Putin showing incredible restraint is the understatement of the century.

We are living in the craziest times in history. Bar none.

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Isn't it the truth!

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Putin knows that Russia retaliating inkind is exactly what Russia's enemies want. He follows the old adage 'Never do what your enemies want.'

But how long can he turn the other cheek?

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I feel your pain, Alexandra. I also feel shame about what has become of The West.

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I am disappointed with myself for not having done more to monitor and expose our government’s nefarious actions. There’s no time like the present! Careful thought must be applied when trying to awaken the masses to such info for the divisional conditioning runs deep. Make no mistake; we need more awake!

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I wouldn’t have known or cared as much as I do, unless I hadn’t been personally targeted and destroyed by the Weaponization of the Federal Government and this newfangled AI-enhanced oppressive Communist behavior.

Weirdly, it started when I was still a registered Democrat but the AI could tell I wasn’t going to stay that way. It may have been my reporting of the many obvious False Flags during Obama.

We have to turn this Communist ship 180º around and send it back on its way. Instead of trying to impose it on America, these people need to go live in a country with a robust tradition of a totalitarianism, if they enjoy that kind of lifestyle so much (though I wonder if anybody actually does and if this isn’t really just a bunch of criminals who are trying to steal our resources - well, it’s both: it’s BlackRock et al and their Useful Idiots in the Democrat Socialist Party, etc).

For me, it started in 2015, with a 95% demonetization by Google AdSense (at the time, 100% of my income). It happened without warning or explanation. This was before they had built-out their censorship system and their fake “reasons” for doing this. So I was sideswiped and I had no idea what was happening, because, after working online for 20 years by that point, nothing like this had ever happened before. I’d never heard of it and nobody knew what I was talking about.

It’s basically the imposition of the China Model on the USA. Don’t forget, Communism is originally a production of the British Crown, subsidized during Victorian Rule by British MP Lionel de Rothschild, who paid Marx and Engels to write the ‘Communist Manifesto’, which they wrote in London.

Would the Chinese People be happy to know they live under the oppression of a British-devised system? I would love to see the Chinese People and all of those living under Communism to be liberated.

The only country that has ever had an American Revolution is the US.

All the other “revolutions” were Them; the Black Nobility, trying to tell you that Socialism was an “escape” from or a “win” against Them, when it was just a new, Atheist system for their continuing parasitization and dictatorship (“Divine Right”) over you.

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The Plantation is the Plantation, no matter where we go or when. All roads lead to the Plantation. The only difference is the level they've achieved at a given moment in a given place. It's all proceeding to the same goal. It begins with undermining the strength and sovereignty of the people>>>then, socialism>>>communism>>>tech tyranny beyond comprehension. It's the Plantation all the way, it's just that the mask comes down slowly.

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Oh, I wasn't saying that America hadn't been subverted. Not only has it been subverted but it became the very tip of the spear of this Babylonian evil, starting in earnest post-WWII.

But the Constitution is pesky and they're done with us and they want to make China the boss of the new high tech slave system and that is what the past decade has been about. Trump is the pushback against this.

James Grundvig just told me the Chinese government hasn't paid sanitation workers in 5 months and the CCP is ready to implode, so I guess we'll see!

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I pray Trump fulfills even half of the expectations he has raised.

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Let it be so.

PS I wasn't faulting what you said.

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Amen, my friend ❤️

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Same here.

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It is painful. Exactly what they’re seeking. But feel no shame.

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Me too, Tirion.

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Seems we love war/genocide.

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Who is "we"?

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The fictitious "we" that CONgress pretends to represent while pocketing $$$$ from various lobbies.

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I join you in mourning his untimely death FN. The kind of man we can only wish we had more of in our own corrupted so-called "leadership." How often in our upside down world do we see the real heroes and patriots punished and the real villains praised and rewarded?! I have for a long time now no longer considered myself a "citizen" of a nation led by such criminals and weak self indulgent men and women who betray their trust with arrogance and false pride and are rewarded for it.

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Hmmm....reminds me of the 9-11 inside job that justified Middle East wars, the Patriot Act and freedom robbing agencies. I ventured into the wayback machine. There's a book still available on Amazon called.."Day of Deceit"...The author details FDR's so called dastardly attack on Pearl Harbor. FDR and his inner circle of traitors knew the attack was coming and allowed it to happened to get Americans jacked up for war against Japan. General Short and Admiral Kimmel were the fall guys. They were kept in the dark about the Japanese fleet heading their way. All the carriers were sent out on maneuvers to spare them. The Japanese code was deciphered in 1940 a year before the attack. Another treasonous act during World War 2.. "Major Jordan's Diaries" on Youtube. He was in charge of lend lease to Russia. His diary details shipments of yellow cake nuke material necessary to make the bomb and detailed instructions. A Jewish couple were blamed and executed. Also illegal supplies and necessities that caused severe shortages for Americans. So Russia will be blamed for a Deep State dirty bomb or mini-nuke mass murder to justify all out war, emergency lockdown and Trump's big day canceled.

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Look on the bright side.....ummm, er.....

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nothing brighter than looking at a nuke exploding.

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Rob... thought exactly the same thing ..a bit scary how we have them figured out. Entirely predictable. However, MSM is now admitting Bidden is unfit so he will not be "a functional president" if they do declare Marshall Law. I think (hope) clearer heads will prevail. There are some brilliant, common sense people coming into the federal government and me thinks they'll avoid this..please God

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Between now and the January 20th inauguration of Donald Trump the Deep State will be going all out to make sure that their agenda will remain in place. This is why I can only repeat what I've already said in the past. Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump will be able to drain the swamp and maga will only be deeply disappointed. They only thing that will really "maga" is a 1776 style war of independence.

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In 1776, it was guns against guns. The worst they had was cannons. In 2025, what will it be?

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AI, injected/inhaled superconducting nano particles, the 6G wireless network, drones, plasma bombs, EMPs…

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Too bad. I loved the smell of napalm in the morning.

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Well aren't we just a wee ray o' sunshine? 😜

Kidding... Totally kidding.. if ya can't laugh.... 😭

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The people behind this(the clandestine western intelligence-military boys) have their reserved spots in the nuc-proof bunkers. They want to go nuclear. Kennedy's cabinet wanted to go nuclear in 1963. JFK stopped them. Putin can end it if he bends over and allows Russia to be sold off in pieces. I don't think he will.

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I am pretty sure you are right about that. There is a line that won't be crossed without severe consequences.

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Both brain dead Biden and Scamela stayed in DC for X-mas-is this the present we get?

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Just add it to the list of stink bombs they gifted us with.

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Truthtellers are at risk. At the end of the clip, he says essentially, there is no free lunch. There are always strings attached for states to receive "free $." Our city is growing, yet reducing traffic lanes (road diets) and putting in traffic circles in to get government funding for roads, just as Obama said he'd do.

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And don't forget all the new bike lanes - because cars are bad, right?

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"Wars and rumors of wars...." Russia historically has not instigated any 'first move', few know our history or Russias for that matter. 25 is the shakedown, hold steady.....blessings

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Highly Concerning Development 🎯

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The West, ie, the criminal cabal, is way beyond disgusting. In fact, I don't have a word bad enough to describe them. The only thing that makes sense is that they want the destruction of the world they are apparently not able to control soon and well enough to suit themselves. So the ante keeps going up. Scott Ritter's video that Alexandra put up before this one (link below) shows the pattern. Russia has been patient beyond belief for many decades as NATO closed in on them. NATO=the cabal. Yesterday I got Tom Renz' newsletter letting us know that the failed bill keeping government open was full of WHO treaty enablements. He showed the provisions. The bill DID NOT fail because of that. It failed because of the debt ceiling provisions. That's all that was pulled from the bill. I'm waiting for Renz to give an update tomorrow to see if the WHO provisions are still in it. It sounds to me like they're still there. The bill was presented by Johnson, at best he has questionable loyalties. So once again we see the cabal in action enabled by Johnson. NO peep from Congress. It's really so horrific what this cabal wants, which is genocide, WW3 and total control of what's left, whatever that is. How much clearer could it get? For a long time it's been questioned what the cabal would do if they lose. Would they destroy the planet? In my estimation, they may destroy the planet by trying to take control of it, short of actually failing. I loathe that our country, so beautiful in its inception, has been captured as it is by "satanic," probably alien, psychopaths who tyrannize us. Maybe that was inevitable. As John Adams put it, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Adams wasn't talking about our leaders, he was talking about the People, because we're the ones that let shit like this happen. We could have stopped it at any time, but we don't have the moral courage to even pay attention, much less let psychopaths get this far. Apparently, we never did have going way back. Somebody needs to tell Dorothy that she has the ruby slippers before it's entirely too late.


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I wish it weren't so.

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It’s difficult to stomach when “your country” has been deceitfully, high jacked by treasonous (communist) actors, that have been able to sail an otherwise great seaworthy vessel straight into an iceberg, deliberately! When it no longer resembles anything worth it’s better former past, either as a loyal patriot citizen, or shamefully so to the world, allies & enemies alike.

It is also just as difficult to witness or even comprehend WHY? & HOW ? So many fellow countrymen can become & then remain so blindly duped by those treasonous Leaders as they are being exposed more & more by the day. Literally!!!

A Great Ship needs a Great Captain with Competent & Loyal Crew Members!!!!!, to be able to reach it’s chartered destinations, navigate it’s course, as safe & as soundly as possible, for the good of the passengers & all on board!!!! MAGA 🫡🇺🇸 Back up & Support Mr Trump.

But……there has been a Massive “Mutiny on The Bounty” And, The Swamp Must Be Drained !!!!!

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I tend to believe we didn’t become this. I think we have always been this and asleep at the wheel. Societies that have disappeared without any explanation. History is being opened

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Who was it that said that a country is never destroyed except from within?

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The interwebz says it's a false quote attributed to Lincoln but it was spelled out and strategized in the 1999 book by Chinese General Qiao Liang 'Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America': https://www.amazon.com/Unrestricted-Warfare-Chinas-Destroy-America/dp/1626543054

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That's a comfort...

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Yes and no. Please see my reply to Webe1, above.

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The US and UK are bombing and killing Russians through Ukraine on a daily basis without any retaliation whatsoever. What would they stop doing it? The Russians act dumb, like it woukd suffice send people to fight the Ukranians or say the Polish or the Baltics in the future while UKUSA keeps pumping and pumping them forever in the future laughing at how stupid the Russians are. At this pace Russia will be destroyed at the price of sacrifying 3 or 4 minor European minions. What a bargain? Why would they stop? They dont have to? More and more people will start asking thenselves in Russia WTF is Putin doing? And after all, this is maybe the west's goal. To discredit Putin against its own nationals. The biggest nuclear power in history, partitioned, dismantled and defeated in an epic way. I bet the UKUSA war room is working in that direction.

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I think the Bear will only take so much poking. Putin's waiting to see what Trump will do. If he isn't better treated by Trump, we will see what the Bear can do, which is stomp us into radioactive meat mass and piss on us for good measure.

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Dec 22Edited

Kudos to you Alexandra for this work . You deserve an award for your insight and perseverance in getting this information out.

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