Dear forbiddennews.Substack.com,

I was really very interested in the sad but truly revealing article clearly explaining the truly evil people article “ CIA Agent : “ We Designed mRNA Vaccine to Kill.” by The Peoples Choice magazine.

Next came People found Dead after Discovering many Free Renewable Energy devices. Those who Murder these great inventors deserve to go To Hell !

You may possibly know about Professor John Roy Ronald Searl who discovered a way to capture and use free electric energy, by using a system of concentric rings of various materials. The final system used by Professor John Roy Ronald Searl an English inventor, was to use a Neodymium ring-magnet, then the next outer ring around it was a positively charged nylon ring which acted as the electron control-gate. Next came a steel ring and then lastly a copper ring. Then twelve special magnets magnets each made up of 8 small magnets stacked one atop of each other between the large diameter copper outer ring and a series of electrically wound pick-up coils on the very outer edge.

When these then 12 magnets each made up of 8 magnets atop of one another were given an initial push they kept speeding up around their circular track to a specifically controlled speed. This was achieved by an electric governor on this most advanced SEG unit.

All the while the whole machine drew on ever more electric free energy from the atmosphere’s free electrons surrounding it. This caused the large SEG or Searl Electric Generator to draw even more energy from the atmosphere and get super cold thus enhancing ever greater electrical energy also super-cooling the discoid pick-up electrical outer coils.

Next this craft began to glow a pinky hue all around it, and then a greenish glow as it levitated above the ground. Some years earlier even simpler and smaller versions of this machine had no electric speed governors and after levitating, hovered for a short while and then sped up their rotation and zoomed up vertically and we’re lost into space ! This later machine could also be used for domestic power generation as an alternating current generator or a DC or direct current generator for home or even factory electric power. The marvelous thing about this and even later machines of up to some 20 to 30 feet in diameter, was that they could be and were controlled by skilled radio-ham operators who could make these discoid craft climb or descend or hover and take on extremely great forward or rearward speeds and startling rates of acceleration of up to many thousand of miles per hour through skilled radio controlled flight, and all monitored on special television screens that Professor John Roy Ronald Searl and his Radio-ham operators constructed over a number of years in England in the Midlands Districts, This where I had lived some years earlier before these Electrogravitically propelled SEG Discoid were flown. They had strict flight corridors in which to operate all sanctioned by the British Airforce who were party to these then early levitation electro-gravity controlled flying craft.

Of course NOTAMS to Airmen at both civilian and Airforce bases in England were circulated for accident prevention between conventional aircraft and these Electro-gravitically propelled craft.

Sadly there were some nine attempts to murder Professor John Roy Ronald Searl, but fortunately all failed and he died peacefully as a much loved genius and great inventor in his old age. I had the pleasure of corresponded with him over many years and Earth lost a true genius when he died peacefully in his sleep.

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Absolutely correct. Wake up, prople!!

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