They dropped you? Were you not selling enough? They recently threatened me with being dropped. I'd just seen a couple of sales come in, some of which were recurring – and then, I get emails from TWC, telling me they were going to drop me for not bringing in any NEW customers in the past 45 days. This is the first time I've ever heard of …
They dropped you? Were you not selling enough? They recently threatened me with being dropped. I'd just seen a couple of sales come in, some of which were recurring – and then, I get emails from TWC, telling me they were going to drop me for not bringing in any NEW customers in the past 45 days. This is the first time I've ever heard of this concept in affiliate marketing, which I've been doing for 7 years, now. Perhaps the naysayers were right, after all.
no no, not me!-- the 'im means him--i.e. Stew--for his unhinged rantin's includin' some bodacious boffo chew-hatin' on steroids (not good when Zev's products were featured... I mean Stewed Tomatoes was profit'in' off the formula made by one of the tribe he so hates... bad look...)
BUT that said, re TWC, I think they ARE a mite dubious--less iffy perhaps than the Not Any Longer Amazin' Polly who clearly had some help in her "expose"--
It's like a rodeo of behind-the-scenes monkeyshines that few know about... (lotta GOOD folks promotin' TWC like yerself, but that mebbe is the point? respectable / trusted folks "in front" ? dumpin the douches like Stew?)
If it's all 'bout money their threats to drop ya make sense but ya'd think then it would be a commission set up--which it's not--so perhaps there is something funky 'bout their biz model AND those behind 'em...
NYMusicDaily sez (quotin' him here):
"Foster Coulson's wellness company is a cia/transhumanist/genetic engineering scheme"
Wuther they're on the up 'n up or not--dumpin' the Stew was a good idear as he went off the deep end an' that was obvious--but puttin' the screws on you to "produce" is atypical--also that Dr. Drew shilled the clot shots...
Even tho' I agree that Polly went off her cracker in accusin' honest sellers (that was Hope Girls angle, one I think was just), I still think TWC has some NWO skellytons in it's closet....
Not fer me to advise but they do seem a bit sus as the kidz say
They dropped you? Were you not selling enough? They recently threatened me with being dropped. I'd just seen a couple of sales come in, some of which were recurring – and then, I get emails from TWC, telling me they were going to drop me for not bringing in any NEW customers in the past 45 days. This is the first time I've ever heard of this concept in affiliate marketing, which I've been doing for 7 years, now. Perhaps the naysayers were right, after all.
no no, not me!-- the 'im means him--i.e. Stew--for his unhinged rantin's includin' some bodacious boffo chew-hatin' on steroids (not good when Zev's products were featured... I mean Stewed Tomatoes was profit'in' off the formula made by one of the tribe he so hates... bad look...)
BUT that said, re TWC, I think they ARE a mite dubious--less iffy perhaps than the Not Any Longer Amazin' Polly who clearly had some help in her "expose"--
It's like a rodeo of behind-the-scenes monkeyshines that few know about... (lotta GOOD folks promotin' TWC like yerself, but that mebbe is the point? respectable / trusted folks "in front" ? dumpin the douches like Stew?)
If it's all 'bout money their threats to drop ya make sense but ya'd think then it would be a commission set up--which it's not--so perhaps there is something funky 'bout their biz model AND those behind 'em...
NYMusicDaily sez (quotin' him here):
"Foster Coulson's wellness company is a cia/transhumanist/genetic engineering scheme"
(which has Polly's initial coverage)
An' this ya saw:
Wuther they're on the up 'n up or not--dumpin' the Stew was a good idear as he went off the deep end an' that was obvious--but puttin' the screws on you to "produce" is atypical--also that Dr. Drew shilled the clot shots...
Even tho' I agree that Polly went off her cracker in accusin' honest sellers (that was Hope Girls angle, one I think was just), I still think TWC has some NWO skellytons in it's closet....
Not fer me to advise but they do seem a bit sus as the kidz say
ps one more...
and a velly interestin' fact:
The founder of Vigilant News Network, Foster Coulson, is also the founder of The Wellness Company. (that means: Vigilant Fox)