"They will spend any amount of money. They are willing to do absolutely anything to try to continue the graft and corruption that all of the evidence that's now just coming out against Joe Biden exemplifies." -Sidney Powell

The thing is it's not money, it's currency and it means nothing to them in the big picture: "All taxation is meant to increase a slave's dependence on their slavery, as the people taking the tax away from the slaves print the money themselves and therefore don't have any use for it. Taxation is about keeping the slave down. That's it. Taxation has one purpose and one purpose only.

To make the slave dependent on coming back to the modern plantations of slavery, day in and day out. If the slave starts to save their money, give them a TV full of negative role modelling and watch the slave magically go into debt. If the slave still has money, organize a stock market crash or increases the taxes (theft). The people who print the money, have no use for extra fake paper money, which they can print at anytime and in any quantity they desire. The entire drive of the tax system is to make sure the slave has no extra money, as to provide them with enough freedom to figure any of this out."

If you take the 30,000 foot view, FN, what you're witnessing are various generals maneuvering their soldiers on the global chessboard jockeying for favor and positioning in the burgeoning New World Disorder. Yes, lower level people die (made to look like a cover up to the general public to increase interest, intrigue, and real analysis into their fake soap opera), threats are sent back and forth, it all looks kinda real. I mean, Trump and Clinton hate each other right? Except they don't, Trump calls her his friend behind the scenes while promising to lock her up on the big screen. They're all on the same team.

But there is something real here: they're trying to impress their overlords (those residing in the apex ring of Cecil Rhodes' Rings within Rings' - those that own that currency spigot mentioned in the opening), by putting on a semi-real power struggle to prove that each one is more nasty and worthy of promotion than the next. This struggle has real world consequences and helps destroy the foundations of the old order. The better they are at achieving these ends (divide & conquer, demoralization, hyperinflation, etc.) the more they are smiled upon.

Conclusion: Geopolitics is sibling rivalry. And the march to a one world government is aided by the chaos it brings. And the more energy we give to understanding it as something real - when it is indeed counterfeit - the faster it manifests into our reality. Our energy would better be spent ignoring it (sapping it of it's spell-like power) and building up our own robustness like so:

Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:

Become your own farmer. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).

Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards). Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.

All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one. -https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall

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Agreed 👍. I also would like to mention the paper money 💰 they print at the drop of a hat. It’s true they (Luciferian’s) have no need whatsoever for 💰. Because they have all the tangible gold you could ever hope to have.

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Agreed. Ya know who doesn’t care about money or gold or who’s sitting on the iron throne? Chickens. WHEN civilization crashes, eggs will be worth more than gold.

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I stock toilet paper, the good kind. Bamboo not whitened with bleach. $5 or 3 eggs per roll if you wanna wipe.

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I agree to a Point. You can’t just ignore their squabbles. You Have to pay attention in order to navigate as safely as possible thru all their bull crap. Yes , we need to separate ourselves from their bs just to survive👍

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That'd be nice buddy, I hope you're right about Trump. Let's kick the globalists and the BAR association, un-incorporate both ourselves and the states, and then restore the Constitution For the United States of America.

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Excellent! Thank you.

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Excellent comment Tritorch. Community immunity. Clean pure water www.findaspring.com

Farm stands. I shop at an indoor community farmstand that sells produce from local and regional farms in the state. Don't have one? Start one.

Home gardening - heirloom seeds grown organically give the highest yield. Compost works great. Use only OMRI listed products not containing Silica (a wetting agent? WTF). Avoid toxic hoses that leach lead into your garden water. Use a lead free hose. Filter city water.

Avoid alcohol and coffee, some of the worlds oldest mind-control drugs. You will need the full capacity of your pre-frontal cortex. Coffee decrease the blood flow to this part of the brain by up to 50%.

Offensive weapon: www.bondsforthewin.com

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good ideas all.. nowdays deepstate mafia run a chemical warfare, domestic, houses converted and moved to expose the most to infected indsustrial solvent, odorized sometimes, using air monitors and night cam footage to root the bastards out. sue lien the land they are launching it from..

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This was a RITUAL people. This is HOW they do their dark Maga/Magiks. If we look under the surface, we find THIS.

Ronald Reagan airport RR there's the 13/13 & the 33rd runway .. They sure love their gang signs.

4 pulled out of the WATER from the plane (market) CRASH ... This feels like a ritual connected to CURRENCY.

The money sign $$ is the snake ... Interesting that our figure head brought in his residency with the snake poem. Welcome to the year of the wood snake ..

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Exactly. This is how they operate the Masonic Luciferian‘s control the tip of the pyramid. (All Seeing Eye)

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Absolutely and it also could signal another even bigger event in the next few days. There are so many signs pointing to another bigger event on the horizon

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DeeCee = Big Masonic, the Obelisk & the entire "grid" like a sun (Mason's symbol fer knowledge, also rituals of all sorts)


Over the Potomac:

"Patawomke" means "river of swans" -- hmmm, iz zat BLACK SWANS like that Black Hawk chopper???? Wuz this a Black SWAN event flown in onna BlackHawk???

Potamos--greek word fer all "gods of the river" (includin' The Nile /Da Nile... home ta many secrets)--bodies "buried" there too...

Also the skaters....Is DJT bein' told he's "on thin ice?" Of note: Russian coaches... a provocation?

It all looks FISHY (fwiw imho, planned but all the casualties are REAL...anyone sayin' this is just AI , I don't believe)

OH last thought--the jet may not've seen the chopper--there is stealth/cloakin' that makes any plane invisible like in Harry Potter ;-)

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Crackpot, Girl! You're on FIRE! Love it!

Those who can see... They SEE! ... unless bewitched by the stealthy cloak. :)

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ditto yer way. AND they make us WARTCH the ritual... "bright lights in the dark" blindin' us is the trauma on US... collectively...

Sadly I fear they're just gettin' started...

Also it's makin' a mockery of "drainin' the swamp" in DC... (i.e. the recovery goin' on) as that's eggzactly what one duz ta retrieve the bodies...

(indeed Zekiah Swamp is literally part of the Potomac River an' runs fer 21 miles--not sure if the trajectory of the planes eggzactly covered "da swamp" but who knows that wasn't intended...)

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Speaking of blinding us with their science & promised black outs .... This could be the perfect oppurtunity to blame some witchcraftery on Russia ... cuz the story is that Russia lost some skaters in the crash.

Didja see this ?? :


Maybe lotsa nothin ... but the blurred out house is interesting where the transponder turnt on.

Why did the doomsday plane take off to DC?

It's ALL the swamp! Are they diverting our attn from something worser? Me thinks YES.

Mock em back ...with a vengence! I refuse to be traumatized!

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yup, I brought up my ?'s re the Russian connection--coaches too, Russian... they really want DJT ta poke that bear an' if he won't do it...

Good clip--yup, that's freaky 'bout the blurred house...

Of course they said the BlackHawk wuz just an "exercise" / a drill-- hmmm, like Boston Marathon? Sandy Hook? many more... this wuz, perhaps, a "Swan Song" on the Potomac as a "drill" fer more ta come (Ah Drills... an' Trump just said "Drill Baby Drill" did 'e not?--don't think even HE meant that kinda drill!)

Yup, it's all the swamp but that the Potomac is literally one (not JUST a river) an' has all that symbolism is interestin'--

Ah, yup, divertin' us from other stuff like the "discovery" of 75K trafficked children just this week? Is this a "bright shiny object" to make THIS nooze not THAT?

Oh with ya 100% re mockin' 'em back when they try ta traumatize us... but many will be traumatized & hypnotized by the bright shiny object in the sky... a...Big Bang?

I think there's lots more ta this "ritual" fer sure!

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One commenter said: 811 Lawton st which is directly across the backyard is owned by the Saudi Arabia Royal Embassy on a private dead end st.

Then someone replied: Maybe a veiled threat; Prez hinted that Saudi Arabia will take the relocations of Gazans, just like Egypt and Jordan. What kind of chess game are they playing?!

Now I'm thinking of what YOU said & I recall some drill supposed to go off in NY or NJ this month, I think ... Nookliar?

Whatever's going down...They be LION bout it. We need to rely on the eagle eyes in the sky & boots on the grounds!

The 75K childs ... IF they found em THAT fast... They KNEW where they were. I still haven't seen sufficient PROOF.

& Trump is supposedly opening Gitmo to some 300,000 illegals? Like that won't start some civil bafoonery!

Breakneck speed psyops & rituals. Crazy Times!

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Doesn't potamos mean just "river?" Hence hippopotamos, river-horse.

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In Greek, yup! Thus hippo (horse) of the river (potamus) an' there ye git Meso/potamia "between the rivers"... But the name first stemmed from bein' not just RIVER but "GODS of the RIVER" which ties in the name of that "DeeCee Swamp"/Body of Warter with longstandin' ritual... So I think WHERE the crash occurred wuz no "accident"

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“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”

― Phaedrus

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What the hell is an army helicopter doing anywhere near National Airport? Criminal.

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Jan 30Edited
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THAT's what I want to know as well, "Who was on that plane?"

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They hate us and all they want is their psychopathic power and total control they despise the constitution

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See "ProfKlausSchwab" on X. He's seething and wants world control and the USA subdued.

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Not on my watch they have been chiseling for decades since bush sr arrived 1970’s cretins psychopaths

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Who was on the plane?

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Elite Russian and US figure skating champions who were attending events in Wichita: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/43621460/figure-skaters-onboard-plane-crash-washington-dc

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We KNOW who was NOT in the chopper! Nobody.

They claim there were NO VIABLE VICTIMS abourd the helicopter.

Viable definition: Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions

So "No Viable Victimes" means no living organisms. ..

Remotely flown.....made to crash as part of the RITUAL.

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And always attributed to the Chicoms, a la Alex Jones, when it's really the Synagogue of Satan, the Bolshevik Jewcoms.

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The Chicoms are "Us": the Globalists, the Breakaway civilization that wants to exterminate 95% of humanity and enslave the survivors via radio-control (the 6G Wireless Communications Network).


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Exactly Rebecca. The Bolsheviks hate humanity and they love to rape, from 8 to 88.

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You think the Jews have some special favor with Satan? No, he's against the whole world, including Jews. Actually especially Jews, since that's who the Messiah comes from. It's the satanists.

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Yes. The Chosenites (TM) are his progeny.

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There's no money. They just print it up and shit it across our skies.

I think we're kissing goodbye MOST of the control system of "civilization".


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FWIW, Zero Hedge is reporting that the helo's ADS-B aircraft surveillance system was switched off:


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Accidents do happen.

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Especially on purpose.

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Then it’s not an accident. Aside from Russian skaters being onboard the jet, assuming that passengers actually died (unlike 911), I don’t see what was gained by staging it. Assuming the Pentagon is not lying about the identities of the crew members aboard the Blackhawk. Time will tell I suppose.

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You seem to be more informed than I. All I saw was the rotten channel 11 vid with no marker lights. What was a mil chopper doing in the commercial approach? I’ll doubtlessly disbelieve any fed cover story.

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Keep in mind that it was the DC metro area. Such helicopters are in that airspace every day and night. New facts might emerge, but right now it looks like pilot and controller error. The controller asked the helicopter if he had the jet in sight, I forget his reply. He should have given the helicopter vectors to avoid the final approach course.

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So you are saying that everything about DC is a planned accident, served cold with propaganda dressing. Would you like DIE with that?

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No I'm not saying that. Are you?

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This is very scary! However I knew the corruption runs deep!

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Exactly. Nothing is off the table with these people:/

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Thank you for this information!

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Excellent. Thank you.

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Thank you, "Forbidden"...And the plot thickens!

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Why not be honest, the "globalists" are actually the Israelis and Netanyahu, do you know Trump just sent them 2000 pound bombs, what do you think Netanyahu will do with those bombs, well he'll blow up buildings and people, him and his rich friends want that ocean front property in the Gaza Strip. So those are your "globalists"

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The Globalists are not ONLY the Israelis.

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Right, they're the Globohomo Zionistas of every stripe.

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And they all laugh at you goy for remembering the Liberty

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Right, I understand they already sold rights to gas deposits.

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