“ If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore, what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”---Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper USMC

Please stop thinking Trump is going to save you or anybody else...he is as much of the problem as the Biden administration is ..these clowns all work together...they are all employed by the International Bankers!

If you want to be saved...you are going to have to save yourself

Jesus ain't coming to save your sorry ass soul

God gave you a brain...use it!

Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper USMC is telling it like is...there is no crime in self defense...God will not strike you dead for defending your home and family...

It is happening and you had better open your eyes!

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Trump is no savior. That’s true. People better get a real world take on this political monstrosity and realize we are going to have to do it.

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Sep 3Edited

So true Janet...we are on our own in this physical realm, some of may have family and a few close friends...hunker down!

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I think Cooper was much quoted by gun enthusiasts and in gun magazines. He is 100% correct below. It has always been so.

“ If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore, what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”---Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper USMC

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Sep 3Edited

excellent Edward!

Leonardo da Vinci once said "There are three classes of people...Those who see...Those who see when shown...and those who do not see."

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As ole President Lincoln was known to have said:

Don't Believe Everything You Read On The Internet - Abe Lincoln


FWIW One of my fav hobbies is tracking down quote mis-attributions, so here goes re: the da Vinci quote you shared here (& that's been mis-attributed over & over). Admittedly it's a great quote, but it was said by another well-known historical figure.

"No, Leonardo da Vinci did not write that either." - July 31, 2016

Mis-attributed quote: There are three classes of people: those who see those who see when they are shown those who do not see


The Correct Quote Variations

Because this quote was originally written in Italian in the 16th century, it has been translated into English many times by many different translators resulting in many variations. I am listing five variations below, but this is not a comprehensive list.

✓ “There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others.” - Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince, Chapter XXII, page 181 (London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1908)

Translated by W. K. Marriott

You can see why no one wants to attribute that quote to Machiavelli, right? After his death he was said to be an advocate for evil, elite, subversive political manipulation.

See: "After his death Machiavelli's name came to evoke unscrupulous acts of the sort he advised most famously in his work, The Prince.[9] He claimed that his experience and reading of history showed him that politics has always involved deception, treachery, and crime.[10] He also notably said that a ruler who is establishing a kingdom or a republic, and is criticized for his deeds, including violence, should be excused when the intention and the result are beneficial to him.[11][12][13] Machiavelli's Prince has been surrounded by controversy since it was published. Some consider it to be a straightforward description of political reality. Others view The Prince as a manual, teaching would-be tyrants how they should seize and maintain power.[14] Even into recent times, some scholars, such as Leo Strauss, have restated the traditional opinion that Machiavelli was a "teacher of evil".[15]"


Carry on, Liam... & watch out for all those mis-attributed Lincoln quotes too, peeps. hahaha

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Sep 3Edited

Well thanks for this information...I was late going to the university...I started in 2008. We were specificity told never use Wikipedia because of the unreliability of its sources...now it seems that everyone uses it... and it is excepted as "Truth" history is changing as we speak...Someone wrote "God cannot alter the past, only historians can!" This is what is happening on a daily bases just like in 1984. Mark Twain once said "If voting made a difference, "they" would make it illegal." Now "They are saying he didn't say that...I do appreciate your energy in replying to my statement...Thank You! I have quite the library of books some as old as 1800's. I do my best to use them as my resources...Cheers

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Wikipedia is still very serviceable, when the topics are not politically- or financially contentious. Use discernment.

Wikipedia was, for years an open-source platform and could be edited by anyone and everyone – and it was actually kept in check by that system. Wikipedia was rarely the target of mass-bad faith editing until the Trump Presidency.

Malicious editing of open-source platforms, like Wikipedia and the manipulation of A.I.s, such as ChatGPT, Alexa and Google Search (and all -related similar programs) is *the* signature of 5th Generation Warfare and we are living through it right now,

I've been beaten half to death by it – but I'm still alive!!!

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I guess I shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater...and I'm so glad you are alive Alexandra! Thanks!

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History is a pack of lies written by the winners.

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Want to guess who said something similar to that about history?

History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon. - Napoleon Bonaparte

[More like forced to agree, when rulers/conquerors write the history books! Which is exactly your point above.]

And this: History is a set of lies agreed upon. - Napoleon Bonaparte

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".


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There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE.

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I love it!

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God help us all. 🙏

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liam - Your quote made me look up the guy: > Jeff Cooper - American journalist and small weapons expert (1920-2006)- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Cooper - Family Foundation Website: jeffcooperfoundation.org

John Dean "Jeff" Cooper was a United States Marine, the creator of the "modern technique" of handgun shooting, and an expert on the use and history of small arms. Wikipedia

Interesting dude > Jeff Cooper Legacy Foundation - An armed society is a polite society [ ! ]


See: Growing Up Cooper by Lindy Cooper Wisdom - May 2024 - It asked of me just a bit more than I thought I was capable of doing. That was my Dad. Note: To perpetuate my Dad's teachings, the Cooper family formed The Jeff Cooper Legacy Foundation, a 501 c (3).

[excerpt] "My father, Jeff Cooper, was many things. He was a scholar, warrior, author, adventurer, teacher, lifelong student and a connoisseur of excellence in all things. He was also the father of the Modern Technique of the Pistol, a founder of IPSC, and the founding father of Gunsite, which is perhaps the foremost firearms training academy in the world."

"I am the youngest of Jeff and Janelle’s three daughters and spent most of my formative years in Big Bear Lake, California. I was a girl when Dad formed the Bear Valley Gunslingers and the Southwest Combat Pistol League. I knew all the masters (Thell Reed, Elden Carl, Ray Chapman, Jack Weaver, John Plahn) as well as Bruce Nelson and John Bianchi and Al Nichols and Hugh Carpenter and many, many more who came up to Big Bear to participate in what was a form of practical university for learning what worked in the realm of defensive pistolcraft."

"I took both my father’s pistol class and his rifle class and I was privileged to travel quite a bit with both my parents when the opportunities arose. I was lucky to share my first hunt with my parents in Montana, and later hunted in Africa with them several times. I went to many SHOT shows and NRA conventions with them as well."

"Over the years, I have often been asked about my parents and my upbringing and the basic question is always, “What was it like to have Jeff Cooper as your father?” So, let me share some memories with you."

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Incredible information...what a man and what a father! ...Thanks for posting!

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liam - fyi I just got a notification TODAY - Nov 4, 2024 - that you had liked my Sept 3 comment. What's wrong w/substack's notification system I wonder? This happens to me all the time. Maybe they not only shadowban notes & posts but also comments? Hmmm...

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You know, I just show up in the morning, and I go out the front door, and if I hit a brick wall...I make a right!

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Funny. Ya know, I used to believe in duality, in the Blue vs Red dynamic, but then I learned that both political parties are in on the game. Grew up in a red state & live in a blue one now & lemme tell ya, we got skunks & weasles in both of 'em. ;-)

on edit: Altho I must agree that overall the Blue team is breaking records w/regards to passing horrific laws/taking freedoms. Where are the Pubs??

RIP Peanut the Squirrel (another victim in my current blue state nightmare)

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You should read my substack I wrote last nite...it is out today for the non-subscribers...then again...maybe not...LOL


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I read many of his firearm articles and he was a great man and I will never forget him.

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Liam, it’s sort of funny, I was just arguing with my hubby about how the Ukrainian weapons were circulating back into the USsa and into the hands of the gangs. Sargent Bilko smugglers are using the Ukrainian grain shipments as cover. They are also going into the warehouses of some Congress critters in Minnesota. A box of them fell off a ship in Duluth last year while they were unloading.

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I haven't heard this, but I wouldn't doubt it one bit...during the Clinton regime, I think they were selling weapons to the Mexican cartels...I mean, the American economy is sustained by Oil, Arms, and Drugs...I don't foresee things changing all that much...cheers

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SGT Report..my spelling sometimes sucks.

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So, I think that it started with an STG report around 2019, he had on a military analyst following the money. He tracked a shell company in Minneapolis to Amy K’s husband. I have been working on it ever since. I’m originally from Minnesota and have a personal grudge against Amy, having met her several times in the local coffee shop. She made my hair stand up on my neck.

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Well, that's always a good sign that vermin are around...when the hair on the back of the neck stands up...

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Agree to disagree. If Trump wins he will take action to deport all these nasty illegals obiden let into our country.

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what's done has been done...this is all part of the agenda....Trump is not who he says he is...he's part of the big club...

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then if the given wont handle it, people have to. we

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What’s amazing is that so many liberals living in these blue cities are so brainwashed that they refuse to believe this is really happening!!! You can’t fix stupid!! I shared it on one of our crime notice sites and it’s amazing how ignorant they choose to be!! Oh well, we will be prepared if they TRY to move to the suburbs!!! There are lots of gun owners who will gladly put them down like the rabid dogs they are!! The officials here are complicit and instead of responding immediately, they formed a task force! Well we know that will just give them an excuse to take their good all time and let them run the people out!

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You don't understand. It's not that "liberals" refuse to see what is happening. They know perfectly well what is happening. The word "liberals" is only a euphamism for the word "Marxist", or "Communist". Their primary goal is to create so much chaos in America that we will beg the government for relief, which the Marxists who run our government will be only too glad to provide by way of suspending the Constitution and instituting martial law.

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It's what is known as



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How dare you Walter be an expositer of the Truth because you are correct. In my contacts with all races, men and woman of varying economic means, powerful and regular people but mostly women over three decades I have indeed learned a lot but primarily that God exists and is active, the world is corrupt and the Holy Bible is true. In my client list though are all manner of political persuasion and I am sure that deception has captured the minds of many. Started in 1969, and while I am not a Biblical scholar, I have started more and more to study it. MY most recent connection with a trusted friend (all my friends are trustworthy and honest to the point they have committed to hide and shelter me if I ever get in a battle with the damned CYSTem whereby I am unjustly targeted for jail/prison. I have places where I am welcome all over Canuckistan and the USA as well. I dare say law enforcement good ole boys in the USA have even taken to me in that capacity. If I wanted to disappear I am sure I could and none could find hide nor hair of me. Not that the CYSTem would care, their goal is only to silence the Truth that condemns each and every one of the enemies of all that is good. I have lived in different circumstances and places but it is always the same. Pee ERROR, the father of the bastard child turdo current slime minister, is setting up to be a DICKtator and already qualifies for the first four letter description back several words.

I have watched since 1969 the corruption of law enforcement, politics, religion and CYSTem that now is the enemy of all that is good. To be honest, I rely on wiser people than myself and especially the older generations, relative to scriptural realities.

I called a friend well versed in scriptures a few days ago to set a time to discuss my questions. It was a long talk but I asked him about the signs of the times and after much debate I yielded to his belief that the appearing of Jesus could happen anytime. This fellow I have known for over forty years and he has always been a student of the Holy Bible. I have been feeling restless over the last several months and sought his wisdom to ascertain why. All I have seen happening seems to be surreal in scope and definitive in structure and direction. The ONLY Authority and omniscient Power who will push the button is God the Father but this man I spoke to was right when he told me of the coming reduction of world populations well over two decades ago and I had to apologize to him for my skepticism.

I now believe as he does with the signs of the “ waxing of evil more and more” and other referential aspects of scripture that we are in the end times that could start tomorrow or decades later. Nobody knows for sure but it seems all the things that are prophecied as signs have occurred and even the presence of the “antichrist” who I believe is here and is ready and waiting to play his prophecied role. I also cross reference with true ministers of the gospel who preach Jesus crucified and glorified.

I have lost my last elderly man who I would visit among many other older people to instruct me in scriptural matters. He deceased a few years ago and I miss him…two of these were named “Ken” and the other keys to my knowledge Ernest and Geoffrey.

But I could be wrong just as Paul my friend could be but read 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 3 to the end with emphasis on verse 3 to 12.

I am enthralled with the women here on substack and their knowledge but also men as yourself who as well have things in keen view and see exactly what is going down.

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Yup. Up here stupid people voted turdo into power and now the spawn of a commie puke and a hippie mother is trying to be a DICKtator.

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Sadly, these ignorant liberals won’t believe it until it literally smacks them in the face. I guess once these gang members move into their homes, they might start believing what we’ve been saying until then I really have no sympathy for any of these liberal fucks.

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Meanwhile, another well-known gang has stolen the Venezuelan head of state's aircraft and flown it to Florida:


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I know the Venezuelan plane was seized in the Dominican but I wonder if Elon was involved, at all? Notice how he just threatened the Brazilian government:

"Elon Musk, never one to shy away from controversy, issued a stern warning. 'Unless the Brazilian government returns the illegally seized property of SpaceX, we will seek reciprocal seizure of government assets too,' Musk declared. The tweet, which has since gone viral, was accompanied by a biting remark: 'Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial,' a pointed reference to Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva."


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Yes, one definitely needs big trousers to mess with the god of Mars and The Breakaway Faction. There is so much more to Musk than meets the eye....

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Its no different in Western Europe. I live in Italy where for more than ten years immigrants have come over by the millions. An Italian family goes on a two week summer vacation? When they come back home, surprise!! Some other family is living in their home. Even when they go to the police they are told that before they can remove the immigrants the social services must first find them temporary place to live. An elderly widow has an extended stay at the hospital? He or she finds the same surprise upon arriving at their residence.

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Il Duce !

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The entire thing is a world government project. Our government is completely complicit at all levels down to the local police. The UN and NGO presence in Mexico giving maps, cells, food and directions, aiding and routing military aged male illegals, including large numbers of the worst criminals the third world was happy to send, pushing them into the open border, letting them in by the millions. And who are "drug cartels"? Owned minions of the Black Nobility. They're given luxury resources from our money once they're in the country, but they come in such large numbers many become homeless, so they take over housing belonging to our citizens. The inaction of the local and state authorities is there for all to see. And no doubt there was advance collusion of state and local legislatures in setting up the squatter laws in advance, just as surely as webs of alliances were made in advance by countries to cause two world wars as soon as the false flags were thrown down. They ALWAYS pre-pave the roads to their objectives. How many pre-pavings have we had.... the Antifa riots calling for cancelling the cops, the Jan. 6 hearings/jailings warning people not to get involved in any problems, the stealing of an election enabling them to do their worst for 4 years, the Trump assassination plot that intended to grease the wheels of full-on tyranny. The illegals know we're sitting ducks with our protective services at all levels ordered to stand down and our appeals falling on their deaf ears. Could it be any more obvious? Long ago one of their imps said that we would have world government whether we wanted it or not. Do you see how they intend to get it?

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Yes, I read and watch all David Icke videos. I know all about "Blk Nobility", UN & NGOs, WEF, Bilderberg. So do most of pplm reading this Stak.

But right now in SEPT 2024 we in US are seeing the start of something VERY EVIL in Aurora, CO. Need to focus thoughts, energies, support over there.

Pre-pave = Problem Reaction Solution

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It's all part of the same continuous process, which is why I linked the progression of things we know building into what looks like it's new. It's the same old shit with the same old goal. I would say that pre-paving is usually setting up the solution, often before causing the problem. It's all evil.

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Interesting to see that Peter Duke has started writing about The Black Nobs on Substack, too:


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I don't know if I can read it since I don't subscribe. Do you have the title? Is The Black Nobs the title? I didn't see anything that looked like it was about them.

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Please try this link:

"Palmerston’s Zoo - The Venetian Takeover of England"


It's about this lecture by Gerald Rose at The Schiller Institute in 1994:


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That sounds really good. I probably can't get to them until later in the week, but I will. Thanks!

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The term "militia" in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution refers to the American people, or citizens, as a whole. ALL able bodied adults. That means you. That means me. All of us.

The Founding Fathers believed that citizens should be able to protect themselves from the government and other threats to their safety and personal freedom. The militia was intended to be a citizen army, made up of non-professional or part-time soldiers who would serve in times of need.

The government is part of the problem, not the solution. Even though it feels like we are on our own we are not, we have each other.

Better get stocked up now.

There is no peaceful solution.

The Road Is Red


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Also relevant is the quote from the Declaration of Independence, which appears on the $100 bill:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

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Micheal Yon warned this was coming over 2 years ago from down in the darien gap panama. Over 1 million military operatives in country not including gangs. They’re coming for what you have. This is being facilitated by homeland insecurity and state dept through ngo’s trafficking people and drugs chicoms supplying guns here and in mexico. Yon”BBRE big boy rules in effect it will be paid on the spot with blood and cash “. They need America gone we are in the way u better stand up or u will be kneeling at your death.

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Probably bullshit but I heard a rumour that Hells Angels was going to organize a run to go eject the Venezuelans in Colorado.

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I believe they do have a patriot righteous side.

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I just saw one two days ago heading that direction.

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It is time for all the Blacks in the U.S. to pull their pants up and tighten their belt. It will be their neighbor hoods that will be taken over. Total collapse. Defund the police, seems to make sense now. It's now, Venezuelan Lives Matter, the new mantra. Chapter 1, The Law Looks the Other Way.

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Thought Colorado was a hunting state?

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ARs are not illegal. Foreign aliens that own them are illegal. While the intent is good, the narrative needs to be corrected.

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Call out the Marines!!!!!

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Agree!!! But apparently no level of government is doing anything at all!🤬

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All of you need to move into the Colorado governors house. He can’t get rid of you, refer to the squatter law.

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Opened the southern border…..government is evil to the core….ALL GOVERNMENTS.

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I have said for long time they will set it up BLACK vs BROWN. I saw it starting in some protest gatherings in Chicago.

This guy nails it:

"This is what they want: for the country to be attacked from within: 'Black people versus the Brown People': ‘Let them fight it out!’ from man in AurorCO

So that much of the white citizenry will sit back and say, "That doesn't involve me."

WAKE THE FK UP. Get your head out of your ASS.

I am grateful to any and all who go in there to fight this for all of us. Bless you.

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