USAID Installed al Qaeda in Syria
(Running Time: 2:35)
Piers Morgan is seen here, forced to let Scott Horton from the Libertarian Institute blow past his attempt to shut him down, because his show is called "Uncensored" and it was created because the Fake News cannot compete with everyday people who have Freedom of Information and Freedom of Speech.
Scott reminds Piers and his other guests that USAID was instrumental in working with the Neocons and with Israel in backing al Qaeda in Syria (aka ISIS) for the Deep State's Strategy of Tension to control humanity through Endless War.
Last December, the Cabal succeeded in installing al Qaeda into power in Syria, overthrowing the relatively moderate regime of Bashar al-Assad. Yes, the same al Qaeda with which the US has supposedly been at war with for the past 24 years.
It appears Al Qaeda is a business partner of the defense contractors and the Pentagon and that their business is to destroy the lives and the livelihoods of the people in Muslim countries, the US – and really, everybody.
Imagine a USAID where your Tax Dollars are not paying Hollywood multi-millionaires, like Sean Penn ($5 million) and Ben Stiller ($4 million) and Clinton Foundation heiress, Chelsea ($84 million) to do demented publicity stunts with Volodymyr Zelenskyy and to outright steal from you?
(Running Time: 00:59)
Imagine a USAID where your Tax Dollars are not paying sanctimonious (aka Woke) National Cathedral Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde $53 million to aid the unchecked invasion of your country and to abet the Maoist PSYOP with Trans Characteristics that has besieged your sanity.
(Running Time: 3:08)
Imagine a USAID where your Tax Dollars are not paying faith-based NGOs to aggressively attempt a Cloward-Piven collapse of America by means of weaponized migration.
(Running Time: 00:56)
Non-governmental organizations, like Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service - Global Refuge ($221,645,977 just in 2023), along with the Catholic Charities and Jewish organizations, like HIAS have been the most aggressive human-traffickers of illegal immigrants into the United States over the past four years, as well as the most aggressive profiteers from the housing, cash debit cards, food, clothing, medical treatment and transportation of trafficked individuals, financed by your US Tax Dollars.
What has happened during the course of the Biden administration is the largest human trafficking operation in history, dwarfing the ~12 million Africans trafficked to the Western Hemisphere during the 400-year Atlantic Slave Trade and the untold millions trafficked in the 1,300-year Islamic Slave Trade that continues in some regions to this day.
You want to wring your hands about Boko Haram or ISIS enslaving Yazidi women? Your Tax Dollars are supporting the drug cartels in a colossal slave trade, concurrently with the federally-abetted sabotage of the American People.
Most of the money subsidizing these human-trafficking NGOs does not come from USAID, it's from the United Nations, largely funded by your Tax Dollars. This is why we must exit the UN, as soon as possible.
In January 2024, Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies reported that:
"More than 30 faith-based nonprofits among those UN NGO partners – representing Jewish, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic, and nondenominational evangelical organizations – shows that the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and the US Agency for International Development have been mainlining taxpayer funds to these groups, which then distribute them to keep hundreds of thousands of migrants comfortably moving toward illegal US southern border crossings."
Imagine a USAID where your Tax Dollars are not paying to overthrow your own country.
(Running Time: 5:10)
Imagine a USAID where your Tax Dollars are not paying to fund both the Wuhan Lab gain-of-function research and Smartmatic Election Systems.
Imagine a US Government that's not taking your money to ruin the life of everyone on the planet!
It’s all a game, a thought experiment. We are in a Matrix created by psychopaths to steal our money and energy. For it to stop, we all must become aware of their treachery. I am the Captain of my Ship and the Master of my Soul! “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.
Folks just don’t know how close the Marxist regime has come in America. They are not knocking at the door, they are in the bedroom with you. But you are watching the game with Taylor.