With all due respect, I do not believe that Nazis who infiltrated America after World War II created the present catastrophe. In fact the Nazis in Germany were put into power by a much older and more pervasive cabal that I call the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. I would refer your readers to two specific products of my writing produced over the last two years based on a lifetime's experience. As an example, the "real" founder of the CIA was Nelson Rockefeller whose American family lineage goes back a very long way. You can read about how precisely that happened in my work.

Here they are:



There is an entire collection of more detailed articles here:


It was NOT the Nazis who did these things to us. We did them to ourselves.

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It's not an either or but both. The Nazis, and the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire have been sowing the seeds of what humanity is reaping. I glanced through your post on globalresearch and was glad to find Rudolf Steiner mentioned. He was expounding deeply esoteric Christian truths pre-and-post WWI including the fact of reincarnation. The University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies has thousands of rigorously documented cases of children who remember their immediate previous life often in great verifiable detail they'd have no way of knowing. Steiner also gets into the mystery schools, both light, or right hand path adepts, and dark, or left hand, adepts who influence humanity from the shadows. Humanity is presently in the throws of chaos sown by dark magicians. This is a spiritual battle, and must be treated as such.

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I agree with Richard, that Americans need to take responsibility for being asleep at the wheel and I agree with Dennis, that the Nazis and the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire are both compartmentalized parts of the same global Satanic crime syndicate that controls this planet, as laid out in this mystery PDF that appears in the article linked below:

"The Bavarian Wittelsbach family from Bavaria created the Bavarian Illuminati and administers the Benedictine Monks and is also part of the Jewish Mafia in the United States who are white collar criminals. The House of Wittelsbach is involved with Zionism, Nazism, Freemasonry, and the Society of Jesus...

"The Stuart Family owns the Hudson Bay Company and has an alliance with the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach, which is the covert owner of some of the Hudson's Bay Company subsidiaries, which were founded by Bavarian merchants. HBC has approximately $12 billion in assets and has had fiscal contracts with the United States through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871."


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Splintering Babylon is the first place I've seen a primary source at a high level that confirms that devolution is occurring. The former Marine who was interviewed anonymously is that primary source. I'm not clear what the difference is between COG, and devolution, but I imagine we are also under some form of COG as well. Great job on the documentary. You, and James are a good team.

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Yes, the Zionists are non-Jewish imposters.

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You're very welcome. Amazing piece!

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Thank you! FYI- I had a fantastic response to one article I published over a year ago--and it seemed odd. I received over 4,000 views ('Gaza' was in headline)...and I then proceeded to investigate the Substack administrator options more fully. I discovered that AI was learning(stealing my input for no compensation on my end as a creator, mind you) from my posts. Lo! My column is dedicated to revealing the ugly truth behind AI and the Digital Matrix in general! ...Do I feel a bit dumb? ...well--I learned that I could opt out of AI learning (stealing) from my examples of writing and the use of the English language. So I disabled the AI spy option. Since then--my posts receive a much more limited audience. I have wondered if the AI Substack option actually increases bandwidth somehow. Anyhow--I am not the progeny of Microsoft/Apple software geek parents...so I am out here in the backwoods of the AI revolution. Thx for posting the movie link! I look forward to watching it.

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I just became aware that you are in Asheville. I'm so very sorry for the evil that's been done to you and all the good people that live in Western North Carolina, where I used to live. If DeSantis was governor there, he'd be using highway patrol or national guard to make sure supplies were being delivered. There are MANY churches collecting donations for y'all and praying for your well-being.

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Nice! Thank you

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So i knew of the pandemic simulation during Obama lie, I knew of the forced vaccinations in Wuhan 1 year prior to the Covid shit show, I new of the military games and the much earlier 1st case scenario, I new Wuhan was the test pilot for 5G, but i found all of this at different times with pretty good sized gaps i between. There was so much new negativity that pushed me in different directions of research during that time period. This piece might as well have slapped upside the face as far as all of that is concerned it really tied things together in a way that I would call spot on!! There are some things that I question still very much, one of those things is Trumps true colors, I feel like that is justified and I feel like we should all be very weary and use common sense when feeling that one out. The darkness has no morals it’s as vial as it gets, the definition of a lie doesn’t hold a candle to the lie we are facing here. I don’t don’t think it’s safe to assume that anyone can’t be or isn’t already bought and paid for under scary conditions then we can even fathom. I have been wondering where the super heroes are who are hiding in the shadows and are ready and prepared to stand up for what’s right so the mention of the guardians was very welcomed, I will prey and prey and prey that they are real as I will continue to pray for truth to shine brighter than the sun, so that everyone know our savior Jesus Christ. This was put together very well, it was much better than I thought it would be ( just being honest ). Thank you so much for your hard work and your bravery for exposing the truth. God bless you!!

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Thank you!

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You are so very welcome, and really thank you for what you are doing. If not for people like you the world would be in a much more serious situation then it already is. Researching this stuff isn’t easy, it’s scary. It’s one thing to have the feeling that something is wrong and be weary, but the kind of things you find when you really dig are much darker then I think anyone would actually expect. Not only does it take a very strong person emotionally, but it takes a very brave person to know what kind of danger there is in calling it out. You are very appreciated, Amazing work.

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If you really want some clarity on this world or system we find ourselves a part of, watch this whole video. It's long, but well worth the time.


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Where is the link to the movie? Thank you!

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just scroll down on that landing page:


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Thank you!

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I've heard if you haven't got anything good to say that you shouldn't say anything at all....so I probably just said too much.

Thanks for making if free though I truly do appreciate that!

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Don't ya just LOVE when someone starts out their commentary: "With all due respect" ??

Personally, I don't think ANYONE who uses this phrase has ANY respect for the person they're addressing~ they're just ill at ease with confrontation (of any kind)~ yet feel compelled to get their contradictory or dissenting thoughts, opinions and ideations across.

If YOU see a situation or idea thru a different lens than someone else does (which is fine, incidentally), why not give them AND yourself the RESPECT of being forthright by conveying what you feel a need to express, without being an inauthentic, ass-kissing pussy about it?!

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I hope you get water soon, Alexandra. Excellent job on the documentary. It'd be great if Daniel would have you back on Dark Journalist to discuss it. Maybe then he'd change his mind about Q. He's an absolutely phenomenal researcher but he's missed a few things. One is Q, and the other is Ashton Forbes' work.

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Yesss!! Movie night tomorrow!!. Can't wait 😁

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I really appreciated Splintering Babylon. Thank you. The fact that it was removed and that you were deplatformed illustrates a sad state of our Freedom of Speech.

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Love your site, you are doing incredible unbelievable work

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It's about to go SNAP!, KRACKLE!, and POP! For sure.

I might give Kackles a dirty $1 if I see her dumpster diving. MAYBE.

Hopefully they won't be FRNs for much longer as well. Back to gold, silver, copper, etcetera for local exchange. Real metals with real value (water and electricity). And some secure virtual thing for remote transactions.

But I think we go through utter chaos first. The somnambulent hordes persist! And INSIST that we do. Screen junkies GLUED to the Train wreck dumpster fire.

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Oct 13
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Thank you!

Checks can be mailed to:

Alexandra Bruce

Forbidden Knowledge TV

P.O. Box 2041

Asheville, NC 28802

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Hope you're doin' okay in context of the flooding!

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Thank you!

Still no running water or internet but we got power back yesterday, after 2 weeks and this mobile hotspot is working great!

It’s so weird, to actually have electricity!

We really got off easy, compared to thousands of people who lost their homes.

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Alexandra, I am so glad you are ok and are on the way back to normal existence. Will keep you in prayer here. You are doing incredible work.

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TY! 🙏

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So sorry for you and everyone else whose been struck by this! Glad you’re on the rebound! Take good care. SS

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