Jul 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Joe Biden’s Demeanor Is ‘Not of This Earth’ - Trumpet Daily | July 5

Joe Biden’s Demeanor Is ‘Not of This Earth’

A NY Magazine reporter reveals that when she met Biden face to face after the debate, she couldn’t even make eye contact his appearance was so disturbing to her. He looked fake, like he was inflated, she says, and his eyes were empty.

Can you say (literal) “puppet” anyone?

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“Second Skin” rubber mask technology…

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Jul 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Now, now...when you get a cold don't you become an interdimensional senile blow-up doll?

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Forbidden.News

See his video of his speech awarding a plaque to union soldier descendants. When they were on the stage, and while he was handing them their awards, and while they were walking off and his demeanor, was very creepy. The award recipients looked like they were trying to hide their discomfort.

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Jul 8Liked by Forbidden.News

I think most of the Biden sniff-n-feel videos on YT have been removed but they were horribly creepy. In one Biden stealth-ran his hand over the breast of what looked like a 10 year old. She shrank from him but he continued feeling and sniffing. He's a hideous creep and a senile monster.

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Jul 7Liked by Forbidden.News

Those semi-public type of events that are not national news are the kinds of events his "stand-ins" go to, I'm surmising. And whether he actually looked weird or not, the energy around such an evil person would make a normal person uncomfortable whether he's aware of it or not.

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Jul 6Liked by Forbidden.News

All true about Hunter Biden and USAID. The word is that Israel is funding the influx of illegals.

IMHO, HB is there to help babysit JB on his way out.

Who will replace JB on the Dem ticket? The NYT gave us the choices. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/us/politics/joe-biden-democrats-nomination-gavin-newsom-whitmer.html

A couple of the names are new: Pritzker (gov. of Illinois) and Shapiro (gov. of Penna.). But don't be surprised if they let Trump win this go-round.

Netanyahu will be in DC to address a joint session of Congress on July 25. This is who really rules.


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to be specific: USAID funds the NGO's that "process" the entry of the MyGrunts. Now as fer Israel fundin' 'em? NO. There IS one big "jooish" charity called HIAS (high ass!) that does this but the biggest NGOs gettin' the most (even more than Hias) for this dastardly stuff are Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, an' the Church World Service. Jus' callin' it like it is. Now, I'm sure the dolts workin' fer all these orgs. think they are just helpin' innocent refugees (that's who they hire, well-meanin' dolts!), while their well-paid CEOs an' those at USAID know this is to wreck the country... But no, Israel doesn't need to fund this project, the USA is doin' great on its own in participatin' in self immolation!

Ditto: Netanyahu does not rule the USA, he's a cocky a-hole but he's come a'beggin' an' Iran comes first here --ask Obama, now in his 3rd term... YES there are powerful jooish lobbies but everyone sayin' BBGun is runnin' this "show" an' is to blame for the USDumpster Fire is just doin' some "wishful thinkin' " (it would be so nice ta blame a joo as that lets ALL others offa the hook... but in spite of some rotten ones behind the scenes--no, NetAnYoohoo ain't runnin' the show an' believe me I'm notta fan of this guy who runs his gubbamint like a mobster an' sacrificed his own citizens to BigPharma, Green Pass etc.... )

AFAIK front runners Kamala (who liked her Big Willies), an' Big Mike, an' Gruesome ain't chewish but I'll agree Prtitzker is lousy too--that fambly funds the transhuman/trannie agendas... don't know squat about Shapiro but since every gov. of "blew" states is wreckin' 'em inta self-destruction he's likely bad too--but not worse than our HoHo Hochul in NY who ain't a chew... By all means, blame who ya wish but there's a lotta bad fish in this swamp... all types ...an' most of the bottom feeders "ain't kosher"--an' the "good fisherman" seems to be absent at the moment... only loaves we're seein' is the kind the homeless crackheads are depostin' on the sidewalks in all the blue states... jus' sayin') It's ALL "types"... not just one...

re NGOs -


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Jul 7Liked by Forbidden.News

Good points. Thanks.

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yer welcome!

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Jul 6Liked by Forbidden.News

I have no doubt that Hunter is on every deep state organ, no pun. But we all know what drug and sexual addictions such as he is supposed to have do to one's consciousness and attention 24/7, not to mention eating up the hours in the day required by all these boards and CIA fronts. So all this makes me wonder who the handler behind the Hunter puppet is. Maybe a CIA operative who looks like his PA or secretary, but is actually the agent? One of two things must be true: either Hunter is not as lost an addict as they say (something fairly bellied by his own laptop) OR somebody or a team of somebodies are doing the actual brain work telling him what to say and do in real time. From what we've heard Hunter say and what others have said about his intelligence, he's fairly stupid, so he's not brilliant enough to pull all this off. It's just obvious common sense.

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Compared to the #CadaverInChief Hunter is genius on many levels.

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Oh my--well in this new (equally "spooky") "Night of the Hunter" remake, "the Hunter" is still a devious calculatin' thief an' eyes young children with dubious intent (if ya've seen the movie this'll make sense...) but instead of possessing the innate street smarts of "Preacher," this one's got top criminal coaches right on the premises... nice (not!)...

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Jul 6Liked by Forbidden.News

The Muricana experiment has run its course. Only question is are all the tangible assets stripped from the upper middle class on down to lower middle class?

Resounding NO! Not over yet. Cue on into

Fed policy and impending implosion of all the faux markets. Master manipulation of the great takings. A bank holiday awaits as all the legal work is in place!

This article is a template of this aspiring to harvest planet earth. Will this faux duality of East West distraction be seen? NO.

But a glimmer of hope arises!

Best understood as “No Homor Amongst Thieves” . . .

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