To add to this, I just came in from spending a couple hours outside this morning and realized that I’m COVERED in tiny white flaky particles. It’s always like this on days of the heavy cloud seeding…and been happening more regularly here for about a year
To add to this, I just came in from spending a couple hours outside this morning and realized that I’m COVERED in tiny white flaky particles. It’s always like this on days of the heavy cloud seeding…and been happening more regularly here for about a year
This morning, I was cleaning my swimming pool and floating on the surface of the water was small fibers +-0.5 1mm long fibers. I collected them to be analyzed. I compare with pictures on the web and the fiber looks like aluminum oxide. We had intensive rain yesterday and the sun was shining at the same time. We see Chemtrails each day here in Canada, Quebec, in the City of Vaudreuil near Montreal. This needs to stop!
Same here in Québec City. I’ve never seen and cleaned so much dark gray «dust» and tiny pieces of plastic in my life; must also breathe a lot… 🤬
They even spray at night and their summer pattern is 6 out of 7 sunrises display horizontal linear chemtrails that spread and cover the Sun for +- two hours or all day. Two days before a rain forecast, preferably before the week-ends, chemtrails planes are frenetics. They sometimes work in fireworks patterns -aka central departure with equidistant fan arrays- or a mix of horizontal and vertical lines, up to five within 15 mins.!!! Have you noticed that most of the spraying planes are light blue/green? They are militaries’.
Last summer, many of our nights were cloudless and often surprisingly warmer than the following day, which is abnormal. Last week, we had a second 13° C day and night; that is impossible because the St. Lawrence River generates restless cooling winds and very high turbulences.
I too desperately want this to stop, for these chemicals will stay in the atmosphere for at least five years… just in time for the Agenda 2030. However, they will stay for much longer in our rivers and soils.
If they are poisoning the populations they need to be shot down no matter the one off consequences so that the traitor pilots know it is an eye for an eye and at least theirs will be a quick death and not a slow starvation and toxic health deaths. Thanks all you Globalist Leaders and your enriched Industry pals in your depopulation of the planned.
To add to this, I just came in from spending a couple hours outside this morning and realized that I’m COVERED in tiny white flaky particles. It’s always like this on days of the heavy cloud seeding…and been happening more regularly here for about a year
This morning, I was cleaning my swimming pool and floating on the surface of the water was small fibers +-0.5 1mm long fibers. I collected them to be analyzed. I compare with pictures on the web and the fiber looks like aluminum oxide. We had intensive rain yesterday and the sun was shining at the same time. We see Chemtrails each day here in Canada, Quebec, in the City of Vaudreuil near Montreal. This needs to stop!
Same here in Québec City. I’ve never seen and cleaned so much dark gray «dust» and tiny pieces of plastic in my life; must also breathe a lot… 🤬
They even spray at night and their summer pattern is 6 out of 7 sunrises display horizontal linear chemtrails that spread and cover the Sun for +- two hours or all day. Two days before a rain forecast, preferably before the week-ends, chemtrails planes are frenetics. They sometimes work in fireworks patterns -aka central departure with equidistant fan arrays- or a mix of horizontal and vertical lines, up to five within 15 mins.!!! Have you noticed that most of the spraying planes are light blue/green? They are militaries’.
Last summer, many of our nights were cloudless and often surprisingly warmer than the following day, which is abnormal. Last week, we had a second 13° C day and night; that is impossible because the St. Lawrence River generates restless cooling winds and very high turbulences.
I too desperately want this to stop, for these chemicals will stay in the atmosphere for at least five years… just in time for the Agenda 2030. However, they will stay for much longer in our rivers and soils.
If they are poisoning the populations they need to be shot down no matter the one off consequences so that the traitor pilots know it is an eye for an eye and at least theirs will be a quick death and not a slow starvation and toxic health deaths. Thanks all you Globalist Leaders and your enriched Industry pals in your depopulation of the planned.