Canada may not become the 51st State but, I bet most Canadians will be begging for it in a year or so.

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I agree that brings us back in the direction when they attempted the NAU.

The leaders involved in the proposed "NAU" (North American Union) were primarily U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, who discussed greater cooperation on security and economic issues.



That should tell you enough, harder to find info these days except those that follow the narrative or debunk the rest as conspiracy, like most things they don't want us to know about.

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They did more than "attempt" the NAU, didn't they? Biden signed and appears to have implemented "The Declaration of North America" (10Jan23), which Trump appears to have removed from the WH website:


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I'm not so sure any actual significant documents were signed as all I see on the WH website is Declaration, and these have been continued meetings since the NAU under a new name North American Leaders Summit NALDS since Obama.

Here's some info with more details on it outside of your link


Not surprisingly this PDF link in the same search from Congress fails to load, so that makes one wonder but still no confirmation of a signed treaty as that's usually how they tend to by pass Congress.


I did a search at the CRS site without the product info and got these results for 2023 Norht American Leaders Summit as stated from the WH document

lot's of interesting documents (maybe unless they don't download either), but it shows up on the 2nd page of which there are only 2, and ends with the same result Error to download pdf? hmmmm


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Thanks for your research work..hang in.

We need more people like you who have the tenacity to do this.

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Many do better research than me, but thank you as every little bit helps.

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Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to convert each Canadian province into a US state (ie, ten new states)? I know Trump was probably trying to insult Canada by suggesting that it was only worth one US state; but uniting all or part of Canada with the US is an old idea which now appears to be gaining more traction than in the past?

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I don't like the language Trump is using. How hideous it must sound to Canadians. But given how Chinese crime gangs have taken over the country and Carney appears to be a last gasp from the Crown, trying to hang on to the territory, Canadians now may fully grasp that they are the Monarchy of Canada (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada) and part of the British Commonwealth and not a full-blown country, like the US or Mexico. This strange, hazy state of affairs has been allowed to persist for centuries.

Canadians now find themselves in a destabilized position and something radical is about to happen.

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Yes, agreed!

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It they gave the States the same Sovereignty as provided intitally to our States before they all became corportized after the Civil War, but we no longer have it except as State Nationals somewhat while in the process of reclaiming thour TASA. So what would be the incentives to consolidate, other than get away form the Brits, and they've had a foothold here since the 1789 Constitution as a subcontrator as the British Territorial Governement.

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I guess the incentives would be the usual ones: power, control and money. It wouldn't get anyone away from the "Brits" though because all the NATO/Five-Eyes countries, Israel, Ukraine and others are already controlled by the same group. It would be a re-structuring. British monarchs since the so-called "Glorious" Revolution of 1688 have been their puppets.

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yes and the way this so called election went, it would be just as easy to accomplish. Not sure if you've read the protocols but it seems like closer and closer to end game.

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Trump has already declared publically that it is no longer The Corporation of the United States of America.

Download the Telegram app and just read the official govt channels and see the news that every psychic and their dog is reporting on over on rumble and bitchute and yootoob.

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Not so sure there are any Official U.S. Governement channels on Telegram, and it would require an offical statement more of less. The American States Assembly has sued both entities and through the Vatican in International court in the Air Jurisdiction they reside, and it is said that both entities have been floundering in bankruptcy since 2015, with one officailly under which would be the Congressional side, and the United States is Executive side/Trump is still battling to hang on to it's status and stay afloat. I've seen the public notices, but not the offical documents, I am a documented Minnesota State National and follow the information released.

"While the CIA and some US Embassies use Telegram, it's primarily for specialized communications, not general US government information. The Immigrant Visa Unit at the U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi, for example, uses a Telegram channel for visa updates."


From a search on usa.gov the CIA one above and the rest pretty much all scam investigatipons


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Thanks for that bit of background KellyG.

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Gladly Tara, it's not surprising the CIA is on telegram as they're embeded on every other social media site and in tech in general so we found out,.

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You are so naive .

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Another former Goldman Sachs person gets to run a country without the consent of the people? I live in Italy and we've been "blessed" to have a number of goldman sachs "paesanos" rule the country without receiving a single vote. Romano Prodi, Mario Monte, Gianni Letta and Mario Draghi. And the truth is the actual current Italian government takes orders from them. Have fun Canada!!

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Hmmm, yes, well Ontario has the City of Vaughn to contend with doesn't it. Same difference it seems.

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This isn’t good news for Canada 🇨🇦

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🙏 for Canadians.

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Why did they do the Carney photo in a shopping yard with that line of shipping containers behind the suits in the photo?

Was that a silent signal to us of the beings trafficked into Canada?

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I saw the containers and I noted the ramming of an anchored US Military-chartered fuel tanker off the coast of northeastern England, causing a massive explosion and the loss of at least one life. The photos look a bit like the classic painting of the White House set on fire by the English in 1812:


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Good eye Tara 🎯

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I'm in Canada. We are being hijacked. Carney is the unelected PM! We don't even have a government because the Liberals shut it down! What can we do? And the WEF agent, Singh, is going to 'not vote' with Conservatives to bring the government down with a Non-Confidence vote when the Liberals get back to parliament. This means we have the 'Unelected ' Carney PM for at least a year. Carney is going to raise that 'Carbon Tax' on April 1st. I 'm scared.

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Paging Canadian truckers. Paging Canadian truckers!

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I read another article that said there will be an election that Carney needs to win before taking over. Is that not correct?

Don't they still need to at least pretend to have an election to pretend to be democratic?

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If he doesn't want riots in the streets (IDK, do Canadians riot?), he should declare a new election within 90 days but I don't think he technically needs to do so before October, as this Canadian explains: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/emergency-red-alert-this-is-endgame-for-canada-carney-is-the-grim-reaper/

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Canada is replicating Ukraine with unelected Leadership...

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Dear Donna,

I was surprised when Mark Carney got 85.9% of the Liberal leadership vote. Few Canadians know much about Carney, including most Liberals. I was even more surprised that Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau’s high-profile lieutenant for nearly a decade, couldn’t even get 10% of her party’s vote.

But the more I looked into it, the more incredible the “official” numbers were. Take this one: in Chrystia Freeland’s own riding of University-Rosedale, she got just 11.8% of the vote, and Mark Carney got 83%.

In terms of raw numbers, in her own district — where she and her family live, where she’s best known — she got a grand total of just 188 people to vote for her. In a district with more than 100,000 people.

Here, watch a video I did, going through the results:

STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE: The Carney vote results cannot be


It’s the same thing for Karina Gould, another cabinet minister. She’s from Burlington. Her whole life and family is there. But according to the Liberals, only 190 people supported her. Mark Carney crushed her.

And then I started looking through every single district. Carney’s vote was suspiciously similar in every single one of the 338 ridings in Canada. In rural ridings or big cities; in the east or the west or the north or the Atlantic; in French-speaking ridings or English-speaking. Carney won every single district — and his vote never fluctuated by much.

I’ve been poring over these results all morning, and I just don’t think it’s statistically possible.

We need an audit. It’s one thing for the Liberal Party to allow irregularities in their system. But this is choosing our next prime minister.

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Of course it's not possible to trust any of it. There will be no audit. The passivity of Canadians is beyond the beyond. Looking in their phones, not giving a shit....and then there's quebec, the worst place ever, stealing money from other provinces among other crime ridden crap. Corruption abounds and has for decades in this country. And now there's drump creating division. People in Canada are so stupid....trading dislike for troodough onto trump. C'mon people...they are both absolutely corrupt to the core.

Definition of Carney = works in a circus...sometimes a clown.

What is happening is a takeover of the world by the totalitarian nutbars. This will happen to every country. People just like to point and laugh at the pathetic Canadians. The US is going to get it too. Imagine...millions think drump is working for them. Hell no.

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Isn't almost 90% of Canadian land owned by the British Crown?

That being the case how can a feudal state be democratic?

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There is no such thing as democracy. It is obvious and has been obvious since the word was invented.

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Exactly. Wake up to reality, Canada.


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Yes these strange anomolies only seem to happen with voting machines and other systems linked to providing data to the media in real time. Whih gives access to the machines through the internet they claim doesn't exist.

I didn't see a video link

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Didn't they throw out 2/3rds of the votes? what was that all about?

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Like the democrats “installing” Kamala as the democrat presidential candidate

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And 100,000 voted amongst 400,000 Liberal voters. Mr Carney does not have 'a mandate'. And Mr Ford got in the premiership of Ontario with the lowest voting among the people ever. We don't have a 'choice'.

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You know the end game has arrived when they install the Banker to wind everything up.

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Former Goldman Sachs bankers often insinuate themselves into New Jersey's high political offices, as they do in Canada and Italy.

Here in New Jersey, USA, the governor from 2018 to 2025 is a former GS banker Phil Murphy, allegedly re-elected in a very close election in 2021. If I recall correctly, a large batch of approx 100,000 ballots was found quite late on re-election night, which squeaked out a victory for Murphy. 😆 😹

Then they tried unsuccessfully in 2024 to run his wife Tammy Murphy, who is also a former Goldman Sachs person, for indicted Bob Menendez' vacant U.S. Senate seat in New Jersey.

Also, from 2006 to 2010, our governor was Jon Corzine, he of the 💥unbuckled seat belt💥 tragedy, who was also a Goldman Sachs banker.

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Isn't that why Matt Taibbi calls GS "The Vampire Squid"?!

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And I suppose the Goldman Sachs "Vampire Squid" must then answer to the even bigger boss "Vampire Squid," which would be the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.

Switzerland. The nice "neutral" country that produces fine watch movements, and delicious milk chocolates, but NEVER sees war within its borders.

The death and destruction from wars and from indebtedness is always borne by the surrounding countries -- England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Ukraine, Russia, Japan, Iraq, Syria, etc., -- but NEVER by the international banking hub of Switzerland, which finances BOTH sides of the World Wars, and literally KILLS MIILIONS!

Switzerland. Home of the W.H.O. in Geneva, the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, more banks in Zurich, a new N.A.T.O. liaison office in Geneva, and whose Swiss guards in their pretty, colorful blue, red, and yellow uniforms also guard the Vatican enclave within the City of Rome. Maybe the next World War should be all the other countries against the banks of Switzerland?

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Funny that, isn't it?!

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I thought "The Vampire Squid" term was referring to Blackrock?

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It looks like GS is just one of many clients of Blackrock and Vanguard?

Even though they are one of their biggest clients.

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Without even reading this, yet, I live in canada, and I say a resounding yes to the title! No question. We are so trapped up here....

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Sucks to be Canadian.

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🇨🇦 Frying pan/Fire 🇨🇦

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I just posted these last night in notes


What a choice….Trudeau or a globalist banker. Be careful what you wish for.

“The Liberals announced Carney as Justin Trudeau’s successor on Sunday after party members voted in a nominating contest. Carney was at Goldman Sachs for 13 years before being named deputy governor of the Bank of Canada in 2003. He left in November 2004 for a top finance ministry job and returned to become central bank governor in 2008. He is well aware of the market manipulations of the NY bankers. He infuriated Brexit supporters by talking about the economic damage he said would likely be caused by leaving the European Union. He was wrong about that. After leaving the Bank of England in 2020, Carney served as a United Nations envoy on finance and climate change. He does not bring independence to Canada, but more of the same, which is why the Liberals handed him the PM position. Our model is projecting war in EUROPE and rising interest rates in Canada.”


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We are being hijacked! We don't want Carney as the unelected PM. Is not right to say 'be careful what you wish for'. We don't want any of that!

The Liberals and the WEF 'graduate'Singh have made an agreement. We don't want any that.

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My apologies as it's meant for all of us in wanting replacements of current so called leaders. I understand you didn't even have a choice. Romania made a choice and look how that's going. Much of Germany did and their party favored by 1/3 of the counrty is blocked from belonging to any coalition with any of the others.

When we wish for different, it doesn't always come out so good, as if they have the controls in place it's the next level of their assimilation of all us into their global NWO.

It seems it's playing out for you and the article exemplify's that, my words maybe didn't resonate as they were meant to, so sorry again for that as I'm on Canadians and the rest of the worlds side in all of this.

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I'm not *wishing* for anything. And anyone that thinks we can vote ourselves out of this mess or join America to improve our lot up here are completely, utterly delusional. All of these traitorous scumbags need to be put upon the gallows. Pollievre and Bernier included.

My choice would actually be a wood chipper though.

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My apologies for thinking most of us WISH our leaders goine, and assuming most Canadians wished Trudeau gone. I know not all do/did for various reasons.

My use of the word wishing outside of what's posted in the article shouldn't take away from what's within the article.

Agreed, as all of our countries and throughout NATO are part of the Croporatacrcy and not actual governements any longer. We get the puppets while the puppeteers hide in the shadows.

I like some of the things coming out of DOGE, but I know it's selective in nature, and none of the not so Federal Federal Reserve nor Pentagon for a few will ever fall under scrutiny.

It's up to us to take back control of our countries, but can we overcome the divisions used against us?

I won't state my beleif as it's too early to say yet.

Wood chipper is good but anywhere and anyway possible for expedience is preferable as time runs short.

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Will you read previous comment.

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Knight’s of Malta


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