OK, one of my degrees is in microbiology and in fact the whole story of DNA insertions into a genome 'waking up' cancer by inserting start codons was known when I got my degree in 2008. It was known from the very early CRISPR trials when the human tests almost invariably resulted in what we now know to be turbo cancer and the exact mechanism of how was also know, because they taught it to us when they taught about CRISPR. So yes, they definitely knew that random genes inserting themselves into our DNA can result in turbo cancer for at least 10 years before the shots were produced!

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I remember reporting in 2010 about how SV40 was in the polio vaccine given to Americans in the ‘50s and ‘60s. A video came out with doctors from the Salk institute joking about it (like “Oops!”) - if I recall, including Jonas Salk, himself. I can’t find it on my site, at the moment, because all search engines are F*d right now.

Simian virus 40 (SV40) was first identified by Ben Sweet and Maurice Hilleman in 1960 when they found that between 10-30% of polio vaccines in the US were contaminated with SV40. In 1962, Bernice Eddy described the cancer-inducing function of SV40 in hamsters injected with monkeys cells infected with the virus in a peer-reviewed paper. She had been aware of the problem since 1954, when she tested the first polio vaccines from five different companies while working at the National Institutes of Health but her findings were ignored by then-NIH director William Sebrell.

Many believe that part of the current cancer epidemic that we’re seeing today is a result of polio vaccines tainted with SV40 and administered to 98 million American children between 1955 and 1961. This is what doctors Fisher, Weber and Carbone at Chicago’s Loyola University determined to find out in 1999 and they published their findings in the peer-reviewed paper, “Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine.”

The authors analyzed the incidence of brain tumors, bone tumors, and mesotheliomas from 1973-1993 and the possible relationship of these tumors with the administration of the SV40-contaminated vaccine. They found increased rates of intracranial cancers (37%), bone cancers (26%), other bone tumors (34%) and mesothelioma (90%) among those exposed as compared to the unexposed birth cohort.

This 2023 film, ‘KILL SHOT: The CIA’s SV40 Cancer Weapon’ claims SV40 was weaponized for the purpose of ass*ssinating Fidel Castro:


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I heard of one paper that said that CRISPR caused all sorts (100+?) random mutations in addition to the one intended change to the genome. Also doesnt it usually cause a heat shock response in the altered cells?

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Exactly, that is pretty much the issue with CRISPR: it wasn't actually very specific, and when the genes inserted into 'other places' besides the intended targets, they created random start codons in DNA that isn't supposed to be read by the mRNA and translated into proteins (e.g. the 'junk' DNA aka DNA that nobody knows the purpose of) and after that more or less all hell broke loose. The lack of specificity of what got inserted where was a huge issue (surprise, we don't actually know enough about DNA to understand exactly how those insertions happen or how the body will react). I don't remember anything specific about heat shock although I probably should because my father has a PhD in the heat shock response (in sea lice, but still) but that doesn't mean it wasn't in the literature

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Has any of the lack of specificity of the insertions been improved? Or is it still a big con that CRISPR is surgically inserting genes?

Arent the start codons "always on" so that the gene is always pumping out its product, which is another problem with CRISPR?

I heard a biologist several years ago say he thought they knew maybe 1% about the activity of the DNA.

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And then there's THE SUN.

Hand in glove reach-a-round team up blocking the sun and bombing us with that SHIT.

Guess I'll take up chewing nicotine gum...

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According to the Metabolic Theory of Cancer, cancer is caused by cells reverting to mostly anaerobic metabolism from the normally predominate aerobic metabolism. This aberrant state causes cancer and in addition causes random mutations. Well we have an experimental gene therapy (aka Covid19 vacs) that causes micro-clotting throughout the body. This would of course create areas of low oxygenation due to insufficient blood flow. That would likely cause cells to revert to anaerobic metabolism, thus more likely to become cancerous.

One of the troubling aspects of the Turbo cancers is that people are presenting initially at their doctor with advanced stages, even stage 4 meaning metastasized in many parts of the body. This would fit with the presence of micro-clotting found widely in the body. Increasing IgG4 suppressing immunity would be pouring gasoline on the fire, or better analogy shutting off the fire suppression system.

The Somatic Mutation Theory of Cancer which claims that mutations are the driver of cancer has been disproven by a project that did gene sequencing of 10,000 cancer cells and found no correlation between the mutations and the cancers.

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The story isn’t about direct action of the vaccine as a carcinogen. It’s about suppression of immunity by progressive degradation in the mix and quality of antibodies produced by vaccinated individuals. The are many scientific papers now available discussing this problem with the mRNA vaccines. The fact that the “factories” never stop producing spike protein means the immune system wears itself out producing antibodies ONLY targeted to spike protein, and other threats wind up ignored. VAIDS (vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a real thing; and the presumptive precursor of the turbo cancers.

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For a comparative scientific discussion, see: https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/58-stefano-scoglio

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Who are the doctors and nursing staff treating this influx in fast moving cancers? The jump in numbers has turned turbo cancer into a part of daily life. Surely those treating are unable to not see this proliferation of quick cull cancer. Who how and why are medical staff not speaking up?

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Dr William Makis in Alberta, Canada is one of the best examples of what you’re looking for.

He also posts daily stories of turbo cancer remissions in patients using fenbendazole, ivermectin and other anti-parasitics.


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Thankyou. Your comment is touching.

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I can't imagine how terrifying this information would be to someone who has taken all the jabs. No wonder why they are denying it all. I have had several friends develop state 4 CA and took the jab...

SK Hirtz MD

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I can’t, either. I don’t know many who fully grasp it. They don’t want to.

It’s horrible enough for those of us who didn’t take the jabs and tried in vain to warn them.

There were weeks in 2021 where I was borderline catatonic with the horror that was unfolding; the corporate mandates, the psychopathic talking heads, the willful massacre of the people – and of the military! – having my online business systematically, algorithmically and illegally destroyed (which still hasn’t stopped), being insulted and now, ex-communicated by my family. None of them have cancer but some of them are zombies.

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Murder, most foul...

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Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea here on substact realized after doing material analysis that the spike protein was made of Graphene oxide and gold. Her protocol is EDTA, Methylene Blue, and Vitamin C… she talks in depth about how to treat this and get this out of your blood. She did an interview with Emerald Robinson recently discussing her results with patients doing blood analysis. Highly recommend anyone that’s infected, which quite frankly is most people due to aerosol spraying from airplanes, etc… my only addition to her protocol would be NAC - NAC will boost the body’s ability to remove graphing oxide and interestingly enough it helps Individuals restore mitochondria dysfunction, which is the primary cause of HIV immunity dysfunction, which is what Dr. Fauci went to great lengths to try and keep hidden. Check out Anna Maria Mihalcea Substack if you get a chance. It’s a good read.

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I have 2 kgs of NAC in my emergency prep kit. I should start taking it.

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I have a question and I don't trust AI answers on the web. Any of the answers AI gives on these subjects.

Were the Canadian polio vaccines also contaminated with SV40?

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I don't know about SV40 necessarily (also contamination is a strange way to put it because it implies something got in there by mistake?!) but from my knowledge of the insertion of genetic material and its ability to create start codons on the genome, a particular SV40 sequence is not needed to bring about turbocancer. SV40 is an example of a jumping gene that can insert into the genome, but from the CRISPR trials practically anything inserting into the 'junk DNA' and accidentely creating a START codon because it happened to insert next to the right base pairs to create a start sequence, has the potential to cause turbo cancer. It doesn't have to be any sequence in particular, although clearly some are more likely to result in a start codon than others (containing one like SV40 does would help). Not sure if that's clear, but trials and just plain old UV-based DNA mutations (which can induce a start codon without inserting one) suggest I'm right

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I have a follow up question:

Let’s agree this was all very intentional, as I believe to be the case, is there a mechanism to reverse the process of the DNA that has been corrupted? Or is the only solution to simply kill/remove the defective DNA genes and start over, which sounds high improbable. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea along with Karen Kingston has shown from US patents that the spike protein is created using materials such as Gold and Graphene Oxide which effectively creates a positive ion charge that results in widespread damage downstream within the body, and that removing the metals using EDTA plays a huge role in stopping the spike protein and preventing future damage but… what about the damaged DNA?

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We need full transparency about what’s in the shot to develop the cure.

Chinese billionaire refugee (now languishing in US Federal prison), Miles Guo described the plot to destroy the ruling class and especially, the military of the US via the vaxx and he claimed that the CCP already had the antidote: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/chinese-communist-party-vaccine-plan/

He said the goal of vaccinating the militaries of the West was to wipe them out so China can take over and once these militaries are vaccinated, the campaign to get everybody vaccinated will end and an “antidote” would be offered that ***won’t save the lives of the vaccinated but it will stop them from shedding to others***.

Back in October 2021, Miles Guo said: “What the CCP wants the most is to have the troops get vaccinated. Once they get vaccinated, the US military will collapse and the CCP will triumph.

“After the US troops are vaccinated, I tell you the vaccination against the CCP virus will basically be near the end…Especially when Wall Street, Hollywood celebrities, the White House and the troops are vaccinated, I can assure you there will be no vaccination issue [mandates].

“The people implementing the vaccination are soon to be finished. Those who are pushing the vaccination behind the scenes will likely have achieved their goals. Vaccination will no longer be pushed, and the antidote will be certainly offered. The antidote will pop up.

“What is the antidote for? It’s not to heal the damage brought by the vaccines, it’s to prevent you from transmitting the virus instead of a remedy for the vaccines.

“Those who were vaccinated are sentenced to death. The antidote for the vaccines is still in the hands of the CCP. Since the CCP wants you to die, how would they offer the antidote to you?”

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Holy shit

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I think generally our bodies are pretty good at handling DNA mutations, via apoptosis or 'programmed cell death': the issue with cancer is that conditions need to be there that hinder apoptosis (such as low oxygen levels around the cells or as I seem to recall acidic conditions), or the body mops up cells containing DNA damage pretty well on its own. I can guarantee we've all had weird DNA mutations in our cells and most of us don't develop cancer thanks to apoptosis mopping up the mutated cells before anything happens provided the surroundings of the cells are healthy! A while ago I heard about (and tried out on myself) an N-acetyl L-cysteine (amino acid) + Vitamin E protocol which amongst other things is supposed to sort out damage to the mitochondria which might improve the conditions in your cells enough to help them delete damaged tissue. Certainly amino acids can't do any harm, and maintaining healthy conditions around our cells can help the body's natural cleanup process to remove damaged DNA. Some people swear by an alkaline diet to aid the apoptosis process, I've never personally tried it. I think in the end even pretty heavy, sustained damage is no match for our body's natural healing mechanisms if we support our bodies to function optimally. Don't forget, this idea that we are broken or less than and of reaching outside ourselves for a 'cure' whether it is pharmeceutical or whatever, is the same thinking that got many people into the whole 'vax' ideology to begin with...I tend to trust that supporting my body's optimal function is all that is needed for health no matter what damage the body has been exposed to. Neither the vax nor a magic virus is 'the enemy' when we embrace the idea that our natural blueprint is complete health. That's just the mentality (backed up by knowledge of how incredible and orientated towards full health our bodies are) that I choose to live by

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Great question!

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Thank you for this very thought provoking reply.

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If I'm not mistaken, Japan like the rest of the world, has yet to ban the vaccines. I've stated before, the plandemic was an opportunity to test bioweapons on a global scale. Everything was clandestine, and with the Emergency Authorization, evil had a chance to flourish. I don't doubt turbo cancers are related to the jabs, but I am curious as what the data shows with respect to age. In many countries, we have an aging population and I believe they are "ripe for the picking" by Deep State / Elohim / Communists (take your pick). Seniors are very trusting of the healthcare system, and very reliant on it, to the point they will protest if health insurance coverage is reduced in the slightest. They don't realize that at the same time, in their late years, the same system can and will consume all their assets (sort of an "auto pilot"). Corporations and governments alike would lose no sleep to see they can stop paying pensions or providing insurance in the event of death. There certainly is a culling of the population going on and the preference for survivors is a slave (uneducated and non-free will) class, which is why open borders have persisted for so long.

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Is it possible that the polymer / gel is also contributing to turbo cancer via creating anaerobic areas in the body once assembled into calamari? Just a thought and maybe its not just the jabbed.

I can see the clots once formed, whereas I cannot see the MRNA.

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I’m not a physician but that makes sense.

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Thanks for blocking me on Rumble. I asked a simple question and your answer is to block me? You're a shill and part of the controlled opposition clowns.

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