Jan 6Edited

Heard it here first!

Thanks for doing actual journalism, Alexandra.

Web was very quiet regarding DC this morning.

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So did Kamala read out the announcement?

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Jan 6Edited


Its hard for me to understand the number of people who work and live in this great country that actually hate it and everything it stands for. Hey, your free to go! Travel is easy, pick up and go to a better place for you to live your lives. Truth is, this is the best place, and thats why everyone wants to come here.

The WEF, the real enemy we are fighting

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Sorry, that I had to block the neurotic sh!tposter.

He's been harassing me for years in the comment section of my website but now that my site has been taken-out by something that my hosting service cannot fix, he had to come over here and sh!tpost all over my Substack.

I don't owe that malicious bastard a damned thing, so he's gone.

Apologies to everyone who was loving him. LOL

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This is actually what is known as "cyberstalking" and "online harassment" and I may have to go after him, if he keeps it up.

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Well done Alexandra.. I knew very little to nothing of him. From my view, he's on auto pilot, and nothing anyone says he will hear.

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Yes. I think it’s Malignant Narcissism crossed with Victim Complex. Toxic and sad.

You saw how we all humored him and played nice but he inappropriately took over the thread and everything is about him. I think he ran for Congress from NJ.


If he had kept things normal, he would still be here but he was abusive and he’s already been abusive towards me for several years, now and I don’t owe him shΒ‘t, at this point.

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He may win battles but loses the war. He's invested deep in his views, and so at the end of the day is similar to normies doing the same . I only have so many years to live, love and leave a good trail. I will not have these sick criminals rob every second of my freedom. We do our best, you with your journalism, me with my art music writing/ I have been following you a while. my art site. www.dougauld.com

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I would love to leave. But I am on parole for a crime I didn't do in a nation with the highest rate of incarceration in the world. In addition, i was incarcerated for my freedom o speech, penning and self-publishing EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION, in May 2016. I exposed that the ballots are rigged and have been for decades (Trump was also selected, and I have proven he is a Rothschild puppet and child rapist) that Gates would depopulate the planet using vaccines, and much much more.

I exposed the government and those above it= names dates documents quotes sources. After being freed I penned two much more damning and powerful books. I may know a bit more than you, you think?

We are the military bully of the world, and have destroyed many poor nations so that our corporations can profit, and sanctioned them to death. The survivors come to have a chance to survive a while longer and live off of minimum wage labor to live in poverty here.

No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists. Trump included. He is in Epsteins book. America is secretly ruled by the Vatican which worships Lucifer, and it also secretly is over every Christian denomination. Your pastors all told you to vote for Trump, who converted to Judaism and is a freemason.

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All of this may be true but if Kabala had won, we would have been total toast.

I'm sorry about all of your travails. Mine have sucked, too.

At the end of the day, not everything is about you or me or about any individual.

Given the outcomes, this one is way better than the other ones on the table, so I'll take the win.

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100% Kabala=Toast. and beyond. This is what i try to tell people, what choice did we have? Everyone can criticize everyone and everything. It's all built upon lies upon lies upon lies anyhow. Try to prove anything? Anything in history will have a multitude of points of view. Its not systems political or otherwise that are the problem its people, the nature of the human being itself. Communism would be great if all people were honest and honorable and followed its ideals and its leaders wanted the best for the collective. But they dont ! They are tyrants and cheaters and most often the people are liars and con men, and will game the system. Thats why for me, meritocracy is where its at . You work, you produce, you offer something, and you are noted and rewarded.

God, all these systems suck, but our American system en mass is the best of all bad systems.

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Why aren't you in jail? the reason is obvious. Being against Kamala will not put you in prison. But Trump has made it clear that he will make some legislation to curb freedom of speech legally, not just slyly. I was incarcerated with trumped charges, but with TRump, you will be openly incarcerated if you say something that he doesnt like. And now we hear that, as Trump put it "RFK will not take away anybody's vaccine" after they had dinner with pharmaceuticals.

Trump filling his cabinet with war hawks and all of them support Israeli genocide. AIPAC for the guy who cannot be bought. World war and bird flu vaccines will result.

I am no fan of kamalah, but I also ran for president. Look at my platform. Tell me that trump's is 1% as good. Dont be a fool.

Why do you think that the reds or blues are really different. As I have repeatedly said: No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists and Vatican. All real journalists are fully aware that red and blue serve the same people. So which is it? Are you unbelievably stupid or a liar journalist serving the CIA like every establishment news platform?

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I am obviously not hating trump or the nation for personal reasons. Trump has been so obviously promoted by the deep state that he works for with good reason, they have worked hard for the people to trust in him. The courts giving him softball prosecution, the press giving him softball interviews, I have exposed his having raped half a dozen children, but press silence on that.

Remember him guilty of felony fraud while campaining in 2016 (Trump University)? Hardly made the news due to the press being so much against him. The assassination hoaxes, etc.. all designed to make him appear to be fighting the establishment. When they take such effort for his reputation to appear that he is anti-establishment, there is reason.

Lunatic4Bizcas6 hours ago (edited)

@Michael Kahn : Β‘ Exactly ! Trump is also photographed at having been at one of Jeffrey Epstein's functions, yet when confronted with the issue, Trump claimed that he never knew the guy nor had any sort of friendship with him. Trump is part and parcel of the same machine, but the fact is that he was never directly involved in politics himself and instead hovered around the periphery of the political establishment, had a considerable amount of the populous fooled into thinking that he was for the people. Trump is probably the perfect decoy for the deep state, because while many of his followers are distracted to the detestable deeds of government, Trump's party and allies from across the aisle are up to the same games of interventionism abroad and disenfranchisement of the average citizen domestically. Trump was installed as president to prevent the nation from coming undone at the seams. If Trump had not been elected then there could have been a possibility for a mass uprising against government, and that is the last thing the international cabal of elitists and deep state operatives could want. A polarized and divided nation is much easier to control and manipulate

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Roy Kohn

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Perfect match made in hell. Two filthy deceiving criminals, one a lawyer, the other a politician.

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Michael. I wouldn't doubt the bulk of what you say. Im no dummy and also know that so called change is only "allowed" by very ruthless men. I can only attest to my life, my life experience etc , and we had Trump for 4 years, as no one seems to remember.

Ill take ,the whatever you call it , Trump 4 years over the present criminals.

sadly Politics arguing is akin to hagling which drug cartel is better? this one or that.

Any how, I don't argue or debate politics anymore. Its pointless. We have come to where we have come by our own experiences and decisions. best wishes for you.

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And note at the bottom of my other comment I give a link showing near the end of the video that Trump and Klaus are in bed together, tRump is aligned with him. What Americans are told that their country stands for is a lie, every bit of it. I have studied much history in books not authorized by the establishment. Founding fathers were rich slave owning freemasons wearing white wigs, tights, lace, and using eloquent flatulance and their buzz words "Freedom" 'equality" Just like today's creeps use "equity" inclusive" etc.. Jefferson who said "life, liberty and happiness" had 180 slaves. As a result of borrowing funds from British subjugated France, the founding fathers put the nation in deep debt to Britain, Rothschild, and the Vatican, who really own this nation

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Now, in the American Revolutionary War, the colonists had no real chance of victory. England had twenty times the wealth and population of the colonies. Mayer Amschel Bauer, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty and of the illuminati, owned the king, and had extended unlimited credit to the king, having arranged contracts permitting Rothschild’s tax collectors to represent and collect taxes from the king’s subjects. He is the one who said: β€œAllow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws.”

Bauer suggested to the king that he finance the colonists in their revolution, and bring the colonists to their knees in debt. King George accomplished that by using his appointed figurehead in France to β€œjoin” the colonists against England monetarily. Thus, the Rothschilds bought America as well. Much of the loans from the French went into the founding father’s pockets.

The majority of the decisions and passing of events was factored by the agency of the freemasonry (who was knowingly worshiping Satan), as most of the leaders belonged to the secret Christian societies. Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) formed the illuminati with former Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776, and in July of 1782, it officially joined forces with freemasonry at the congress of Wilhelmsbad.

When the cost of the war placed sufficient debt on the colonists (and Britain), the English soldiers withdrew, recovered their arms, and within eight years, returned to England. The colonists proclaimed themselves as victorious, letting their adversaries exit peacefully. Later, in 1785, the treaty of peace between King George, The Roman Catholic Church, and representatives of the United States was agreed upon and signed. It’s opening statement was:

β€œIt having pleased the divine providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent prince George the third by the grace of god, king of the Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick, and Laurenberg arch treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire and church, and of the United States of America.”

When interpreted said:

β€œThe king claims that the pope is the Vicar of Christ and that God gave the king power to declare that no man can ever own property because it goes against the tenets of his church, the Vatican, the Holy Roman Church and because he is the elector of the Holy Roman Empire.”

Our founding fathers agreed to it! Remember again that they were wealthy, they were lawyers, they were Christians, and many were freemasons. Remember the carefully placed wording and


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and all are very forgetful of who closed the nation (by calling a national state of emergency, the US was placed under FEMA jurisdiction)and under who we got Operation Warp Speed. Notice that tRump refused to take responsibility for closing the nation, and blamed governors. VEry dishonest.

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Stop sh!t-posting all over my content, all over the web.

This is cyberstalking and online harassment.

I will block you, if you keep this up.

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If you read me well, I said both red and blue are puppets to the globalists (and Vatican) I am not a blue. My words don't go in vain. I have wakened up the planet and am the most trusted journalist in the world, due to my relentless truth telling. I have readership of over 100 million internationally every day, my newsletter goes viral. Sign up for the free newsletter and books attached for free on the second link. The first link shows my book, and evidence of incarceration.

Thank you for the wishes, but they get nowhere. TRump is not for us. Read all I said and linked to. He is a liar and false promises. Did he empty the swamp? Did he prosecute Hillary? Did he build the wall that Mexico never agreed to? He is proud of Operation Warp Speed, and still encourages people to take it. How could you be so stupid?

BIden gave us more vaccines, Ukraine and Israel. Trump will finish the job. You need to realize that he works for Rothschild, the head of the "deep state"

To prove what I said;



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Michael. What is actionable? you tell me? What were our choices? who should I have voted for? Anyhow, good on ya for all your good work. I wish it was an honest world but it isnt. Its a shit house of lies , power, blackmail coercion, pedo and money .

Nothing will "prove" anything. Be well. I will not return comment because I could return comment for the remainder of 2025.

Remember to live.

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Better to not vote than to vote for slavemasters, even if they are puppets. I also ran. here was my platform. Now our only hope is revolution. The powers plan to kill us all and enslave the few survivors solely for adrenochrome farming purposes. Robots will replace useless eaters.


Arm yourselves and stock up. We are in for a difficult ride. Best to be real revolutionaries and die fighting with a possibility of victory, than to roll over and die and let our children be victims of pedophiles.

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Nothing wrong about being a Freemason despite all the crap you hear.

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It is serving Lucifer knowingly, as do almost all Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc... But it appears that virtually every evil power person is a freemason. They are all connected in a hivemind, and work together. I was in freemasonic church disguised as "jews for jesus" type, it was the chosen peoples congregation. Jonathan Cahn, the pastor, had this as his alter call: say after me: "I turn from the dark to the light"

Long after leaving the church, debunking the bible, I learned from researching for my books that this was freemasonic pledge to become a freemason.

Notice from th elink I submit to prove that Trump is a freemason that he was addressing freemasonic black pastors. They are everywhere in the church

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I call BS & speak from my experience.

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Rothschild, as you should know, owns the national bank of every nation, including the federal reserve. He is the richest and second most powerful man in the world, makes wars, does pure evil.


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



Epstein's book 5:14 and 7:14



Here is a damning video on Trump. At 5:12 it gives the names of, and the sums paid for hush money, of the half dozen children he raped. At 8:00 you see Trump with his buddy Klaus, who he says is doing a great job. There is more in this great nine minute summation of how you were fooled.


13 year old trump raped on Epstein’s island


my website where you can sign up for a free newsletter and books attached to it.


The "deep state" has had courts prosecuting trump with softball charges, the press gives him softball interviews, they never mention his real pedophilia, Trump university charges back in 2016 while he was campaigning and was found guilty of frauding over six thousand people of thousands of dollars while campaigning, and the press hardly mentioned it. HE supports Israeli genocide, is packing his cabinet with war hawks, is making sure that RFK will not stop bird flu vaccines, and you are so glad he is taking office.

A real politician would have this platform, if he really cared for the people


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I can't help but be the one to piss on the party. I'm sorry. I can't help but look for the deeper agenda hidden in these moments.

I just get the sneaky feeling this is all so the FBI can say "See? You need us! We're not as bad as they say Look what we just stopped".

I hope I'm wrong. I would love nothing more than to see the world become a much, much better place πŸ’–

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Not all FBI agents are bad. I know, firsthand because I launched a Federal Case with their help in the late '90s and the FBI I dealt with were great. Chris Wray is now gone, Trump's victory has been certified.

Things have been really disgusting for a long, long time and after all of these years of totally insane Fake News, sadistic, in-your-face corruption and the abuse of Taxpayers, such as Ukraine and what is occurring here, in Western North Carolina. All of this makes this shift seem surreal and almost unearthly. Savor it!

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Trudope and his sucksessor have the answer to their deeper agenda, but that's for them to know and us to find out.

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You could easily b right. But there are the good ones we never hear from. Let’s hope it’s the latter. Just depends Who is telling the news.

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Bullshit on the FBI doing anything to solve a crime. I say those pipe bombs are the FBIs.

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Yeah, this guy they arrested may have been their asset, who was supposed to produce the mayhem that Jeff Prather was warning us about (https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/jeffrey-prather-inside-sources-warn).

Maybe they knew all about it – but, instead of letting him do this, they arrested him, instead.

I'll take the latter over the former.

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You are the first I've seen to report on the certification; it's been crickets for being such a "big" story. It's starting to look suspicious, though: there was a big to-do about whether there'd even BE an election in November; went off w/o a hitch. Now, it was "what will happen on Jan. 6??" Nothingburger. Will Jan. 20 be a calm sunny day as well? What's this all about really?

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I know. We're so used to things not going "normally". Where's Antifa/BLM? Where are the pro-Palestine protestors?

It's so weird.

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Why are BLM and Palestinians not a positive thing? gotta be CIA-dominated news media. You cannot be as ignorant as you pretend to be. Causing division deliberately, and obviously attempting to mislead. Conservative/Liberal divide as the managers have contrived and manufactured. Misrepresentation. Hate one another rather than the establishment. Those that protest and hate on the powers are shown in a negative light to the other side. Typical CIA-dominated news media strategy.

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Because of the lunacy the left engaged in after Trump surprised them in 2016, events like certifying an election, which was simply formality before Mr Trump's rise to president, are now significant events where we collectively hold our breaths. Crazy.

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it's hard to imagine that Biden's FBI would actually do anything good. so i smell a rat.

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absolutely. Trump the rodent.

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It’s interesting that you name call Trump, but nothing on Biden and his administration. I say you’re the rat!

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What a great scoop! Congratulations. Glad another potential tragedy was averted.

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So glad she had to certify the results!!!!

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Can't get the vid to load.

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Refresh and try again, because I have just uploaded the video directly to Substack.

My website is down, because my host's local Internet Service Provider on the West Coast is also down... πŸ‘€

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Thank you ! It worked.

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Who needs a laugh??

"The day I joined bitchute....&.....One year later."

0:39 min


Reminds me of captain beefhart.

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"Veddy Niiiice!" as Borat would say. LOL

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FKTV is completely inaccessible right now. I tried refreshing, made no difference. Will check back later...

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Thanks, yes, I was trying to save this post before I hopped on with James but it froze-up, so I quit Chrome and I've been out on errands since the end of James' podcast.

The site was up earlier and now, it's down.

My hosting service says there's a big problem with the Internet Service provider of the host (on the West Coast) and that he'd spoken to them 2 hrs ago but now, they're not answering.

This could be the beginning of the big blackout, as James noted. There's a Q Delta for that right around now (I never followed Q closely but it may be a thing).

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Thank you, I will check on this tomorrow, and thanks very much for your reply.

I do hope things get sorted out for you with the site.

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Great news! Starmer has a pout on, he suspended our May Elections πŸ˜† too litte too late I think.

On fbi hasn't Chris Wray walked? Could be the/a reason Trump is over his first hurdle. I'm praying for all antagonisms to fall away from his path πŸ™πŸΌπŸ₯°

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So whats up in NC, I just saw this & hes right


What IS going on & yeh the media has sort of forgotten about it seems like.

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Congratulation Amerikan Dumbshits you have elected another War Criminal !!!!!

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You really beLIEve this trash? DJT is the CEO/president of a British Crown CORPORATION, not an actual president of this country. He doesn't even have a written, signed NOTORIZED legal oath of office on file as their own corporate laws require. He has so many people fooled that he does this in the open.

They operate under maritime law, the law of the sea, not the law of the land. We have been invaded by Satanic Luciferian pirates. Look at those Masonic judges in their black witches' robes sitting between fringed maritime law flags in those "court rooms." I called out these judges in open court for also not having a written, signed, NOTARIZED oath of office on file with the Secretary of State here in Oregon, and my case was dropped. They only have the power that we give them.

DJT also lied and said that he was a "Christian" in order to get the Zionist "Christians" that go to the 501(c)(3) CORPORATE churches to keep voting for him. What a bad joke. He has plans to behead them first.

DJT officially joined the Kazarian Jewish Mafia when he visited IsraHELL in 2017. The Satanic Jews in their black and white Masonic colors call him their "Messiah." It's in the Israeli newspapers.

DJT believes in the Talmud, the Jewish Satanic bible which states that we are all "goyim" (cattle) to be slaughtered by them at will. It also says that raping a 3-year-old girl is "NOTHING" and is quite fine.

What does the Bible say about the chances of a rich man getting into heaven? Exactly. He has human trafficked everyone to Big Pharma. He is the "father of the vaccine" after all. He suddenly switched sides from not supporting vaccines to being fully behind them after he got paid what he wanted. Operation Warp Speed (war seed-war on the seed of man).

This whole "government" is nothing but Luciferian Satanic actors. All of it is fake to keep the goyim from understanding that they cannot vote on the CEO/president of a corporation, and that they are prisoners of these frauds.

Keep watching the show. That's all it is.

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Are you really that sad that Kabala lost???

I’ll let you Black Pillers cry, if you need to. It’s OK.

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