Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

Russia has the capacity to destroy Kiev and it's government. They never did. They could have destroyed all their airports the first day? Which is the normal war tactics? Thus preventing their midget joker from flying around as a HEAD OF STATE.

Civilized Putin rather hit offensive weapons and soldiers. Dirty tricksters in DC don't have similar respect the rules of engagement.

For more than a decade, every time Putin talks about America he says "our friends in America"? When our leaders talk about Putin, they call him thug, criminal, and more.

Decades under the impression that the West has high morals. Not anymore. The West is ruled by Satanic POS hoodlums.

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I will say, Putin is showing remarkable restraint.

If he truly gas the capacity to 'nuke' the west - who I see as the true aggressors here - then what's holding him back?

Russia as a people and a country has been maligned by 'the west' since the end of WW2. For the most part they have conducted themselves well. The USA (people of) really need to look at where the leadership is taking them.

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Do any of you people read the newspaper?

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Here! Here!

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

The Evil Empire

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20500

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

... mail currently being forwarded to the nearby impromptu TV studio... fabulous CGI mock up of the Oval Office...

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

Ukraine is US/NATO/Globalist proxy. Russia is becoming a CCP proxy. Escalation of this unnecessary conflict is accelerating. Innocent civilians are being sacrificed. Conscripted soldiers are being sacrificed. A Banker War? A War to implement a New World Order?

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

I know it looks like Russia might be disagreeably influenced by China but you might enjoy yesterday's frankly amazing interview of Scott Ritter by Judge Napolitano. Worth every second, and Scott's incredibly succinct explanations don't drag out even the tiniest bit: https://youtu.be/kiVKYqcK6WU?si=jtL7FV-AkE6auIvO

I think everyone commenting here might be glad if they watch this. It's high information from one of the most trustworthy experts about what's truly going down, why it's likely Putin WON'T retaliate directly, and how that will actually be in the best interests of everyone (except the deep state).

Also, the inimitable Pepe Escobar joined the show this morning from Moscow. I haven't watched it yet, but can't wait to hear what he says, as he seems to have very high-level sources we normally just don't get to hear from. At the moment, youtube is showing a blurb from that more recent interview, when I click on the link above.

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

I will definitely listen that interview. Thanks for sharing.

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you waste your time and get your hopes up for nothing.

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Video is unavailable.

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

How long will we allow these corrupt politicians to blacken the name of America and put us all in terrible danger of the chaos, misery and death from another useless unecessary war that could very well end civilization as we know it. Something has to be done.

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

And the stupid govts of the 'west: are instituting the draft. They want to kill off future generations by way of a stupid war - which is causing them all to go broke. I guess the masses don't even have pitchforks.

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

I hope that this is a line that people will finally take a stand. Is there enough support for another useless and obviously senseless war to allow these criminals to send their sons to the meat grinder again? It just might be time to break out those pitchforks or whatever.

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Take a stand? Where? In line for the ball game?

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It will go on forever, at least until you are exterminated.

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Yes I read that also. They were cluster bombs. Illegal on the international scene but still sold to Ukraine by US.

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It is the same playbook used by Israel - attack the civilians because they will give rise an an emotional response

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Later: even if that's true about the military facility, Kiev has insanely announced that all civilians in Crimea are "occupiers" and thus valid military targets! So yes, f*ck Kiev!

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

While I wouldn't doubt that, it does look like, of the 4 ATACMS, 3 were blasted out of the sky and this one missed its mark of a nearby miliary facility. Cf https://youtu.be/kiVKYqcK6WU?si=jtL7FV-AkE6auIvO

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

If I were choosing targets for the Russians, it seems the easiest would be the many surveillance drones flying in that area. Good target practice for the Russian pilots, and alot of fun too.

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

COMPLIANCE IS THE KEY TO THE NWO. Compliance is a necessity in the NAZI NEW WORLD ORDER.

"Combination vaccines have the potential to reduce the burden of respiratory viruses on health systems and pharmacies, as well as offer people more convenient vaccination options that could improve compliance."


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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

The New World Order is a benefit based, mandatory NAZI enterprise. Your VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE is required.

Consent is of course expected, and requires.

Obey - 'Baa'aaa

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

The World as most know it is NAZI. Technology throughout history has always been controlled by Technocrat's.

Technology has always been used to exploit. The exploited have always been in Servitude to the masters.

The 'Sebastopol attack as dastardly as it is, is but a premonition of the future, and what that premonition of that future; portends for humanity.

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"It is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles."

-Niccolò Machiavelli

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Niccolò Machiavelli, was a student of the Christian Bible

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"In the first decade of the sixteenth century, he (Machiavelli) carried out several diplomatic missions, most notably to the papacy in Rome."


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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

Question becomes is : Is Putin in the secrete handshake cult?


Is Putin representing Russian sovereignty?

He certainly is a mysterious person as his Russia first talk and “restrained” responses don’t match imo.

Not fooled again. None of these world leader Fuk sticks give a flying Fuk about their citizens. They simply are the ruling class or more to point, non transhumance controllers running there zone of authority on planet earth. Hunger games 2.0 via matrix 2.0 human farm zones called 15 minute prisons…

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

Here's one of the people most likely to know the correct answer: https://youtu.be/kiVKYqcK6WU?si=jtL7FV-AkE6auIvO

[Apologies, forbidden news, for possibly spamming the comment section!]

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Jun 26Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you, nice update. The policy of destroying the West as per the Zionist controlled banking mafia as war3 is on track. Polarization for benefit has a snag.

Brics expansion and a commodity backed currency rivaling BIS petro dollar conversion becomes the conflict upon deeper understanding. The Zists will not backdown from this ultimate control.

Truly a banksters war imo. Murica is calculated to be a casualty, a benefit once nurtured, but once these alliances formed by sanctions, R NK Iran and China which had to be calculated by the UN , except Russia got ball kicked as subservient by arrogance and it went wrong. Now their reeling. UN has been face punched by Putin and has left WEF rank? Appears so….

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Video unavailable.

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Come on man say it.

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Putin, a man with phenomenal power at his finger tips, shows the highest restraint against deliberate taunts, years of broken treaties and constant abuse of his name. We all saw the brilliant competence of what he did in Syria at Syria's request and it blew Obama's corrupt foot dragging and bumbling out of the water in a very short time, exposing the game there. He did what he was asked to do and no more. AND THEN HE LEFT. I don't know what "thuggery" he's done because OUR leaders lie about everything and I can only presume they lie constantly in everything they say about him. But the sheer fact that he hasn't rained Armageddon down on us proves to me that he's a statesman and not what they say.

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My brother in law gets all his news from mainstream sources. Sadly he believes he’s well informed and is confident that Putin is a monster planning to conquer Europe similar to crazed dictators of years gone by. Trying to get a word in to him that he might be incorrect is futile so I usually just walk out of the room when he gets going on his mockingbird inspired rants. Throughout 2020 he wore his mask regularly so he wouldn’t get sick and called me stupid when I wouldn’t join in the mRNA bio weapon experiment. I guess he’s now looking forward to Armageddon.

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

I hear you. Family, and life-long friends, too.

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I am a new here but so far, I am very impressed by the intellectual caliber of the majority of Forbidden News' members. Very glad I found this news site.

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Our present reality.

Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius by Niccolò Machiavelli


This will require commitment. Which most don't have, but it is urged that you as individuals TRY...

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"The more things change, the more they remain the same."

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"Make the most, therefore, of this good or this evil, as you may esteem it, which you have brought upon yourselves; and should you persist in the mistake of thinking my opinions worthy your attention, I shall not fail to proceed with the rest of the History in the manner promised in my Preface. Farewell."

-Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius by Niccolò Machiavelli


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We all KNOW 'who' is responsible for the attacks, on civilians, within Russia!

And they WILL get what's coming to them!

And it WILL be a Glorious Day!!

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

Well... No. It won't be a glorious day. It will be just another day of death and destruction. Military personnel, regardless of the excuse, are hired to slaughter kill civilian populations, period. It doesn't matter what nationality, what economic system, or what 'leadership' is in charge. As long as civilian populations produce military personnel, someone somewhere will be slaughtered for a fist full of pennies.

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Jun 25Liked by Forbidden.News

In case that you haven't noticed, the Russians are NOT, and DO NOT.......TARGET Civilians. Granted, NOTHING is perfect and there is/will be Civilians 'caught in the crossfire'. The NAZI Ukies have killed more of their own people, than Russia EVER could or would; numbers are not even in the same Universe!

As the saying goes......'Freedom Isn't Free!'.

I live on the East Coast, and there are a couple of targets that I am sure Russia would target, IF they were FORCED into 'sending shit our way'. And ya know what....IF Russia does Strategic Bombing in this country, I will NOT hold it against them! Whatever Russia needs to do to ELIMINATE DEMONS......I'm all for it. If I should be a casualty in said Strategic Bombing.......so be it! In my next life, I will request to BE BORN IN RUSSIA! lolol

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My point is fairly simple: ALL military employees and support staff are hopeless morons. I would refer to these spineless specimens as trainable idiots, but moron pretty well describes their ilk. 50 century's of war. No cigar. Just more slaughter.

The majority of the public have been brainwashed into embracing these filthy assholes, rather than shooting them on sight.

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And I agree!

All of this, 'They fight for Our Freedoms!', is complete BULLSHIT! And yet, it gets repeated by the Zombie Public!

The United States Corporation's military is NOT America's military. They are, and HAVE BEEN, owned and operated by the Globalists. Which makes the United States Corporation military a FOREIGN military, ON AMERICAN SOIL; THEY ARE THE ENEMY!

All of these POS, going over to NAZI Ukraine, fighting FOR the NAZIS.....I hope each and every one of them comes 'home' in a body bag!

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Hello DawnieR: I wrote this a while ago, but thought you might enjoy the humor. > We (as civilians) can't fight our way out of a paper bag, so we hire it out to some asshole in an expensive suit or military costume. Speaking of assholes. > The "Royal" Canadian Air Force. The United States Marine Corps. The United States Army. The United States Navy. The National Guard. The Department of Defense. The Central Intelligence Agency. The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The United States Department of Homeland Security. The National Security Agency, etc.

When this doesn't assuage our "security" paranoia, we hire other payable reinforcements: Airbus Space & Defense, BAE Systems, The Boeing Company, General Dynamics Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies Corporation, and other significant para-military contractors like these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_defense_contractors

There are tens of millions of persons fully employed in "protection" services...

Well, paranoia still waxes supreme, so we then hire more protectors of our fragile health and welfare. > The Department of Health and Human Services. The United States Food and Drug Administration. The Environmental "Protection" Agency... The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The National Institutes of Health. Of course the "Corporate" list goes on, but I'm still not feeling very secure. How about you?

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Nobody cares about the Russians. Hell they invade countries all the time and probably hate your guts for no reason.

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Russians 'hate' NOBODY!

But, please.....DO LIST ALL of the 'invasions' by RUSSIA!

And do not include anything that the USSR did. Russia was NOT 'governed' BY RUSSIANS, at that time. The Khazarians had INVADED and TAKEN OVER Russia.

I really do hate repeating myself, but......AGAIN......LEARN REAL HISTORY!

Keep in mind, so that you're not wasting MY time (go right ahead, if you want to waste yours!), ANY FAKE 'Russian Invasion' that you want to come back with, I will be able to 'LEARN' you, with FACTUAL/REAL History!

You're either a paid moronic Globalist-Ass-Licking Bot, or you BELIEVE (as opposed to THINK) that your government Edgimication was an ACTUAL EDUCATION! lolol

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Edgimifacation. I like that. Get real. The Russians murdered Abraham Lincoln, the King of France, James the First, and blew up the world Trade center just to show us they could do it.

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Ha ha ha ha ha!

Stop it! Stop it!

You're too moronic to take seriously.

Better take the blue pill and lift the scales from your red eyes.

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