C'mon!! Seriously?! NO ONES BRAIN IS FUNCTIONING?????


The CIA.......is AT IT AGAIN!! And all THIS little CIA stunt PROVES.......is that it WAS THE CIA who were involved with Ebrahim Raisi and Robert Fico!!

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Great point. Makes perfect sense.

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This is pathetic and disgusting! The whole mainstream media is against the people of America! Propagandist media for the corrupt government! May God protect President Trump.

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The MSM are the true enemy of the people. The US is not unique. Europe is literally controlled by the MSM propaganda wing of the globalists.

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Much worse than 'childish' and 'desperate.' More like 'evil' and 'dangerous.' Sickening!

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I actually listened to 45 minutes or so of the rally earlier this evening. It was high energy and the people were super excited. President Trump looked great considering all the abuse he has been put through lately.

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OAN said there were "hundreds" of people at the rally. Actually, there were 6,000 outside who couldn't even get in. One strike for OAN.

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Tore Maras once mentioned in her podcast a few years ago that Newsmax was 50% funded by Soros. Not sure what’s up with OAN.

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I didn't know that, but I've had a bad feeling when I've listened to Newsmax that all wasn't right about their content, so I stopped listening.

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If ever there was a message to Democrats this rally was one of them. Right dead center of Dem country and the reception Trump got should have every Dem running for the wires.

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Hunter and th big guy are still tied to Ukraine plus all the money we send. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

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2024 just keeps on giving. A cornered animal is at its most dangerous.

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Reprehensible! It is all so deranged.

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Why would any thinking person trust a CIA installed puppet government in Ukraine? Biden needs to keep his bio and adrenochrome labs open. They are completely desperate to keep their child trafficking operation open, especially after what happened in Myanmar! This is absolute proof the deep state controls our media!!

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The people who believe that the Ukrainians started the war, or the Russians, are the same people who believe Al Queda took down the World Trade Center.

Same players, same playbook.

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Let’em try to attack us. Our military knows where everyone of these radicals are. That includes the traitors in our government that wave Ukrainian flags . They now have a target on their backs. Justice is coming for them also. This is why they hate Trump. Just know that your tax dollars are supporting these criminals and their endless wars.

Make America great again and bring back the guillotine for these traitors.


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I refer you to Executive Order #13848 signed by President Trump in September 2018 which happens to remain active and re-signed by Biden every year. You will understand how everyone of these traitors will qualify in facing a military tribunal.

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this exemplifies how desperate the deep state is now. the alliance is winning and the satanic forces will soon be exposed for even the brainwashed, blue haired ninnies to see.

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Ukraine it is none of your business, you voted for Biden and look at the wreckage of a country you have left and what did they say 600,000 thousand of your countrymen met an early grave....Glory to MAGA.

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Most of us DID NOT VOTE for BIDEN. That should be obvious by now if you're following the election machination findings of the so called swing states. I cant believe i even need to tell anyone this....the election was rigged and right in front of our TV viewing eyes.

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Don't you get it!? It wasn't Ukraine it was your own government. And Trump is a Zionist piece of shit. Wake UP!

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The people here don't understand all of this melodrama is scripted by US intelligence and completely fake.

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Good Lord even the awakened are mostly asleep 😭

It's time to get right with God and prepare for their big finish.

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Biden's new meme king hard at work!

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Totally agree. This wasn't hacked CBS is in collusion with whoever is behind this message.😤🧐🇨🇦

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How much more intimidation do Democrats think the people will tolerate? By now we are saturated and sick and tired of all the propaganda and brainwashing the MSM mockingbird agencies have thrown at us. What Ukraine did either intentionally or not will not go down well with DJT. Their days are numbered and will get far worse if they continue with their threats.

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We are sending 95 billion to the jews in Israel and Ukraine what could be wrong. The chosen ones should have our money because we are too stupid to realized what has been done to us.

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