"Cyrus Parsa AI Alien Invasion" with Kerry Cassidy, Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig
(Running Time: 71 mins - Pub. Feb 26, 2025 on ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net)
Kerry Cassidy and I joined James Grundvig on Monday on his podcast, Unrestricted Warfare to remember and to honor the life of Cyrus Parsa, a whistleblower about the dangers of AI frequency weapons being deployed by the 5G, 6G, 7G and above wireless communications networks and of which your cellphone is the primary weapon against you, as it contains senors that monitor your organ systems and it may have the ability to cause brainwave entrainment on you, or heart attacks, strokes – especially, if you have been vaxxed, swabbed, inhaled or otherwise ingested the supercondicting, self-assembling nanographene Smart Dust with which our environment is being saturated by every vector imaginable.
We will get to "why" in a minute.
My website had a complete emergency, which is explained in the full transcript below. It has taken many, many hours to fix the lost data and the work is not yet done. So, I haven't been able to do my taxes, because I had this podcast, a back-breaking website reconstruction and that, also of making the transcript of this important interview.
Here is a brief summary of our conversation on Monday:
• Before Cyrus Parsa passed away on January 10th, he had made a fitful series of video posts on X.com, in which he he looked slightly disshelved, compared to his past video appearances. He admitted that he had recently suffered a "breakdown" and he suggested that this was due to his psychic warfare activities and that he needed time to recuperate and get back to his "Old Self".
• In the dozens of videos that Cyrus posted and podcast interviews that he did over the past 5 years, his main message was that Artificial Intelligence was a major threat to human life and liberty, especially in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party and through corporations like Huawei, who he maintained have extremely belligerent and genocidal intentions against Americans and against most of the peoples of the world.
• What Cyrus did not share with all audiences was that the biggest threat to humanity posed by the Communist Chinese Party is it is that it is the command-and-control center of the Grey Alien invasion of Planet Earth and that the CCP is executing the Grey Alien invasion plan by means of AI-generated frequencies protocols emitted from cellphone towers, of which the supercondicting nanoparticles in the COVID jabs function as receivers, making vaxed people more susceptible than th non-vaxxed to their deleterious effects – although, we are all susceptible, from having received these nanoparticles in our air, water and food.
• As Cyrus told Michael Jaco in a podcast around 2022: "Think about it: The President of the United States, during his presidency was hit by a bioweapon. Was it intentional? Well, Cyrus Parsa of the AI Organization was the only person on the planet who predicted it, warned and cited it, reported it and has it in his books and "Secret Service Report" and other other ways; that it was intentionally-released to take out President Trump, ruin your families, and then all the stuff you're experiencing today with a tyranny. It was a plot – not Big Tech guys – don't blame them. It's just the way they operate. It was from somebody in China that I've already released who it was. The former dictator of the CCP [?]. (James cuts video before Cyrus says his name).
• The plan is to have humans do most of the killing of each other through civil- and nuclear wars, with a handful of humans permitted to survive, but only if their biofields are completely trapped and enslaved to Greys' Hive Mind, the same way, they, themselves are.
• In Cyrus' film, 'AI: Plan to Invade Humanity' talks about how the millennia-old methodology of the Greys to invade all the planets, is through AI. They do so, by making a simulation of all of the technological systems, which any cybersecurity expert will tell you makes no sense, at all. But these alien-possessed Globalists want to catalogue and make a hashcode for every living thing on the entire planet, down to "every blade of grass". This is same language you hear these CBDC financial proponents and how they want to tokenize and assign a value to everything on the planet, in order to ration-out your carbon credits, and to just completely lock you into this AI financial prison system. The CBDC is the culmination of the Grey Alien methodology of creating a digital simulation of their target planet, and then hijacking the real one, via the simulation. We've seen examples of this in 9/11 and other False Flag events, where the simulation or the drill goes "real".
• Many more fascinating Rabbit Holes and trips down Memory Lane that are bolded or have hyperlinks
There's so much new happening that I want to post but I'm still fixing my website and I haven't been able to do my taxes yet, and I've really got to do that, so I'll be posting sporadically (mostly Notes) for about the next week
Thank you son much for your subscriptions. My rent got paid this month and I'm a little less uptight!
God Bless You All!
James Grundvig: Hello, it's James Grundvig with Unrestricted Warfare with two of my great friends, Kerry Cassidy from California and Alexandra Bruce, colleague of 'Splintering Babylon', and we're here today in a somber but a remembrance and a warning from the late Cyrus A Parsa. This show is entirely dedicated to him. We will not be talking much about politics, if at all, today.
Yes, there's a lot going on in Washington, but today's show is very important, because this is a warning about what's still coming, even though he passed away. Let's play a part of his movie, 'AI Wars: Alien Invasion'. I'll go to the opening, then I'm going to go to the four-minute mark.
It's an interesting opening, but let's get into what he's really got to say about this. Go to the four-minute mark, I love, you know, creativity is beautiful, here we go.
(Roll to 4 minute mark of Cyrus Parsa's film, 'AI Wars: Alien Invasion')
INT- NIGHT- KITCHEN - Cyrus is seated at kitchen table with two women drinking beers.
Blonde Woman: ...the aliens who abducted me.
Cyrus Parsa: It wasn't just about experimentation on human beings. They've actually had a longterm secret invasion plot to invade and replace humanity at every level, powered by Artificial Intelligence.
Brunette Woman: So it's not just abductions, its planned surveillance?
Cyrus Parsa: Their plan was to get human beings to build a bioweapon, inadvertently launch it, lock everyone down, have a lot of people die, then start a nuclear war, by manipulating Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea, to get into a nuclear battle with US, Israel, and Europe, thus killing billions of people.
Then, the few ones who remain would have famines and other issues, as the aliens build their 5G, 6G, 7G towers, connecting to the quantum machines, and bring everyone into a war, kind of thing.
So it's no longer a secret mission, it's actually becoming an AI war.
Brunette Woman: It's a global thing.
Cyrus Parsa: It's an AI war.
James Grundvig: (Stops video) I find that extremely interesting, considering he did this movie back five or six years ago. Kerry, go ahead.
Kerry Cassidy: Well, I have a clip too, it's a bit more outrageous even than that. Do you want it now or do you want to do it later?
James Grundvig: Yeah, go ahead, play it.
Kerry Cassidy: I can talk first.
James Grundvig: Before you do, let's talk really briefly about what he was talking about, there. He was talking about COVID was really alien technology, right? Or formula that was going to give to humanity, inadvertently.
They were going to lock us all down. So all that stuff did happen, and that an alien invasion would follow, and that we're going to a hive mind with 6G, 7G. Alexandra, go ahead and talk about the 6G, 7G part of it.
Alexandra Bruce: Well, as we know, I've been covering Sabrina Wallace a lot, and it's not just about routing the internet through the human body or biofield, I should say, but powering the human body, the network with the human body.
And Dr Young, who is now behind bars, explained how, basically we are beings of light, we're photonic, and that hemoglobin is what converts the photons into electrons and what creates the biofield. And so literally, it is sapping, – even 5G is sapping our energy, as we speak.
But another thing that I found very interesting is that Clif High had spoken a couple of months ago about in the Zend-Avesta, which is the holy book of Zoroastrianism, which was Cyrus's family religion. That's why they left Iran.
It talks about this, about everyone being connected, spiritually connected – and a lot of Atlantean literature also talks about Vril – all the mass transit being controlled by some Vril business, which sounds like the same, because I think it comes from within the human soul.
And so I'm still looking for that passage in the Zend-Avesta, I can't find it, but Clif had mentioned it, and then he kind of blew you off when you asked him about it, but I still want to find it. Anyway, I'll stop talking.
James Grundvig: Yeah, well, Cliff was going through a very hard time, his wife was really sick, and she did pass away about a month or maybe six weeks ago, whatever the time is. So at the end of last year, he did respond to a great degree, but never followed through on the actual document I was looking for.
Alexandra Bruce: But yeah, so the Tower of Babel was when that connection was ruptured, that 6G. This has happened before, basically.
This is what Cyrus Parsa's [other] movie, 'AI Plan to Invade Humanity', is about: that this has happened before, and now it's happening again.
But it was ruptured [before], that's what the Tower of Babel is, they disconnected that connection of everyone being nodes on a network, on a giant AI network –
James Grundvig: "Hive Mind" might be the easiest thing, right?
Alexandra Bruce: Exactly.
James Grundvig: OK, Kerry, go ahead.
Kerry Cassidy: OK, well, I, yeah, I think, first of all, I want to say that Cyrus Parsa was, I'm calling him, in modern day words, a "psionic ninja", or a "psi warrior".
So, he was trained by monks in China. He did what I did, which is activate his kundalini, connect all of his chakras, go into samadhi experiences, and I did the same thing all my life, since my early 20s.
And so, we had that in common. I have to say that what he's talking about is actually what Wilhelm Reich called "orgone", and what the East calls "kundalini", and what the West would call more "plasma", OK?
So what we're really talking about is this energy that's part of us – and even that "Vril", when they talk about the Vril, there's a lot of misunderstanding of that word and what it's really about – but it is about kundalini, is my normal way of talking about it; kundalini energy, OK, or orgone, if you'd prefer this, that Wilhelm Reich term.
So it's important, sort of not to get off-track and understanding there's a positive – it's like everything. There's a positive and then there is a negative. And Chinese masters do what's called, they deal with "chi", they call it, and they can shoot it from the solar plexus out.
And Duncan O'Finnioan, a Super Soldier, actually did that, demonstrated it in a bar where he actually did chi from the solar plexus and sent somebody against a wall without touching them.
So this is the kind of power that humans have in our body that is normal and natural, and it's been deadened by a lot of things, by fluorescent lights, by bad food and bad water, by radiation, putting radiation into the environment, that I think somebody told me recently that Trump is talking about how they're doing, creating precogs and children with, I forget what you call that. But anyway, and that's actually coming from radiation. It's not coming from the chemtrails.
The chemtrails, however, are bringing in the nanographene oxide package, which is what is embedded in our bodies now. It's in our food and our water. And in 2012, I did a presentation at my conference on this, showing a graph that companies, at that time were already putting nano into everything. And that includes food, water, coming down through the skies, in the groundwater.
So, it's like "softening the target" before they gave you the jab. And then the final coup de grâce was shooting you up with it. So, where you're mainlining that into your bodies.
And this fog, this is, again, an extension of all of that. And then, it's also heightened and stimulated by what we call 5G, 6G, and arguably other -Gs that they're not telling you are active.
So they're shooting directed energy weapons at you, at population centers and then people are having their nanographene oxide packages within them activate. And then, they start taking over the body.
David Adair, who I've interviewed numerous times, he's still alive, and he knows everything about this and he has been on my show talking about it. So that is all to connect us to what I call the "Borg AI".
So nano is a pathway through which AI comes in. That's the connection. Nano and AI, according to Captain Mark Richards, are the most dangerous things that we have to deal with, right now. Now, I see there's a positive of both sides.
But I do want to encourage the audience to read the book by Michael Crichton. He wrote 'Jurassic Park'. He wrote 'Andromeda Strain' way back when. He was way ahead of everyone. He was a medical doctor who chose to write fiction based on fact sci-fi books. And one of those books is called 'Prey'. It's all about what nano can do.
And it basically jumps. So people don't shed. It's actually the nano graphene oxide package that is magnetically connected to each other. And then it goes onto surfaces. It goes in our air. It jumps between bodies. So if you go out to dinner, let's say, and the next morning you think you have a cold or whatever kind of thing, any kind of congestion, it affects our lungs quite a bit. It affects the heart directly.
And all of that gets activated when you're in crowds that are vaxxed. So then the non-vaxxed start carrying it. You understand? So by now, it's been distributed throughout our planet.
But we have various remedies that can basically kind of keep it down in your body so that – to be honest – the takeover is slower. There are people that think you can get rid of it completely. I don't believe so because it's coming in every single day. And it is majorly coming in through the chemtrails, OK? And they haven't stopped. In fact, in my area and others I'm hearing, it's gotten worse.
So the White Hats don't have control over that. It is the dark, the Deep State. And I wrote a whole long article about the two sides that are now actually going to be in battle. That's the real war we're coming into, which is the battle with what we call the Deep State, the hidden government, the Secret Government, and the Secret Space Programs around the world.
James Grundvig: I want to inject one thing. So when USAID was exposed and shut down, chemtrails in Florida disappeared for five days.
And then after that, it restarted again, which means, "Oh, there must be another form of payment, in order to restart it!" Obviously, it must have come from the military, DoD.
Kerry Cassidy: Well, and even Juan O Savin talked about Area 51 being the place where the fires in California were started and targeted into the areas of California where they burned.
Now, I do have my clip. I don't want to – if you could just remember to have me play it – because, it's very important.
James Grundvig: I'm going to have you play it now, then we can talk about it. Go ahead.
Kerry Cassidy: OK, OK. So it's right here. I'm going to share my screen. I hope this is all going to work as planned. And if it goes on too long, I tried to make it short enough that it would be useful...
(Roll clip of Kerry Cassidy interview of Cyrus Parsa in 2020 - low audio).
Cyrus Parsa: (referring to the COVID-19 shots) We're not 100% sure that what they have could have come from the interconnection that they have with our own people, our own companies, or a combination of those two things. I don't have that information 100%.
Kerry Cassidy: Alright. It's out in the press, quite a bit.
Cyrus Parsa: I know that – when it first came out. But then again, they don't know which lab or from multiple labs or if that lab was using that particular site's information to create that exact product that has injured the entire world. We don't know which one.
All I know is in the latter part of 2018, I received a message that they were looking to develop this. They were building the lab to release it, in a very precise way to take out world leaders like President Trump and then, unleash it on the world. And then to be able to take the world into a long-term process, by building the AI system.
Kerry Cassidy: OK. Now, wouldn't you agree, though, that the Chinese, Communist Chinese, are working with a certain group of the Illuminati, what we call the Illuminati; the 13 families, the high-level, so-called people trying to rule, "Dark Magicians", as I call them, etc. So they're not operating on their own.
They're also working with, and you know, the British government was also working with them, behind the scenes and always has been. Because all of these – even going back to the days of the East India Company, if you will.
Cyrus Parsa: So they were working with the Rockefeller Foundation. They were working with the Biden Family. They were working with Bill Gates.
Kerry Cassidy: And Soros.
Cyrus Parsa: And well, George Soros started backpedaling, saying, "China's very dangerous," about a year ago, a year and a half ago. But yes.
Kerry Cassidy: He finances, he financed the lab.
Cyrus Parsa: I know, but I said he started backpedaling. So yes. So the Soros Foundation, that's, it was all my lawsuit. Why did I sue the Soros Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, all these things?
And then they had other, they had a lot of researchers coming from Canada, from Europe, from the US And they did business with these guys. They paid them, you see. And even professors – not just a Harvard guy – a lot of professors paid money.
And so, going back to the sex tape thing, you know, I just go, what I said in there is President Trump and William Barr, please release the China sex tapes of our corrupt politicians and corporate leaders. What do corporate leaders cover? Any corporation that's a leadership, right?
So, and then for our politicians, I just didn't mean the Bidens, OK? Because I said in there, I said, "Doesn't it have anything to do with these sex tapes, the $1.5 billion and the like?"
So, I meant, why is everyone quiet in China's concentration camp?
Kerry Cassidy: Sorry, I have to shut this door (exits frame).
Cyrus Parsa: So, when I said the words, "Does it have anything to do with these $1.5 billion?" they knew that I knew. And obviously, $1.5 billion –
Kerry Cassidy: (Interrupts) And who besides the Bidens? You know, because if you want to have breaking news, Cyrus, you want to be in charge of, you know, people giving you credit or whatever it is. If you have information, you know, come on, the election is in a few days. There's nothing to lose, at this point!
Cyrus Parsa: I said "information", but what I said is for it to be "subpoenaed". So, because I didn't want to mess with whatever who had –
Kerry Cassidy: (Interrupts) Are you afraid they're going to kill you if you come out with this?
Cyrus Parsa: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! So, okay, they have sex tapes of CNN reporters, of New York Times reporters. They have sex tapes of NBA players. They have sex tapes of actually, even conservative outlets, too, of media outlets.
So, in that video, I just said, "What was Dr Fauci going to need the most, when the bras came off and the underwear came off, so did their masks!"
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah, well, Fauci is, you know, he's as black as they come, as well.
Cyrus Parsa: When I did that, they didn't invite Dr Fauci to the White House for 36 hours...What I said is, what were they going to need the most?
And I did another video request last week, as soon as Giuliani put it out. And this was a little different, because in my book, in this one, I have TikTok – I explain the dangers of it – but in the other one, I asked the Vatican...I asked the Chinese Communist Party to release not only the Biden Family's sex tapes, but the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and the Vatican younger boy child sex tapes to Western governments for prosecution.
What does that mean? The Vatican! Do you know how much dirt they have on the Vatican and the Pope's people? More than anything else, they have sex tapes of priests, of Catholic priests, of male priests having sex with little boys. So, and I did a tweet. So when I do that tweet, what does that mean?
Kerry Cassidy: OK, but you know, I have to tell you that the Trump administration, we know that the Trump administration has been aware of this. This is what they set out to do, is to stop all of this. OK, we've known about the reptilians under the Vatican. We've known the Vatican has sold-out a long time ago.
I mean, they were rescuing Nazis, for God's sake! I mean, we're going back, you know, many, many years. So these places have been in league with each other, and they've been using and abusing and using humans as sex slaves, both children and, you know, older, you know, at least, you know, young adults and whatever. You know, so this human trafficking is worldwide, and it also goes off-planet, as you probably know.
So, but looking at the situation, so the concentration is on Biden, but you could go back through the administrations we've had before, which includes Obama and Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Cyrus Parsa: You know, they have tapes of Bill Clinton. So that's another one. So that's, I also, as everyone's talking about, you don't have to just be in China to have China's Communist Party tapes. That's what people don't get.
They think, "Oh, if I wasn't in China, they wouldn't have my tapes." No, they got your, if you were in Rome, they got your tapes. If you were on the Island, they have your tapes. If you were in a different nation, or even if you were in a certain city in America, they have your tapes.
That's what we don't understand about espionage. So here's the thing, even average Americans who use certain – TikTok or certain things – they spy on you. You know, it's not just leaders and influential people.
Kerry Cassidy: Alright, so they're motivated to gather data so they can use it at a later time in order to blackmail. This has also been a technique used by our own government, other governments, obviously.
So, given that scenario, what are we looking at in the future? Like, is there any disclosures you can give us today that we can later say, "Well, on Kerry's program, Cyrus talked about this, this, and this. He hadn't talked about it before, and it wasn't out in the mainstream or even in alternative media."
Anything that you can think of? And I also want to know what you think about the election and Trump, whether he's going to win.
Cyrus Parsa: This virus here, it's going to replicate. It's going to kill a lot more people. So it does –
Kerry Cassidy: (Interrupts) Well, it's made by AI. You even admitted that.
Cyrus Parsa: Right. I'm the first person to come out and say that. So, it was in my book before it happened. But here's the thing –
Kerry Cassidy: (Interrupts) I said it independent of you as well, just so you know. But nonetheless.
Cyrus Parsa: I think I was on your show to say that it was made by AI.
Kerry Cassidy: (Interrupts) But even before I ever met you. In other words, you know, I didn't even meet you or know about you until earlier this year. But at any rate, so what are you saying...when you say, "the virus is going to replicate?" they're just doing another version of it, so that they can infect more people. How are they going to do it?
Cyrus Parsa: This is the first version itself. It's a self-replicating, mutating virus that becomes plague-like. That not only gets the human body to actually digress, through your nervous system to break down a lot of pathways for your cells to be damaged...in a very harmful way but also...there's brain damage. There's blood poisoning. Anything you can actually imagine, it can do to your body – and organ failure.
So that's one. Secondly, it can move from not just human-to-human, animal-to-animal, human-to-animal. It can take out animals.
Like, there was a mink population in Utah about three weeks ago. In a week, 8,000 of them got cleaned-out. 8,000 of them all died, because of COVID or "CCP Virus"...In China, it got crops. So it can get your crops, as well.
Kerry Cassidy: OK. But how is it distributed? Because, I'm not going to buy that it's contagious between humans or animals, for that matter.
Cyrus Parsa: It's contagious. It's airborne. It's contagious between touch, through humans, through animals, products. It's something. It's like nanotechnology. It's so microscopic. And here's the thing: For some people, they're immune, because they have a certain higher –
Kerry Cassidy: (Interrupting) If you look at the death rates, worldwide, most people are –
Cyrus Parsa: (Interrupting) That's why some people don't get it. It's a long-term bioweapon. So for the Chinese, it took a lot out, a lot of people out, at a certain time. It affects different races of people differently.
But if it has, you know, bat stuff in it and human stuff in it, and AIDS or all kinds of stuff, and stuff they don't even know what it is, it has a long-term effect.
When you take these therapeutics; it's kind of life-saving drugs. At tame time, what Trump took it had mice particles. So, he had to put animal particles inside his body to make a difference, OK?
Kerry Cassidy: (Stops tape) So I guess that's enough. Yep. Are you there? So I'll stop sharing.
James Grundvig: Perfect. So that was interesting. What was that? Wasn't that September, October of 2020?
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah, it might have been. I have to go back. It's on my site, you know, in the link that I gave everyone.
He's talking about the election. So I think he was he didn't want to interfere with the election. So I think it has to be October or November of 2020 before the election.
Right. So I have, like I said, six interviews with him, and they're all on one page, and you have to jump from interview. It's, you know, they've tried to mess with my site, so much that I had to actually go unearth these videos. It's insane.
James Grundvig: It happened to Alexandra, this past week. Alexandra?
Alexandra Bruce: Yes, a data center company that's in Los Angeles called Quadranet was acquired by an Australian company. And they just started to basically try to wipe out all the websites and so my poor hosting guy, he actually had to grab the physical machine, the server, and get it out of there. And I lost three weeks of images, but the text is still there. And the video embeds are still there. So I just have to reconstruct.
Kerry Cassidy: Well, this has been a very long-term attack on me. And, you know, had my site rebuilt, taken down, rebuilt, taken down. And we're in the process of doing the same thing again.
James Grundvig: Of course. But going back to that video, I want to put a timeline there for the audience. Alright. This was Fall 2020, before the vaccines were approved and rolled-out in the United States. We came later. So he's way ahead of everybody. It's a long, long, "slow kill" effect, is what he said, essentially...
It's very important for people to understand the timeline. That interview with Kerry and Cyrus was done in fall 2020. The vaccines came out 2021...
Today, Monday today, is the third anniversary of what? The Russian-Ukraine war. Why does this tie into the story? Oh, because Russia found 46 DoD biolabs, which were supported by the United States and NATO.
And they were tied to Wuhan and other biolabs around the world. And that's exactly what Cyrus is talking about. You know, a year and a half before there was ever divulged. He was way ahead of everybody. Go ahead, Kerry.
Kerry Cassidy: I just want to say that I've got the date on the video. So, I just want to show you. It's October of 2020.
James Grundvig: See, I told you.
Kerry Cassidy: So, very good. Very good. Yeah.
Alexandra Bruce: Well, but also, Smart Dust is old. I remember reading in Time Magazine or Newsweek in 1980, when I was a kid, that the FBI was spraying Smart Dust on merchandise at retail stores to track shoplifters. This is back in 1980. So, they've been messing with Smart Dust for a long time.
James Grundvig: Yeah. And they started experimenting with chemtrails in Northern California in 2007.
Kerry Cassidy: Well, and David Martin will give you a whole litany of patents and all of that, going back to the '60s, even. So, they were working on something in this area. But I think what a lot of people miss, and what Cyrus did say on my show, and if necessary, I'll go out and find it and send it to you, later.
But [Cyrus] said that the Grey Alien AI sent to the scientists… That's why I was talking at the beginning of this tape about the labs, because they didn't know which lab. But actually, we've narrowed it down. It's been narrowed down since then to Fort Detrick.
And it was sent by computer language to the scientists, who then implemented it. OK? So, it was implemented by humans, but it was given to them by an artificially intelligent Grey… You know, what are the Grey ETs? So, it is a plot to take down humanity, to link us up with an AI, which is the Greys are linked to an AI. The reptilians and the Dracos are run by AI.
And there are AI that are Alien AI, invading our planet. And there's the ones that we create, which are actually reverse-engineering Alien AI. Here on the surface of the planet goes back to the Nazca aliens over 2,000 years ago, they found breastplates that were artificial intelligence that didn't really make it into the mainstream news.
But I was in touch with Gaia TV, and they took an exploratory group down to the Nazca Alien site and went into the caves. Jay Weidener was one of the lead investigators on that. And I had an off the line conversation with him about it. They were still afraid those AI, in those little robots were still active, by the way.
So, and then we're talking about Black Goo, what is known as black goo, which invaded our Gulf later on. Rather, you know, a few years ago, like, I don't know, 10 years ago or so, and they put in Corexit, if you remember that story.
They called it the "Gulf Oil Spill". That was actually another invasion by the AI, which is called...it's a slang name, but, you know, AI, the whatever you call it. So anyway, it was the before that was the sorry, my mind's like –
Alexandra Bruce: So, is this ["Black Goo"] AI-controlled graphene oxide?
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah, yeah. There is there's a link-up that between nano graphene oxide – but by the way, nano graphene is actually a strongest material on Earth. That's what they say. So if you go and you delve into that, and it's in black particles when it's in, you know, the jab, when they jab you and we actually used a – we were told to to give ourselves a test before we open the envelope. My partner at that time, his father is a jeweler. We used a jeweler's little thing ["loop"] to look at the swab and on it, were already nano graphene oxide. We know that they were in. This is a lot of people don't know this, to this day. The swabs that they made you take – and in Hollywood, they made people take it on the hour – and
James Grundvig: I've been reporting the swabs for five years!
Alexandra Bruce: Me, too.
Kerry Cassidy: Nano graphene oxide in the swabs and put it in you. And then and then it goes all through your body and replicates.
James Grundvig: And I never – in disclosure – I've never got swab or vax at all in the last five years.
Alexandra Bruce: Me, neither!
Kerry Cassidy: Right. And I cheated. That's all I'll say about that.
So, you know, this is the thing. Cyrus said, he said it's "self-replicating". That's key. So nano, it's like intelligent, as well. A lot of people think it's not intelligent. It is intelligent. So it has consciousness. It has a form of consciousness.
But I don't want to get off the sex tape thing, either, because he is going back. You understand, he knew that China has all the sex tapes of the Vatican. I mean, can you believe that?
[The following video relates to some of the laptops and hard drives that the FBI has had since 2019]:
(Running Time: 9 mins - Pub. Oct 17, 2020 on ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net)
I know that the Trump guys have it, as well. Why haven't they released that? You know, I wrote an article about this. I know they think people can't handle the truth. So they're doing it in dribs and drabs. No! Just put it out there.
I had an incredible response to my recent article just saying they know who killed Kennedy. It's been 62 f@cking years. Sorry, my French. And George Bush Sr was involved, OK?
We're talking the higher levels. Not Johnson. He was just a flunky. You got to understand: it went to the Dulles Brothers. It went, even above George Sr.
James Grundvig: CIA and –
Kerry Cassidy: – and the Vatican and the Pope! OK. There's key information that I know from the White Hats. They don't even talk about it out loud, but they told me and...the Pope was involved in calling the hit on Kennedy.
Yeah. But what what Pope was that [Pope Paul VI]? Because there's been several Popes between now and then. And I, you know, you have to go back to I don't know.
James Grundvig: So here for the audience. What's interesting, the Pope is on his deathbed and we're supposed to get the Epstein list this week. Maybe both happens at the same time.
Kerry Cassidy: I hope so. I hope so. Also, if you heard him [Cyrus Parsa], he's talking about people in Congress. These people are guilty of so many things, to say nothing of the Brunson, lawsuits. Right. To where they were treasonous, when it came to stealing the election.
James Grundvig: Right. But Trump cannot roll out a fat Red Pill about sex and pedophilia. He had to start in the first week, six. He had to start in the first five weeks; of showing money, corruption, money, corruption, money, corruption. Why? Because the bus driver, the teenager, the kid, the adult – everybody in the world understands money and corruption.
He had to start there. That's how everybody's going to digest it. He's going to wake him up further. Let's see how this rolls out.
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah. I'm with you all the way. So let's get into the death of Cyrus Parsa –
James Grundvig: Before we do, I want to play – I'm sorry...Let me play a couple of minutes from Michael Jaco's show with Cyrus a couple of years ago.
Kerry Cassidy: OK.
James Grundvig: ...Let's go, here.
(Roll Michael Jaco interview of Cyrus Parsa in 2022 (?))
Cyrus Parsa: It is around him, as generals to shift the tide and usher-in AI, 5G and all these different kind of things. And that all comes from my Secret Service report, which was more detailed. And my conversation with the Trump contact that was even more detailed. So this is this comes from our evidence, as well.
I'd like you to ask me some questions because this is so deep. But think about it: The President of the United States, during his presidency was hit by a bioweapon. Was it intentional? Well, Cyrus Parsa of the AI Organization was the only person on the planet who predicted it, warned and cited it, reported it and has it in his books and "Secret Service Report" and other other ways; that it was intentionally-released to take out President Trump, ruin your families, and then all the stuff you're experiencing today with a tyranny.
It was a plot, not Big Tech guys. Don't blame them. It's just the way they operate. It was from somebody in China that I've already released who it was. The former dictator of the CCP [?]. (James cuts video before he says his name).
James Grundvig: Interesting. So we remember Trump did get sick in, I guess, July of 2020 in the summer.
Alexandra Bruce: Well, you know, the CCP is very much a production of the Rockefellers [i.e., Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden Cabal], which is which is a faction of the Black Nobility that our friend, Bill has been saying is a faction that has been trying to usurp the power to issue currency and that the all this entire – if you look also at the whole ESG and DEI thing – is just a front for this for this faction, which is totally a money-laundering operation.
There's this guy, this police chief from Tennessee, who he didn't know about ESG or any of this stuff, but he just followed the money from a drug trafficking operation in Tennessee. And it led to all of this Chinese fentanyl money and human trafficking money from the cartels being laundered through many banks, but primarily Canadian banks, to then fund Ukrainian Sovereign Bonds. So that's what the whole Ukraine thing is about.
James Grundvig: And his name was Shawn something. I met him with
Alexandra Bruce: Shawn Taylor. Shawn Taylor.
James Grundvig: Shawn Taylor. I met I met Shawn Taylor at a press conference with Juan O Savin in Las Vegas in end of September, last year. I was in Vegas there for that.
Let's play one video, which is, this is unfortunately Cyrus's last video, then I'm going to talk about his death. So I'm playing two minutes of here. I want to just show you.
You've seen three clips of Cyrus. You saw him when he was younger, five years ago, with Kerry. You saw him a little bit older with Michael Jaco.
Well, now we'll see him, unfortunately, at the end of his life. Here we go.
(Roll Cyrus Parsa's last video on January 8th, 2025)
Cyrus Parsa: I need to stay and help both sides, President Trump and Obama sides and the CIA to tweak a future algorithm and a future strategy, to save a lot of lives – and even, yourselves.
But also, if I'm taken out, a lot of people will be injured, even yourselves. So, yeah, call it off.
And I want to I want to just recover and get my Old Self back. That's very, very important.
So, President Trump, President Obama, Elon Musk, the CIA Director, everyone else: Please call it off.
I'm going to stay. And I'm going to help you guys tweak another algorithm, so that if you harm me, all the energy that I've given you will come destroy you, as well.
James Grundvig: Wow. So he looked a little – obviously, older – a little skittish, but he had a very important message. That was January 8th of this year. He died two years later,
Alexandra Bruce: No, two days later.
James Grundvig: Two days later. Excuse me. Two days later. So 40 days ago. Kerry, tak it away, on his death.
Kerry Cassidy: OK, so, I want to say that, first of all, in that tape, OK, which is arguably live on X, OK. If you go into the further part of it, you'll see that he actually names some of the weaponry that Iran has at their disposal. OK, now, I believe it might have been that or some other hidden information that he didn't even get out on that tape, you know, that but in had been putting out in various places that killed him.
In other words, that they I believe they saw him like it was a Forrestal-type taking-out. So, if you remember, James Forrestal, he was like head, I think, more or less, at the time of MJ-12 or whatever it was. And basically, they said he jumped out of his hospital window – which, of course – he didn't.
There's ample evidence that he was killed, was taken-out. The reason he was taken-out is because he started to lose it. So when you get a person – and Cyrus, in the context of that – that on the January 8th tape, says that he had a "breakdown", in essence.
And then he's saying – what's interesting, that I heard this time – is that he was telling Obama and Trump and it sounded like in some other governments to "Call it off". I wonder if he had been told they were going to take him out?
It was a hit, OK? It was definitely a hit, because he said he said, "Call it off." He said that a few times. Now, you could say, "Nuclear war", you could say all the different things. But I'm just saying, just a possibility [that Cyrus was referring to a hit in the Jan 8th video].
But but in terms of my understanding, I met him in person; had a conversation in person with him, only once. But at the time, he was in good health. However, shortly after that, after a series of interviews that I did, which is around six, he went into hiding. OK, and I see that he came out, later and did some other interviews, maybe with you guys or with at least, Jaco.
And I can tell you that, you know, he told me that the Grey Aliens were attacking him relentlessly and that he was he was afraid that he was going to die. And so, he was trying to stay undercover and not talk, anymore for a long time. And then, I guess he came back out.
It sounds like, if you say Jaco's was like 2004 or something?
James Grundvig: It's probably 2023. So, I looked for Cyrus's latest videos and nothing for about 18 months, right. So he was absolutely in hiding.
So, this is a strange thing. If you think about it. Then, all of a sudden he comes out with this X.com video, OK? And two days later, they take him out. I believe that he he knew more.
Of course, he knew more than they ever wanted him to. And part of that was his training, because he's a psychic, intuitive, remote viewer...He has telepathic abilities. All of these go with activating your Kundalini. So he learned that from the Chinese monks. This is common practice, in those kinds of places, in Tibet, et cetera.
So that's what yogis do. All right. And so understanding that, he knew a lot more than they ever wanted him to know and on top of it, during that video on the 8th, he was actually outlining the different kinds of terrorist cells that were here in the United States. If you recall, he was naming.
In other words, he was getting closer to naming names. He named weaponry that Iran has. He basically was calling Iran out and telling them to "stop" whatever they were doing. Right?
So he had all had kind of crossed over to becoming more of an overt threat to them. And what do we have? He's taken out now. We don't have the police report.
Alexandra, you said you might be able to get it.
Alexandra Bruce: I just I texted him. Basically, he said – our friend – said he was on a speaking basis with the San Diego Chief – because Cyrus was not living there. He had gone into hiding in Virginia. He had bought a house there. And that's where those films were shot.
I recognize those windows. That's the building that he bought. It's actually a brand new construction...3,500 square feet, large house.
And so, I guess he might have been visiting his parents in San Diego. That's where he passed away, because he wasn't living there.
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah. Now, I think it's OK to say that we're trying to make sure that his family is protected.
Alexandra Bruce: Yes.
Kerry Cassidy: So we're not really able to go into too much detail, in that area.
James Grundvig: Correct. In fact, there's no obituary for the reason Kerry is just mentioning.
Alexandra Bruce: Exactly. Bill hasn't gotten back to me with the details of the police reports.
Kerry Cassidy: But they do say a gunshot to the head.
James Grundvig: I was talking to Laura Eisenhower yesterday. She's the one that broke the story, apparently spoke to a family member. Won't go into details. She said, simply, "Cyrus got a shot in the left temple, and he's right-handed."
And if you go back, watch the sizzle reel on "AI Wars". He's shooting a toy pistol in that movie with his right hand every time. So he's right-handed. So this report would hopefully show that it was the left temple and not the right. And then, you could say, "Is it suicide or was it Arkancide?" And audience, you know what that means.
Kerry Cassidy: Right. And I don't know why, but I saw this. I don't know if it was a yellow and orange or orange and white helicopter involved with this situation. So I don't know what's really going on here. And I don't know if there could be some extenuating circumstances.
In other words, what I'm trying to say here is that he was kind of borderline, but he was still keeping it together. If you really watch the entire January 8th video. He ended it abruptly.
James Grundvig: I'll find a link on X and put it in the show notes. Keep going, Kerry.
Alexandra Bruce: On my Substack, I have an entire transcript.
James Grundvig: I'll put that in the show notes. Go ahead.
Kerry Cassidy: So I'm just saying that he hadn't lost it completely, OK? He was still – even though he was under duress – he was holding it together. And I don't know if if there was some protection that came in, whether there was if it was staged.
And so he's still alive and hiding, you know, taken-in by, you know, what I would prefer to be the Trump Team. But we don't know what might have happened. I'm just saying there's enough evidence of these kinds of things going on that we don't – we think somebody is "suicided", as we call it. Right. Because if you're right handed, I'm right handed. Then it goes to this temple. I can't shoot myself like that's very awkward. You might be dumb.
Alexandra Bruce: Well, if you saw orange associated with the helicopter, the property in Virginia was near the Chesapeake Bay. And of course, there's the Coast Guard that uses that color on choppers and on all of their vessels. So that's that could be Coast Guard.
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah. Yeah.
James Grundvig: Alexandra, let's talk about his life. I mean, he's born in Iran, right?
Alexandra Bruce: Tehran.
James Grundvig: Tehran. And he fled along with his family because they were Christian.
Alexandra Bruce: I think they were Zoroastrian. In fact, his whole name. That's what it [signifies], which is the oldest religion in Iran. Most of the ethnic group [the Parsis] has moved to India.
Actually, you know who was one of these people was Freddie Mercury came from that ethnicity. Yeah. And their family then ended up in Zanzibar, which is where he was born. They were shopkeepers, whatever, in the British Empire. So most of them had to flee Iran...hundreds of years ago with the Muslim invasion in the seventh century. They started to disperse. But his family was still there. Amazingly. There's not a lot of them left in Iran.
Kerry Cassidy: I will say that, you know, he wanted to express numerous times he wanted to work with the Trump administration. He did have some interviews with them, for some reason. They kept him at arm's length, as far as I know. Now, you never know, you know, because they tell you one thing and something else may be true.
In other words, he wouldn't have been so alone and unguarded if he had a support group of some kind. You can think about it that way, too…
James Grundvig: Interesting. So we're here with Kerry Cassidy and Alexandra Bruce. "Cyrus Parsa, AI Alien". That's going to be the title of the show. There is Cyrus in his days before COVID. So let me read this. This is his bio:
Cyrus A Parsa is the founder and CEO of the AI Organization, where he is also the Director of Creative Analysis and Defensive Innovations.
He researched and investigated more than 1,000 AI, robotics, 5G, cybernetic, and Big Tech companies.
Cyrus has a BS in International Security, Master's Degree in Homeland Security, and lived with Buddhist-Taoist fighting monks in the mountains of China, studying internal Wudang combat arts, with over 20 years of meditation and internal training.
He is an expert in AI, quantum, 5G, security, US, China, Iran, UFO, R&D affairs. Cyrus is the author of several bestselling AI books that predicted and warned of COVID-19 from China, and the producer of UFO films and documentaries that got the Pentagon to begin declassifying the files.
James Grundvig: Very interesting on Cyrus's background. There he is again. Love this artistic flair with him here.
And this was two days before he posted that January 8 video. So let me read this. This is from X post on January 6:
I have felt horrible for five years of failing to prevent Americans and the world from getting hit by COVID and mandated jabs, so I would not risk it this time with the nuke wars.
So I guess the nuke wars are next. I was all in. I have not taken any money, neither am I suicidal, and neither is the CIA, FBI, and other.
James Grundvig: Kerry, you want to comment on this?
Kerry Cassidy: Well, I mean, I think that we kind of touched on all of this. So, understanding that he knew it all. I mean, I actually said that, in my first reaction, because there was not one subject that I could bring up during the interviews – and you understand I did six – and they're like one- or two-hour interviews. And we used to get in arguments, actually, because I would try to get him to tell the details of what he knew, and he wouldn't do it.
So, he was very careful, up until January 8. I guess he might have been pushed too far or whatever was on in his mind. He seemed to know that there was a hit out on him, because he made a point of saying that he was going to stay alive, right? So I think it's heart-wrenching. He was an extremely talented person.
It's why I thought that the White Hats, regardless of their concerns, which I think had to do possibly with where his alliances might lie, it was clear that he was not for the Iranian government, but he certainly had ties to Iran, if you understand, on an emotional level. But all of that can be worked through. You don't have to let him in on your treasure trove of secrets, necessarily. He's got plenty of his own.
But he certainly, as a psychic intuitive, as a psi warrior, as I say, he would have been invaluable to them. I even thought, perhaps he had started to go to work for them, and that might have put him deeper into the war.
James Grundvig: That would explain Virginia, because Virginia's close to what? Oh, the Pentagon and places like that. Yeah. So Alexandra, two things jump out to me on this post. One is I'm not suicidal. So he made this very clear two days before that last video of his.
Alexandra Bruce: It's heartbreaking.
James Grundvig: It is heartbreaking. But now I'm going to go back to the first long sentence. He "feels bad for the world getting hit by COVID and mandate jabs. I would not risk it this time."
So he's telling the world he's not going to come out and expose the nuclear wars. But he's telling us exactly what's coming. So we got COVID, which was a test run. We've covered that for years, now. But now we've got the nuke wars. Alexandra, what do you think that means?
Alexandra Bruce: Well, I mean, this is something we've been tangling with our whole lives, isn't it? But what he did warn, he told the Iranian government, "It's not going to work out well for you, because US technology is 60 years ahead of yours. You have a couple of things, but we have; the United States has so much more."
That's one thing that jumps out, because he did direct that to the Iranian government.
James Grundvig: He did say that, yeah. So here's one of his films, AI Wars, right? Cyrus in the middle there. Here are two of his books, 'Artificial Intelligence: Dangers Humanity', and 'The Great Reset: How Big Tech Elites and the World's People Can Be Enslaved by China, CCP, or AI'.
Alexandra Bruce: His other film, 'AI: Plan to Invade Humanity' talks about how this is the methodology of the Greys. This is what they do. This is how they invade all the planets, is through AI. They basically make a simulation of the planet, down to "every blade of grass", which is what you hear these CBDC people talking about, these money people. That they want to tokenize and assign a value to everything for your carbon credits, and just completely lock you into this AI financial system. And so this is how the Greys do it. This is the methodology of alien invasion. CBDC is the culmination of that.
Kerry Cassidy: Yeah, I have a person behind the scenes who's a doctor who's saying they're releasing another version. So I was told by a secret witness years ago, who is very reliable, that there were many renditions. In fact, I think he said 200 versions of the so-called COVID thing.
Again, don't forget that it works with these frequencies. That they can just aim the frequency, and they don't have to do anything else. They can aim it at a population center, like they did in part of Italy; I think Lombardy area of Italy, initially, and also obviously in Wuhan and various other places.
But what I wanted to bring up here was that the last video he made on the 8th, he seemed to be saying a warning about what he called the "nuke wars". I think he was trying to tell everyone, "stand down with the nukes".
I think he's right, because I have dreams of the future, and I recently had a dream about a nuclear standoff. I know that Juan O Savin has warned about a nuclear standoff somewhere in our future. It seems that Cyrus was warning about that, in his last words.
James Grundvig: Let me read the subtitle to the Artificial Dangers to Humanity book: "AI, US, China, Big Tech, Facial Recognition, Drones, Smartphones, Internet of Technology, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics and Bio-Digital Social Programming." As Alexander was saying, the CBDCs would be central to all of this.
Alexandra Bruce: Right, they need a Digital Twin of the entire planet and everything on it. They just need a simulation, and then they hijack the real one, through the simulation. That's what that movie was about.
It all sounds to me rather like what the mystery schools teach about The Eighth Sphere, as discussed by Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner and others more than a century ago:
wow. Thank you Kerry. what is going on is mind-blowing;
and we ought to listen to our hearts: do not hurt another human being; everything we do
comes back to us, sooner or later. There is so much darkness, badness, ignorance, unconsciousness....we must respond with a higher consciousness; perhaps prayers and a continuous effort to stay in God's light and respond with Love; loving kindness.