Venezuela Intricately Connected to US Elections
Juan O Savin joins the host of SpaceShot76 to discuss the current situation in Venezuela and how that country is being used as a technology proxy to control election results in the US, along with the elections in 70 Other Countries. He says Venezuelan whistleblowers "were exfiltrated at great risk and expense," to the US with direct evidence of election fraud.
People following this blog over the years have known, since early 2021, that we've had Absolute Proof of Absolute Interference that the 2020 Election was stolen.
Juan reminds us of what we already knew; that Venezuela was involved but that it was hardly alone in the massive operation to steal the US 2020 Election. He tells us about how China had intelligence officers working in Canada to assist in controlling the 2020 Election – and let's not forget Maria Zack showing us how Obama, MI6, CIA the EU helped steal the US Election with Italian military satellites. There was a lot of redundancy, to ensure that the World Economic Forum's genocidal policies would be implemented by the United States Government.
Juan warns that the election problem now being seen in Venezuela is coming to the US and that we can expect societal disruption to be unleashed this fall.
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Main points discussed:
• Venezuela serves as Cuba's foothold in South America, towards their efforts to install Communist regimes in every country there. For example, Juan says that, in order for Venezuelans to get a drivers license, their applications are reviewed by Cuban intelligence agents.
• Juan uses the word "alleged" to suggest that the United States Senior Executive Service (SES), in conjunction with the massive British Defense Contractor, Serco are behind the theft of the 2020 Election, the Migrant Invasions of Europe and North America – and for much of what Juan calls "the mischief, here."
• Juan says that over the next several weeks, it will become common knowledge that Chinese intelligence officers in Canada were working with Dominion contractor employees, live during the 2020 Election; before, during, and after Election Day, to manipulate the vote outcome, from within the US election system.
• Juan continues, "So, if that's true, who's running your country? If we can prove that that's true, to people's satisfaction, does that create a Constitutional Crisis?...If you have an agency of government that is, then hijacking other agencies – who's running that agency? And who are they aligned with, when those puppeteering strings, get chased further, back up?"
• Most of Venezuela's neighbors have shut off diplomatic relations and Maduro's regime is becoming isolated.
• My own observations – not Juan's – as someone born in the US of a Brazilian mother are: it is very sad that South America's largest country, by population and GDP - as big as the rest of South America, combined – Brazil had its election similarly stolen in 2022, in order to spring criminal Lula Inácio da Silva from prison and to install him as President, in order for him to implement the Totalitarian/Communist/Fascist, Oligarchical, "Stakeholder", WEF-Nazi New World Order in the biggest country in the region.
• Continuing my observations: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken each paid separate visits to Brazil's former President Bolsonaro in Brasília to warn him that he would accept the election results and not be like Trump. This means the Biden Regime wants South America to become a Communist Bloc with a vastly reduced population, which is also what they envision for the United States – which is what the Globalists (aka Black Nobility) envision for the entire world, under their control – and they are starting World War 3 to try to make that happen.
• Continuing my observations: If you look at all of the stolen elections and the puppets installed, they are all dead men walking. Lula was a criminal sprung from jail. Biden is a criminal who should be in jail. Zelenskyy is an actor-cum-war criminal. Macron, the former Rothschild banker married to the 79-year-old transwoman, born Jean-Michel Trogneux, who began grooming and statutorialy raping him when he was 15, is a crime victim and he’s criminally insane. These leaders installed by the Globalists are all dead men walking and they're all literally the Scum of the Earth. They are so despicable and it's on purpose. They've been installed to force uprisings, such as we're now seeing in the United Kingdom. The whole point is to discredit and destroy the ideas of nation-states and national sovereignty, in order to bring in their One World Government, CBDC, "Eat the Bugs", genocidal prison system.
• Juan continues, "These hidden, "secret handshake clubs", all the different groups, you know, the names of all these three-letters, that do their little "secret handshake" meetings all over the world, all different times of the year, to control economies and business and people in politics; they're using Venezuela as their, IT Capital, to control the election stuff from one particular vector. They have other places; no single-point failure, because it's very important but in the early years, our intelligence agencies also did that. In fact, that originated with some of our intelligence agencies, in setting up these electronic things and flipping around that way [with Jimmy Carter. in the early '80s]. Problem is, it got hijacked. It got hijacked from within America and it got hijacked from other places. And now, this whole monster got turned on America and they knew it, a year and a half ago, with exacting precision and they let all this time pass. It's excruciating, excruciating, painful.
• Juan continues, "So, Maduro is at the mercy of Cuban Intelligence. Maduro and Cuban Intelligence are at the mercy, at this point of the Russians, who now see that they have to use this proxy operation to maximum effect, to make America pay for what they're doing to the Russian people, in this war that's cost hundreds of thousands of lives and keep the Russian mothers and wives happy and try to do something to get a little payback somewhere, through their proxies. Venezuela's been used as a hopping-off point for Iranian "Bad Guys", who've been infiltrated into the US and are here, on US soil, right now to cause disruption."
• I'd interject, at this point, that Russia and the WEF are thereby 100% aligned, as to desiring a civil war in Venezuela, as well as in the United States. Actually, when Russian former Military Intelligence officer, Daniel Estulin was on the Alex Jones show, recently, he said, "The US needs to have a civil war," in order to resolve the conflicts between the Woke Left, who have been brainwashed to hate America vs the more conservative Patriots, who want to save their country. That statement struck me as more like what Russia would like to see happen. I don't think a civil war between Americans is imminent or necessary. What we have in America is a manufactured Color Revolution and we all need to understand this. If we do, there's no civil war in America.
• Juan refers to the recent capture of the heads of the Sinaloa Cartel, "El Mayo" and "El Chapo"'s son. and how another Cartel has now instructed their operatives in Colorado, that it is "Open Season on the Denver Police".
• Juan also says that "El Chapo", the previous head of the Sinaloa Cartel, who was arrested in 2017, "Turned and gave us a lot of stuff. The reason that we had that [2019] event out there, on Wilshire Boulevard, and...the series of helicopters came in; two of them left with nest bags, which are like a Jiffy Pop Popcorn bag of ballistic material. One took radiological items and went one direction. The other took biological items and went another direction, to keep them separate of the radiologicals for a dirty bomb, to cover the trail of what was going to be done. You'd've had something like COVID, a year earlier, had they succeeded with what they wanted to do.
• Juan says, "Remember Deagel, a lot of the people in this audience are aware of Deagel...were projecting the US population to be 25% of what it was in 2020 by 2025, 75% of us are supposed to be dead, right now – or very shortly – and that plan is not done. We're in a very serious situation, here. Don't drop your guard."
• Juan doesn't believe that the 2024 Election will happen on time, saying, "And what would be a reason for pause? If you have disruption in major cities for any reason – could be an earthquake, could be space aliens landing on the White House Front Lawn [aka PROJECT FIRESIGN] – whatever it is. If cities can't complete their vote for some oddball reason – there's a CrowdStrike angle into the vote count...there's a lot of options – an EMP – and people's vote can't be tabulated, completed, whatever – the mail doesn't work, right – or cause, this administration or whoever takes over on the way to Election Day – could pause the Election...If you have gangs opening fire on police or precincts, workers and things like that, maybe you can't proceed with the vote on time. Something, I believe is going to be played. There's lots of options. Even the people that are behind this, pulling the puppetstrings, they don't know which play they're going to play. They know which plays are might have two, three, four primaries, and then you pick one and you go with it because it fits at that moment. We don't know what that is yet. [Mike Adams discussed the most likely scenarios, based on conversations with law enforcement and military intelligence].
• Juan warns of Venezuelan and other Latin American gangs, that are recruited from Death Row in prison and they're let loose and are free to roam, as long as they kill the people the Globalists want killed. Maybe that's why we saw Venezuelan gangsters freed without bail after they attacked NYPD cops and flipped-off news photographers as they exited the courthouse. Mike Adams had predicted that over the course of this year and the next, that we would see "Organized raids of armed illegals attacking and carrying-out mass-exterminations of police departments," with the systematic wiping-out of all the law enforcement jurisdictions, in order to gain control of them."
• Venezuela has been a major part of the Globalists' election theft operations, via Cuban intelligence. As the Maduro regime collapses, the Globalists run the risk of having all of this come out, so they need to find a way to cover it all up. A civil war is what they need in Venezuela and they can just follow the Color Revolution playbook and use foreign snipers to shoot members of both sides of the protest, like they did at the Euro-Maidan to kick off the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution – which is also something they intend to do in the US.
• Juan says, "If they can't keep Maduro in office, they need the country to go into civil war, destroy everything, kill all the people off that might have something to say and turn it into Ukraine. And that's the danger for the Venezuelan people. And then the street gangs to take out either side. See, they, they intend to use that same strategy here into America."
• Juan continues, "10 million people that have flooded into the country just from south of the Border. Plus other ones, brought in from other places. If only a tenth of a tenth or that percent were bad guys...well, maybe you got 100,000 people that are Problem People. How much disruption can that cause in the country? Crap, we've shut the whole half of the country down over one or two snipers; over, you know, one or two problem children. And then you're going to have 100,000. You got deep sh!t – and it's coming up on Election Season.
• Juan says, "The threat to America is internal." It involves actors in the Intelligence Community, secret societies, World Economic Forum-trained "Leaders" and the vile agents of the Senior Executive Service, who are "Reaching into the operations of our government, our intelligence agencies, our policing agencies, our military, and trying to take us off the rails. And the reason is, because the Globalistas that are ultimately behind it, they don't want to control America. They want the same thing that happened in Ukraine, the same thing they want in Venezuela – and they're close to getting it, now – and the next few weeks are going to be very gripping. And it's what they want in America: Us to come off the rails, fall into civil war, beat each other's brains in, and then, what's left of us will just be clean-up. We're in a very precarious situation. The people in Venezuela are fighting for their lives, right now.
• Juan then says a prayer for all those listening.
Running Time: 55 minutes
(A full transcript of this interview appears beneath the video, linked above).
Ok, I'm going to address this civil war issue.... they are killing us in what could be considered a western orchestrated democide... there is a certain portion of our population brainwashed so badly that they'd grab a needle and inject everyone... our choices, organize and prepare to kill or simply put, give up and take the next injection....this is now entering a phase that quite frankly it's kill or be killed by our lying governments..Civil War??? Call it what you want but I call it survival and the more of us that decide we don't want the mark of the beast, the better chance we will have so instead of allowing them to tout the civil war propaganda tell people, it's a survival operation and if they dont want to survive, go get the next injection... I've had it, 31 fuckin million dead already from the injection globally???? What is it going to take?? For people to realize it's about survival & protecting loved it civil war all a person wants to but this I say to them, bring it!!!! I'm fuckin ready..
The pre-planned fall of the USA has always been a part of the NWO Agenda. What most Americans, however, still don't understand is that it won't come about because of some "imaginary overseas enemies". No. It will be our own political leaders who no longer work for their "constituents". But who sold their souls to the NWO a long time ago.