musk's sister!

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I’m thinking there are many of us who would be interested in learning about the specific infrastructure of this operation, ie. where the aircraft are stationed , who exactly operates them , the origin and distribution of the chemicals and the systems. Some whistleblowers perhaps? Long live Wikileaks!

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Apparently the coal ash they spray is sourced in the US and also imported from China.

"Chemtrails Geoengineering Finally See Inside Aircraft Spraying Airplanes":


"Pilots on Chemtrails"


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Coal ash comes from the power plants that provide electricity for us. Our daily comforts are actually killing us. Instead of disposing of it properly (if that’s even possible) they found a way to disperse it over the face of the earth and poison us in the process. We really do have psychopaths running the world.

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All in the guise of Climate Change,killing ourselves to live

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It’s almost like that’s their attitude towards us.

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Looks like youtube removed the above 2 videos, I wonder why? Hmm

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The bottom one was removed.

The top one is still there.

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Weird, I see the top one now but when I went there earlier I got a message saying that it no longer existed. Thanks for posting it!

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Take a screen recording while you can.

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I live at 9,000ft and last may 3 planes dropped down to 10,000 ft and they were infact listed on the flight tracker app that's how I knew there altitude. It was American Airlines, A Military plane, and United. I gathered the white powder off my roof and it went up in flames like flint, it then melted 3 ft of snow overnight. It dehydrated the dirt roads and in spots dirt looked like plastic. I have some video and pictures. They spray so much up here and this beautiful forest burns every year.

Praying everyday for these demons are delt with

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Praying with you 🙏🏻

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Who gives these crooks the right to conduct Solar Radiation Management? I found this March article with information on what legal procedures are being done. I haven't finished reading the whole article.


Like gain of function research, the evil doers of this practice need to be stopped!

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Come on folks. This is not News. Weather control and weather warfare have been ongoing for over 70 years. Not convinced? >>> Geoengineering: A Half-Century of Earth System Experimentation >>>


Geoengineering Patents: Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office​


Here's another page. There are hundreds of these. >>> WEATHER... we like it or NOT! | Weather Modification: The Law >>> http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/weather/uscode.html See links...

Or: This 740 page reason why no one in Federal or State agencies wants to talk about the "unusual" weather... >>> Weather modification: programs, problems, policy, and potential >>> May, 1978


A site boasting weather "investment" and control. Use tabs to navigate various topics.

Climate Global Control Trading LLC, Weather and climate change - Climate Global Control Trading


I've posted links to this company before, but new readers should take a long look at the list of "clients" on this page. >>> Worldwide Success >>>

"The proven success of Weather Modification, Inc., in atmospheric and weather operations is evident by our lengthy and impressive client listing speaks for itself. Our reputation for successful cloud seeding and meteorological services leads our veteran pilots, experienced meteorologists and radar engineers around the world. Our valued clients include private and public insurance companies, water resource management organizations, as well as federal and state government research organizations."


On and on...

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Finally coming out but still not mainstream . Our governmental agencies pretend it is not happening, conspiracy they say . Very few ,it seems ,have opened minds enough to look into this criminality .

Many of the links that I had kept ,that prove that we are being sprayed are no longer available thanks to your google browser .Scrubbed .

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Congress is part of the geo agenda. Jesse Ventura approached them years ago on film and none would open their doors or even have a closed discussion on this problem.

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We are. Spending billions of dollars to control sulfur emissions, yet Bill Gates is allowed to dump 1000s of tons of Sulfur, Aluminum, and even micro plastic fibers. The media, and governments approved and covering up these slow killing machines.

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I've been seeing this for years, and just recently it occurred to me that there was a good chance that a pos like Bill Gates was probably involved. Stop supporting this asshole! Dump windows as your operating system! Stop paying this asshole to kill you!

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He is just the guy they want you to focus on so that you don't ask deeper questions.

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I used to wonder why are the cabal doing this? They live here too.

Now I don't wonder this.

First of all it doesn't matter what they think. We can't possibly get inside their heads. The issue is is it happening or isn't it? There is now overwhelming evidence from our own experience & from others that this is happening in our skies in many countries.

Secondly their motivation may be desperation.

They believe the world as they have known it & ruled over is coming to an end. They believe their only hope of maintaining control into a NEW World is to cull the herd by various means so there are fewer to manage. Chemtrails are poisoning us & destroying agriculture. Soon food supply may be a big issue.

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Doug Vogt says the authoritarian control is due to their desire to safely get to and remain in their bunkers for the polar shift in 2046 and resulting ice age. They stole $21 trillion and used it on boring equipment to make tunnels. That video has been deleted from YouTube for violating their terms. Nothing in it violated their terms. He has many other videos out there. This one linked the militay. They had a contest to see who could build a robot that could navigate the tunnels and tell the difference between a dead or alive person.

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Ethical Skeptic on X made me aware of this unfortunately/fortunately. Tying it to the creation and erosion seen on the Great Pyramids of Giza. Gigantic water displacement due to the pole shift theory. All of what evil we can see in a way, I feel can be linked back to their fear of what’s to come, and a continuing to depopulate accordingly.

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As an old Federal Military analyst, here is the TREATY from the UN connection, and please share. What is being said here is correct. Tennessee by the way passed a bill on this issue, the first in the U.S. Get copy and take it to your political officials. The fact is they are killing your rep. his or her children as well as you and I. Here is the peer reviewed Documant: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362805618_Collapse_of_Earth%27s_Biosphere_A_Case_of_Planetary_Treason

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Thank you, Robert!

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The newest GAIN (laundry detergent) TV commercial features a person on the beach with a chemliner leaving a trail just above them.... I have heard that many movies have had chemtrails inserted into their reissues.......

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the only way to stop this shite is to send out a squadron of f-18s to take out the Chemtrails planes

let's start a givesendgo, to raise money for a black ops

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This could be real as nothing surprises me anymore. However, The Peoples Voice reported that Kate Middleton was killed as an Illuminati/Freemason sacrifice. She comes out with video shortly after saying she had cancer. Many speculate that Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, and now King Charles the one who came up with the idea for The Great Reset has also developed cancer. The Peoples Voice puts out another video where Kate sends out SOS message looking for help as if she was in danger. Those interested in Fenbendazole or Ivermectin you can obtain it so much cheaper if you search 2nd Smartest Guy Substack. I have contacted my Congress/Senate members regarding Bill Gates nefarious activities but can never seem to get my actual question answered. In CA one said in liberal Yahoo News comment section about aluminum dust on the ground and a smell in the air after these planes fly. Some have speculated the aluminum dust and other chemicals act as ignitors for Direct Energy Weapons. Important to know that BP was the one who coined the phrase "Carbon Footprint" to deflect from all of their mishaps. Presidents of the US are controlled by AIPAC but I will still vote for the lessor of two evils so I will vote Trump. He has yet to denounce the vaccines telling Candice Owens not a single person has been harmed by them which is half truth because some speculate 7-35 million deaths from these Safe and Effective vaccines. Safe for the drug makers as they are immune from lawsuits and effective in creating lifelong customers of Big Pharma from cradle to the grave. You do got to remember Sean makes his living creating fear porn for views and likes and then always has a product he recommends people buy. So I would say view his videos, but question everything. Many are controlled opposition these days.

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I share your concerns about TPV but this video is mostly pilot whistleblowers, not Sean. I don't think I've ever seen a video with multiple whistleblowing chemtrail pilots before.

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100% agreed--even former (untalented!) rapper/bounty hunter Stew'd Peters (!) has offered some legit info in spite'a bein' a rank A-hole.

So the calm/virulent Sean of TVP is oft suss but he too offers some legit info worth hearin'--

An' I'm sayin' this knowin' that the vampirish Sean the source of so-called "confirmed" pedo rabbis in tunnels murderin' children connected to the children's museum there an' drinkin' their blood...all bunk (the mooseum's on the block with ZERO tunneling attachin' the two entities--some kinda "sounding" imagery proved this). But Sean did a series on it that went "viral."

One dirty mattress an' an old high chair were found in the basement (sigh)--for folks that never lived in a city apartment... nearly EVERY basement has funky ol' crap in it--includin' abandoned dusty kids' gear... At a temple, parents leave stuff, mebbe it was left in a quiet area so a screamin' kid could nap or eat if they were disturbin' the service--ultra orthodox do not use babysitters... so, like, occam's razor folks.

Not sayin' the tunnel diggers weren't NUTZOs (sep. story of these lads from IsReal wantin' to expand in Brooklyn due ta believing the DEAD Rebbe Shneerson was a living messiah--egads!--it's a "thing" involvin' multiple states an' these boys--even fringe to the ultra orthodox...) but no, no children were harmed, sacrificed, or consumed as meals! (not kosher to do so...seriously true)

TVP does a lotta damage.... Am sure others have been equally slighted... but I'll take helpful info from anywhere I can git it!

QUESTION IS--how do we stop this? I'm 'bout to try vinegar (seriously--Richard Vobes himself covered this)--it's REALLY bad up here

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I bet the Mossad is paying Stew to play an "antisemite", same way they're paying the pro-Palestinian protestors.

He was amazing, shining the light on the Death Shot until he became super successful – and now, I would never run any of his content. He destroyed himself or got paid to do so.

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Possible but methinks Mossad aims for bigger tuna than small fry Stew who wuz always a mite louche (also a wife beater! an' that's AFTER he went all christian on the world...yup)... Now Stew may hold "chewish producers" accountable for his lack of a rap career (sigh, he stunk--I forced myself ta listen--he ain't even a "beastie boy") an' a chip on yer shoulder weighs heavily--and might'a joined Kanye somewhar in bitterland... who knows? But my guess is he saw an anti-chew bandwagon gettin' started an' jumped on, already associatin' with the white "supremacist" crowd--like the TPV guys...

I think he "thought" that was the way the wind wuz blowin'....

But/too if ya recall the first indication he had "issues" with the "tribe" was that he totally excluded Dr. Jane Ruby (a chew nee Rubenstein--an' a good egg in my book) from his "Died Suddenly" doc-- which FEATURED Jane's own hard-won research. That was same time Jane & Breggins' got sued by The Mal One.

Talk 'bout back stabbin'... Mebbe Stew didn't know 'bout Jane at first? Dunno...

Jane was polite an' said nuttin' unkind 'bout that Stew to my surprise--but many've us felt it wrong--like plaigerizin'!--as it was Jane who GOT the morticians on board to talk 'about the clots--they were her "finds"--including embalmer Richard Hirschman (his rubbery clots were the most compellin' thing about that doc)

So I dunno--I know Israeli MeeDia did some bribin'--as did Quatar! to find folks to "play" the virulent "other side"---so it's kinda equally awful--but I sense that Stew was not their man even to "play the role" of hater as he was a loose cannon--and agin' he had a 2021 order of probation an' arrest for bein' drunk an' disorderly an' threatenin' his wife--with I think little kids around (long 'fore he went full out anti-israel/anti-chewish)


"His wife told officers that her husband regularly became belligerently drunk, saying incidents like the one that night were, in the words of one officer on the scene, “happening too frequently.” According to the report, his wife said she would normally lay low and wait until Peters passed out, saying she was afraid to call the police."

He was convicted of theft as a teenager for stealing stereo equipment from a Radio Shack where he worked. Peters was arrested in Florida in 2006 for falsely impersonating an officer, unlawful use of a blue light, and robbery of less than $300 while using a weapon. Those charges were later dropped.

But the February arrest might have been the most serious for his bounty-hunting career. As the officers handcuffed Peters, he complained that the arrest would destroy his bounty-hunting job.

“You are ruining my kids’ lives, I’ll never earn a goddamn dime!” Peters said, according to the report.

Look ta the link above--OBVIOUSLY it's pro-jab, yadayada but on Stew it's the beans! I think he's got blood on his hands fer bein' an a-hole at bounty huntin' an' causin' a few deaths... illegally impersonatin' a cop...

I think he's just a jerk that had his "golden 15 min" of fame... got lucky...?

Mossad would want (imho) a more reliable con man--I could be wrong tho'--all that money is green!

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ps as ya likely know The Wellness Co dropped 'im like a hot tater....

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They dropped you? Were you not selling enough? They recently threatened me with being dropped. I'd just seen a couple of sales come in, some of which were recurring – and then, I get emails from TWC, telling me they were going to drop me for not bringing in any NEW customers in the past 45 days. This is the first time I've ever heard of this concept in affiliate marketing, which I've been doing for 7 years, now. Perhaps the naysayers were right, after all.

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I didn't realize Stew's rap sheet was so long.

I thought Dr Jane said she was Sicilian in one of her podcasts.

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one moment of "zen" (if laffin' does ya good!)


bonus hilarity...


....listen ta the "good christian" swear worse than any gimlet-eyed sailor I met!

It's all ACTIN' (this seems ta be gig numba 4)

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Rap Sheet (lol)--given he was such a crummy rapper too (spare yerself -- a few of the "turds" are still on the innertubes tho') Nope, Jane Ruby's a "chew" thru 'n thru-- a nice goil from LongIsland -- left for Miami when SHTF... Has a lotta Israeli ties an' took heat fer her "views" over time:

One minute long--she shares that she comes to the rebbies as a "jewish mother and a grandmother!" (didn't know she had grandkids!)


Took the same risks as Zelenko which was BRAVE.... in fact she accompanied him on the trip to Israel where both testified--she had threats on her life too...

She also tried ta help folks in Israel even back in 2019 an' took heat for it...




"Dr. Jane Ruby is a Jewish Medical Doctor who understood early on in the PLAN-DEMIC the conspiracy against humanity of lies, malfeasance and murder, which focused early on to recruit Israel and the Jewish people as cannon fodder to convince the world that the Luciferian injections were safe and effective. Dr. Jane Ruby has strong ties to Israel and she testified early on along with Dr. Zev Zelenko in front of the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, regarding the lethality of these shots and the conspiracy of the Globalist Cabal of psychopaths to commit a world genocide unseen before in the history of mankind."

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Ah... as a ps. just heard the Vobes original entitled Pilots Speak Out


...far better than the TPV as these whistleblowers are fascinatin' an' should be heard in full--an' Vobes is like the most adorable good-hearted properly crunchy English chap who's tryin' to save the world one interview at time... he really gives off a much better "vibe" (which to "this" crackpot counts muchly!)

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How dated is this testimony? I haven't seen chemtrails in my area in quite some time. One hears they were forced to stop, but who knows the real source of that? Where are the White Hats? Oh, that's right, they're allowing chemtrailing so we can see how bad things are with our last gasp.

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We see them here, in W NC but just across the border in TN, they’ve made chemtrailing illegal, so when the wind blows a certain way, the skies are blue again.

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We should all do what TN did.

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Here with you in WNC. ❤️❤️

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They haven't stopped.

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I love your comment about the white hats letting us see how bad it can get up to our last breath. Always, waiting for those masses to wake up while the military works hard at killing us. You know how they say the white hats are in control and everyone in government is an actor wearing a mask? It’s probably true but not for the reasons they’re telling us. They’re probably hiding out from the geoengineering in their bunkers. Also, your enemy is the one you can’t criticize. There was a video in parliament where one member admonishes a parliamentarian saying mentions of the Royals should be rare and respectful. It’s a code they all live by.

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I know that if I were the cabal, I would certainly make up "White Hats".

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all true.

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