Burn back better creates plausible deniability and strips people of their property rights to create utopian 15-minute cities. Coincidence? I think not.

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Normal fires even raging forest fires have never caused this much dammage especially to metal melting and vehicles being scorched to bare metal. And what about the blue trash cans, umbrellas and roofs of homes that cannot be affected by lasers? No doubt these are DEW Directed Energey laser Weapons, advanced military microwave technology created fires. They use drones with mounted DEW lasers and target specific areas and homes or even weather warfare, space-based satelites to create and direct strong winds which kicks up the fires even more. They repeat the same scenario's in all major forest fires in Canada, US, Greece, Europe...even the last tragic one in Maui, Hawaii where after just days of enormous tragedies and loss including the kidnapping of hundreds of children by school bus, no doubt for the satanic pedophiles to sacrifice them, the greedy money snakes started to swarm in to buy up destroyed lands and properties from previous Maui homeowners who suddenly became refugees on their own homelands. Vultures like Oprah Winfrey, google exec's, facebooks Mark Zuckerberg and the Rock Dwayne Johnson. As WEF spokesperson and Luciferian globalist member and architect Klaus Schwab has said, quote " You will own nothing and you will be happy." All part of Agenda 21-2030 folks. They are preparing us all for the coming A.I. powered Smart Cities. Total 24/7/365 surveillance, tracking and minitoring. Our freedoms and soverignty being eroded day by day....

How the hell do we stop this insanity?

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S.M.A.R.T. Cities are the GLOBALISTS survival plans - look at one's own City Councils. The United Nations International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives have been enforced in your own communities for decades ...


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We better start fighting back. One man armies, solo missions. Be willing to die or be captured, but start taking 'them' out. This is an undeclared war against us.

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Totally agree.

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You need to see the movie Soylent Green to see how that played out.

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Thanks, I've seen it, but the only thing I remember was "it's people".

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The part about the elite killing their own when they're no longer useful and going after any investigation. You say to kill the arsonist but what about the infestation of Satanic pedos that kill, eat and torture children in LA not to mention their disgusting restaurant?

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Thank you, of course Alena, it should be open season on Satanists.and pedophiles. I said decapitate, but people please, use your creativity.

Hand the phone off to a trusted friend who can give it to a trusted friend to upload video evidence as a warning to the Communists. Start buying burner phones.

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This is from an article I am writing:

Meanwhile, who started the LA fires? Think there were arsonists who knew about the Santa Anna winds, the dry brush, and the empty reservoirs and fire hydrants? Reportedly at least one arsonist has been detained with five cell phones and a UN-issued debit card. I have seen a citizen’s video of a hooded figure carrying a gas can near a fire. Meanwhile, the controlled media say that if arson happened, it likely was “homeless people.” And where is the money coming from to rebuild? Ask your local banker….Oh, there aren’t any local bankers anymore….Better ask J.P. Morgan Chase, Warren Buffet, or BlackRock.


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Yes, that guy with the 5 cell phones and UN credit card was the one arrested by citizens and released by the LAPD while Mayor Bass grimaced at the cameras.

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Everyone, the next arsonist you capture, decapitate that MF. Film it and post it for the world to see, as a warning to Communist infiltrators.

This is war and the necessities of war dictate both my speech and your actions. Thank me later.

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{...and where is the money coming from to rebuild?...}

Just ask BlackRock, Vanguard or State Street ...

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Always the usual suspects, Blackrock, Vangaurd and Statestreet....all owned and controlled by Khazarian Nazi Jewish profiteers!

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My understanding of the Khazarians is that they do not practice the Jewish religion but rather hide behind it.

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You could say that. They masqerade as Jews but they are reptilian shape-shifting demons in human form.

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Demons in human skin.

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Our "tax" money

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Not exactly, its the oligarch's money owning the transnational corporations that these bloodsuckers "manage" to further accrue their mutual profits. These three (and others) have high stakes in the US Military-Industrial-Complex producing and supplying the weapons to destroy Ukraine and Gaza (and Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.), then contract construction companies for rebuilding the destroyed assets: win-win !!! and the plebes just watches ...

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Dr. Judy Wood's investigations into 9/11 are truly examples of REAL scientific endeavors. In her later presentations she began her discussions on 9/11 by explaining that people need to get to a place to where they can "Learn to learn" - a Sufi concept. In other words, a person has to be able to remove preconceptions, beliefs, knowing before they can actually take in what is in front of them. Dr. Wood invented words to describe things she was seeing because she'd never seen such things before. She was that aware. A truly amazing person. To connect what's going on now with these "fires" to what happened on 9/11 makes total sense. Bravo.

If one wants to know what real science is all about, then get her book. It should knock your socks off, it's that good.....

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I have her book. She is a total hero!

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Amen !!

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"It looks like war, because it is, let's get this right, and when the media tells us, these fires are out of control, they're not out of control, they're being controlled. People have to wrap their heads around the reality, that our government is participating in annihilation of humanity, and this is all being run by predetermined programs."

— FIRENADOS & UN-ROTHSCHILD ENGINEERED INFERNOS - Deb Tavares - https://rumble.com/v68qx8p-firenados-and-un-rothschild-engineered-infernos-deb-tavares.html

Nothing to see here, please move on... - https://coronistan.blogspot.com/p/nichts-zu-sehen-hier-bitte-weitergehen.html

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Thanks. Love Deborah Tavarez.

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It's time to bring the hammer down on this J Kabaal. We the People have lots of hammers, but we have to agree to a unified purpose. At least we can agree on the culprits for the most part. The Sheeple are waking up big time because the alarm bells are going off. Now focus the spot-light on the script writers and directors behind the stage.

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You can't 'build back better' until it's destroyed first.

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I see it everywhere. Jews own and control just about everything. Real estate, commercial, industrial, factories, lavish car dealerships, shopping malls, hospitals, banks....In Montreal, Canada with my keen consciously awakend mind and observant eyes, I have seen it all. They allow large factory buildings which they own to detoriorate, crumble then they decide to invest in major repairs to upgrade and increase the cost of business office or commecial space rentals so they can make even more profits while they pay zero taxes and control our limp-dick fake corporatized governments. I have walked into numerous businesses in commercial areas while applying for jobs some years ago where numerous companies operate and all of them were owned by Tamudic religious Jews. I have seen with my own eyes as the rabbi in his black religous outfit monitors all company activities while the Jewish son runs the company and the Jewish daughters control the office areas. Every kind of business from public gym's in wealthy areas to furniture manufacturing and distribuution to commerical janitorial equipment and large grocery store chains like Sobeys in Ontario and even security companies, all owned and run by these demons.

I have also worked as a professional pest control exterminator with a young Jew and I have seen things here also. They always operate secretly. They show themselves openly sometimes without fear in their traditional black religious outfits. When they see a goyim like me, they write if off as he's ignorant. They have no idea how much I know about them and the way they operate secretly. I have also observed them secretly wispering in front of me with their mouth's covered by they're hand, smiling at me with that synical look.

The GOYIM are awake demons....we see everything....money hungry parasitic snakes....they're like an infiltrating alien race of secretive blood sucking parasties, slowly sucking the life blood of humanity. They've infiltrated all the top positions of polical power, business, banking, finance, law, medical, you name it....

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DEWs= Jewish lightning. Burn Back Better

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They're own words not mine....We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.

Maurice Samuel https://www.azquotes.com/author/33207-Maurice_Samuel

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"They Live"

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I am confused now if they are demons, lizards, or aliens

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All of the above. Either way, they have to be physically stopped.

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Synagogue of Satan

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"And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people." Revelation 13:13.

Familiar with wildfire early detection technology. Over 90% of natural wildfires are caused by lightning. Were there any lightnings? Five at the same time? Winning the Powerball twice in a row has better odds.

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Yes, there was lightning. See Toxicanadians comment.

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Nicola Tesla realized that the tower he invented could be used to destroy cities and wage horrific war from the skies. I wonder whether that's what we're seeing. He was well aware that the powers-that-be are primitive and would use it as a weapon immediately, ignoring its positive uses. The power is sent from the earth via the tower into the stratosphere where it's increased and can be drawn down to any target or targets. Joseph P Farrell believes the Great Pyramid was a similar very ancient (not dynastic Egyptian, but far earlier) weapon that was later disabled purposely. But it used the same Tesla type technology, drawing/amplifying energy from the earth, sending it to the stratosphere, amplifying it again and again... and drawing it down again on demand with huge destruction potential. It could literally incinerate the earth. He called it the Giza Death Star and has a website by that name.

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That could be the technology that destroyed Atlantis, by seriously weakening the Earth's magnetosphere, allowing the Sun to smash in unimpeded with an X50 coronal mass ejection.

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Wouldn't doubt it.

They've had this tech forever and suddenly now, they're deploying it, every few weeks.

Whatever treaties that prevented this before are no longer in force

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I don't know.

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These are some of the best, concise, knowledgeable and well referenced articles on what's happening - the important stuff - mind you - that I've seen from a single author. Constantly nibbling around the edges of real causes. My impression, so far, is that I am saving a lot of time and hopefully helping with improving worldviews in my necessarily limited circle. Kudos Alexandra!

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It is my thinking that they did these fires via TWO ways.......


Smart Meters

This whole 'arsonists' thing.....is a DISTRACTION! These homeless/illegals/mentally ill individuals were PAID to set some things on fire, and in places where they would easily GET CAUGHT by others.



Along with all of the others that they are throwing out there.

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A supporting argument for the rebuild as being along the lines of a 15 minute city:

The insurance companies have fled this burn area, even before the fires. So, how are

homeowners going to rebuild; or, how is anybody going to rebuild if they can't get home insurance ? A mortgage only comes with home insurance. I suppose someone who doesn't need a mortgage could build there, but would not having home insurance be a deterrent ?

Thus, it would have to be some sort of special deal, one where the government gets involved. Aha.........I feel I'm getting warm, so to speak.

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Your headline says "The fires of 2020" so do you mean to talk about the 2020 fires? What about these current fires? Did they start simultaneously as well?

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As you read the article, you find that this has been seriously ramping up since 2017. 2018 was also terrible. 2020 was terrible. 2023 in Québec looks like California, which is insane, because much/most of Québec is wetland bogs.

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Thank You FN. We are definitely under attack with high-tech climate change theater. DEWs, NO DOUBT about it. You echo what I've been saying here on SS which is 'government (gov. co.) is your enemy'.

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DEW may very well have been used at WTC, but it is certain that nuclear events did occur there. USGS documented evidence of nuclear fission, and Jeff Prager wrote about it in his book Amerika Nuked. 10 years after, the German nuclear physicist Heinz Pommer agreed it was likely. It seems our governments are owned and controlled by the Chinese and the Israelites here at the end of empire.

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Yes, and controlled demolition squibs. And thermite. They threw everything at it.

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To see what Directes Energy weapons can do see this video that was posted to youtube

—-> https://youtu.be/VWzEzpMWkyQ?si=tF2uDFPxBacOmfvc

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