Well, you are off to a great start. ( I was being sort of tongue in cheek in my comment, as I hope you got. LOL. )
But, words don't do justice to the insanity of it all. There was a riot in Bolivia in the last century when a US company and the World Bank tried to get Bolivia to go into debt - to the tune of 2.7 Billion or so ( Set up so the investors made 15% per year, of course ) in order to build a dam and improve water supplies to the people. Problem is, the deal involved charging the people a water bill of $20 per month - more than they were paying for food. So, they rioted, people died and it was a total mess. So, if we had a Department of Peace instead of a Defense Department and the D of P had the same budget, it could have given Bolivia the 2.7 Billion and those people, that country would love us forever. But, what are we doing? - Spending hundreds of Billions on Ukraine to kill people and destroy stuff. Imagine what hundreds of Billions would do to help the world instead of destroying people and things ???? Conclusion - Total insanity. So, curse, yell and scream bloody murder and I'll join you.......
Well, in my case, I saw you not holding back, but going for the gusto, repeatedly, that I thought I'd have some fun with it by pulling a reversal. So, in reality, I didn't see someone holding back at all.
Normally when someone judges me, I see that as their problem. Since I know myself and accept myself, their judgment is just their assumption placed on me. Assumptions can be right or wrong, like beliefs.
But, if multiple people, people who are close to you, have said the same thing, then maybe it's something valid to consider.
I'm now thinking of Kennedy and how he " holds back ". I see that as his practicing living in love. Rather than bring out differences, he is trying to find common ground. So, he keeps quiet, otherwise. This isn't the sort of holding back that you are referring to, maybe.
I recall around the early 80's when Mexico was set start a period of growing prosperity the world banking mafia got the corrupt Mexican President to sign one of their fraudulent load agreements, where the money shortly disappeared throwing Mexico into massive entirely orchestrated debt to these parasites with nothing to show for it.
It's the IMF Playbook. I've seen many cycles of this, living in Brazil and also when my parents lived in Mexico City during the '90s, when I would go "home" there.
Harvard-educated Globalist Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994) was in office at the time and the Peso was kept artificially high. The Peso catastrophically collapsed in a single day as soon as he left office and he and his family were revealed for the criminals they are.
Yea, and there's probably over 20 more examples of similar parasitic behavior. We're always warned that Russia is expanding, wanting to take over the World. ( Russia - the always available and much used villain ). But, since WWII the US has ravaged, toppled governments, inter-feared with and/or destroyed over 57 countries. So, is Russia the problem ???? How many of those 57+ countries fear Russian expansion ? LOL. " Oh no, Mr. Bill, not that !!!! "
Bobby Kennedy converted me away from my neocon convictions two years ago, into becoming a pragmatic pacifist. Odd that flaming leftists are now the warmongers, and for what? Why? The fact I'd been lied to for two years by the government during the pandemic burnt what credibility the federal government still had with me.
Maybe, for future rants, you consider asking Substack-technicians which are the current options to include some smell/odour-technique into your posts ...
As fitting merchandise to be applied before reading the post, you could offer army-grade, full-cover face-masks, even as a non-profit enterprise ...
Just imagine your global readership in front of their screens wearing them ...
You may have found the ticket for me to revive my online publishing career, as I am a complete aroma junkie and I live through my nose, like a canine, anyway.
Digital Scent Technology to deliver scents online already exists. A taxi driver in Chicago told me about it over a decade ago and I didn't believe him.
And Smell-O-Vision has actually existed since the 1950s! I actually saw the John Waters film, 'Polyester' in the 1980s, starring the obese transvestite, Divine, that had "Odorama", where you were given a "scratch-and-sniff" card and graphics would flash on screen, telling you when to sniff. Once was during a major fight scene, where Divine farted and the audience had to think about whether they really wanted to smell that! Haha:
Just gave me an idea: Puke-O-Vision, for when one of those talking heads from MSM start in on Trump or something propagandistic. And definitely for whenever Bill Gates shows up. The P-O-V package would include a complimentary trashcan.
Just one more example why Washington DC should have never abandoned the foreign policy of the Founding Fathers. We also all saw how the chicken-hawk EU leaders rallied behind Zelensky promising him continued support. I can only hope that President Trump can maintain his word in cutting off all aid to the comedian who used to play the piano with his weenie. Because it wouldn't surprise me if the chicken-hawk elite EU leaders come up with some false flag.
$$$ Default ? Grid Down? Missing Nuke Suitcase? or just Illegal Alien "Tourists" ?
Does one lead to another ??? The 2nd Amendment was written for We the People for such possibilities. 2025=1775 is factual, "How" it is Conducted is the question. imo.
Hopefully President Trump can Bring Peace & Justice to "America First"/MAGA.
The Deep Statist USSA started this war to be precise. Now the Pedo Ministers of Old Worn Out Islamic Infested England want to Keep it Going ??? With 20,000 active duty troops ??? LOL What a Joke.
"The Enemy Within" Cicero, It's past time We/Me/You look in the mirror and take out the domestic trash
What lolly is that? There's US and then there's deep state. It was the deep state that started it, specifically Biden(s) and Obama and their takeover of Ukraine a decade ago, overturning an elected government, setting up a major corruption cash cow and a confrontation with Russia. They certainly got away with the lolly. Trump seems to be determined to finish the war, one way or the other. I don't see him getting away with a lolly, unless it's getting Europe off our backs.
The "US" hasn't been the US in a long time and definitely not since they lost WWII to the Nazis and the 1947 Nazi-founded CIA has been on an endless binge, destabilizing nations all over the world to achieve the Nazi New World Order.
There’s an old Saturday Night Live skit that reminds me of Diane here
The particular line that I most recall from the skit was said after Jane went on a particularly long uneducated and ignorant of any facts rant like poor ole DianeS(probably a bot as few humanoids are as stupid as Diane) does here
The line was, “Jane, you ignorant slut!”
I think it applies here to this probable bot called DianeS
Follow the money. Consider who is never held accountable for gambling with and stealing our savings. Who gets nearly free money from our treasury yet lends it at usurious rates to taxpayers? It’s the billionaires in Finance who control the government.
Thanks! Zelenskyy doesn't deserve another moment of President Trump or VP, JD Vance's time! They both tried to reason with this whiney cry baby who had the sheer audacity to utter a Russian curse. There has to be a way to get through this nonsense, peacefully, and they will find it.
This kind of text is not welcomed here on Substack.
You are entirely free to disagree but with more subtle wording. Please !!!
In case you have solid evidence for your above claims, please be so kind as to cite the sources or expose your own thoughts on how you come to this conclusion.
Under the duress that is Bruce's life she still manages to put out high quality work. Truly exceptional. I hope that like Job, she will be able to at some point live and write in peace.
Zelensky is going bonkers because Trump wants peace, demands free elections and stops the free flow of American tax dollar to the most corrupted country West of the Ural Mountains. As for the overpaid and illegetimate eurocrats, they seize every opportunity to embezzle money, acquire extraordinary powers and unlimited immunity, and curtail civil liberties. Europe is broke. The show will end soon.
Alexandra I've followed you for at least 13 yrs - this is one of the very best articles you've ever written IMHO. Your summary was excellent, your facts were 100% accurate and I think you summed up the entire situation with a great deal of truth and accuracy. Zelensky let deep state down and now they WILL be coming for him. I'd be surprised if he makes it home alive.
I also really agree with your last paragraph - until Europe gets some leaders who have a brain and are not psychopathic idiots, the U.S. needs to not deal with them. I absolutely LOVE the way Trump and Vance handled this, men taking care of business in "Take Charge" manner. They showed the world who the boss really is!!
I think Z will eventually sign the agreement. He hasn't a leg to stand on without US support. How a guy -- whose talent is playing the piano with his dick -- every got into power is beyond me. The big lie -- since Russia invaded -- is that Putin was the aggressor when the truth is the EU nations violated the Minsk accord. Would we tolerate China having missiles on the Canadian or Mexican border? Not a chance in Hell.
Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?
Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions
Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?
By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?
Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases
[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.
The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change
Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires
I believe Trump was installed so his supporters would go back to sleep and think he will save them. It also put a big divide in the population, divide and conquer. People are being distracted with DOGE and releasing the so called "Epstein" and "JKF" files. Sure, whatever they say <RME's>. As you mentioned, it's full speed ahead with the mRNA gene-therapy injections for cancer, etc. This certainly won't end well. Also RFK Jr. is a scumbag who now supports the CDC and the vaccination schedule.
Thanks! I've been writing for over 36 years now. With the Trump presidency it is apparent he was more than prepared and keeping up is like trying to drink out of a fire hose. I've heard similar observations from many other writers. I wish both Trump and the American People the best but certainly have my concerns. Trump is still pushing mRNA technologies and has never admitted that Operation Warp Speed and shutting down the US economy were major mistakes.
How come all of the brain dead dorks that want the war to continue don't fly over and volunteer for the front lines in Ukraine. Zelenski is out of cannon fodder! If he was a leader he would lead and not push from the rear.
This angry rant was PERFECT !!!! This toothless paper tiger is NOT in charge, so Trump and Vance's words were directed at those weak-assed puppeteers pulling coke-boy's strings. Soon the European overlords, who actually have little power will fold. America and her backers hold all the cards! As everything now is theater, just what really happened, and why? What optic is the Trump Team setting up, and what will result? I think we all know PEACE is the only result!
"Coke???" OMG !!! Not Only in Zelensky's Nose but Also in Biden's Nose. Cocaine in the 2020 Coupist WH but Whose was it ??? I dunno, We/Me/You dunno and the Dindu Nuffin's in the Feral Polezi aren't about to Divulge Anything. Open Revolt in the FIB against the Atty Gen.
Uktraine and the EU and the democRat Bolshevik USSA seem to be too similar.
Si vis pacem para bellum, Comrades. This ain't Over; It's just Beginning. Beware the Ides of March.
According to Bobby Kennedy Junior, the whole purpose of this conflict in Ukraine was to open up the natural resources of Ukraine to the control of Western corporations specifically the oligarchs like Black rock which is now controlling almost 90% of the wealth of the Western world . It was to put Ukraine into debt just like the World Bank and the IMF have done to dozens of other countries. Ukraine contains the most fertile soil in Europe, and the Western Agribusinesses want to control it. ConAgra,Bayer- Monsanto, Cargill, Syngenta, and Archer Daniels Midland are all controlled by Blackrock. Ukraine, also controls the corridor which links landlocked Russia with its only warm water port on the western side of the country and Russia since the time of Catherine the great in the 1700s has used Sebastopol for the majority of its fleet. So Trump is just following along with the original plan of stripping Ukraine of most precious resources under the charade of “paying back the loans”!
"Ideally, the US would exit the UN, NATO and all of these Nazi-derived Globalist institutions, as soon as possible." AMEN! Too many "friends" like Israel and NATO instead of a country like Russia which is opting for decency and sanity.
It would be most excellent if Trump unilaterally started pulling out men and equipment from its bases in Britain and Europe the Northern European countries as preparation for the possible US withdrawal from Nato. With the exception of the demented fools that support the socialist distruction of their various nations, the majority of ethnic British and Northern European people are increasingly perceiving their governments as treasonous maggots. Spain's Soros government is on the nose with right thinking Spaniards that can't stand the treasonous corruption of Pedro Sánchez.
" Poor excuse for a human being " - A gentle start......
" The combine of cretins. " - Getting better......
" This delusional, tracksuit-wearing, coke-snorting clown. " - Warming up.....
" the sickeningly corrupt, crybully Eurocrats. " - Yea, getting warmer.....
" a bunch of blackmailed, imbecilic, treasonous foreign agents. " - OK, starting to feel it.....
" self-destructing, debauched, incapable and out-of-touch....deranged buffoons. " - Yea baby
.....A good start. Maybe in Part 2 you can stop holding back and really tell them/us how you feel
and really, truly, deeply put it to them !!!!! Yessiree deputy dog.
I know! I need to just tell people how I really feel.
I woke up with more insults still flowing like The River of Time, so I'll use them in the next round. LOL
Well, you are off to a great start. ( I was being sort of tongue in cheek in my comment, as I hope you got. LOL. )
But, words don't do justice to the insanity of it all. There was a riot in Bolivia in the last century when a US company and the World Bank tried to get Bolivia to go into debt - to the tune of 2.7 Billion or so ( Set up so the investors made 15% per year, of course ) in order to build a dam and improve water supplies to the people. Problem is, the deal involved charging the people a water bill of $20 per month - more than they were paying for food. So, they rioted, people died and it was a total mess. So, if we had a Department of Peace instead of a Defense Department and the D of P had the same budget, it could have given Bolivia the 2.7 Billion and those people, that country would love us forever. But, what are we doing? - Spending hundreds of Billions on Ukraine to kill people and destroy stuff. Imagine what hundreds of Billions would do to help the world instead of destroying people and things ???? Conclusion - Total insanity. So, curse, yell and scream bloody murder and I'll join you.......
People have been telling me to "Don't sugar-coat it, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel," my whole life, so it must be a thing.
Well, in my case, I saw you not holding back, but going for the gusto, repeatedly, that I thought I'd have some fun with it by pulling a reversal. So, in reality, I didn't see someone holding back at all.
Normally when someone judges me, I see that as their problem. Since I know myself and accept myself, their judgment is just their assumption placed on me. Assumptions can be right or wrong, like beliefs.
But, if multiple people, people who are close to you, have said the same thing, then maybe it's something valid to consider.
I'm now thinking of Kennedy and how he " holds back ". I see that as his practicing living in love. Rather than bring out differences, he is trying to find common ground. So, he keeps quiet, otherwise. This isn't the sort of holding back that you are referring to, maybe.
No, they were always joking, too!
Is that common? To be told joke about yourself dozens of times since you were a kid, “Don’t sugar-coat it. Tell us how you really feel!”
I’ve mellowed with time and learned not use the F-word, every other word, at least.
I recall around the early 80's when Mexico was set start a period of growing prosperity the world banking mafia got the corrupt Mexican President to sign one of their fraudulent load agreements, where the money shortly disappeared throwing Mexico into massive entirely orchestrated debt to these parasites with nothing to show for it.
It's the IMF Playbook. I've seen many cycles of this, living in Brazil and also when my parents lived in Mexico City during the '90s, when I would go "home" there.
Harvard-educated Globalist Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994) was in office at the time and the Peso was kept artificially high. The Peso catastrophically collapsed in a single day as soon as he left office and he and his family were revealed for the criminals they are.
Yea, and there's probably over 20 more examples of similar parasitic behavior. We're always warned that Russia is expanding, wanting to take over the World. ( Russia - the always available and much used villain ). But, since WWII the US has ravaged, toppled governments, inter-feared with and/or destroyed over 57 countries. So, is Russia the problem ???? How many of those 57+ countries fear Russian expansion ? LOL. " Oh no, Mr. Bill, not that !!!! "
Nazis won WWII. They created the CIA, the CDC, NASA, the Big Pharma companies and many other US Government agencies.
The current Federal Employees bash "Nazis" - when that is exactly what they *are*! Whether these "Useful Idiots" get this or not!
Satanic Inversion. Nazism is a form of Satanism. Get this!
This is vital to your Situational Awareness and survival.
Very sad but unfortunately true. Classic projection and casebook hypocrisy.
{...that country would love us forever...}
Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Bourla and the stakeholders at the MoD and Big pharma/Agri love us instead.
Isn't that a deal ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔
Tina Turner had a song that dealt with that sort of "love". I'd "love" to do some things to Bourla, Fauci, their language.
YEAHHH, "love" has many facets ...
Bobby Kennedy converted me away from my neocon convictions two years ago, into becoming a pragmatic pacifist. Odd that flaming leftists are now the warmongers, and for what? Why? The fact I'd been lied to for two years by the government during the pandemic burnt what credibility the federal government still had with me.
Well, congratulations for waking up. A lot of people have and still are being fooled by the lies/deception.
You know you’re over the target when you’re taking flak!
🤣🤣🤣 👍👍👍
Maybe, for future rants, you consider asking Substack-technicians which are the current options to include some smell/odour-technique into your posts ...
As fitting merchandise to be applied before reading the post, you could offer army-grade, full-cover face-masks, even as a non-profit enterprise ...
Just imagine your global readership in front of their screens wearing them ...
You may have found the ticket for me to revive my online publishing career, as I am a complete aroma junkie and I live through my nose, like a canine, anyway.
Digital Scent Technology to deliver scents online already exists. A taxi driver in Chicago told me about it over a decade ago and I didn't believe him.
And Smell-O-Vision has actually existed since the 1950s! I actually saw the John Waters film, 'Polyester' in the 1980s, starring the obese transvestite, Divine, that had "Odorama", where you were given a "scratch-and-sniff" card and graphics would flash on screen, telling you when to sniff. Once was during a major fight scene, where Divine farted and the audience had to think about whether they really wanted to smell that! Haha:
Just gave me an idea: Puke-O-Vision, for when one of those talking heads from MSM start in on Trump or something propagandistic. And definitely for whenever Bill Gates shows up. The P-O-V package would include a complimentary trashcan.
🤣🤣🤣 👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥 !!!
Thanks for the link !!
Now you’re speaking my language! We’re done! It’s time to put the hammer down on Eurotrash sucking on Lady Liberty’s tit!
Couldn't agree more whole-heartedly - This cretin is a criminal clown - the sooner the country is rid of him the better off they will become -
LOL, you tell it like it is Robert~
Just one more example why Washington DC should have never abandoned the foreign policy of the Founding Fathers. We also all saw how the chicken-hawk EU leaders rallied behind Zelensky promising him continued support. I can only hope that President Trump can maintain his word in cutting off all aid to the comedian who used to play the piano with his weenie. Because it wouldn't surprise me if the chicken-hawk elite EU leaders come up with some false flag.
From Gen Flynn's mouth to your & mine ears ??? The last gasp of a dying suicidal nwo cartel is to take it all down with them.
Desperation breeds Desperate Actions. CYA, conduct yourselves accordingly.
$$$ Default ? Grid Down? Missing Nuke Suitcase? or just Illegal Alien "Tourists" ?
Does one lead to another ??? The 2nd Amendment was written for We the People for such possibilities. 2025=1775 is factual, "How" it is Conducted is the question. imo.
Hopefully President Trump can Bring Peace & Justice to "America First"/MAGA.
The eu is following US orders - finish up, whilst we escape with the lolly. Remember the USA started this war.
The Deep Statist USSA started this war to be precise. Now the Pedo Ministers of Old Worn Out Islamic Infested England want to Keep it Going ??? With 20,000 active duty troops ??? LOL What a Joke.
"The Enemy Within" Cicero, It's past time We/Me/You look in the mirror and take out the domestic trash
The deep state started this war not the U.S. our CIA simply became the henchmen carrying out their orders
They do that a lot.
What lolly is that? There's US and then there's deep state. It was the deep state that started it, specifically Biden(s) and Obama and their takeover of Ukraine a decade ago, overturning an elected government, setting up a major corruption cash cow and a confrontation with Russia. They certainly got away with the lolly. Trump seems to be determined to finish the war, one way or the other. I don't see him getting away with a lolly, unless it's getting Europe off our backs.
No, the US and the City of London with grubby puppets like Johnson, and sure the super weasel Tony Blair was in the mix somewhere.
The "US" hasn't been the US in a long time and definitely not since they lost WWII to the Nazis and the 1947 Nazi-founded CIA has been on an endless binge, destabilizing nations all over the world to achieve the Nazi New World Order.
There’s an old Saturday Night Live skit that reminds me of Diane here
The particular line that I most recall from the skit was said after Jane went on a particularly long uneducated and ignorant of any facts rant like poor ole DianeS(probably a bot as few humanoids are as stupid as Diane) does here
The line was, “Jane, you ignorant slut!”
I think it applies here to this probable bot called DianeS
“Diane, you ignorant slut!” …….
folks need to keep in mind they are all literally actors.
they may say stuff we like to hear or what upsets us, yet they are trained actors, above all.
remember even Trump was a member of Screen Actors Guild before they banned him?
This is all theater.
These staged events are not where real decisions are made by people we never heard of....
Follow the money. Consider who is never held accountable for gambling with and stealing our savings. Who gets nearly free money from our treasury yet lends it at usurious rates to taxpayers? It’s the billionaires in Finance who control the government.
Thanks! Zelenskyy doesn't deserve another moment of President Trump or VP, JD Vance's time! They both tried to reason with this whiney cry baby who had the sheer audacity to utter a Russian curse. There has to be a way to get through this nonsense, peacefully, and they will find it.
F you. They are working for Putin and only for the good of Putin you mindless nazi loving bleeeep.
This kind of text is not welcomed here on Substack.
You are entirely free to disagree but with more subtle wording. Please !!!
In case you have solid evidence for your above claims, please be so kind as to cite the sources or expose your own thoughts on how you come to this conclusion.
Subtle expletives, please!
From a quote attributed to Churchill:
"Diplomacy is the art of sending s.o. to hell with a wording that makes him anxiously look forward to the trip" ...
or in more recent times the motto applied by most of global corporate HR-depts.:
"Make the new job-applicant assume the heat created when he's being drawn over the table is the new nest warmth" ...
Deception at its best, wherever you look.
👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥 !!!
But let us never forget who installed this comedian, Zionist, crackpot ...
Remember 2014 and Victoria Nuland ??? ...
Under the duress that is Bruce's life she still manages to put out high quality work. Truly exceptional. I hope that like Job, she will be able to at some point live and write in peace.
🙏 Thank you, Sweetheart!
Zelensky is going bonkers because Trump wants peace, demands free elections and stops the free flow of American tax dollar to the most corrupted country West of the Ural Mountains. As for the overpaid and illegetimate eurocrats, they seize every opportunity to embezzle money, acquire extraordinary powers and unlimited immunity, and curtail civil liberties. Europe is broke. The show will end soon.
Alexandra I've followed you for at least 13 yrs - this is one of the very best articles you've ever written IMHO. Your summary was excellent, your facts were 100% accurate and I think you summed up the entire situation with a great deal of truth and accuracy. Zelensky let deep state down and now they WILL be coming for him. I'd be surprised if he makes it home alive.
I also really agree with your last paragraph - until Europe gets some leaders who have a brain and are not psychopathic idiots, the U.S. needs to not deal with them. I absolutely LOVE the way Trump and Vance handled this, men taking care of business in "Take Charge" manner. They showed the world who the boss really is!!
Thank you for this excellent journalism!
I think Z will eventually sign the agreement. He hasn't a leg to stand on without US support. How a guy -- whose talent is playing the piano with his dick -- every got into power is beyond me. The big lie -- since Russia invaded -- is that Putin was the aggressor when the truth is the EU nations violated the Minsk accord. Would we tolerate China having missiles on the Canadian or Mexican border? Not a chance in Hell.
Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?
Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions
Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?
By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?
Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases
[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.
The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change
Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires
Last line in the Movie The Last Boy Scout . "Be prepared, son. BE PREPARED."
I agree with everything you stated above.
I believe Trump was installed so his supporters would go back to sleep and think he will save them. It also put a big divide in the population, divide and conquer. People are being distracted with DOGE and releasing the so called "Epstein" and "JKF" files. Sure, whatever they say <RME's>. As you mentioned, it's full speed ahead with the mRNA gene-therapy injections for cancer, etc. This certainly won't end well. Also RFK Jr. is a scumbag who now supports the CDC and the vaccination schedule.
Dangerous times ahead.
Thanks! I've been writing for over 36 years now. With the Trump presidency it is apparent he was more than prepared and keeping up is like trying to drink out of a fire hose. I've heard similar observations from many other writers. I wish both Trump and the American People the best but certainly have my concerns. Trump is still pushing mRNA technologies and has never admitted that Operation Warp Speed and shutting down the US economy were major mistakes.
How come all of the brain dead dorks that want the war to continue don't fly over and volunteer for the front lines in Ukraine. Zelenski is out of cannon fodder! If he was a leader he would lead and not push from the rear.
This angry rant was PERFECT !!!! This toothless paper tiger is NOT in charge, so Trump and Vance's words were directed at those weak-assed puppeteers pulling coke-boy's strings. Soon the European overlords, who actually have little power will fold. America and her backers hold all the cards! As everything now is theater, just what really happened, and why? What optic is the Trump Team setting up, and what will result? I think we all know PEACE is the only result!
"Coke???" OMG !!! Not Only in Zelensky's Nose but Also in Biden's Nose. Cocaine in the 2020 Coupist WH but Whose was it ??? I dunno, We/Me/You dunno and the Dindu Nuffin's in the Feral Polezi aren't about to Divulge Anything. Open Revolt in the FIB against the Atty Gen.
Uktraine and the EU and the democRat Bolshevik USSA seem to be too similar.
Si vis pacem para bellum, Comrades. This ain't Over; It's just Beginning. Beware the Ides of March.
When I was at Brown Univ, I knew a few major Democrat politician kids and they really loved to "go skiing".
According to Bobby Kennedy Junior, the whole purpose of this conflict in Ukraine was to open up the natural resources of Ukraine to the control of Western corporations specifically the oligarchs like Black rock which is now controlling almost 90% of the wealth of the Western world . It was to put Ukraine into debt just like the World Bank and the IMF have done to dozens of other countries. Ukraine contains the most fertile soil in Europe, and the Western Agribusinesses want to control it. ConAgra,Bayer- Monsanto, Cargill, Syngenta, and Archer Daniels Midland are all controlled by Blackrock. Ukraine, also controls the corridor which links landlocked Russia with its only warm water port on the western side of the country and Russia since the time of Catherine the great in the 1700s has used Sebastopol for the majority of its fleet. So Trump is just following along with the original plan of stripping Ukraine of most precious resources under the charade of “paying back the loans”!
"Ideally, the US would exit the UN, NATO and all of these Nazi-derived Globalist institutions, as soon as possible." AMEN! Too many "friends" like Israel and NATO instead of a country like Russia which is opting for decency and sanity.
It would be most excellent if Trump unilaterally started pulling out men and equipment from its bases in Britain and Europe the Northern European countries as preparation for the possible US withdrawal from Nato. With the exception of the demented fools that support the socialist distruction of their various nations, the majority of ethnic British and Northern European people are increasingly perceiving their governments as treasonous maggots. Spain's Soros government is on the nose with right thinking Spaniards that can't stand the treasonous corruption of Pedro Sánchez.