Look no further than Tennessee. There, they tried to stop chem-trails, but the feds won't let them. These craft have only two personnel on board. The remaining area in the fuselage are fitted tanks filled with liquid death. Only two. As Bill Cosby repeats : "Only two. Only two".
Look no further than Tennessee. There, they tried to stop chem-trails, but the feds won't let them. These craft have only two personnel on board. The remaining area in the fuselage are fitted tanks filled with liquid death. Only two. As Bill Cosby repeats : "Only two. Only two".
I've tried to keep on top of this situation in Tennessee. Though they've passed a law against chemtrail spraying in TN (a good start), they haven't given it any teeth, no way to enforce it. If you know anything different please let me know.
Look no further than Tennessee. There, they tried to stop chem-trails, but the feds won't let them. These craft have only two personnel on board. The remaining area in the fuselage are fitted tanks filled with liquid death. Only two. As Bill Cosby repeats : "Only two. Only two".
Robert Mack
I've tried to keep on top of this situation in Tennessee. Though they've passed a law against chemtrail spraying in TN (a good start), they haven't given it any teeth, no way to enforce it. If you know anything different please let me know.
Chemtrails are real and many see them, daily. But, I suppose these folks have a mental blockage regarding what their own eyes see.