Force is going to have to be met with force. Crashed choppers can’t perform these manoeuvres and pilot ID is a lot easier when the craft is on the ground.

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This manoeuvre was an assault with a weapon.

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So where are the 'guards' protecting the commodities? I know you don't think you need them for a humanitarian event - but? It seems all those AR packing white supremacists were missing. And that's a shame.

Seems to me that chopper was a bad actor and literally got away with this act 'scott free'.

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I don’t think that even the guards imagined the government attacking from the sky...what psychopathic move.

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We don't know if it was "government"...it could've been a private contractor. Black ops etc

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Must be a way to spray paint etc on the copter to id when landing. How about that radio active tracer stuff? Like what ids our ballots?

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Was this helicopter sporting guns?

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It sent some people to the hospital and caused $100,000 in damage. A gun probably wouldn’t have caused as much damage as that.

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Guns will be next.

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Of course. That’s what tyranny’s do. Remove all possibilities and means of resistance.

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They just have to work it in. As Icke says, the "totalitarian tiptoe."

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I think you could be arrested?

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For what exactly? Verbalizing the very real possibility that defense may be required or are you referring someone who actually may have to act in self defense?

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Assault with a weapon is a crime...defending oneself from crime cannot be made a crime.

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Where are you living? What about the old lady arrested and IMPRISONED for years for PRAYING?? And the fellow imprisoned for years for posting a MEME about Killary? And all the uninvolved people arrested for just being in Washington DC?

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Lots of precident that people ending ppl that threaten life are arrested. Very specific laws and a huge sentiment against self defense.

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The praying woman was in England.

I am not advocating for violence, but every man on the planet has the RIGHT of self defence and defence of property regardless of who the aggressor is.

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Unfortunately, corrupt officials and others use ops like Helene as opportunities for money laundering and theft. We can't have goody-goody civilians interrupting the criminals' money flows, now can we?! Civilian interference must be rendered ineffective.

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As an Irishman my heart goes out to Americans who find the ruling regime (it’s not a ‘government’) now openly at war with them.

I’m shocked by what I’m hearing.

Where are the White Hats?

Where is Trump?

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There are no “White Hats”. Where did you hear about “them”?

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PATRIOTS are around. See all the enemies in Hollywood? The leaks of Jeffs clients? Much more. Timing is essential. The enemy is dumb as rocks, exposing themselves for later capture. Trump must remain neutral and allow HIS justice department or military to do the work. We are not corrupt criminals that skirt the LAW of our country.

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Trump is a puppet for the elites...people got to wake to this reality...

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Not disagreeing with you.

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Evidence? You do realize he is private citizen subject to constant threat of arrest for no crime. He needs to be alive in January.

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You want evidence that Trump is a puppet for the Globalist?

Trump is the father of the death shots (C-19)

He is more than a friend to Israel, he is a Zionist and just another war monger...

Don't get me wrong I am no fan of the Biden administration including his kakaling lame ass side kick...

Presidents of America are there to carry out an agenda, thats their job.

It's like a horse race with 3 or 4 horses running and they're all owned by one owner...That's America's Presidential race...your vote is an illusion...

We are cattle to these people our lives mean nothing to them...

It's the old good cop vs bad cop...they are still cops!

and they just want your confession...politicians only want your money your mind, and later your soul...

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Its is already public that DOD SWITCHED THE FORMULAS SECRETLY.

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I agree--it's not the "American Govt." And it certainly ain't My Govt!

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White Hats ???? Do you even know what you're talking about

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Do you actually believe that a group of patriots would parade around town singing, "We are the white hats-so tell everyone we're here, and especially alert the dark forces (black hats) so they can target us."

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Exactly. There are tens of millions of us that followed Q. As estimated by a liberal analyst. Maybe 8 Years ago.

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That's the timeline I use as well--8 years. Blessings!

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The white hats have troops deployed to the region. Here's the first report: https://realrawnews.substack.com/p/white-hats-and-red-hats-unite-to

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I don't trust that source, at all.

I get Michael Baxter and Baxter Dmitry mixed-up. The latter can be OK. This guy is an OP.

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White hats? You mean regular civillians helping each other right?

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Thumbs up! Thank you.

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Look up real raw news. If you're into the SSP, look up Megan Rose.

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I have blocked this account.

RRN is an anti-Trump PSYOP.

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Real Raw News is nothing but satire, none of it is true, there even is a disclaimer on that site that says so. People don't investigate properly, and end up wit egg on their face.

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One of the best ones told to me by a Qanon type was that it was the white hats who hacked the social security numbers a while back. That was so they'd know how to get in touch with the enlightened red-pilled. (Never mind that they put them on the dark web.) That's so many layers of stupid, I don't know what to say.

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I agree...we have to be rigorous in our analysis and choice of sources. Critical discernment is essential when dealing with any PSYOP.

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One of the hallmarks of the Q-influenced is that they never really investigate what they're told. When you ask for the evidence they produce more from the Q-bubble. One even told me that although she couldn't debate or give evidence, she has sources she trusts. Turns out those sources don't have evidence either.

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'Praying Medic' delivered on very insightful #17 analysis and decodes. He wrote a book on the entire litany of #17 Tweets. Many of the predictions made in 2017 have played out recently[the storm is upon us]--and yet, we all know that some people are invested in doom & gloom; you know--supporting the "Satan Wins" narrative.

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You know what they say...thoughts are things. The trick is to keep them positive, but not inattentive to the tasks at hand.

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Exactly! ;)

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White hats and Trump are working behind scenes, this is war and every war has their secret underground people working behind scenes - just like in WW2 in Europe. They put out info here:


My dad was an admiral who interfaced with media, he told me media is NOT allowed to use military officer's names without permission from military. RRN gives names of officers and hasn't been sued by military, proving it is legitimate. I looked up every single officer's name listed in articles, they are all legitimate with exemplary records. Many accounts of high profile politicians, etc. being executed for last several yrs.

here is another good site with info from white hats IMO but I don't have confirmation - it does have the thoroughness of military ops:


Trump sent in huge donations of water, food, supplies etc. to North Carolina and made appearance in another affected state.

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RRN is bogus. Stay away from them.

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Why don't you encourage people to evaluate sources themselves and use their own judgment? We're all adults and we're all connected to the same God.

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Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.


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He did that to prevent frivolous lawsuits and has said so.

Many info sites do that.

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His stories are too far fetched. If any of it is true, why would he have to protect himself. He wouldn't be slandering anyone, as long as it is truth, and it can be proven.

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You're done infiltrating my comment section. Go pester someone else. C-Ya!

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Some people have no discernment.

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Thanks for that endorsement of Michael Baxter's site. I've been reposting his articles to substack so that people can get them via email - https://realrawnews.substack.com. I have no connection to Baxter and do not accept payments.

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I don't care. He is a perverse Hopium Op, because he hates Trump supporters, so he feeds them lies they want to hear. Please stop sharing those links in my comment section.

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Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.


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Thanks for posting RRN on substack, hugely important!! Another sign of its legitimacy which I forgot to put in my comment is that there's lots of "military humor" in those articles. Having grown up around lots of military folks, I know it when I see it. I LOVE military humor and RRN has lots of it. Semper fi.

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They're messing with you.

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Can you offer some evidence as to why you think they aren't legit? I'd appreciate it, thank you.

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real raw news… well someone wants them de-legitimized !


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I de-legitimize them.

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I suppose the ultimate test of the existence or effectiveness of the ‘White Hats’ is the presidential election.

If it gets stolen yet again, Ms Harris is in the White House & Trump is either in prison or banished to Mar-a-Lago we will know that the ‘White Hats’ are, if not a myth, so ineffectual as to be mythological.

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What exactly are White Hats? I've heard that is a psy-op? I've heard OF them, but are they supposed to be republicans? Also, Trump is a candidate, he is not president currently... The mainstream media has talked about this very little. People say they can't find the video. I think it needs to be shared some more.

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The people flying that bird ordered or not should be dealt with forcefully

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Too bad there wasnt someone to shoot them down! Unmarked, masked up f#cktards, whose to say they werent "foreign interference"? Pardon my language, Ive just had enough of this criminality coming from all directions!

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It would be a suicide mission.

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The last sentence in the Army Manual "follow all other orders intelligently.:

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Oct 8Edited

I beg to differ, the manual might say that but a soldier takes orders, the military wants men just bright enough to follow orders...that manual is to cover the officers ass...

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Thank you for sharing this. I just sent the link to several people. That's INSANE !

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ALL of them!

We seriously need to find out WHERE their Geo-Engineering HQ is.

It needs to be STOPPED!

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Its no secret. German NOAA had a special no fly box near Bermuda for Helene, doing the frequency thing. See monkeywerx on Youtube. Then for Milton, germans gone but US and French are nearby putting out frquencies to push the storm east and chemicals to bulk up the water. See Dane on Redacted.

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EXACTLY Tammy! You are spot on.

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My connection is very slow. Thanks for this info!

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Here is another helo that did the same thing.....

National Guard Chinook destroys $100,000 hurricane relief supplies


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Wth is wrong with these guys? And what was that I keep hearing from Q morons, the military is the only way? Really? Oh but now they say theres a "good" military & a "bad" milltary- omg! Lots of people seem to have lost their ability to think rationally

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You are not well informed. The top level of military is corrupt. But the soldiers are loyal. Name calling only shows a lack of evidence.

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You're entitled to your opinion, but idk how you would ever verify how the soldiers would be thinking.

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The same way you take for yourself. But i have heard many previously reliable sources. Ppl anonymously interview.

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I dont understand the message of first chart.

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Read "Pawns in the Game," by William Guy Carr (Naval Officer) and you will see the history that we never knew. All revolutions (wars) were (and are) caused by International Gangsters Banksters. Proof and documentation in this book. They have a plan for the UN to take control of our country by March 2025! Deborah Tavares has the pdf doc on this.

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Great book Dee!

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Communist revolutions are working-class and peasant rebellions against the authority of the Luciferian Brotherhood. That's the reason the Bolsheviks shot the whole Romanov family: they and their priest Rasputin were parasites who ate Russian children and kept the people enslaved and backwards.

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This is unimaginable Terrorism on our own soil by our own government. What recourse do we have when our enemy is the one who is supposed to be protecting us? Even taking up our own arms is no match for their technology. This is just mind blowing! 🤯😱

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We, the taxpayers paid for the helo.

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The syndicate is terrified of the mass of awake citizens. If they were secure they would not need to be so outrageously exposed. Soon they will shut off internet to free speech. Jeffs client list and Piddlys client videos will crush the elite and expose child abuse beyond comprehension.

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😳😂😂😂 tell that to the Taliban.

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I hear you! Im a little beside myself at the moment.

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They're just training to "get it right" at the polling-stations in November ...

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They have been spraying, heavily in the Oxnard/Ventura CA area. Ventura is to be a smart city and we have been living with mucked up skies for the summer and continuing. They use little piper planes for "re-education/conditioning those that speak truth. Also, Targetedjustice.com has documentation on targeted individuals. They have also lined Gonzales st with patented military laser guns (27 kill lasers in each one). Why?? These laser guns are nowhere else in Vta/Ox area. Premeditated murder on these banksters. Time to go to a bartering system.

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Another example of the Minions Of Satan at work.

My bet is that it was a FEMA helicopter.

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The Supreme Court's 2024 decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine will impact how the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) interprets laws and makes decisions:

Increased judicial scrutiny

FEMA will likely face more judicial scrutiny when its discretionary authorities are challenged.

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Alexandra, so glad you are OK and back in your home. Also glad you're able to put out reports everyday, as they are very much needed. You're a trooper!

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One RPG will stop that now and in the future. MAGA!

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Monkey Werx may know who it is.

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Only problem there is that this one had no markings and probably no transponder, making it invisible on radar. This tyrannical regime declared war on us with the coup/insurrection of 2020, and has only gotten bolder since. They want no election next month because they know they'll lose, and they've already said they won't certify a Trump victory. The time for peaceful resolution is long past. Their treasonous and illegal policies & actions have strengthened themselves and weakened us. And this is just the start. Pray for God's wisdom and discernment, intervention, and resolve people, while preparing for war.

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