Jul 23Liked by Forbidden.News

The Mexican government is controlled by the cartels, the US government is controlled by Israel. What's an honest man to do?

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I sure don't want to sound like a "Donny Downer" but...I think America was lost many years ago...I believe so many Americans are in terror mode, stressed, confused and still believing in a crumbling system. This new technological system unfortunately will more than likely be in place in the next 15 years. America is now part of that Global empire. Our political "leaders" sold us out. The military now has weapons on the equivalence of Star Wars, microwave weaponry, lasers, and nano weapons. A quarter of our military will be robotic in less than 10 years, drone wars are currently being fought in Ukraine. I like what Richard said "What's an honest man to do?" Maybe we should see Earth for what it really is... A Shit-hole in the middle of this universe...maybe we are here to hone our spirits and acknowledge our true source of light, try and help those who listen...Leonardo Da Vinci once said that "There are only three classes of people, those who see, those who see when shown, and those who do not see." I think part of honing our spirit is being able to see.

Good Luck to all, be kind to animals, children, and those who see.


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And PS, did Leonardo actually invent the "there's only ___ kinds of people" sayings??? I thought it was probably some Jewish comedian. You know, "There's only two kinds of people: people who think there's two kinds of people and people who don't."

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That's pretty funny...I had heard that saying many years ago, along with the Mark Twain saying "If voting really mattered, "they" would make it illegal."

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They actually made it so legal that everybody could do it....man, woman, child, dead person, illegal person, barking dog and viral life.

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It is a shit hole. And it's a shit hole because it's made of the enslaved and the enslavers. That's a victim/victimizer mental polarity model. Guess who's the victim. It's us. That model must be corrected....mentally which is where all correction must begin. And I believe it is being corrected. We're far less victimish than we were. And the victimizers are not as good at it as they used to be. They say the energies are changing. Maybe, but I can say WE are changing. We're becoming more aware of our spiritual light. "They" are trying to take that, but we can't let them. We're literally fighting for our spiritual lives. People use the term awakening as though the meaning were just becoming aware of what's gone on. That's part of it, but the real awakening is as you say to wake up to what's been kept secret from us via religion and rulers, our true spirit and the possibilities of consciousness. So I'm not pessimistic (most days), because who we really are ultimately can't be suppressed forever. But I think we may be quite some time winning the war and certainly straightening the mess out because all the evil is baked in the cake and we're going to have to totally retrench. We will be working on this for some time.

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Jul 23Liked by Forbidden.News

I agree totally except I believe it will happen much sooner than you predict.

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LOL Well I did say I didn't want to be a Donny Downer...

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With the precision accuracy of drones, it's too bad Putin wouldn't just send them to where the problems are created from the get-go because most people do not condone what is going on other than those I see on Twitter with a Ukraine flag by their name.

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Jul 23Liked by Forbidden.News

I have a close contact in the Department of Homeland Security. Border patrol agents have witnessed heavily armored Mexican army units escorting drug gang members with supplies of illegal drugs across the southern border. US border patrol agents are helpless bystanders. They have no orders to interdict this invasion and no law enforcement or military support to do so. The Biden administration is allowing this to happen. It is deliberate and intentional. The person Biden assigned to deal with the border crisis is Kamala Harris. Her chief backer is the Soros clan. Homeland Security is run by Mayorkas.

Hope you can review my book:


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Jul 23Liked by Forbidden.News

Granted this plan no longer exists (because if we know about it so does the nefarious), can it be America still has a chance? Do the citizens of America possess the gumption necessary to help save the country if called upon?

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these "MyGrunts" have social security cards an' anyone wantin' to protect 'em (to be used for "Ops" against the nation) can encrypt messaging on their free phones and make sure Uncle Sam (the theoretical good "Sams") can trace 'em... Citizen volunteers all along the border(s)? We got 'em leakin' in not just South-of-the-Border but in CA, NY (from Canada)-- I just cain't see HOW it might work... much as I'd like ta be "hopeful"...

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It would be less expensive, and likely more effective, to post signs every 100 yards along our borders reading: WARNING!



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