It's not only the right of citizens to abolish the government, it's their duty (according to The Declaration of Independence) "to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

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The Sheriff of Davidson County may have ignited a much needed movement . Government will double down on tyranny to protect their crimes. “Don’t Tread on Me”

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Thats right. Its our duty.

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I agree, WE the People need to defend the Constitution and take our country back. The founding fathers knew this day was coming when the government no longer represented the people and gave us ways to protect ourselves.

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Good news and as it should be. Every county Constitutional Sheriff in this country might rightly follow this NC example of the right thing to do. Throw off the tyranny of all treasonous, fascist, globalist anti-American scoundrels, in every state and county in our great nation--and Constitutional Sheriffs are rightfully the ones to lead the way.

"Make our Counties Free Again." MOCFA!

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It’s about time one of these “bought off by the military” sheriffs came back to reality. Whenever they want to take away your rights they disband militias, who serve the people, and form police cults which only serve the “powers that be”. God Bless this sheriff from NC. Thanks, Capt Joe.

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Behind him 100 percent.

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It is with a sad heart we must turn to this but this should have been done long before now by every Sheriff in America and especially the boarder states and so obvious we have been under attack for years now and it continues and praying for some president of the corporation to fix anything is a dead mans game God Bless the People and every Politician should be taking this Serious

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When you get into these large urban counties like Harris County, Texas the candidates who pledge to function as Constitutional Sheriffs cannot get elected. Instead, we get the DEI types. Get it?

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You're so right, most of us have been asleep at the wheel & now we find ourselves in the ditch!

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Praise God. I’ve been in great turmoil over the complete disregard for the folks of western NC & other states where the feds are dictating unconstitutional policies!

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Time for the Texas heroes of the Alamo to get down to NC & join the fight for freedom

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5,000 likes! I lived in Appalachians for years in TN and often went to see my doctor in Asheville, I love that whole area of NC. One thing I learned is this: you NEVER mess with mountain folks. You're likely to find yourself at the bottom of a well where no one can find you.

And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if "Texas heroes" didn't do exactly that. This may be where "the South will rise again."

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Maybe, those good mountain and country citizens have not been corrupted and still believe in solid Christian, American values.

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I lived there in the Appalachian mountains for years - everyone has their limit. Yes, most are good Christians but there are also some rough, take no prisoners types and there are enough of them to "teach a lesson" tot he criminals who are destroying lives there. I was told this by many of the folks whose families had lived in those mountains for hundreds of years and have always been good Christians. It's called "mountain justice" - it's a place where they don't have a lot of police and most are so far away from cities/towns that police wouldn't get there in time to save lives. Everyone is armed there, including the women and kids are taught to shoot a gun when they're about 3 yrs. old. Those mountain folks are tough people who are independent cusses - they have ways of dealing with people who would destroy their way of life.

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There aren't enough wells imo!

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I like the way you think, sister!

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Thank God!

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I left Texas because they passed a law for people like myself that require a license to make their own living. The new law is about everyone has to get FBI Fingerprints and an FBI Background check in order to keep ones license or to acquire new one.

I had been there for about three years or so and I first went around and took a poll. Are you from Texas? Why yes, all my life, to transplants from all other states. What do you think about the great state of Texas joining forces with the Feds for fbi fingerprints and background check? I did it and I don't want to talk about it, to everyone's doing it, to well it is the right thing to do. Total acquiescence. Apparently NC, the Alamo spirit is on vacation so don't expect too much from Texas. And I'm not even from there.

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Although I’m a yank we do not accept injustice where I was born and raised.

After Ryan Dawson education videos I genuinely hope and pray this is a resurrection the south so richly and patiently and earnestly is due, to restore balance to this constitutional republic.

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I too am a "yank" but I count myself as an all-American and I too stand with our Constitution. I sure we are all on "a list" somewhere but rather than surrender my freedom or my Country, it is going to be, "give me Liberty or give me death"............I'm not going down without a fight but I have no intention of going down either. We are going to win, it is our destiny, but we do have to embrace our true values.

God's promise to us if we turn back to Him;

2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

....and President Lincoln when he was asked if he thought God was on his side;

"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

~Abraham Lincoln

We need to pray and to prepare for anything as grid down is most likely coming sooner than later, to keep people from knowing what is going on or communicating, so do prepare for that. God bless America, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, UNITED WE STAND.

God bless us to be on God's side because God wins in the end ~

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Everything is in Divine Order ultimately.

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At last, I've been on about this being needed for well over a decade, all the way from Australia. With Australian and European citizens long disarmed the USA is rationally the last best hope to defeat the genocidal globalist parasite caste.

With the majority of Westerner being brainwashed into acting more like sheep than rugged Hunter Gatherers.

At 13 it struck that WWIII would by necessity be a worldwide civil war when American patriots failed to ensure that the head of the National Gaurd, the actual shooters and Ohio Governor did not all pay with their lives for gunning down of student protesters against the entirely criminal Vietnam war. Now half a century later here we are, the weapons are blatantly false propaganda, poison filled syringes, toxic food, geo-engineering, and legal (fictional) statutes by entirely corrupt puppet governments and being pushed by corrupt authorities including a significant number of treasonously corrupt Judiciary, who should be hung on the front steps of the brothels they call the Courts.

However the single most effective weapon are the tens of millions of brainwashed weasels that vocally support an agenda that is intended use them to facilitate the destruction of the very society gives them voice to their ridiculous and deluded dribble.

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So so many utterly stupid people who are incapable of clear, critical thinking. We do have a compromised, yellow bellied judiciary and a fifth column of so called journalists.

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It's claimed to be a part of human nature for the majority to be followers, but following a narrative because the majority appear to think that way is surely stupidity. Add to that the propensity of many to become aggressive when their chosen path of belief is challenged, particularly if it involves facing any fears they simply don't want to visit. I have noticed that the middle-class have become more inclined than the working class to demonstrate this characteristic.

Perhaps this represents their belief

they have more to lose changing horses in the middle of the stream.

I equate it to noticing the brake pedal becoming more spongy every time you drive, but not checking the brake fluid level because you can't face the thought of the brakes failing.

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Everything they do is a scam

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That's right and the science and history books were rewritten, we are the loosh,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9ZKVwiJ-E

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Btw: SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) was never given The Power of Judicial Review or Supremacy over the States. SCOTUS created its own power over Judicial Review and Supremacy in 1804-1810. And the very first Cheif Justice, John Jay, was an agent of the Crown. As you may or not know, when the revolutionary Army had won and disbanded, they were given their choice of 40 acres of land (origin of 40 acres), they chose the Ohio valley. And John Jay’s brother took it away from them in his later claim filing. It went to the First Supreme Court, and guess who’s brother sided against the revolutionary soldiers? You dig? Thanks, Capt Joe.

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In my earlier comment, I was para phrasing Elbridge Gerry, the 5th Vice President of the U.S. Law enforcement is a gang the founding fathers warned us about. A militia is to prevent a standing army. “…whenever Government’s mean to invade the rights & liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia in order to raise an army”. Thanks, Capt Joe.

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There was a Texas Militia effort to deal with our southern border invasion and it was ‘ forced to stand down’. Would like to know the details on that. Unfortunately, it is just one more thing that has been papered over and covered up with respect to the public.

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Here’s some details; all governors and Presidents are controlled by the City of London. Some act like they’re with the people. But when the time comes or push comes to shove, they WILL show their true traitorous colors. Thanks, Capt Joe.

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Try not to be quick to judge. This man inspired may of us to follow. We need this!

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Look no further than Tennessee. There, they tried to stop chem-trails, but the feds won't let them. These craft have only two personnel on board. The remaining area in the fuselage are fitted tanks filled with liquid death. Only two. As Bill Cosby repeats : "Only two. Only two".

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Robert Mack

I've tried to keep on top of this situation in Tennessee. Though they've passed a law against chemtrail spraying in TN (a good start), they haven't given it any teeth, no way to enforce it. If you know anything different please let me know.

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Chemtrails are real and many see them, daily. But, I suppose these folks have a mental blockage regarding what their own eyes see.

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This sounds like the beginnings of the civil war where we separate the dead from the living...

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Point taken.

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