May 31Liked by Forbidden.News

Wow, Wow, Wow!! I learned some of this over the years but to see it in black and white just boggles the mind. Haven’t watched the video yet but plan to. I really don’t think we stand a chance against these behemoth beasts. Our planet was captured years and years ago. It goes way begin the WEF, UN, and WHO. Way beyond the corrupt politicians. In my opinion, there is no earthly way in hell to fight this infrastructure of demons that have infested the world. The only chance would be to drop to our knees and pray that God shows us mercy. That’s it. The evil definitely outweighs the good at this point. Satan runs this world. He was given free rein for a short time. Time to pick your side. 🙏🙌

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I found your substack totally by accident, but boy am I glad I did!! Thank you for these incredible exposés.

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Thank you!

Yes, I’ve actually been around for a long time but I’ve been de-platformed from all the major social media.

I only still have an Instagram account because I’ve never posted on it. I need YouTube for the music, so I stopped posting there years ago.

I have a TRUTH account but after getting de-platformed everywhere, I don’t really post there, I just “like” things. That’s why it took me so long to come to Substack.

I’ve been posting actively here for a month and I’m still here but you don’t see my name anywhere as the owner of the account. We’ll see how long I last.

I see people posting spicier things than I do on here, so hopefully, I’ve found a new home.

This is my website BTW:


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Thank you! All that censorship means the info you are sharing is hitting a nerve! Please keep shining the light!

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Jun 11Liked by Forbidden.News

"They also finance and organize organized crime syndicates as if they were commercial enterprises." Ahem... as if? Dot gov has been co-opted. It is organized crime. It's "just business".

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Suggestions to pass on to James (see separate comments on the Black Nobility):

I’m pleased to learn about your film project but found it concerning to hear you suggest that what is happening in Gaza is “not genocide.” I would question the claims of your contact in Israel.

Most reporting on the war suggests that the current casualty figures (36,000+) are a vast undercount, given the mass destruction in Gaza, but we won’t really know until the hostilities end.

The ‘patriot’ media has been good on such issues as the scamdemic and illegal immigration, but largely fails, in my view, on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Ann Vanderstoel (on your program, as I recall) claimed that Hamas “sleeper cells” were infiltrating into the U.S., an absurd assertion – not that Hamas won’t be blamed for a future false flag in this country.

The Hamas militants in Gaza (one of several Palestinian militias) are not angels, of course, but they are fighting an existential struggle over turf. For the indigenous Palestinians – both Muslim and Christian – the enemy is NOT Americans in the U.S., or even “the Jews” within Israel, it’s the colonial, US/UK-backed “Zionist entity” that been taking over their land (West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza) ever since the Six-Day War in 1967. The horrific Nakba in 1948 is continuing in Gaza today.

Under the UN Charter, peoples have the “right to resist” an occupying military power. Although Israeli settlers were pulled out of Gaza in 2005, Israel has controlled Gaza via military and economic blockade (the “siege”) ever since.

I hope you might probe this issue more deeply. Would suggest visiting nonpartisan ‘antiwar’ media: Antiwar.com; Consortium News; GlobalResearch.ca, Grayzone.com; InformationClearinghouse.info; and SOTT.net, to name just a few. Outlets more focused on Israel/Palestine include: Palestine Chronicle, Electronic Intifada, Mondoweiss.org; and Middle East Eye.

Judge Napolitano (Judging Freedom) does short YT interviews with antiwar experts. Al Jazeera does some excellent news reporting. Their film about the Hamas Oct 7 atrocities (war crimes) has been corroborated with further research. The alleged rape and baby beheadings did NOT occur.

For quick overview of the Palestinian resistance struggle (15min):


For concise summary of Israeli crimes against Palestinians:


For an anti-Zionist Israeli perspective (with transcript):


For more about Hamas as both a governing body and a militia:


For a ‘libertarian’ perspective, scroll down to Joe Rogan with Dave Smith (a comic who is surprisingly well informed). 1hr.


I wish you success with your film project.

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I don't believe I ever said that it's "not genocide", because I would never say that, because I believe that it is genocide.

I believe the vaxxines are genocide. I don't have any problems calling a genocide.

Are you sure you've got the right person/podcast?

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Finally found my way here after hearing your interview with Kerry Cassidy. I was intrigued to learn about your film project. I commend you and James for aiming to shed light on our long-hidden rulers.

Yes, it’s important to emphasize that not all Jews are part of the “Jewish mafia.” Jews are among the leading critics of Zionist Israel (and its lobby) in the takeover of Palestinian lands and, of course, are prominent in protests against US/Biden complicity in the War on Gaza.

In connection to your project, the following PDF re the Black Nobility may be of interest, if you haven’t already seen it. It sounds somewhat similar to document you linked to above and features many of the same “bloodline families” (perhaps from the same source?).

This is exhaustive (some 200 pages) and hints at the ‘dark arts’ many of these families practice. It also features glossy photos. Donald Trump & family appear in some of the photos. This does not mean they are ‘peers’ sharing a similar lineage.

I’ve no idea how accurate this document is, but found it intriguing that each ‘House’ tends to specialize in certain areas of ‘crime and control’, sometimes reflected in symbolism of their names. See below for a few tidbits from notes I took earlier.


--P. 44 (MEDICI): Family has “top authority” over international banking mafia with connections to HSBC and BlackRock. Colluded with the Nazis. Name means “medical” (alchemy, chemistry). Family is deeply involved in “chemical warfare,” e.g. drug trafficking.

--p.66 (LUCCHESI). The LUCCHESI-PALLI family are “architects of the Illuminati.” Palli name is related to Latin word Pallium, meaning “a cloak.” Hidden in light. Vatican “uses false light to conceal itself.” Family is one of “highest authorities” of the Black Nobility.

…LUCCHESI family works with several mafias, including Siemen Mogelivich, Russian mafia boss, who “manages” Benny Ganz, former head of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The IDF, in turn, heads Israel’s intelligence surveillance agency (Unit 8200) specializing in “psychological terrorism and electronic harassment” using satellite system based in Luxembourg.

--p. 113 (SFORZA & VICONTE): Families are part owners of various mafias, including Seattle crime family, serving as “major child traffickers.” Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos allegedly involved as financiers. Gates is an “agent” of GAETANI family (p. 15) and Bezos an agent of Sforza & Visconti families which have a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms.

--p. 123 (ODESCALCHI): Family “financed” the Dutch takeover of England (King William of Orange). Involved in controlling “electronic emissions and wireless frequencies” that can “neuro-hack” the human body and mind. [5G?] Has “command” over CERN in Switzerland – influences “gravitational pressure or weight in the atmosphere as a form of oppression.” “Scalchi” refers to scales for measuring weight. Name means “justice.” Chief Justice John Roberts is an “agent” of the family.

--p. 154 (CORSINI). Family “established the FBI” through their Baltimore-based American agent Charles Bonaparte” (House of Bonaparte). Name linked to cor (Italian for heart). Controls the Corsican Mafia (US headquarters are in Baltimore with ties to CIA and DEA). Nancy Pelosi is supposedly an “agent.”

The details on these families can be overwhelming (and contradictory). You are wise to take the 40K foot view and focus on major themes.

Another item of possible interest is testimony given by Alex Thompson, an expert witness in the Corona Grand Jury proceedings (Feb 2022), where he links the COVID Jab agenda (especially the PSY operations) to “families” controlling the City of London. The families he refers to may not be part of the Italy-based Black Nobility but they are likely related. Thompson works with UK Column.org (independent news outlet) and might be a good person to interview.


Good luck with your project!

PS. Please see separate comments for James re war on Gaza. I hope you can pass this on.

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SOTN's PDF was removed, it's no longer there but I had seen it already. I believe mine is even more fleshed-out: https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/the-black-nobility

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"THIS 👍🏼!" as the kids say now.

All true from what I've been readin' myself. An' folks need ta know that "Cabal Soup" is not just one "ingredient" (aka one kinda people ta blame for every trouble in the world from ancient times to the present) but ruther includes a lotta different inGREEDY-ANTS in the pot (cauldron?) from which is control, intrigue, an' ill-gotten gains are served -- Them weenies include members of all supposed faiths -- 57 varieties. Nobuddy is what they seem (Royals are not English, they're Nazis!...an' indeed these "crypto jews" ain't joos at all an' the pedo-priests ain't Catholic neither etcetc)

Never thought I'd see such a "reduction sauce" made of these inGREEDY-ANTS but it exhausts me ta keep repeatin' in the so-called truther movement that folks gotta stop scapegoatin' ordinary "chews" (everday law-abidin' schmoes that try ta do good) or at least recognize that what is "temple" to most've us is the opposite of satanic--it's like moral instruction, mostly borin', a few nice songs, a "sermon" which is basic ethics 101, a couple more songs.... an' if yer lucky--some schecken afterwards (William Greenberg Bakers--UES Manhattan use the most buttah, I have fond mem'ries ha ha). Nothin' 'bout any devils at all like everyone keeps tellin' us who already know they're givin' us banana oil. Wuther on the "right" or the "left" or "stuck in the middle of limbo" (raisin' my hand there...) "chews" are the new "Orange Man Bad" (orange is the new black, black is the new red, an' I think we git back ta Diana Vreeland with pink bein' the new Indigo!) Oy. Folks gotta take off their monocles (unless it's too fun ta be haters--surely they're gettin' sumthin' out've it?)

Addin' too that the other shameful new thing is to attack any Christians (any kind) who dare support Israel--spreadin' tar & feathers b/c many who support "Israel" as a state do NOT support BBGun the clot-shot murderer an' war monger. (If folks fergit the war goin' on --- which is a mess led by a psychopath--leavin' most of us wringin' our hands in shock-- to most chews an' christians that don't want Israel wiped off the map, Israel is a ONLY a home for joos secular an' religious IF things (once more) go like they're goin' now on most camp-pusses--includin' my own alma maters. Thus, that dang blasted term "zionist" (which used ta be simple to most) is now a red herring--foller it an' find at least 5 garden varieties. Indeedy, some zionists are right up there with the Black Nobility an' walk the pier hand-in-hand with Murder Inc. an' all that---BUT the simplest definition--what most normie jews think of the term--has jack-all ta do with the "dark side" or the dishonest origins of Israel that nearly NO jews knew 'bout. (Many've us are ONLY now learnin' this stuff...didn't know a Balfour from a waffle)

Liars all 'round steer the narrative so I'm grateful to RE-Learn history--ugly, warts an' all.

Mister Global's Goal is ta git us all ta hate each other an' (hopefully) git MyGrunts (mercenary soldiers of all stripes) to murder us while we fight. Oy again.

Cain't wait ta listen to it (cue'in' it up now with a steamy cuppa joe)!

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diggin' all the stuff from you + james muchly but (respectfully) I'm not buyin' ms cassidy's double-woo angle: aliens + white-hat-q-hopium -- Killary DEAD? (warmed over mebbe but dead?) I know there's like 5 "Resident Bidens" but duz it really mean he's 6 ft under? Also imho Pascal Najati has gone full tilt nut job... seems mk'd himself! Bein' a bit skeptical here... notta party pooper but some 've it from ms cassidy seems farfetched even for this here crackpot...

A couple helpful links:

1. on 911 -- lotsa historical stuff here--an' the numerology/gematria stuff too--


2. re Khazarians... Matt Ehret seems ta have a good take on 'em-- they are not all evil / satanists / fakes -- he goes inta the history of many who were multi-lingual merchants who helped with Silk Road Trade an' separates them out from those that were dark--but that entire civilization wuz less than 300 years long--an' only tangentially involved "legit" jews... no idea if the rotten Rothschilds et all were Khazars or not... but Ashkenazis are neither Khazarian nor Nazis (as some say)... all "chews" are related. Yiddish is mostly German with spots of Hebrew & Russian--no Ottoman/Turkish which would be "khazarian" -- many git this wrong...

Hate ta cite the most evil jew-hatin' fella south of the Mason-Dixon line but David Duke compiled 12 genetic studies showin' that "chews" ain't khazarians... that set of genes doesn't exist:



So... WHATEVER the rotten chewish bankers are "genetically"--not sure if callin' 'em Khazarian is accurate (?)--"mafia, yes!"--They have nuttin' (gornischt as we say) ta do with the rest've us, that's the one thing I know... An' most ordinary joos had never even heard of "khazaria" or "khazarians"--ever! (We know Arthur Koestler wuz a spook an' had a chip on his shoulder against Israel for not hirin' him--he couldn't master Hebrew brilliant tho' he wuz; his story has been whole cloth disproven, all backed up by Duke's genetic citations above...again 12 studies provin' "chews" ain't Khazarians) I don't believe in shape shiftin' reptiles but the "snakes" among 'em made it hard for the rest of us poor schlemiels tryin' ta just navigate an' pay our dang taxes (without representation too!)

Anywayz--this is great--gonna look to the other viddeoy too with Josh Reid ;-)

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I commenced this journey to identify the rulers of the world in 1964. Following independent tracks, it is not surprising that my overview varies somewhat in focus, and more especiallyin the way the black nobility incurred genetic weaknesses due to inbreeding. Thus the cascade of power envisaged by many historians and observors tends to overlook the reliance placed on front line personnel. The current NWO campaign relied entirely on Nelson and David Rockefeller to formulate the UN power structure and, later, the Trilateral Commission.

Moreover, the role of Meyer Amschell Rothschild and his five sons, should not be underestimated because this was where the City of London multiplied its power following the 1815 financial coup. It is simply incorrect to ascribe power over the City of London to the British Royalty when, in fact, the reverse is true.

Here is where we must focus if we are to fully understand the weaponisation of peaceful resistance, because this was first launched by the City of London through their pawn, Mohandas Gandhi. At the time, many Africans saw through the ruse from the very beginning but too few listened. They continue the warning today but white superiority continues to win the day.

For those willing to listen, here is what happened. The British Empire was in fact the City of London, as was the British East India Company. By 1945, the democide was already a plan and two factors were inserted into the western public psyche to ensure the resistance of yesteryear was not repeated. I refer here to the traditional cythe and pitchfork rebellon that would normally be provoked by autocratic repression. Its more contemporary manifestation would have been the eruption of working class firebrands who would have provoked violence, knowing the media cannot resist the sensational front page pictures and TV footage. This was indeed the technique adopted by America's SDS, Yippies, Malcolm X, Black Panthers, and NZ's PYM. They were successful and the Trilateral Commission understood this only too well.

Gandhi and his non-violent protest was later validated by an epic Hollywood movie and another celebrated the same message from Martin Luthor King. The truth is, their campaigns were protected. The British had aleady concluded that sponsoring indigenous leaders was infinitely more efficient than installing garrisons of soldiers. But more importantly, a movement had to be created that would prove non-violent peaceful protest is a force for change. Actually, at no time in history was this effective.

Targeting academics and journalists, the movies were followed by many celebrated articles and books, and a major refresh was provided by Nelson Mandela. To this day, no academic has realised that Nelson Mandela and Thabo M'Beki were corporate agents.

Thus it was that the mRNA jab first wave of deaths, estimated at 17 million, were met by compliance and, eventualy, peaceful protests of up to a million outraged citizens at each venue. But all left their pitchforks at home knowing full well that the "power of peaceful protest" will inexorably weaken the resolve of the psychopathic politicians, bureaucrats, and medical doctors ranged against them. That this highly improbable scenario was the product of an eighty year indoctrination and propaganda programme, disturbed the certainity of not even 1%, speaks highly of the Rockefeller/Rothschild social control machine.

But it was way more sophisticated than that. In 1970, David Rockefeller assumed control over the NWO machine. The TC was completed in 1973 and then David sponsored Rupert Murdoch to become an American citizen and he then took control of all Zionist media. When David died in 2017, Murdoch launched the media behemoth that in 2021 coordinated the covid fraud and mRNA jab.

Tedros, Fauci, Gates, Schwarb, Harari, and others are targets dangled before us, should the propaganda message suddenly fail. Murdoch is still in charge.

My own litmus tests show that few people in the West will see through the charade.. The West is doomed and by 2030 most citizens of the West will be dead. They cannot be saved from their own belief in their own intelligence.. Conversely, they cannot accept they were terminally fooled.

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Incredible post! I’ve been aware of some of this for a few years and it is nice to see the NAMES of these MONSTERS! Thank you for sharing this.

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man, i'm so tired of this white hat global alliance nonsense. we've been hearing this for going on eight years now. is the world better now, or worse? if the plan is "make people suffer so they 'wake up' while we let criminals roam free and murder people" then that's the dumbest plan ever.

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What's your proposal for taking down a powerful international criminal network that is pervasive in every country on earth?

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I've followed all three of you for years, and you all do great work. Kerry has been doing her work for a very long time.

I'd love to know what happened with American Media Periscope. It seemed like such a promising platform, then it essentially went away.

Being essentially cut off by your family is not necessarily the worst thing. Long suffering is an important part of spiritual growth. We all experience it is many different ways.

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The information is interesting. The guy was too difficult to listen to as I thought he was disrespectful towards both of the women. Too full of himself for my taste. Haven't we had enough of that?

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