It is my understanding that Seth Rich did leak the information to Wikileaks, his parents have never denied that fact, he did so with the help of his brother. Seth Rich was murdered by a couple of goons from a local gang whose bodies were found in a nearby park where presumably they went to collect their money.

My introduction to the DNC leak was through Wikileaks...what a treasure trove!

The United States of America has become a "Kakistocracy" for some time now and unfortunately it's only going to get worst. Self sufficiency, Self reliance and damn be the war makers...

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You are RELENTLESS Alexandra........... Ground Crew Red Pill Chick Special Forces no doubt?

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Murderous, political hit men running the FBI. Shocking.

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Inverse rabbit hole time! So (long story)--some've us think Seth Rich may've been either "spooked away" or an MKUltra Patsy.... lookit the fambly viddeyo--with DISNEY an' effin' PANDAS behind them an' the bro' (co-hacker) LAUGHIN'? I mean it's all so "sus".... So given that I'm sharin' a recent exchange 'tween myself (always curious 'bout Ops) an' fellow curious Op stacker Petra Liverani:

Start here an' scroll down ta the "Rich" part:


Petra: "Who is/was Seth Rich really? What’s interesting is that while many comments on this ABC interview with Seth’s family set in a rather unusual tableau indicate incredulity, the same does not apply to Chelsea’s interview with Juju. When the propaganda is really over the top some, at least, will baulk at the serious anomalies but if it’s just at the right level of credibility despite clear anomalies, it will pass, especially when its reality fits a paradigm that is alien, eg, fabrication of self-incriminating documents. While fakery of death is alien to many people’s paradigms in the case of the interview with Seth’s parents people baulk nevertheless because it is just too at odds with what is expected of reality. "





whoa that's an interestin' angle on the Man-ning of Ms Chelsea (manning up? as a spy? op?)--i dunno but her case always seemed fishy--footage real or confabulated--an' making "her" a cause celebre fer trans surgery (heroic whistle blower--bet she blew a lotta whistler in "stir!"--sets the stage fer followers to get some of the same? What, so dudes could also look like Tatum O'Neill?)...

Chelsea---an evocative name--the Chelsea Hotel wuz where all the spooked Laurel Canyon moosical superstarts hung out--where MKUltra'd Leonard Cohen an' MKUltra'd Janis Joplin got it on (cuz she was lookin' fer her handler MKUltra HANDLER Kris Kristopherson...)... an' Luciferian "Witchy Woman" Killary Klint-on named her child Chelsea AFTER that song/hotel an' now we have the unManning of Bradley who becomes a Chelsea Hot L? (hot lesbian what?) It's all spooky! (pardon my rambles but I smell a few rats)

MEANWHILE I looked at that Seth Rich viddeyo AGAIN an' realized TWO uber-creepy things.

1. there's a dang PANDA in the foreground (panda eyes = adrenochrome...a thing that boss Killary knew 'bout well--havin' "consumed" the panda-eyed tots fer supper with frazzledrip sauce on the side) an' THEN....

2. the entire background WALL is all DISNEY--I mean omg, how'd I miss that clue?!--pedo central an' I didn't see it. All the slices of pizza linin' up--golly. How "rich".... (an' WHY did they make sure to zoom in crooked on the daddy to make sure an' fit in Mickey--we know Mickey is a signalin' thing too--think of the Chocolate Mouse in Rosemary's Baby, etc)

From the "git go" I recall thinkin' this fambly mighty unfazed 'bout the DEATH of a son... bro' in front looks kinda amused like a crisis actor ('cept the face makes 'im fambly for sure). Did Seth go into Witness Protection Program or was he just given a new face by the Cabal ta go off an live on some tropical island? It all STINKS.

Also, we hear that "Rich was attacked across the street from a convenience store on the 2100 block of Flagler Place NW" FLAGLER--Rich is seen in absurd photos WEARIN' an American FLAG--super fugly outfit nobuddy would wear--unless the Cabal ordered that costume fer him an' MADE 'im wear it--this is not a "costume store" outfit.... it's red-white-blue humiliation...


An' Seth sounds like SET (Egyptian god of death? Was he a monarch kid himself?) -- more ta ALL these stores! (an' so toppy cull re Assange today... the AssAnge--donkey/angel!)


Yes, Daisy, some of what you say (panda, Disney) is also said in this amusing comment on the video:

"WTF? Watch this video many times. Something stinks. The first few seconds in, the brother is cracking up and trying not to laugh. He does this throughout the whole video. 30 seconds in, the dad says the police called him and stated that Seth was alive when they arrived and MAYBE stable when Seth got to the hospital. No, no, no, no, no. A cop would not say he was MAYBE stable. You are either stable or, you are not. 40 seconds in, the mom starts to talk and just as the camera is panning left towards mom, dad is actually mouthing her lines. He knows what she is about to say. One minute 3 seconds in, the mother says something off script? The dad subtly moves his right arm and taps her on the back and then he quickly takes over her conversation. WALLS COVERED WITH DISNEY AND MOM, HOLDING A GD PANDA! C'mon people."

As you suggest, I think there's a very good chance that Seth is a Monarch child himself.

Very interesting about MKUltra'ed stars you mention and the Chelsea connections. Flagler and flag - yes, it didn't occur to me but no one would dress like that, that's ridiculous. Interestingly, while Assange sounds French, as stated by Julian, quoted in this post by Celia Farber, supposedly it comes from the Taiwanese pirate great-great-great-grandfather of Julian's step-father named Sang but if we're going with Sang, that's blood in French and comes from the Latin sanguis - sacrifice, etc. There's always connections to be made! but too many rabbit-holes to go down!



The Dems surely had to be in on this which looks so bad for them. Until the video of the parents popped up in my YT feed I thought the Dems killed Rich - which was surely the intention of the op - but why would they go along with it?


That's a question I too cain't answer (yet!) but it's all so fishy.... Are we SURE "real" Seth is dead (Killaried) or is jus' livin' somewhere with a new face / ID? Much damage done but could'a been within the DNC.... these evil gerbils eat their own young...

Was the leak staged or real? Did Rich, mebbe Monarch/Op himself, know AssAnge was an "op" too--like was he set up to be a patsy (wuther he's still around or not?). Could Assange have been Ass-Signed to draw in the Rich "leaks?"

Thanks fer pointin' out the parental gaffs--the more ya wartch the more ya see!, bad "actors" all've 'em--I only "assume" these are his real parents even (real parents kin put on quite a show of course!) but 'tween the smirkin' an the OBVIOUS signalin'--I mean Que Pasa with that? (If's feelin' a lot like spy vs spy from Mad Magazine!)... Anyway, this psyop runs deep!

ps yup, at first I too believed Rich was taken out--am sure many laffin' at all of us thought their ploy was purdy "rich!"


Now given this stuff from Tore--likely I missed on the first viewin' b/c there is SO much in her "shows"...here's an idear too-- so yup, they had Rich hack/image the server (so they could monkey with it add/delete) -- That works with it bein' an internal "op"--but then the info got leaked to good guys as well as to the now-questionable Assange--was it Rich actin' on his own conscience or was THAT leak orchestrated too? Was the leak to Wikileaks planned an' the other shared downloads NOT part of the plan triggerin' them to really off Rich an' pay off his funkly fambly (kinda like "Damar of Hamilin town")--or was he just sequestered away by someone who, similarly, paid his fambly a butload of money to keep hushed up but without the trauma of losin' Seth?

In the viddeyo of the fambly Rich, they have all that dark illuminati ha ha imagery but unless the entire family is "cabal" why would they laff at the death of their own kid? (But MKUltra famblies often sacrifice the eldest son... Carter Vanderbilt, etc....) So...is some evil puppeteer even higher up then Killary pullin' strings to control 'em all (both sides)?

It all stinks an' as I said... they're laffin' at our expense, clearly the joke on us is purdy "rich"... gotta keep diggin' even deeper inta the rabbit hole--wartch out for the dubious "droppin's" too!

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ps few more notes on Panda Bear Seth---from "Kim dot com"

"He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich”

one more adreno-fueled layer on the creepy cake...WHY would he call himself Panda?

I read "Pandas" is also a form of database hacking...you cain't make this up!--Pandas "do" Python Programming----i.e. Pandas program pythons? (snakes? I dunno but there's a lotta snakes in DeeCee )

Also as I alluded to, Rich Boss Laydee Killary survives on various uses of children which gives the tots the panda eyes like I'd mentioned...

those "Featured" in fashion:



scroll down ta this part: Why are netizens raising concerns over the 'panda eyes' in the Balenciaga campaign? (couldn't copy it--but there are still images around of the campaign...)

with freaky panda-eyed kids coverage here:

https://vimeo.com/519993876 and


SO... Seth's nickname is panda an' his "boss lady" creates arty-fish-all pandas outta children? coincidence?

AND the panda is prominently featured in the "dead man's" family video? No kids around--who-t-f brings in a toy panda for an interview 3 days post-mortem of an adult?

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Seth does not seem to have been sexually abused. I think he was kind of pudgy and gentle and thought that “Panda” would be a good screen name.

“Panda” was also the name of a Google algorithm update around that time 2015-2016, FWIW.

It was either the “Panda” or the “Penguin” Google update that demonetized my website by 90% in 2015 (I’ve been dealing with corporate censorship longer than most).

My only source of income at the time were the Google ad banners on my site and I had been doing very well.

Google had even assigned and Optimization Specialist to my account, to make sure I was maximizing earnings, because it was in their interest, as they were receiving, if I recall 32% of all my Google Ad income.

Then one day, with no warning or recourse, I was demonetized 90% and my Optimization Specialist was nowhere to be found. Nobody at Google would take my calls anymore.

I was a registered Democrat back then but I think I wrote something nice about Trump. I was surprised, because he was sounding so much like Bill Cooper, I couldn’t believe it. As a New Yorker, I’d never liked him but when he started talking like that, I started to love him.

So I don’t know if it was one article or if their AI picked up from my Digital Shadow that I was going to flip Red. I certainly didn’t see it coming but looking back, I don’t know how I remained a Lefty for so long. I absolutely despise anything Leftist now.

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ha ha ha fellow FORMER lefty here (once registered as well, now an em-bare-ass-mint)- an' fellow NewYawker as well (hubs a native, me a non-native transplant as a teen originally from the not-so-purdy motown)--we FINALLY left NYShitty just about one year ago fer upstate (reverse move Clampett-style) after holdin' out on the "mandates" (not complyin') an' decidin' it's better to be broke where ya ain't throwin' away rent an' wartchin' the SJWs an' my-grunts turn the city inta a dumpster fire. I homeschooled my girls an' when we left Brooklyn, the park where we unschoolers all hung out literally had a gigunda TENT filled with my-grunts pissin' on the grass an' leavin' needles like it was the UWS in the 70's! Not safe, too foul by half--even my strong stomick said NIX!

I never got canceled in print bein' an' act-teur an' filmmaker-type human (in fact my stack started out as an outlet fer performin' since there wuz no woik fer us unbejabbered unwoke miscreants). That said the DEI in thee-ate-'er an' film (my younger girl performs too) was a big PIA as not gettin' hired fer not bein' "diverse enuf" was just bollocks.

So yup, we're all city folks, ducks outta warter completely in the boonies. I found Trump funny an' not detestable at all!--I liked his bluster an' am not easily offended--I'd take an old skool salt of the earth cabbie with salty lingo ta boot any day over the polished pun-ditz of today...

Now yer gettin' banned "early" had you as a canary in the coal mine--they came for the rest ovuh time. But the software riggin' against Orange Man Bad was already in place... Some say so was his plans to run fer office...another rabbit hole! Bill Cooper--whatta guy!--an' yup, I didn't think'a any similarities but yup, now that I do--it's there.

I knew a couple folks that worked on Apprentice (crew) an' said he was a right guy (not politically "right"--who talked 'bout that stuff then? but decent on set, ran a SAFE an' cheeful set / no a'holes--that's a big'un, good with bonuses, yadayada, hired puhlenty of women includin' a black lady producer so I knew all the sexist bravado an' racist stuff was bullshart--an' no funny stuff on that set either--no handsy menfolks--So The Donald was neither sexist nor racist if ya skipped the macho funny banter---now his daddy however DID have some issues... wull we'll leave that...but word on the street (from production folks) was he was decent...

That said, from the plandemic forward I lost friends if I so much as mentioned the man--all fallen ta TDS...) OR said anythin' bad 'bout "team entity-known-as-Biden" who were both BELOVED of my former crowd... they fell ta TDS first, then all got jabbed an' banned me from consortin' with their likes...ugly stuff...

Anywhoo... I guess I sorta flipped red but more libertarian-ISH (we chews grow up with a slight fear of all things TRULY red an' lately we've been proven keerect--I was led down a brief primrose lahdeedah path've imagined tolerance durin' the covid-con but all the haters came out from BOTH sides--so tho' I lean ta the right like WC Fields on a lamppost, I don't tip too far in that direction either as there are too many bible thumpers want me dead fer "killin' their lord"--recallin' Loretta Hagers here!)

THUS I was "left" enuf ta buy inta some of the sharp edges but never the core-- I fer sure never fell so far Left like the Billyburg fools that sported Mao & Marx t-shirts (idiots! with bespoke ugly mountain man beards no less!)

I 'member in back in film skool I was floored when a guy named Che thought it was so cool to be named after a Marxist Monster Murderer!--guy had no sense of irony that one! Lordy! So yup, I was a lefty but not so far as many of 'em... never wanted to see the USA fall (I've never failed ta tear up seein' Jimmy Cagney tap to Yankee Doodle, flags flyin', which would cause seizures on the Left!)

I tend ta like the outliers (L or R) which'd never cut it on the right--I may channel Minnie Pearl but I'm partial ta Belle Barth an' Lypsinka AND the Sex Pistols--the pearl clutchers'd have me in their pink-seashell toned Sally Hansen mitts in a new york minute.

Chattin' aside, gettin' back ta Seth Rich, some of the SRA young folks grow up an' have no mem'ry of their abuse, however they are put ta use. All I know is this:

I am 100% sure his fambly was signalin' an' had experienced no trauma. Stuffed panda bear, Disney Mickey prints, mouthin' lines, LAUGHING three days after their son's death?!---

So... this was either a staged non-death or something else NOT tragic for them. Not sayin' Seth wasn't a good egg--but something is CRACKED 'bout this tale.

Many SRA famblies DO let a son die--without (it seems) compunction. Seth dressed up in a flag (false flag?!) that was not a costume you could buy retail--it's all too much an' signals someone higher involved.

Sure he was a chubster but a lotta SRA survivors are not starved (some of the ladies are quite..."robust!"-- And some abused are NOT sexually abused but split or otherwise controlled, used for memorizin' data, photographic memory, etc. Sabrina Wallace was medically abused--mentally abused--but afaik--not sexually. She comes from that kinda fambly too.

Even if Rich wasn't from that kinda fambly, I still say that viddeyo--and his "supposed" (real? staged?) death all seem fishy--lotta 'splainin' due!

Last, not least, bein' a proud crackpot I enjoy seein' the literal cracks in the pottery which may leak some truth (an' bein' a former(?) New Yawker ya might appreciate that I'm also what my former gay pals called a "Dish Queen" knowin' my pottery well! Liked me that vintage china from Fish's Eddy 'fore they got waaay spendy an' started "retro reissues" (meh)--that was my...cuppa tea!) speakin' of tea...time to make a cup! (cheers!)

Bein' a broke ex(?)-new yawker an' a fellow former lefty (heck I even thought Angela Davis was right--oy!), I much appreciate yer angle an' all ya do-- What times we are in, no? (ps yer still not in NYShitty are ya? Hope not, if so time ta git out post-haste ;-)

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LOL, we have a lot in common, indeed, as I was in the film/TV business for decades, as well.

I headed for the hills in January '21 for Western North Carolina and I never looked back. NY is dead to me. I've already sung the Kaddish (even though I'm shiksa).

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Ah, got friends from Brooklyn that headed ta NC an' love it! Good on ya fer making the big move...hopefully ya found compatriots where y'are!

Yup, NYC is dead ta me too--damned shame, miss muchly what it wuz but I started gettin' sad when the E. Village got gentry-fried an' drunk fools in Gucci loafers were peein' in the street outside'a McSorleys an' the entire area lost all it's charm an' rents soard (we lost our stabilization). We left the E.Vill. fer Greenpoint (with a rotten stint in Tribeca durin' 9/11--good cherce thar not) --an' then Greenpernt also turned inta a foul waterin' hole (HOLE is the right noun!) fer dot.coms who could afford $12 cawfees. The plandemic was the rotten icin' on the cake--we wuz done.

Yup, saw you too were in the biz in one of yer postins' on that -- keepin' meeself anon-e-mouse mit mah non-de-plume, I'll say early on I worked a bit fer Nile Rodgers (ya might've known 'im? not skeery like some've the others) an' had some stuff that made it onta MTV & MuchMusic, &SXSW, 'tween actin' gigs, etc. Even "extree work" dried up in '21... held out a while an' then could not afford ta say--or ta let insane homeless folks attack my girls on the subways (we had one friend wholse 6' son wuz sucker punched on the L train an' he gotta detached retina).

Not sure if it'll ever come back--but while yer sayin' Kaddish (shiksa's welcome! it's a mitzvah for all to mourn a great loss!), I been sittin' shiva for the old city an' hoping they won't destroy the MET as the Brooklyn Mooseum is already turned into Bipoc Tranny Booty Call 2.0 an' don't git me started 'bout thee-ater-er. Currently headin' fer B'way is a show 'bout Mary Todd Lincoln havin' drunk draino performed by a "they" wearin' a fuzzy bathrobe. All I hear is a big FLUSH!...

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Yes, I worked at MTV and was one of the 3 founders of 'Yo! MTV Raps', after which I directed Rap videos for the better part of a decade – and in that capacity, I appeared on MuchMusic, in a bit of ambush journalism. I was directing a music video for Maestro Fresh Wes in Toronto and I was given a tour of the MuchMusic studio and suddenly a camera crew surrounded me and started peppering me with questions, trying to get gossip on various big rap artists of the day, most of whom I had worked with, at the point and I fessed up, LOL.

Yes, I used to see DJT out late at nightclubs all the time (NYC nightclubs were my offices, back in the day). You cannot be a New Yorker and be hanging out at Mumba at 3AM and be a homophobe or a racist, let alone "antisemitic". Remember, when they tried to call him antisemitic? LOL! The CIA is hiring young, stupid people these days, who don't know sh!t and appear to be trapped in a 1930s time warp, back when gays and Blacks (and women and Jews) had less rights and social acceptance/power. These stupid kids at the CIA never hung out at Mumba, either. Stupid, stupid, stupid. F these assholes!

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