Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I can't even stomach his face or info of his devious genocide maneuvers against the human race. It so enrages my whole being!!!🤨 However, at least his evil agenda is being exposed. 👏👏

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He’s an evil, greedy, eugenics lover who thinks he’s almighty but he’s nothing more than the Wizard of EGO, pestering the world and lusting over children at his many incestuous playgrounds.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

A conniving satanic pinhead who stands on the pedestal of evil. How mentally numb can people be to have possibly believed he was the savior of science with no medical degree? We know he will be the push behind the next plandemic.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

My understanding was that it was Bill Gates’ mother that purchased the software company and then set Bill up with the new business . Bill was obviously not going to do anything significant on his own.

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Bill’s maternal grandfather was a a Director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

"Bill Gates: Jewish Aristocrat"


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I don’t think Gates is Jewish, the first paragraph is already demented.

But the photo of Jobs’ non-Syrian mom does not look like the typical Midwestern farm girl of her generation. I’ll give him that. The jury may be out on Jobs.

I was at a Paris Review party that George Plimpton used to give and that I attended a few times at his Sutton Place apartment in the mid-’80s and Jobs was there.

He radiated highly-toxic levels of asshole energy but he was drop-dead gorgeous in real life.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, I think Mathis is good at making fanciful connections between names/families; but worth reading nevertheless. Mathis seems to think that everybody is Jewish, which seems unlikely. Having said that, if you go back far enough, we are all related. Nearly every European alive today can trace their ancestry back to Charlemagne - although probably not to Shem! More likely Japheth.

What you say about Jobs is interesting and I can well believe it. Few, if any, who achieve great success in business are people I would want to invite to dinner. As Balzac said, "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime," to which we could probably add "and highly-toxic levels of asshole energy"!!

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I want to believe that endearing smile.

Yuck. Nearly vomited. Must be sarcasm. Endearing? Or the smug grin of one of the most destructive psychopathic beings in existence?

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I couldn't believe the suck up either.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I wasn't too sure or not whether it was some sort of really dry humour! The man is a monster.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Once you know what he's done and what an evil hypocrite, liar and global murderer he really is, especially to some of the most vulnerable and trusting in Africa and India...you see that smiling smugness as added horror and insult to humanity. It doesn't make me want to believe he's something different, it makes me viscerally want to do him in. Crucifixion on the DOD front lawn with Antony Fauci and Lloyd Austin on either side comes to mind.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I so agree. And several more I can think of. I loathe them all. They are anti human and sadistic, and love being that way. The amount of pain and grief they have caused! Demons, all of them.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Most people still think that Bill Gates is a "philanthropist". He is simply an Evil Satanic POS.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

You're delusional if you believe Gates is a warm and fuzzy teddy bear. These are the creatures that hell releases on earth, these creatures cause the pain, misery, and wars on the planet. We have at current an infestation of these vile creatures on planet earth. And like all vile creatures we must isolate them where they will wither away due to their incapacity to cause harm to humans...May the gods help us to rid this vermin from the planet...

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News


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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Fifth richest person in the world with $154 billion in wealth, the murderer and maimer Gates is quite literally the most sickening and effective agent of the evil of the Black Nobility, if not an actual member through some hidden family connection. He still owns 35% of Microsoft. Not surprisingly, Vanguard and Blackrock are the two largest Microsoft institutional investors. Yesterday I received an update of Microsoft's terms, of which you automatically are victim as long as you use Microsoft products like Windows and all the associated programs it creates. This update allows Microsoft the full use of your "content," which is defined as anything you produce, from photos to written and video works and everything in between like email content and contacts. While the update stressed that Microsoft will not own your content, it can mine, use, share (and a dozen other creepy verbs) your data in any way it chooses. You have no say in the matter.

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Microsoft was the first Big Tech company to get onboard with PRISM - way before the others.

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I actually had to look PRISM up. Evil, all up in your face. Figgers that Gates would go for it. For those who don't know:


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Aug 10Liked by Forbidden.News


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Alexandra - your never ending quest for truth is a great gift to all who are either waking up or just coming out of the mind numbing coma we all were born into. I’m so glad you came onto Substack where your work can reach many more than previously. I’m looking forward to the film you’re making with James Grundvig. Films like these are such a powerful statement to set the record straight.

Plandemic 2 was one of the brightest lights to appear in 2020, a year that seemed to lack that 20/20 vision that many of us were hoping would manifest when the New Year commenced. Instead we witnessed mass masking, hyper fear, Fauci mania and a crazy Vaxx dream that Gates, the sick opportunistic fuck, claimed would be our ticket back to normalcy. But Mikki Willis’s amazing portrait of Kill Bill cleared the cloudy skies of such delusions along with some riveting series done by Really Graceful and James Corbett. So if nothing else, we gained an understanding of one of the great supervillains of our time which I’m hoping will one day put Gates in the same class as Stalin, Hitler, Mao and even Genghis Khan. I’ve started talking frequently about this silent genocide which took the life of one of a close friend and several other people I knew. It’s startling to see how sneaky the Stupid 19 monster was able to create suffering and death without the average Joe or Karen even knowing it. So if you are reading this, please understand that this isn’t a time to be silent. Each person that can be moved to question this evil and deception is a step closer to the disclosure that will lead us out of this time of darkness.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Kamala,,Easy Rider..Harris and Che worshipper Timmy Walz need a hammer and sickle suppository,

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Well, I want to believe that Bill Gates will be taken to Guantanamo---or better yet released into the jungles of Africa and let justice take its course. People don't throw pies in your face if you're a sweetheart. And the lie about knowing Epstein? Ha! Everyone at the level of society knows each other or at least has access to one another because of who they are. That "the Club" that George Carlin said "you ain't in."

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you so so much as it's so appreciated. Sending love ❤️ gratitudes ✨and blessings 🙏to you and your family.

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Aug 10Liked by Forbidden.News

When the hailed "truthers" like Willis and the wonks at CHD start to reveal that there was no pandemic of any kiind, no virus, no weaponized virus then we can start a round of applause. The people who got sick were no different than what we all go through from time to time . . . a detox experience only this time it was propelled by the NOCEBO effect . . . being told by every complicit news media and everyone else in the world that there was a deadly, infectious virus on the loose. We fell for it too --- like lemmings over the cliff.

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I find it irritating that red flag wavers of just the past few years are lauded when others did this a decade and a half a go, and longer. In 2007, I published news of Bill Gates's boast that his "vaccines will eliminate 80% of the world's populaton"; and repeated this on my website in 2010 "Australia Fights Back" (URL oziz4oziz.com/); and I merely passed on the warning from others, way more deeply into the Zionist darkness. David Icke was warning the world two and three decades ago and was undoubtedly the best researcher into globalisation and the New World Order, then and now. So fuck Mikki and the multitude of pseudo-frontline soldiers who were nowhere to be seen when lone flag wavers were being disappeared.

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Yes and James Corbett released a piece covering much of this material 3 months before this film was released (but less Hollywood pizazz).

People have goldfish attention spans and info is coming at us like a fire hose, so it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of certain things after your perspective has been broadened.

This is an 18-minute segment of a 75-minute movie that didn’t receive the attention it deserved, because it came out in August 2020, when most TV-watching people were waiting, hoping and praying to stand in line and get vaxxed.


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Valid records, of course, but it was people like Sherri Tenpenny who produced the evidence that all vaccines are a fraud. And, as far as I know, my website's Health Issues" and "The autism controversy" were the first to identify the seven variable elements of autism. We also were the first to call out the 2009 swine flu fraud, the vaccine of which killed five children in Australia before they ceased counting That resulted in $32 million in vaxx being unused. The real war right now is to expose the vaccine fraud industry and medical mafia, but this will necessitate exposure of the mastermind and enforcer, Zionist media magnate and annointee by David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdoch. Exposure of his crimes triggered three attempts on my life and closedown of the new Parliamnetary Library to prevent prosecution documents from being accessed. The MM are still rying to kill me.

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Aug 9Liked by Forbidden.News

I encourage all to redirect your energy toward enlightening others to understand gates and his nefarious history.

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