I would like to know when and exactly how did we wrest control back from the dark side? I must have missed it because my elder relatives are all dying from the jab (because they come from a different time - a time when one could actually trust their physician). The election - should we actually have one - has already been pre-stolen - and the vast majority of Americans are infested with nanotechnology and don't even know how to spell it, much less understand what it is or how it works..

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All we need to do is to wake up a small percentage of the population and the control will vanish like a nightmare in the light of day.

Truly. No one will go back to what it was, when they find out about the missing chidren.

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With all due respect, have you tried to awaken anyone lately? I spent almost nine years on the radio telling the truth and naively believing that once people heard the truth and connect the dots, we would reach critical mass and work to take our republic back. You want to know what happened? I was labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and not taken seriously. I walked away from radio..... it is so much easier for humanity to remain asleep, willfully ignorant of what is REALLY happening all around them... (watch or listen to the late George Carlin's THE OWNERS skit) Not enough people care....<sigh>

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You’re so right—but I can’t seem to stop myself from pointing out the flaws in liberal arguments. Politely of course, interspersed with stories of my horse.

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Tell me about it lol

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Don't be discouraged, Trump and the Military are in charge, and have been right along, they had to wake up the sheep by showing them what could happen if we lost our country to the sickos in the NWO. If they were in control we'd all either be dead or in gulags all over the US, wishing we were dead. Trump needs us to fight for our country, or else we're going to lose it. Sadly, too many sheep are still asleep, I'm not sure if they can't mentally grasp what's been going on, think it's all a big joke, lazy and have their heads up the butt of the sheep ahead of them, or if they're just plain stupid. Trump has said, numerous times, that we're watching a movie, you watch a movie after something has already taken place. There have been arrests, trials, and executions, but we don't know who all is gone. We're seeing a lot of clones in their place. Watch Derek Johnson (rattletrap1776 on RUMBLE), he's been telling us what's going on from the beginning and what to look for for. He's ex military, he's a very intelligent young man. We're in a war for our lives, sadly, innocent people have died, but millions of people are still alive. There are always casualties in war. It had to be done this way. Take care.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

I like Trump, AND I don't trust him. See Dean Henderson's recent research placing him squarely in Rothschild's camp. He filed bankruptcy on a mega-loan by Roths, and part of the deal was basically to sell his soul. The man is a terribly good actor. We've heard for a long time that the banking cartel has imploded; the rats are jumpong ship and turning on EACH OTHER. All the high-level politicians since JFK are rockefe//er minions. Neocons and neolibs, both. Now Roths wants to wrest control, via Trump. I'd love to be wrong on this but I fear I'm not.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

Trump also received money from Pfizer for his inauguration, and brags still about warp speed. JD Vance is backed by Theil who has ties with the CIA. Please don’t tell me Trump doesn’t know this. Trump is not going to save us, he’s one of them. We the people will be the answer, not politicians. We are coming into very difficult times.

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Oct 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Trump has the bloodline along with the Kennedy's which makes him one of them. There is only one Savior. Many believe we are already in the days of trouble mentioned in the Bible.

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You shouldn't expect any man to save you anyway. But he's hundreds times better than the alternative.

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Yeah all you Trumpers keep telling yourself that. Evil is evil, no such thing as lesser than in this equation.

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If you want to know the right perspective about that, please see Karen Kingston substack. Trump did the best thing he knew to do.

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That’s just baloney, keeping us locked down destroyed businesses something a business man would know. But go ahead and believe either candidate is going to take us on the path of the globalists.

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Oct 14Liked by Forbidden.News

What? Trump did not "keep us locked down". Do you have any clue what you're talking about?? Go back and look again. Each Governor decided if they were going to lock down or not. Smh.

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I feel you!

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I wish I could have the view that you have, but I don't. I see trump as controlled opposition and the purported two party system as one big setup. In a country with over three hundred million people, these two are the best we have for POTUS? Maybe I am jaded because of all that has been done to me (and continues to be done to me) but I now believe that America was created to be what it is being transformed into (perhaps I should type "fundamentally transformed") "mystery babylon" of the bible.. We know that the vatican (controller of Blackrock and Vanguard who essentially own it all) issued a hands-off decree for this continent a few centuries ago, saving it for the right time. No other country could have possibly created what we have in the way of technology.. ONLY MEN BELIEVING THEY WERE FREE could have done this.... But now the lights are coming on and we are getting a look at what we REALLY occupy here.... and we are far from FREE..and we no longer go by the constitution.. we are a corporation..always have been..

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Oct 4Liked by Forbidden.News

You do need to wrestle with the old world the system is broken beyond repair instead walk away and create your own new world focus your vision firmly upon that and it will become reality.

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And the article implies Trump was a..sina..ted. But he wasn't. Weird.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

I really sense that we are close to something. What, when, how and where? I guess we’ll find out and hopefully be somewhat prepared. It starts with a prayer and a recognition that we are part of the Divine.

Alexandra - I just read your previous post about wading through this horrible disaster. My heart goes out to you and all of my friends in that area who are facing such a difficult time. If I can help you an any way, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

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We are close to something...the demons in charge want another 911 or C-19...so I think the next order of business by these scumbags will be Martial law right here in America...

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

“so I think the next order of business by these scumbags will be Martial law right here in America...”

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit. But unlike 2020, many of us have wised up to their games. The key is non compliance.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

It does seem that many people are waking up to the fact that the government is rotten to the core. That said, it also appears that the forces of evil are firmly in control, and not about to roll over and give up. I hope the good guys will prevail, but I'm a pessimist.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

There's two types of people. The Stage Three people are Synthetic-Conventional. Their value system is tacitly obtained. Tacit, meaning unexamined. They adopt a set of values that are external to themselves; and conventionally, they join to a group of people who are like themselves so they can feel comfortable and not have to examine or think deeply.

The Stage Four people are Reflective-Intuitive. Their value system is one of having been examined. They use grammar, logic and rhetoric to come to a set of principles that are fair, consistent, and is internally powered.

Examples of Stage Three people are those who rely on their source of authority outside of themselves. Big Government (the Authority) that is 'out there' and external, which provides them with What to Do, What to Think, and rewards them with free money, free food, free phones, free medical services, and a complexity of other free goodies via everything Social-istic to keep them in -line. Approximately 70% of all humans on the planet end up in this 'group.'

Examples of Stage Four people are those who use reflection, self-examination, question and gather information with which to make decisions and listen to their intuition to help guide them. Their source of 'Authority' lies within themselves.

I've found through life experience that those who are in Stage Three are very stuck. They cannot accept changes well. New information that is different comes up against their own cognitive dissonance. They prefer to stay 'asleep.' In our society they make up about 50% of the populace. They are very stubborn and hostile in the areas of economics (usually Keynesianists... another disguised form of Marxism), and politics taking them radically into leftist belief systems. They can be nice when they want to be, but reveal themselves when calling themselves 'inclusive' then turning hateful when others don't agree with their beliefs. These are the people who are still 'asleep' at this late date. They refuse to wake up.

You can find out more about these Operational 'Stages' of life in the works of Dr. James Fowler in his book titled: Stages of Faith. Faith, as approached here, is not necessarily religious, nor is it to be equated with belief. Rather, faith is a person's way of leaning into and making sense of life. More verb that noun, faith is the dynamic system of images, values, and commitments that guide one's life. It is thus universal: everyone who chooses to go on living operated by some basic faith.

And I think you can discover the 'Why' of why so many people either become 'Awake' of remain 'Asleep.'

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Great post. I'm gonna look for the book, thanks.

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How are you so optimistic that we have taken back control? Their end game is so much deeper than what’s on the surface that we the few with common sense can see. These families have always had this world’s resources at their complete disposal we can be sure of that. They are being coached by an intelligence that exceeds our own by an unquestionable amount of time in fact time may not even be the write word to gauge the capacity of this intelligence for all we know. So not have bought the best minds that we have to build the evil with the currency that is there creation at its core, used as a tool to class, plant the seed of racism, not only to pay for war, but as an excuse for war in many ways, to come between marriage / family, friendship, stage for depression, anxiety, arguments, fights, abuse, murder, to not only create unknowing corporations but also the corporations they use as their chess pieces which also helps them avoid accountability I could continue on about the darkness of currency for a very long time because it sets the stage for almost all of the wrong doing in this world and keeps the ones who should be accountable safe because it pays for the law society etc…. . The idea of kings/queens, governments, military etc…. Is also there’s and another possible major factor is that we don’t know how many knowing participants and family they have on their arsenal, remember they take bloodlines very seriously and they have been in power since the time of Cain so we don’t know how big they are. Their favorite Motto is “ the world is a stage and we are all actors “ that being said we can not know how many actors they have. The rothchilds, Rockefellers, royals, etc are only what they allow us to see, what about families we don’t see? Even if the central banks were shut down, they still have the technology. All mechanics of an in organic nature have always been theirs, they needed humans with bodies to build them. They made us believe we needed the technology, that the future was inevitable, they filled our minds with science fiction movies etc. and made us believe that we shouldn’t have to do the work that machines could do for us, they made us lazy, and they made us weak with chemicals which no one will be held accountable for in this world because they make it seem like it was a learning curve. They used us to study Gods design, and got us to build AI while weakening us mind , body, and spirit in the process. So have we really beaten these families? Will there ever be true accountability? How are we taking back control of that? We are supposed to be standing up against it fearlessly and fighting it, which may be starting to happen,

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I definitely respect people who are trying to show everyone the truth like you, I mean absolutely no disrespect by this comment, everyone lifting the vail is a true treasure, Thant very much for that. However I do not believe we take control without the true return of Jesus, I believe the book of revelations says exactly how this plays out.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Here comes some weirdness. I had a "vision" the other day as I was attending to the centuries of burgeoning lies and crimes being exposed day after day. It took the form of seeing all of it like an overextended balloon without the plastic skin. Inside was all the evil, lies, made up "realities," bullshit- on-end of centuries. It was like a snapshot right before the "balloon" bursts from the pressure. It was visual, palpable, visceral. The image grew, was spilling over and then, poof, simply became invisible. Vanished! This was a quantum vision, like when the infamous 100th monkey finally GETS the absurdity. It didn't take up my visual field like a vision might. It was more like a hyperlink in my mind. OK, I know that's obscure, but that's what it felt like. It was very convincing, there was no doubt. I'm quite sure that exploding the cabal in it's totality will be a quantum event, not a physical battle. It grows in our experience until there's a collective recognition of the utter absurdity and lack of reality in their paradigm. The key is not the evil, but the absolute irrelevance to anything real. I think this is what's been referred to as the awakening. It's not about knowing what's happened or what "is", it's getting of the impossibility of any of this paradigm... right down to the soul. And when it happens, which must be soon, the problem will have no place in our reality. We will all be washing our coconuts in a different sea. If reality is a construction of ideas, which I believe it is, when the ideas change, the reality changes. When it all becomes incomprehensible any more it can't persist. It doesn't change by physical effort, although that will be part of it. But when the ideas are thoroughly discredited, rejected, overridden, it's game over.

I had a similar vision in a meditation decades ago. I didn't understand it then. But it was a big dome of ants, hanging onto each other by their feet, sorta like Elvis sky divers. Then, all of a sudden, the grips of their feet just broke simultaneously and they all flew apart and disappeared. I used to have recurrent dreams of being in a house which was falling in, and at the last moment, I just went right through a solid wall and out as the house collapsed. All these are images, I believe, illustrate sudden paradigm change. There comes a moment when the spell breaks and we're free.

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I think I remember long ago Seth saying something along the lines that we were all creating our current reality via mass consensus.

It appears that consensus is being dismantled.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Mass consciousness creates mass events and individual consciousness creates individual events. I do think the current paradigm (thought construct) is being dismantled. It doesn't take the time that a physical dismantling takes, like duking it out with the forces that be. Seth said we're in and out of probabilities all the time, so it's fluid. But major paradigms, mass events, can be over quickly just by the failure to accept them any longer. The Enlightenment of the 16th century was pretty abrupt. Not only did the thought change from the medieval paradigm beginning with the Reformation religiously, inventions also appeared that quickened it, in this case the printing press. What came first? The Reformation or the tech to implement it? Or do they appear fairly simultaneously? Our implementing tech is the internet. Dick Cheney's statement "We should never have given them the internet," should be written on his headstone.

History acknowledges these transitions giving them names like Enlightenment, Reformation, Age of Reason, Decline and Fall, Age of Information, Postmodern, Depression, Industrial Age, Age of Feudalism....These appear to just be just academic historical groupings, but they are absolutely changes of paradigm. Usually they burst through the last age rather than being a slow evolution. Speaking of evolution, species enter and exit with the same speed, a quantum-like collapse of the wave, so to speak. And often they disappear just as abruptly. I've thought before that what we call evolution is actually a series of quantum events. Maybe like the mutations speed up and are quite specific to the creation of another critter whose time it is. The usual rate of mutation and its randomness wouldn't be focused enough coordinate that. I think evolution is also predictive, knowing what conditions are coming. No surprise in a knowing universe. Makes no sense at all in a materialist universe. We now know that geologic, geomagnetic and astronomical events are quite often cataclysmic, very different from he slow change we've been taught. All that said, I think we can look forward to our not having to slo-mo defeat the cabal in a materialist sense. We will just leave them behind in a quantum backwater. It's actually been going on for a while now as things have come unglued for them. I think they know this, hence their "spells," geometric and symbolic sigils left all around like dog scent markings on every event, trying to weave it in permanently. Those go back though, and they have always used them to up the effects. I'm not seeing how that can work once the quantum change is underway, any more than you can stop a tide. I'm getting a very strong sense of this now, when before I was concerned quite a bit with how to outmaneuver or defeat them.

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What came first was the impulse, which I think came from The Knights Templar.

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Not sure what you mean.

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Sorry, Margaret. I was lazy. I was referring to "What came first? The Reformation or the tech to implement it?" I think that much of the Big Picture over the past millennium originated with a spiritual impulse created by The Templars. IIRC, Steiner says something similar:


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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

They're a mysterious bunch, inspiring all sorts of myths and legends. Everything from early financiers to Crusades saints, protectors and adventurers extraordinaire. I agree they were important in the fold-out of things. They still exist. I saw a YT video made by two guys who have high titles in the existing order. I didn't watch it, I just saw the icon. Now you've made me interested to find out more. I'll look to see if I can find it.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, sometimes I think the only chanld info we need is Seth (Jane Roberts) some Carlos Castenada, some ECayce. That "old stuff' pretty much covers it.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

"Abraham" and "Bashar" are also a great channels, and the hyper-spiritual "A Course In Miracles." In a materialist universe, channeling is hogwash. But it's a natural and obvious communication in an entangled, quantum universe. There are those charlatans who abuse it, as in all things. You probably know them instinctively though. They just ring as rather thick and not getting it.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

Isn't the key maintaining a triadic balance between the spiritual, material and the Christic?


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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

This is a body of information I haven't followed, so it's hard for me to comment. I read some of what you sent though. I don't really accept archetypal personalities fighting each other for outcomes if that's what's being said, but since we are a combination of spirit and matter at the moment, might be best to keep that in balance. The Christ is more the awakened state of much larger perspective we aspire to. Or maybe I should say our spirit joins in full consciousness while the material eventually falls away. We never lost that, we just have been in sleep mode for a while. I don't think I'm very well able to follow here.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

I guess it's a Rosicrucian concept. Robert Gilbert has given a few presentations online about it, including this new one, talking with Aubrey Marcus:


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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

This is AWESOME Margaret, thank you so much.

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Oct 3Liked by Forbidden.News

To say we're living in interesting times is a big understatement.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Ww3 seems like forgone conclusion.

Timing wise, jit for election being delayed.

We will be on our own. Chose your course wisely.


Gone Galt

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If you think for one millisecond that the Armed forces are going to bring anything good, when they have been chemtrailing us unchallenged since god knows when, perhaps you need a new brain care specialist. The whole scenario you relate to us is the Hegelian dialect bringing in what they want while pretending to save you from the other scary overblown scenarios.

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It depends on exactly who (or perhaps what) is delivering the aerosols... I have been watching and filming the sorties for almost twenty years and i can tell you that most of the craft are NOT conventional aircraft... They are presented as though they are, but they aren't... if that makes sense. I may not have all the answers but at least I am asking the questions.....

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The armed forces are not monolithic. There are all sorts of factions, etc, in the armed forces just like there are in government, politics, religion and everything else.

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I have been seeing great walls of water since I was a child. I respect Dr Mihalcea. please read


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Oct 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Excellent article. I left a comment about Doug Vogt in her article that you should read.

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okey dokey, just wartched the viddeyo--much of what he is revealin' (image-wise) is known or at very least familiar and is just put together in these nice little "montages" / collages to support his "thesis" that compartmentalize all the evil an' let us know all will be revealed... it's very hopeful, DJT comes out smellin' like a rose. Now that I've wartched it tho, I'm smellin' an onion, notta rose; my seat of the pants view as an "act-truss" is nix--that he's not "real"--that he's paid to read this stuff... that he's a not really good "acteur." I'm not convinced it's even "his" research (could be wrong...). Not sayin' that some of what he shares ain't true (some ain't--but I'll leave that as it is... other stuff is known ta be true) but I'm not buyin' HIM whoever he is. Ltd hangout ta reveal what folks know? Not sure... Heck, I would LIKE to believe it's all gonna come out yadayada but not there meeself yet--an' not at all won over by this fella (just mah 2 cents of what don't sit right with me)

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PS I gotta hot hot viddeyo that's gonna blow all else we've ALL been hearin' outta da water--it covers blue light, the mob, DJT, JFK/Oswald/Ruby, SV40, Castro, Nicole Shannahan!, Bobby Jr. and how the f*ck we all ended up where we are. Oh an' cancer too--an' radiation. AND Covid-Con. No Q needed. Frances Leader shared the link earlier--it's 4 wild hours, I'm half thru--but already I'm'a thinkin' you'll dig this--you & James could make a whole NEW moovie with this guy...

So if that ain't a plug I dunno what is!... (fwiw all he's sayin' ties up & validates a lotta disparate stuff I've heard in bits n' snatches that never came 2gether 'til now)...



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addin'--even if there are no "viruses" his SV40 story shouldn't be dismissed (some dismiss him for just this reason, really?!)--imo it's still jaw-droppin'--it could be a toxin (?) -- an the connection to radiatin' cancers an' to Castro's "killer" cigar is CRAZY--just wow--you'll enjoy I think! (hope things are a bit better yer way with water, shelter, power...)

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SV40 caused the cancer plume in the generation of people born in the ‘40s through the early ‘60s, who got the Polio Vaccine.

Thankfully, I just missed that version and got a 1/5th of a Dixie Cup of bubble gum-tasting pink fluid.

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yup--so it's supposedly green monkey virus 40 an' in the "covid" clot shots as well as the polio vaxxines--but what I wuz sayin' is if ya go by the Bailey's and others that "viruses don't exist" then you have to redefine what SV40 is/was...if not a virus than what was it? JJ Couey thinks the "notta virus" side is too "laydee doth protest too much" tho' he too questions the "walrus" narrative...

UGH the bubble-gum tastin' stuff sounds gawd awful--there was a pharmacy in the W. Village--fergettin' the name--but that was their specialty--flavorin' nasty meds with fake flavorin's fer kids... 't'was a thing... as was Robitussin... that fake cherry had me runnin' in the other direction as a kid--all of it, of course, unnecessary and arguably toxic even if it didn't have the SV40!

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Author

Yep, but I was living in proper Greenwich Village at the time, 78th W 12th Street, near the corner of 6th Ave, between 6th and 5th, next door to The New School.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Author



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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

re McNelly

I agree that we are experiencing a “shift of ages.”

Ppl have suspected the level of child abuse and trafficking. They didn’t really think the priest Vatican clergy child sex scandal was all of it. But few wanted to really dig at that point.

How many believed the ritual scenes of BoHoGrove going on year after year with all govt officials and corporate keys, reps of the 13 Families? They laughed at AJ when he filmed it.

No it’s not some ConspirTheory. They harvest loosh from children for their own power, ego.

So I think what he sez is right on but I’m not going along with DT the Savior. There is NO SAVIOR.

It is a spiritual war.

I love the graphic.

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

WW2 was an experiment in chaos. Although 60 million died, that was still only 2.5% of the global population. It's fun to talk about cornered rats, but rest assured, the Satanic Death Cult wants the kind of chaos that will kill billions next time.

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What they want and what they get will be two completely different things.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

They have done a fine job brainwashing the masses according to their manual:

"The advantage of Mind War is that it conducts wars in nonlethal, non injurious, and nondestructive ways. Essentially you overwhelm your enemy with argument. You seize control of all of the means by which his government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire."

Quote from; Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Many people have asked, How is it the masses do not appear to give a rats ass, or wake from their delusional thought processes? Here's your hint. Turn off the Tele, radio...

Blessings ~

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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

I believe that many/most ppl are stuck in fear. They have shut down access to any alternative information that messes with their comfort zone. They do not have "what it takes" to face such evil. They have been dumbed down, "overwhelmed with argument" They seek saviors, jc or Trump or false flag.

There seems to be some awakening happening but is it too late?

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Yes, this is also a part of the equation - It is many who hope, it is not too late!

Blessings ~

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Hurricane part of the new GLOBAL RESET with all the usual characters...


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Oct 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Check out Will Zoll - Prussiagate.

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Thanks for reminding me - I received it this morning but hadn’t read it, yet.

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Oct 4Liked by Forbidden.News

I’m with you! This hopium is so alarming to see, as people just don’t get it - Daddy Warp Speed killed most of your family but you are still cheering him on?!? He couldn’t stop the Deep State from stealing the election last time, but this time it’ll be fine? And that sorry psyops of an ass attempt was laughable but these dupes eat it up! And yes, y’all are connected to the cloud & the IoB but YAY Freedom Cities! PS - I’m not a libtard or a Trump hater - I just see clearly that HE IS ONE OF *THEM*! The scales have fallen from my eyes...so don’t come at me.

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Oct 4Liked by Forbidden.News

“The flip of the switch.” Is this flipped switch when they bring their network together for erased memories and hive mind? Maybe then we will actually believe we are winning or have won.

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