It's stories like this that make me think that what we're up against is not human. How can it be?!

🤮 🤮 🤮

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They aren't human.

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It's part of a very ancient blood cult brought to Earth many thousands of years ago by the evil EL. For some reason they were attracted to blood, especially blood of what has been killed. Religion reeks of it. The idea of blood sacrifice to appease the "gods" went through the middle east....culminating in the Temple in Jerusalem, the later interpretation of Jesus' torture/ crucifixion as a blood sacrifice, and the 2000 year replay of that sacrifice in the Catholic mass. In that, people are taught that the transformation of bread into Jesus' body is literal. So people consume it. Romans and many cultures regularly sacrificed animals. Aztec and Maya pyramid temple blood-a-thons shows the EL entered mesoamerican culture too. I don't recall the idea of blood sacrifice being part of Asian cultures. I wonder why they were omitted.

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Yes, I blame them, too. With regard to Asia, my recollection is that a female Eloha (Enki/Enlil's sister?) was given command of that region. This might explain the different approach/culture? Having said that, I think the Elohim were actually androgynous/hermaphrodite; so perhaps I'm horribly confused. It's a long time since I did the reading!

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FWIW (not advocating, just sharing what I read 30 years ago), if I recall correctly, in Helena Blavatsky's 'Anthropogenesis', which was supposed to be based on an ancient Tibetan scroll, the original humans, aka the "First Root Race" were hermaphrodites and they reproduced by "sweating" and later, by "budding".

Blavatsky claimed that humans became gendered during the "Second Root Race" and she claimed that this was symbolism of the Adam and Eve story.

The Lemurians were the "Third Root Race" and the Atlanteans were the "Fourth Root Race". She said the Hebrews, the Aryans and others were the progeny of the "Fifth Root Race".

She said remnants/aspects of the previous "Root Races" are all present today and she used racist language that is completely unacceptable today. The Nazis loved her stuff. I think she would have said that East Asians were more "Third Root Race" and Native Americans were more "Fourth Root Race".

It probably has more symbolic than literal meaning and it may be prolific nonsense (the book is telephone book-sized and only half of the two-book, 'The Secret Doctrine') - but it is worth knowing about, because the occult Nazis and Freemasons, etc. have believed this.

Most of her claims about "Root Races" may be disproved by modern genomics and the investigations of ancient human migrations, remains, languages and cultural productions. That is, if we can believe anything about anything.

Her writings were based on what she claimed was an ancient Tibetan scroll called the Book of Dzyan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Dzyan), which some speculate was/is an occult part of Dzogchen Buddhism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzogchen).

The idea of 3 or 4 "previous worlds/races" and the "gods" above becoming angry and destroying their human creations by means of catastrophes, such as Noah's Flood, in order to make "new and improved" versions of humans is seen in the ancient mythologies of Hinduism, Buddhism, Greece, Rome, the Olmecs, the Maya, the Aztecs, the Hopi, to name but a few.

All of this also relates to the Yugas (the cycle of Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age) and it seems to correspond to the Book of Daniel 2:35 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel%202%3A35&version=NIV) and that we may be living in the "5th Kingdom" ("5th World", "5th Root Race") that is now being destroyed???

Is everything an alien script? Just some high-octane, crazy-ass high-strangeness, never mind...

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Do you have any comment on the theory that The Fifth Root Race were admitted to Earth as refugees from the war that destroyed Mars and Tiamat, please?

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Yes! But not from any of the above sources, instead, from a fabulous newsletter that I subscribed to in the pre-internet, early '90s, 'Cosmic Awareness' or 'Revelations of Awareness' - and I am so honored that Vikki T, the publisher of this publication in Washington State is a current subscriber of mine, today!

It was a trance-channeled, Xeroxed, 15-page newsletter that was mailed out every 3 weeks. And they went through a few channelers but the best, in my opinion was Paul Shockley, who passed away, so they had to find a new person who could do this.

Paul Shockley, channeling the Cosmic Awareness, said that yes, there was a rescue operation after the destruction of Maldek (now, the Asteroid Belt) and that this whole thing about blue eyes came from them, because they were that much further away from the Sun and needed less pigment in their eyes to improve vision in those conditions, especially night vision.

He said they were transported to "the Carpathians" but I think he misread "the energies of Awareness" and that what he really meant "the Caucasus", because it is around there and the Caspian Sea region, that archeologists have found the first humans who had that genomic mutation.

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Whoa! Very interesting - especially as I have blue eyes. Thank you. IIRC, I read somewhere that blue-eyed people were all descendants of Japheth, son of "Noah" (who was more properly known as King Sisuda or Ziusudra) but that could be nonsense and of course I don't remember where I read it! As you know Noah's ark came to rest on Mount Ararat, which is at the southern end of the Caucasus, although it seems the ark might have been built on the edge of Dartmoor, Devon, SW England. So perhaps it wasn't a flood that "Noah" and his sons survived, but a cosmic war?! So many threads to untangle and dots to join, as ever. So much food for thought 🤯

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Wow, what a helpful comment, Alexandra. Thank you. I need to read Blavatsky, but haven't.

A forensic reading of Genesis also talks about asexual reproduction - "begat/begetting." Doesn't sound like much fun!

"Were the early patriarchs both sexes? And what was the "woman" they created?"


The late Zulu healer and keeper of knowledge, Credo Mutwa, also claimed that the Zulus have a cultural memory of when the Chitauri gods divided humans into male and female as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy.


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In Blavatsky's "Book of Dzyan" system, Africoids would be more "Second Root Race" (sexy and full of soul) and the "First Root Race" was barely physical, at all.

She described a process of densification (not sure that's a word!) over the course of her madcap story of 'Anthropogenesis', which was further developed in another crazy book I read, that I found on the 13th floor Library at the Grand Lodge of New York on 23rd Street in Manhattan (https://www.masonichallnyc.org/), a book entitled 'The Hill of Vision', which many years later, I was able to find and buy on Amazon (now, in storage halfway across the country: https://www.amazon.com/Hill-Vision-Revolution-Automatic-Supervision/dp/0331860406); this was an "automatic writing" book, written in the 19-teens which predicted the Nazis and WWII and how the nadir of this densification process would occur during that "time".

Does that "time" extend to now? I don't know. But certainly, the opening salvos of WW3 have been approved by NATO and the Brandon administration (whoever they are), with this approval to fire long range missiles into the heart of Russia a day or two ago...

Russia, incidentally, was prophesied by both Edgar Cayce and by the Apparition of Fátima – I translated a book from Portuguese into English about this (https://www.amazon.com/Celestial-Secrets-Hidden-History-Incident/dp/193366522X/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_1?crid=W1AGMEF144HR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NhCAZ1NwPQAcQCYIEJkOVXyCyDUen0unljG8oMqG57A5i1mlTGdLq_ssoyPsZFe5xqWoEpPfQjPUhc3_2L_KJg.D1uwjxr7S8sN34clzuS0tx22VmqgtVr7Ea401LL4yas&dib_tag=se&keywords=bastidores+de+fatima%2Benglish%2Balexandra+bruce&qid=1726453427&sprefix=bastidores+de+fatima%2Benglish%2Balexandra+bruce%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-1-fkmr2) to be the Savior of the World, as long as the Russian soil and land was "Consecrated to Jesus".

This is something, to which you see Putin constantly making a nod, so God Bless Him, as far as I'm concerned.

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How I wish I had started researching all this before reading became difficult!!

Yes, we should all be grateful that Russia seems to have quarantined itself from Babylonitis for more than a millennium at least. I hope I'm not wrong about that. The prospect of open war between NATO and Russia/SCO does not bear thinking about. As you probably know, Daniel and Farrell are saying that modern nuclear weapons don't produce significant radio-active fall-out any more, just waves of blast and heat; so perhaps that explains why some allegedly believe that a nuclear war is now "winnable"?

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"Thou shalt not Kill".



Satanist Pedophile Illuminati Theosophist Evil (S.P.I.T.E.) scumbags in addition to getting sexual thrills torturing and murdering children also harvest them to extend their pathetic lives:

LIST #1 Satanist Child Murder Camps & Fees for Adrenochrome for Life Extending Elite Scum





Actionable intelligence on child torture centers received from high level U.S. government official

By Benjamin Fulford

February 5, 2024

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, I don’t know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names and addresses of the torturers, the names of the tortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.

The first PDF file contains the names of 540 children who are still being tortured daily. The second one contains the names of 400 children who were tortured to death. If you find your missing child’s name on the list, we promise we will leave no stone unturned to either rescue or get justice for your child. This is possible because the files contain the names and home addresses of 456 “adrenochrome harvesters,” the euphemism they use for child torturers.

The full PDF files can be downloaded below.

Military Detention Minors Adrenochrome List 040820202




Here is a typical entry:

Name: Anthony Christen

Birthday: 01.11.2009

Age: 12

Custody months: 25

Adrenachrome quality: A++

Custody Location: ARNG

Daily quota: 11

Origin: Mexico

Inmate ID: 16091209-4349

The children being tortured at these facilities are from Canada, the United States, Mexico and Costa Rica.

This is actionable intelligence. Please print out copies of these files to make sure they cannot be erased digitally. If you are in law enforcement or the military, take the file to your commanding officer and demand that they take it up the chain of command for immediate action. If you are an ordinary citizen, take the file to your local law enforcement and ask that they look into this. Many of the children are still alive and can be saved. If you encounter someone in the chain of command who tries to stop any action, arrest them for obstruction of justice. If they resist arrest, use necessary force.

The [S.P.I.T.E.] Mafia controls us by controlling the top ranks. However, they only control a tiny percentage of people. That means bottom-up pressure can remove this human pus in the same way as squeezing a pimple does. That is what pursuing this case can accomplish. We must all do our part.

Sean Stone's "Best Kept Secret" 6x-part Documentary Series


Broken into 6x parts:

1. The Beast

2. Mind Kontrol

3. Compromise

4. the NWO

5. Blood ritual

6. Archons


John 3:16 is THE WAY...

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL

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I haven't watched these yet... disturbed enough by your comment.

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Hey, Tirion. I don't know either. The males seem to be named as males though.

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Perhaps it's a question of how they identify???!!! 🤣

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Clif High and others have discussed the Talmudic belief in 8 genders. He's not lying:


The whole gender thing has been weaponized by this Marxist NWO WW3 smackdown, that we are experiencing, intended to divide and to drive us crazy but I can't argue that gender *expression* is, indeed on a spectrum. I mean, just taking myself - I have never been an extremely feminine woman - I'm not "mannish" or "Bull Dyke-y" but I'm not exactly the most "Petite Flower", either.

And there are guys who are not gay who are kind of effeminate - and it's all fine. It's always been OK, as far as I'm concerned. They've just weaponized it to mess up the kids, conduct genocide and collapse civilization.

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so yes & no... it's "debated" cuz what Clif (who hates da joos mightily) & others (pro/con, etc) do not git is that Tamud is NOT a belief system--it's a bunch of OPINIONS many contradictin' each other--more like an Encylopedia. Some say 2 genders, some 6, 7, 8 (this includes eunuchs tho--not "born" their invented gender) so nothin' is in STONE.. ALL that said Torah sez two genders only an' that comes first... the rest is "theory" not worship... hard ta 'splain because no other faith has a fully non-factual book of opinions! (2 joos, 3 opinions as it goes)

Some folks with an agenda even WITHIN the chewish faith will point to some obscure passage in Torah or argument in Talmud (which fwiw women used ta be FORBIDDEN to read so they knew zilch about genders...)--an' use it ta support the point. PROBLEM wuz that folks could find arguments supportin' ALL sides of the debate! Comments sections often look like "Jeopardy!"...

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🎯 🙌🏻

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Homo Luminous has a lot of waking up to do, thanks for the comment, it will give many something to think about.

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Great name, Homo Luminous. Man of Light.

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I didn't mention war. That's a huge blood sacrifice cow. Probably so was covid. So will their genocide be. They never miss an opportunity.

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For sure. Louche banquet.

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All true.

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Yes, I don't think it is a coincidence that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were home to Japan's two largest Christian communities :(

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Really? Interesting.

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I think you're right.

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They most likely aren't human .

Vampires? Many indigenous peoples believed in them.

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Yes, I think energy vampires are real enough. Don't know about the blood-sucking variety though. Perhaps they are the same?

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I think the vampire notion comes from historic adrenochrome drinkers and blood sacrificers. That and the movies.

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Now that's an interesting & plausible explanation.... I've always felt there was more behind the adenochrome conspiracy. I believe Oprah is a major dealer... just saying

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Hanks and Cruise. See my earlier comment and link. That interview will blow your mind.

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Would you be able to repost the link here? I searched, to no avail. Thank you.

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I must have misread this. Adrenochrome is harvested from dead human children's bodies? Is there no limit to how repulsive Hollywood can be? Since 2020 I've had zero desire to ever see another Hollywood movie. That's become a real intention to never be even a passive observer in an industry that is full-on satanic. Period. You can't hate Hollywood enough.

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I don’t go to movies, don’t have a TV and actually didn’t even have one when I was “in the business”. I always hated it when I was in it and I’m beginning to understand why.

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They torture the child to produce more adrenochrome or to make it more potent.

There’s an internet legend about a video discovered on Anthony Wiener’s laptop. He was a former NY Congressman, who was convicted of “sexting” with a 15-year-old girl, while married to Huma Abedin.

Wiener’s laptop contained backups of all the communications between his then-wife, Huma Abedin, who was Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant (aka “Bodywoman”) for many years.

There was reportedly a folder on this computer called “LIFE INSURANCE” or maybe just “INSURANCE”. Inside that folder was a video file called “Frazzledrip”.

This video allegedly showed Hillary and Huma torturing a 13 or 14-year-old girl; cutting her face off and each alternately “wearing” her face as a mask and taunting the girl, by wearing her face and mocking her, with her own face, that they had just surgically peeled off of her skull.

The NYPD had the laptop first and gave it to the FBI. 10 NYPD officers “committed suicide” in short order.

So when you see the word “Frazzledrip”, that’s what it’s about.

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How could it be humans doing that, let alone apparently enjoying it?!

I remember this and how I couldn't watch more than a little of it:


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The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper doesn’t it………………

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You have no idea. This is on YT, but given the highly sensitive and disturbing information was going to be heavily censored, so you only get the first half. The seriously crazy shit is on Rumble:


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Nothing, & I mean NOTHING would surprise me these days. Being a "conspiracy theorist" gives me a high tolerance for the whacky & the woo, but I now think we CTs are the only sane/awake ones around. You cant be afraid of the truth, which enables you to Know the Truth when you hear it, or not, and be effective, whatever that means for an individual trying to effect positive changes in a crazy evil world.

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I don’t understand why they cut out the name of the adrenochrome king. Do you?

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I have to stop researching it at times bc it gets to be too much. The Finders and Franklin Conspiracy show that government and the CIA are definitely in on it. Blame it on Jorge shows his work and research and you can go from there, it ties into Monarch and Mockingbird and Ultra. The synanon cult too. God bless the men and women in law enforcement who are working on this stuff. The toll on your mind is something that requires a new level of mental toughness that is like working out a muscle group. It's insane that this is happening and that the guy who debunked pizza gate was in on it and it's worth at least pointing out that John Podestas sob, Chester, who was lead singer of Lincoln Park killed himself. Their new lead singer is a Scientologist and due to Hubbard's involvement in Freemasonry, what they do to people who leave or disagree with the cult is actually on par with pedo behavior, hence Danny Masterson. It's so evil and must be destroyed, starting with the adernochrome and removing the demand for the supply and let's all ask ourselves how these famous people who sold their souls even get introduced to it and is it in other drugs even?

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Yes, I have been actively researching all of this since the early 1990s but maybe really, all my life.

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Agreed. I was where you were in 18 myself and thought I was well versed in Conspiracy as I've been a life long student of history and alt (real) history. It's all real but so nuanced. I think Lt. Col Michael Aquino is one of the most evil people ever.

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Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Note Adrenochrome is simply oxidised adrenalin and a clotting agent or the precursor to what they are really truthfully after which is dimethyl neuronal melanin or (DNMN)

When methyl is added to Neuronal Melanin making dmnm DIMETHYL-NEURONAL-MELANIN (the strongest natural regenerative Molecule known to exist only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience) you can repair neurological damage and restore cns functionality

Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Here is a link in case anyone is interested in the science


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Thank you SOOOOOOO much for explaining this pathway, because "oxidized adrenaline" never made any sense to me!!!

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What is "undogmafied"? Without dogma? Without religious programming?

The first Google hit I'm getting is a tweet from a now de-platformed account on Arabic language Twitter lol. Lots of other very weird/interesting Google hits – but the word does not even appear on https://freespoke.com/

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Takes adrenaline junkie to new meaning right.

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Sep 15
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They have. You can buy synthesized Chinese stuff for cheap: https://aobious.com/aobious/products/13456-adrenochrome.html

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Eeeuwww, Chinese knock offs

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But you would miss all that fun torture and the profit from trafficking children.

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Sep 15
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That is true, power over.

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What bothers me is ok, so are they deriving this from blood and plasma donations as well?

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Maybe just from petrochemicals. I don't know. It's not supposed to be as good, because it has something to do with the soul and how the blood is part of the interface between the soul and the body. And petrochemicals ain't that.

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I ask because traumatized people give blood and plasma and where's it really going. I have a not so common blood type myself and think there's a there there as they either have a surplus or are then using it as a method for synthetic production re China, we live in a surveillance state for a reason. 23 and me was sold but the data factor trees and family tree creation ability in this market is an interesting rabbit hole to go down as 23 and Me determined that we're all connected 20 generations back. This line of thought factors in. It's daunting and sleep depriving.

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If I had a tuning fork or a Rife machine with the frequency of Ambien, my life would be complete (joking).

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Crazy part is that the plasma technology of Rife was less sophisticated than that of Priore and Riviere (1964) and no one ever says anything about them... 🤔

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That's a good one! 🤣🤣 I get it. 💯

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Sep 16
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To be sure.

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I want the entire world to see this and know it is real

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True Blood! I wonder if that HBO series was one of their predictive programming ops. Why wouldn't they replicate adrenochrome? Maybe because trafficking the real stuff is so lucrative? Robert David Steele said that military bases are for "trafficking of drugs, weapons and small children." They forced him on Remdesivir and a ventilator during covid. Termination by hospital.

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This same retired Marine friend who told me about adrenochrome lost a brother to cocaine in the early '90s. He discovered that his brother had been involved in trafficking, so he used his training to discover who was at the bottom of his brother's trafficking operation.

It turned out to be CIA asset, Bob Nichols. You know who his attorney was? then-Deputy (or Assistant, I forget) LA County District Attorney, Adam Schiff, moonlighting as a defense attorney in his free time, still wet-behind-the-ears from Harvard Law School. My friend saw the whole operation. The coke was coming in through March AFB near Riverside, CA.

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All part of the puzzle. Adam Schiff is a slimy little turd. Doesn't surprise me that he would be consiglieri for a coke trafficking operator. Wonder if he's descended from the infamous Schiff family of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co./ Jekyll Island/Fed creation. The CIA are famously drug runners. Scum of the earth.

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I knew some Kuhns and Loebs through my ex-husband who was friends with them at Harvard. Insanely wealthy kids. The Kuhn was extremely businesslike and only ever wore a full Brioni suit, even during leisure hours and he was only 21!

Gay. Now, he seems to wear T-shirts, like Zuckerbucks – and he’s currently in the film business. Because, of course he is lol.

I knew a Schiff at MTV from when I was an intern there, as a Sophomore at Brown.

I don’t think Adam Schiff is one of those Schiffs but I could be wrong.

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If Adam's not, he should be.

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He must certainly aspire to be.

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Wow. Evil is as evil does.

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WHAT! That man is so disgusting.

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He's hard to top. But then, there's Jamie Raskin and Hillary Clinton and all kinds of other demons running amok, out there.

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Thank you, he deserves Honorable Mention, because they murdered him.

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Loved Robert, and his demise right in the middle of his big tour, was shocking and tragic. He was of course famous for calling covid a hoax early on and the media gloated that he died of covid. But as I heard it, he started a feisty Robert scuffle about being treated for covid when he had sought treatment at the hospital for some kind of respiratory condition he'd had a long time. The story was that he was sedated for that and his wife talked into the treatment. He was murdered with the "covid protocol." So many were murdered the same way, I don't know if anyone from the cabal was involved. But if they weren't it was only because it happened so fast they didn't know. The cabal was certainly behind the infamous protocol itself. How he died was sickening.

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I believe we are infinite beings, and he is out there working in the ether. The 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony is the clue that the "C" was involved. They have given their next moves with the 2024 Ceremonies. None of the spelling will stop what is coming. The Universe will answer.

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What is the "C" about? I really didn't look at all that Crap at the Olympics.

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Cabal in the above paragraph. Well, the 2012 Olympics grotesquely was showing hospital beds, children, nurses and a wizard with a needle, showing predictive programming to an unsuspecting world in my opinion. The world needs to wake up. They do it at sports half time events too.

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It's all really disgusting. I can't believe people go to these events and suck it up.

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Oct 1
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Hospitals and medical people are terrible and very Nazi in their approaches. I left a doctor I had gone to for 15 years over her pushing the vax on me. Alexandra posted more on RDS's death below that's informative.

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Is that what happened to him?

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That was the story told on alt media.

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Yeah, that would be me, his nephew, the people that were around and witnessed it, etc.

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RDS had been trying to get me on his show for 3 years and I finally relented in early 2021. He was dead within 6 months.

In the pre-interview, he told me that his wife was completely brainwashed by the COVID PSYOP and was angry with him that he refused to be vaxxed.

He was telling me, without telling me that they were getting divorced.

Then, he was on the road with the "Unrig" tour, with former GA Rep Cynthia McKinney and he ran himself ragged and supposedly caught the coof.

He was hospitalized and posted a video of himself lying on a gurney in a hospital in Florida, saying he was going to be alright and that he was resisting their attempts to vaxx him, etc.

But I guess he lost consciousness and he was still technically married and his wife, who had the Power-of-Attorney to sign-off on the hospital's death protocols of the vaxx, remdesivir and his being intubated. That's the story I put together from my chat with him and what I got from his nephew, @kagdrogo on TRUTHSocial (also @ that handle on Twitter).

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Is adrenochrome available OTC at Walgreens?

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I guess no chance they’ll put it in Monster energy drinks or Red Bull.

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Oh no thats for cobra venom.

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If things dont turn around it might be.

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Not yet - but you can get it here for only $11 per milligram: https://aobious.com/aobious/products/13456-adrenochrome.html

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This is so hard to read. I tried when Epstein was alive but my soul was damaged by the truth

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Mega hideous practice! The ultimate depravity! Goes without saying, must be stopped and perpetrators prosecuted.

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Your lips to Gods ears!

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Two adrenochrome factories within a day’s drive of me - W Canada. Found on google maps, not even hidden.

Can buy it openly online.

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This is intriguing and unclear. Would you be willing to say more?

"...he said that certain Executive Orders that Trump had put into place had cut off the supply of adrenochrome in the US...."

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I think he was referring to the EO about blocking the assets/property of those involved with human trafficking.

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And I just thought they were perverts.

It make sence though,

I've seen Hillary look like she was on her deah bed, then come back in a week and look 20 years younger

Is that what was being cooked in the Ukrainian biolabs ?

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Tell me this former CIA officer & award-winning scifi author wasn't warning us about adrenochrome... https://www.drabblecast.org/2019/03/09/drabblecast-400-we-who-stole-the-dream-pt-1/

** Button for Part 2 is at bottom of page

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The moment of saw John "Skippy" Podesta's name in this article, I knew it was demonic.

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Thank you... but yuk! Hope this ends badly for all people that have anything to do with that.

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