Ok, I'm going to address this civil war issue.... they are killing us in what could be considered a western orchestrated democide... there is a certain portion of our population brainwashed so badly that they'd grab a needle and inject everyone... our choices, organize and prepare to kill or simply put, give up and take the next injection....this is now entering a phase that quite frankly it's kill or be killed by our lying governments..Civil War??? Call it what you want but I call it survival and the more of us that decide we don't want the mark of the beast, the better chance we will have so instead of allowing them to tout the civil war propaganda tell people, it's a survival operation and if they dont want to survive, go get the next injection... I've had it, 31 fuckin million dead already from the injection globally???? What is it going to take?? For people to realize it's about survival & protecting loved ones...call it civil war all a person wants to but this I say to them, bring it!!!! I'm fuckin ready..

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The pre-planned fall of the USA has always been a part of the NWO Agenda. What most Americans, however, still don't understand is that it won't come about because of some "imaginary overseas enemies". No. It will be our own political leaders who no longer work for their "constituents". But who sold their souls to the NWO a long time ago.

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They (rhe masses) won't ever realize. That train left the station. Pineal Glands are frozen with fluoride and decades of pharmaceuticals/anti depressants. We live among true zombies and they are now programmable walking antennas. Walking dead.

We must not engage in the simulacrum and it won't be easy- they (puppet masters) have established control from every angle. They played the long game while we were all seduced by the next shiny thing...

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Yes, I'm afraid that there is little hope if any of saving this similacrum world of trial and testing. If it could be saved then sometime in the past 6000 years it would have been done. We can make it a bit better through our influence. Always, at least for ourselves and those close to us. This has been done, and there is a Power that will continue to provide that assistance, but we the awakening ones are just passing through. Through our relationship with Truth, the Divine Presence that is within us always, we can find protection and a safe path if we trust in It.

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Recently, I came across this man, https://youtu.be/T0v6aYX_PFI and thought perhaps you would be the right person to pass this along to. My thought is this, if you have a few (40mins) to view this video, perhaps we can further this truth together. https://orsja.org/ronvrooman38@gmail.com By now we should, all realize “ they” are all about the torcher, killing and incarcerating of us.

Once you have a preponderance of evidence stop looking for more and take action. You can still read about 9/11 where 3000 were sacrificed. It does not get the job done. ALTHOUGH, We have found a way. There may be other ways but this works. People are assembling on every state. Many are do-gooders; agent provocateurs; controlled opposition; charlatans and the like. We need Jural Assemblies with one goal returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon from de facto to de jure November 2022. It took us 4.5 years at 1 step at a time to go from 6 founders to several hundred on Oregon. There may be other ways. However, this works and it can be done in 30 days. Everyone that reads this already knows 50% more than you need to. It is time to take action. Keep it in your state as the feds look for people that cross pollinate in others states.. Charlie prepared a packet to get you started. Each state, commonwealth and territory is different. Remember we are dealing with over 160 years of organized crime and they do not want to let this go. Every state from Kansas on is color of law. The perpetual Union was broke the second time December 24 1860 when South Carolina seceded. We lost "original jurisdiction" and got color of law then and martial law/Lieber code March 1861. DJT added FEMA. Ex parte Milligan removes those issues. With full faith and credit governing law is established in this document at this time to be: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union; Oregon’s Original Constitutions circa 1859, and The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. And ORCP 20A; Clearfield Doctrine; Accardi Doctrine; ex parte Young; ex parte Milligan; McCarran Walters Act 1952; Judiciary Act 1789-Sec 32; Judgment Nihil Dicit are all specifically called into this document. They are all governing law, which must be accepted. The current 13th and 14th amendments are bogus and must be rejected. Take Heed of the Blackstone Commentaries. The DOJ is agent to the entity responsible for the enumerated requirements of Article III, the one supreme Court that must claim original jurisdiction to be a court I would consider to have jurisdiction when found in conjunction with Amendment VII Court… The DOJ has failed miserably in their responsibility. ..We must do it ourselves. We define the words we use. We decide our method of communication. Each of the 33 states were flipped after 1906. Oregon was flipped into de facto November 8, 1910. If you are just a reader or one that needs a seminar or to buy a membership and be part of a larger group where someone else carries the load and you pay dues or follow along. This is not for you. You come later when it is time to climb on the band wagon and ride. https://www.orsja.org/; https://www.orsja.org/; https://orsja.org/ronvrooman38@gmail.com Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

Blessings ~

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Thank you. I do need to learn more about this.

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I was in Curaçao in 2012 during US “sanctions” on Venzuelan oil, and talked to the locals. Venezuela sent their crude to Curaçao who refined it (huge refineries at the port) and US bought the refined stuff from them. Typical bullshit that goes on for any “sanctioned” country.

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The wef is watching all this "angrier world" closely. Soon the one world gov will swoop in with all the answers to the pleas for help restoring order.

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What's going on in England now is just what these demons had in mind all along. Problem, reaction, solution. Loss of rights and excuse for major clampdown with "justified" violence.

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I have direct family in Southport right now. They live there. They're expecting "curfews" which we all know here are going to be Marshal Law. And that POS Tommy Robinson/Stephen Lennon has been contracted to stoke the fire and create hatred to further the divide and conquer agenda

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Sad, they just keep playing the same old tired pattern and it just keeps working for sleeping humans.

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I have given up screaming from my rooftop to my loved ones. I've lost a daughter and teenage grand daughter to the woke, most of my immediate family and extended to the jab, whether death or injury. from it. I'm gutted. I fired myself from the most amazing and rewarding job working in a retirement home before even the jab mandates started here. It was the masking and shoving a stick up my nose every week that I refused.

And now I float around SS preaching to the choir, all nice and corraled like tptb want.

I'm am grateful though for the fact that my husband and love of my life for almost 35 years is on not only the same page as me, but the exact paragraph too.

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I feel for you Toxicanadian, I'm sure most of us on this channel are experiencing mostly the same. You are very lucky to have a real soul mate. Sadly it will take more than sincere words from people like us to wake them up. The human tolerance for pain from following the herd blindly is very great but fortunately not endless. Some will have to go through this same course again before joining us in a better world.

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My brother lived in London for 35 years and he says that the UK's new PM, Keir Starmer made his legal career defending pedophiles and now, he's been deployed to mete out the Death Blow to his country. Note Starmer's total lack of acknowledgement as to the cause of the rioting and how the police will only protect the replacements. Serco, like Juan says. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serco

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Yeah, pretty easy to sort out who is playing on which side, life and love, or death and hatred. The sad ones are the many who go along, not through malice but blind stupidity and belief in their own powerlessness.

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Always "over the target" and the best info regarding what is really going on in our dark world. Thanks AB!

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Creator bless- you are most welcome!

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Now you see why the parasites built their lux bunkers.

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That 'Juan' dude.....I do NOT trust him! My gut says that he is a POS puppet that is 'On the Globalists Payroll'.

I have NEVER been wrong, when 'my gut' tells me NOT to trust someone; that someone does NOT have our best interests. NEVER wrong in that judgment of someone.

I HAVE been WRONG the other way......TRUSTING someone, and they turned out to be a POS Con Artist. That has happened quite a few times.

But NEVER wrong when my initial 'gut' tells me.......'THIS individual is EVIL!'.

I know that others don't know me, so take it for what it's worth.

(FYI: I 'Took The Red Pill'/'Went Down The Rabbit Hole' 30+ years ago. I'm what they call, 'Seasoned'.)

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What, do you think I'm stupid?

Yes, he worked in SAPs and he gloats about it, which is a bit distasteful but he's added some interesting new details that I hadn't heard before and which sound correct, seen in the bullet points I made.

Did you read what I wrote or drill down on any of the hyperlinks I put in?

This is not constructive criticism. Don't kill the messenger.

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I never said that you were stupid, Alex! I was commenting that I don't trust that Slime-ball, is all. :)

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I’m with you on this one! Haven’t trusted a word out of his mouth since day 1. Nothing he says/said has come anywhere near to being true or happening.

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He's a Slime-ball; COVERED in SLIME!


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I feel and have always felt exactly the same about him. When he first came on the scene, he said" Biden will never be President". They will cheat, but he will never be President, Trump will win. He proceeded to make podcast appearances, (well his feet and voice did)telling his salacious stories about the obelisks and Osiris, that he seem to get off on. Then started writing books and making videos with his ridiculous style of "intel", which NO ONE has btw, but has profited quite well in his endeavors, though most of his early "predictions" were wrong. Why is anyone listening to this guy. He us the epitome of a grifter. Donald Trump told us on the day he was inaugurated, that NO ONE would know what the military was doing before they did it, ever again. So why does Juan continue to pretend he's sharing intel or any inside info? Because he's making money off it! The only thing I know for sure are all the laws and orders that are written down, and I can see them playing out. It is all written, if people would just go and read them all the truth on on .gov and .mil sites.

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Very interesting article but what is missing is the "elephant in the room!" Juan doesn't speak a word about Learsi's (think backward) involvement in this, AIPAC control of politicians, Zionists rulers everywhere including recently in Mexico, bankers ties to this, media controlling the spin, which all have a common group of Elohim Worship Cult involved. It's no wonder Clif High flushed out '107' awhile back.

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Unless I missed it, but no one here has named the actual enemy yet, so here's my summary on it - What say we broaden the perspective by asking questions?

Why is this happening?

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2024/06/why-are-white-nations-being-targeted.html?m=0 - takes some reading of serious history.

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He is part of Qanon slop. Wait for the plan.

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