I remember seeing this in my last semester at UNM.

At the time I thought how these could be used to subjegate a population. Inexpensive, allmost invisible.

Making the most of the" One Shot, One Kill"

Concept of modern warfare.

The perfect tool for a police state.

When AI becomes a singularity,

These devices will be part of the plan to exterminate unnecessary life forms.

Or as John Connor said :

"US! Humans!

We are Skynet's enemies!"

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Well, if true this gradual development of WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks) has been moving forward by leaps & bounds in the background since the 1980s/90s. I was very aware of the human biofield as a 'consciousness field' that's electromagnetic in material terms. It doesn't surprise me that every human in N. America/Europe is already 'tethered to the cloud', not metaphorically but literally. And I suspect that was one of the multiple purposes of the 'injections' - to inject minimal tech into each body to interact with organic substances there & trigger the production of basic biotic systems to be deployed later. And this is ongoing & developing rapidly.

Given this it's hard to avoid the conclusion that we may be on the verge of seeing biowarfare where huge surveillance combined with messing with dozens of internal systems in any specific citizen or mass of citizens starts occurring in pockets here & there.

And this isn't controlled really by the current US regime or either political party, but by pockets within the National Security State &/or US deep state, ie. the globalists who want a One World Gov't & top-diwn control. I suspect the surveillance mode will continue for several more years before any mass military biotech deployment is activated...

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Good Lord! This would corroborate the theory that we live in a simulation. If we are electrical beings and hackable animals, how is that any different from being avatars in a video game? The controllers can do anything they want with us, while our bioenergy powers the game!

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We don't live in a simulation. There ZERO evidence we live in a simulation. Listening to the idiots who espouse that nonsense is like listening to the people who claim we never went to the moon. There's ZERO credible evidence we never went to the moon, and ZERO credible evidence we live in a "simulation." The "we live in a simulation" crowd is mostly computer hackers who stretch analogies of computer systems way too far, using their jargon to sound intelligent to non-hackers, to some grand scheme of reality as if it's all a computer game/simulation. They're mostly idiots who should have gone into writing sci-fi books instead of hacking.

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This is without a doubt the very best fear porn I've ever seen. While all the technology this apparently deeply psychologically disturbed woman claims exists does in fact exist, its practical applications are extremely limited due to the very, very low power of all bio-signals the body emits, except for the heart's EMF.

The ECG is so weak that without electrodes glued to the exterior of the skull it cannot even be detected. If there were nanotech that could measure brainwaves, there's not, there would not be enough power for that signal to leave the skull or to read it from outside the skull. The heart EMF is much more powerful, and can be measured up to about 8 feet from the body, and it has the ability to entrain other hearts into coherence (love, or goodwill for others) or discoherence (anger), which is why we may feel unpleasant around quietly raging people who have never learned to get ahold of their anger, and are seething cauldrons. The heart field has a more profound impact on the brain, and the rest of the body than does the brain's field on the heart or other parts of the body.

The brain is not where consciousness, and memory reside. It's the ether body where those reside which is why when the ether body separates from the physical body at death, or during near-death trauma, one must do a full life review. One will view every deed, word, and thought, and feel one's harm of others from the harmed person's perspective. The etheric body, and astral body are so far beyond material science that they won't be measured perhaps ever.

The military has voice-to-skull, and other tech that is deeply disturbing. However, anyone who diligently trains their heart-mind-spirit-soul is well beyond the reach of the socio-psychopaths who want to eternally enslave humanity. The socio-psychopaths lose. They're headed for very unpleasant environs upon their deaths as they move into the spirit realms. The ONLY thing we bring with us into the spirit realms is our morality.

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Dennis - I agree that that only way through this nightmare is to develop our spiritual energy and connection to God and I'm actually about to embark on a film about this very topic.

I also agree Sabrina succeeded in terrifying the bejuses out of anyone watching her performance in this video but the information she relayed appears to be very solid. Moreover, she isn't the only person talking about this.

Attorney Todd Callender, who I think is a hypergenius and his investigative partner, as either a lawyer or paralegal, Lisa McGee uncovered much the same info and more, such as the fact that the DOE creates and patents pathogens (as covered by Sabrina here in that blizzard of alarming, disjointed information) that it sells on the open market, including to vaccine manufacturers - and that all manmade pathogens and most over-the-counter medications have IP addresses (router addresses).

They were talking all about this nearly a year ago: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/maria-zeee-uncensored-todd-callender-lisa-mcgee-wban-human-hacking-proof-how-far-does-it-really-go/

Todd and his team says they inadvertently discovered that Sars-CoV-2 is actually a patented device that was designed to be the backbone of the infrastructure of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). They also found a patent for harvesting energy from the WBAN, where Todd says they take in 1 gigahertz from our energetic output and convert it into 1 terabyte of energy produced.

Todd said you can go buy a WBAN energy-harvesting phone app at Inpersona.com, where you could mine crypto from your own biofield (that website now re-directs to another AI business, due to bad publicity but the crypto coin still exists: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/vyvo-smart-chain/

As I copied and pasted from their once-live website, the app worked with FitBits and Oura Rings and it billed itself as “The First Web3 App that uses your heartbeat to mine crypto…You are a Crypto Mining Machine. Using Proof of Sensing technology, you can now mine Vyvo Coin with your heartbeat.”

That patent #060606, "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data" is owned by Bill Gates": https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en

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I guess something's in the air: Dr James Giordano just came "clean" about this tech yesterday, posting this to his LinkedIn account (link below):

"The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)’s Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) project is an ambitious initiative aiming to develop vast array of nanoscalar sensing and transmitting brain-computational interfaces (BCIs). An axiomatic attribute of such a system is obviating the burden and risks of neurosurgical implantation by instead introducing the nanomaterials via intranasally, intravenously and/or intraorally, and using electromagnetic fields to migrate the units to their distribution within the brain. It’s said that location is everything, and so too here. Arrays would require precise placement in order to engage specific nodes and networks, and it’s unknown if -and to what extent any “drift” might incur in system fidelity.

"The system works much like WiFi in that it’s all about parsing signal from the “noise floor” of the brain; but “can you hear me now?” takes on deeper implications when the sensing and transmitting dynamics involve “reading from” and “writing into” brain processes of cognition, emotions and behavior. I’d be the first one to argue for an “always faithful” paradigm of sensing and transmitting integrity; yet, even if the system and its workings are true to design, there’s still a possibility of components (and functions) being “hacked”. As work with Dr Diane DiEuliis has advocated, the need for “biocybersecurity-by-design” is paramount (not just for N3, but for all neurotech, given its essential reliance upon data).

"By intent, N3 holds promise in medicine; but the tech is also provocative for communications (of all sorts), and its dual-use is obvious. Yes, Pandora, this jar’s been opened. If we consider the sum-totaled operations of the embodied brain to be “mind”, and N3-type tech is aimed at remotely sensing and modulating these operations, then it doesn’t require much of a stretch to recognize that this is fundamentally “mind reading” and “mind control”, at least at a basic level. And that’s contentious. In full transparency, I served as a consulting ethicist on initial stages of N3, and the issues spawned by this project were evident, and deeply discussed. But discussion is not resolution, and the “goods” as well as the gremlins and goblins of N3 tech have been loosed into the real world. The real world is multinational, and DARPA – and the US – are not alone in pursuing these projects. Nations’ and peoples’ values, needs, desires, economics, allegiances, and ethics differ, and any genuine ethical discourses – and policy governances - must account for that. The need for a reality check is now; the question is whether there is enough rational capital in regulatory institutions’ accounts to cash the check without bouncing bankable benefits into the realms of burdens, risks and harms.


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It's alot of much ado about nothing fear porn. The human body doesn't emit much energy, and it's super low power. An EMF field decreases by the inverse of the radius squared of the distance from the source so even at high power EMF, like hi tension voltage power lines, the drop off is inverse exponentially weaker as one moves away from the source. The applications of all this nanotech to transhumanism is the real frightening aspect of it, not some bullshit about how people are harvesting our energy. Ever peddle a stationary bike at high speed, moderately high resistance for half an hour? Your energy output is about 300 calories. It'll power a small light bulb for a while but nobody is going to be harvesting that with nanotech, and "beaming" it somewhere. It's so fucking ridiculous I can't stand it.

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I don't think you're really looking at what's being presented here, because you don't like the presenter and the way it's being presented.

As with COVID, everything in this field is described as "healthcare", when it's really about implanting you with sensors and hooking your body up to the Cloud; making you a node on the Internet of Bodies (IoB). I didn't make this up. Sabrina didn't make this up. It's something that Catherine Austin Fitts has been discussing for over 5 years.

1) This paper, "Energy harvesting based WBANs: EH optimization methods": https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050919306143 talks about "...several research projects have been carried out on the adoption of energy harvesting schemes, that aim to collect energy from several sources surrounding the human body (sun, body warmth, movements, heartbeat, RF radiation ...) and transform it into an electrical energy to power the nodes of a WBAN. Nevertheless, this harvested energy must also be better exploited, given the temporal variation nature of these alternative sources. The purpose of this paper is to present a general overview of energy harvesting schemes, as well as methods in literature focusing on optimizing the exploitation of the harvested energy in a WBAN, through Mac, routing or physical layer protocols." Todd read it and he says, "1 gigahertz from our energetic output and convert it into 1 terabyte of energy produced."

2) Then, there's this: "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data": https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en

3) And the actual crypto, Vyvo coin: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/vyvo-smart-chain/

4) Then, there's the use of drones to monitor and transmit body data from and to the patient ("Implementation of IoT and UAV Based WBAN for healthcare applications": https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9545052): "This research work focuses on the rapid data transmission between the patient and doctor using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). There are five sensors that are analyzed as Heart rate monitoring sensor, Temperature sensor, Human motion sensor, Oximeter sensor, and Blood pressure sensor. For the fastest delivery, the sensed medical data was delivered utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles. This helps the patients in critical/emergencies to communicate the medical information to the doctor safely and securely. The experimental result examines various sensors attached to the Arduino IDE. The obtained results will be transmitted to the patients using unmanned aerial vehicles. These techniques help to improve the fastest communication for emergency condition patients.

Further reading:

• Physionet (vast database of ECG & EEG recordings of various organ systems): https://physionet.org/about/database/

• "A standard journey for BioDigital convergence": https://www.iec.ch/blog/standard-journey-biodigital-convergence

• "What are Biosensors?" https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-are-Biosensors.aspx

• "Electrocardiogram Sampling Frequency Range Acceptable for Heart Rate Variability Analysis": https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6085204/

• "Intra-body Networks and Molecular Communication Networks in Diagnostic Sciences": https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9671267/

• "Internet of Things and Digital Twin applications in the health sector": https://www.iec.ch/system/files/2023-10/wsdcombinedpdf_0.pdf

• OOCDB: A Comprehensive, Systematic, and Real-time Organs-on-a-chip Database: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36640825/

• Cognitive Cities: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_city#Interaction_between_citizen_and_city

I could go on and on. This is not "fear porn" and it's not "fucking ridiculous".

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I have seen some of her videos before, altho I felt like I needed a PhD to fully understand it all! I see her intensity as a deep caring. And shes angry. Really angry at the bastards. Im kinda like that too, wanting people to look up, wake up & smell the coffee.

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from another post from FORBIDDEN.NEWS, quoting Sabrina Wallace, MAY 03, 2024 "They don't want the regular internet, they've got the Internet of Bodies. But they didn't need the bodies for a faster backbone. They needed the bodies to produce all that stuff. And worse.".. .... the nanotechnology in the COVID jabs "Reproduces itself, grabs up the components of your body to do [reproduce], then, after reproducing itself, creates its own neural networks, [depleting your body of nutrients that your body itself needs]. That's bad enough. Then, the [nanotech/AI] can give commands to itself, because it's got it's own neural networks."

".. it starts upgrading different nodes of itself – then, it creates its own AI internally, on its own. Every single one of you that thinks you need the 5G [towers / phones], no. It's inside. Thus, the Foundries with DARPA, ten years ago...

"You jabbed people with .. nano that not only recreates itself [it] makes its own neural nets and its own artificial intelligence that is specific to the human on the inside?

"It's in the molecular communication routing...I warned people that this is about turning humans into something else. Initially, I thought, 'Arm into a fish flipper.' Oh, no! No...

"You put a reproducing xenobot inside people that transfects? No, it doesn't. You're load-balancing the Body Area Networks. And worse than anything, it builds its own neural networks and then it builds its own AI. Tissue scaffolding, Resurfaces your cells and keeps going.

"No wonder these people were growing these huge masses but they wouldn't work right. DNA was faulty, so the human dies and the mass ejects itself..."

Sabrina is disgusted by the insiders who have failed to disclose that those white rubbery clots aren't just antenna for WBAN signals, they're out there, building AI inside the bodies of millions of people.

..."Prayer, be serious about your environment, be mindful of who you're around. ...It appears to that the absolute nightmare Sabrina may be describing is a future where armies of borgs will "hatch" out of human bodies… ?"

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Another great quote from her is "can you turn off your dna?" :NO." " Then there is no off grid." Sabrina is the real deal & brings all receipts along with all the market share info.

I've been following her for a year now & a group of like minded people.

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Just do away with the power grid and we're all good... except it will be back to 1500's but at least we'll be unhackable.

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So, if I’m understanding correctly, they have the ability to technically electrocute every one of us at any given moment? Please tell me I’m not understanding correctly. That’s so horrible, I don’t even want to think about it. Is this “electronic warfare” or the “lethal force” what they’re referring to in that recently revised DoD directive? Then I can see where our guns would have no purpose, as they are at an advantage with an entirely different weapons system. & I do believe they have had decades to master this weapons system, & do believe they would do this to us.

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"Please tell me I’m not understanding correctly. That’s so horrible, I don’t even want to think about it."

That why so many people are working to hide that and are 24/7 deceiving us with bs, lies and half truths. Sabrina is the best what could happen to us.

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Thank you for this information! None of this matters in the next life, and there is nothing to worry about as long as you have a personal relationship with Jesus of Nazareth. This life is temporary...treat it as such.

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Good post, attention to this is needed, Sabrina claims she is "yelling" at the perpetrators of the technology as opposed to the you and me, but sometimes you are correct it seems, regardless this is important information - in line with this, i have amalgamated a summary and references to this effect, it will be quite overwhelming to most, all in one place - the main purpose will be /is stated as AI precision healthcare, - but is a trojan horse for synthetic biology manipulations and brain computer interfaces for "control" and for furtherance of experiments on the masses for regenerative medicine "for me but not for thee" - all under the radar with out consent - if it was going to be good for you , you would already know about it - and yes the "vaccines" are genetic modifiers, and further nanotech and graphene backbone for better signal thru put for routing data and instructions - Updated 9: Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, AI, 5G-7G, Electronic Warfare, Wireless Tissue Engineering, Molecular Communication, Religion of Scientism, Bioweapons, What they don’t tell you about being a human antenna - http://mcmartinreports.com/2023/07/13/scattered-notes-dystopia-transhumanist-manifesto-from-hell-religion-of-scientism-what-they-dont-tell-you/

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Thank you for posting this here. Sabrina's stuff needs a much, much larger audience.

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Always has been the "other side' that inspires the maniacs. They can't imagine for themselves, so they take cues from science fiction and fantasy.

The Matrix idea of blocking the sun and using us as batteries. Thanks Kill Bill.

AND blocking the sun cuts us off from vitamin D defense against their bioweapons.

Also accelerates winds and shifting under those chemy blankets.

While droppin metals and nanos on us.

Depends how much you cleanse and purge!

You had a GREAT book 24 years ago...

STILL chapter 17 Atlantis is my FAVORITE!!


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Part of me finds this disturbing but not surprising. On one hand I strongly advise everyone to avoid giving them any excuses to use this against us. On the other hand I say, “cOmE aT mE bRo!” It will give us the ultimate casus belli.

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In relation, a forward header from a stack with discussion that is related - All the best Lt Powell -"Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD from Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD" <anamihalceamdphd@substack.com>

Subject: Chemical Analysis Of Morgellon's Fibers And Chemtrail Fibers - Dr Hildegarde Staninger 2007 - Nano Robots Self Ass…

Date: October 27, 2024 at 6:20:31 PM PDT

To: bbrocketb@bctonline.com

Reply-To: "Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD from Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD" <reply+2hslkq&x3p1&&4143e68a9d953fdb927b40d91292fe8780c0232e16eb8e519d2a2bb7dbed4d81@mg1.substack.com>

Trust I provided enough information to gain entrance - LT Powell

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Dr Hildegarde Staninger was able to get the chips and nano tracking technology out of Sister Keri Burnor’s body after years of being targeted by the V@tican after speaking out against the Roman Catholic Church. Keri was a devotee of Christ and a nun and was sexually assaulted by a church clergy personality. She survived over 10 attempts on her life between 2011-2016. She made the circuit back in 2017 or thereabouts. I bought her CD “Targeted to Free” around that time. I should relisten to it because she gives us the tools to shield ourselves, physically and spiritually, and how to raise our vibration to remain free and unmolested. I think Dr Hildy was a friend or associate with Rosalind Peterson.

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My friend and I were just talking about her. What a story. Glad she is better. Vat is evil.

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Thank you for covering this! Sabrina makes me feel like a normie too. Only we're open minded!

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One of the things I dislike about Sabrina is that she fires info at you like a gatling gun, all the while oblivious of the fact the rest of the world does not know how or where to look for the stuff she digs up, then she just leaves you there without telling you how to make that info beneficial to yourself. I mean...if there's a drone specifically designed to target just you, exactly what are you supposed to do to protect yourself from that? Worthless info if guidance doesn't come with.

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I agree. I did what I could, by transcribing what she said and pausing the video to follow every statement and making hyperlinks to the white papers she discussed.

Now, she says she's moved on from exposing this to working on methods for hardening the human biofeld against this stuff.

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You did a great job with the transcription and thank you for that considerable effort. If she can figure out how to harden the human bio field against that stuff AND teach others to do the same, that will be useful.

Something tells me it may have to do with personal resonant frequency. There has to be a reason for constantly inciting fear in particular. It does change the aura.

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Yes, and I realize that I have contributed to that, because I'm so emotional and that I have to have more discipline, going forward.

I'm still in a disaster zone and the water coming out my faucet still looks like cloudy piss and I might be poisoning myself just helping the Globalists' Genocide along, every time I bathe, so it takes discipline not to be angry and freaked-out! lol

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My prayers are with you. All of this is hard. All of this is designed to incite fear. Talk to your body about what you're having to do to it, especially your liver. It's crazy how much control we really have. It's one reason they have to work so hard to kill humans. We don't just succumb easily.

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Untill drones develop the ability to hunt a target by a specific heat signature, there are things you can do

A galilly suit would help,and you could always liberate your enemy's gear to use for yourself.

Pay attention to videos about the war in Ukraine.

Both sides are fighting with drones and videos on X and Tic Tock about drone warfare are abundant.

Many gun stores sell anti drone rounds for shotguns.

Good luck!

Just because the bad guys have better stuff doesn't mean you can't win.

Play a bit of Robin Hood,

And take their stuff.

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She said that it's not about the heat signature; she says each of our biofield signatures are already known and catalogued and have been loaded into the Reaper Drone AI system and that each US Citizen currently has a drone assigned to kill them that will hunt for our biofield signature, at the proper time

There’s a lot of demoralization going on in her piece, like “don’t vote” and “your 2nd Amendment Rights are meaningless”.

For example, I’ve posted two videos of Venezuelan gangsters trying to bust down the doors to peoples’ apartments but they didn’t count on the residents being armed. In both cases, the resident shot at the gangsters through their doors and the bad guys ran away. So, we're better-off armed, certainly in the face of something like that.

Here are Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gangsters trying to take over a luxury apartment in Denver, as opposed to a run-down, poor apt complex: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/armed-venezuelan-gangsters-are-attempting-to-seize-control-of-luxury-apartment-complex-in-denver/

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Amen ! A few 5.56 NATO rounds will always send gangsters running.

Bullies hate it when we fight back.

🤠 🤠 🤠

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