It's all being done in the hopes that it'll reflect badly on Trump if he goes after these criminals; they want people to think that Trump is out for personal vengeance since he's going after people awarded the highest honors in America. Nice try. As Q posted once: "We have it all." Wait till it comes out! (Remember Weiner's laptop w/ videos of Huma and Hillary doing things that made the NYPD cops seeing it puke? Yeah, that stuff)
That, Martha my dear, will be the test of whether Trump is what everyone thinks/hopes he is; last time, he didn't arrest Hillary because he said it would look bad to do that to a former First Lady, so I'm taking the wait-and-see position for now.
Hillary is gone. We have many masked, doubles, and clones running around. Just like the fake Biden. The truth will eventually come out. Flights to Gitmo have been running on almost a daily basis. This has been going on since Trump's first Presidency. Take notice to all the resignations, people stepping down, retiring, etc, also. This is worldwide.
A lot has to do with Trump's capitulation tour. It was a sign.
but then... ozempic... "did she or didn't she, only her HAIRdresser knows fer sure..."... (is it live? memorex? silicone? a hollow-gram? AI?)... guess we'll never know fer sure!
Remember the Crowdstrike crash that affected all MS platforms, like totally knocking-out the GPS in my car?
That was when Sleepy Joe also disappeared for 2 weeks and it was humorously (or not?) suggested that so much of him that we saw was actually generated by AI.
That will never happen remember Trump is an opportunist that hasn't got the balls to do half of the crap he carries on about ,and to think he will be the savior of USA is preposterous to say the least once these people gain power everything changes as we all saw the last time he was president ,, just another war monger youl see sorry bout that but lets watch and see it all unfold ,, cheers
Aelred, I wish not to be the bearer of bad news, but please wake up and smell the coffee. Trump is part of the hideous swamp creatures. It’s a horror show we are all watching. They are all in on it. It’s all being exposed as we watch; you must open your eyes. Best of luck to you!
Trust me, Liam, the smell of that coffee is overwhelming; I'm sure not a "Trump is our savior" guy; after watching his "Israel-firsters" he appointed, I lost all faith, but, as I said, have not given up all hope just yet.
Liam, I highly resonate with your sentiment. Cognitive dissonance (great word), mass mind control and mind virus still have a strong hold on many. It is a show and we have all been in it. In my opinion- there are no saviours and I don't do worship. That is a major issue of why we are currently where we are at now. The only way out of this is to face head on what really is, then say NO compliance and no fear and live from the heart. We all innately know how to live in balance with the earth and all that it is. They are attempting to steal our power forever,but now is the time we take it back!
What Hillary did was so blood soaked and soul-splintering that it sent hardened NYC detectives to shrinks to recover their sanity. And, funny, after a big fanfare by the cops that they would expose everything in the "Insurance" file on Anthony Wiener's laptop....POOF, CRICKETS. Never heard from again. Laptops, from Seth Rich to Wiener to Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden seem to have that same vaporizing power.
Allred, yes I remember the video/audio of Killary/Huma all to well. When I'm not studying the fraud of legal and the fraud of quackcines, I spend the rest of my time studying SRA. Fiona Barnett, 'Eyes Wide Open' 2019 is by far the most comprehensive expose on the worldwide SRA plaguing mankimd.
Tony, have you watched the SRA survivors testimonies on YT- "50 voices of ritual abuse"- of course there are so many more, as you put it "plaguing mankind"? It is an essential eye opening watch for those of humanity who need to wake the fuck up once and for all- you cannot deny or pretend it isn't happening, and if you do you are part of the problem!! Max Lowen with support from Rachel Vaughan and Doug McIntyre (all survivors of SRA) has a website called Unbroken. There are interviews and other resources opening the floodgate on the heinous crimes of these satanic psychopaths against innocent children.
Yes, I have both of her books- the other one is "Access denied: For reasons of National Security". Yes Aeldred, the content is not comfortable reading and is a definite wake up call as to how this realm is engineered. The top down pyramid have been feeding off of us in every way. Without this they die off! I was lucky enough to sit in on part of a zoom session- with Max Lowen as the host and Cathy O'Brien as a guest. Both women are a testament to how a human can endure such torture, survive it and then go on to help others. Beautiful souls :) I am reading another book that a YT channel (Inspired-Jean and Kristen Nolan) did a video on recently. The book is "the new order of barbarians-the new world system". It was a seminar that was hosted by a Dr Richard Day in 1969 (who was part of planned parenting and paediatrics at Mt Sinai Hospital). It was recorded by a Dr Dunegan- who was a former student of Dr Days. At the time the audience of this seminar was asked not to record or write down any of the information he was to impart, as Dr Day must have been passing over info that he wasn't supposed to?? Dr Dunegan wrote things down on a napkin, and made tapes about all that he remembered and published after Dr Day passed away in 1989. It basically sets out the plan that had been devised by the global cult around 1969. You can get a free pdf online- The thing is, almost all of it has played out, as it said in the book. So, in my lifetime (born in 1968), I have been part of a big game of cat and mouse. To work towards truth is the only way forward.
For those who haven't read her book, it is a grisly story of a CIA mind-controlled young child who was put into sexual slavery by her own father for money. She was called a "Presidential Model," and was catered around to the famous and rich like appetizers and drinks at a party. She was raped as a child by Dick Cheney, Gerald Ford and apparently the holy Ronald Reagan. There were many, many others. She watched George Bush elder shape shift to a Reptilian form, although she thought it was some kind of special effect to terrorize her. Her story was one of those that leaves you not-quite-right from then on, just to know stuff like that exists.
That was the most horrific book I have read; it took me months to finish, and I had to process almost every page. I had never been so revolted by what men can do to women...This courageous woman is now a beckon of light to an otherwise dark world...
Thank you Sally, no I had no idea. I work alot. I know, these people, the Freemasons (of the higher degrees), should be lined up against the wall and shot.
IMO the same with music and acting awards... They don't rocket you to fame without paying the piper. When they have a lot of awards, I think they must be the worst of the worst.
Dawn, in the same vein, I have seen that the more money someone makes, the more harm they are respnsible for. This is not always the case however, but a good rule of thumb.
The signs are a fast rise, big praise and bigger money, lavish lifestyle, social prominence, power and occasional exposures for dark business quickly covered up. That's your basic satanic agent. All the suspects in Diddy's ring fit the profile, including Oprah. Hillary Clinton without any doubt. Obama, MANY Hollywood celebrities and politicos out the wazoo.
James Grundvig was saying, during our podcast Monday that these awards have now become a kind of "comms". He was essentially saying, "These are the Gitmo Awards".
Like, "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!"
You can bet that national and international awards are part of the propaganda used to give us favorable opinions of cabal operatives. You can tell who cabal political candidates are by who the media push and lionize. They also publish the often ghost-written, sappy autobiographical books and then hype them to kingdom come. The worse the agents are, the greater the hype. Pulitzer's incoming. The line goes back a long way, probably to the beginning of history, but the slime Barack Obama's Nobel Prize for Peace is probably the most transparent and notorious example. That anyone would give Hillary Clinton an award for other than abject amorality and murder is remarkable and of course it would be Biden, another criminal, who pinned it on her, just as Obama pinned one on him. See how that works? Now would be great time for someone to form a true awards platform and give these people awards for what they really did.
Once it's understood to be Satanic inversion, it becomes a convenience, to have your enemies hauled-out and perp-walked in front of you.
There's a story about the Nobel Prize that goes like this: An obituary was accidentally published in the newspaper about Alfred Nobel, the late 19th century Swedish inventor of dynamite, owner of over 350 patents, etc ( and the article wailed about all of the death and devastation that his inventions had wrought.
So, Alfred bequeathed his fortune to the creation of a foundation that would rehabilitate his legacy.
This is exactly what the Rockefellers and Bill Gates have also done. It's a formula.
Yeah, all those robber barons, Rockefellers and Rothschilds..... Old man Rockefeller used to go out into the streets and pass out dimes to waifs to show how nice he was. Didn't stop the good citizens from later digging him up from his grave and hanging his body out. Couldn't happen to a nicer feller.
Honest, I saw a video on old man Rockefeller's disinterment years ago. So I went looking today for any reference online and couldn't find one. It's something that should have, but probably didn't, happen. But he did famously hand out dimes.
Officially downgraded to participation awards to snub the voter. It’s been a slow decline the past few decades, evident when Carter, Al Gore, and Obama were given Nobel Peace Prizes.
I saw recently that JFK was not actually killed and that he is actially Jimmy Carter. Polotocs is a psychological operation. The pictures don't lie, for example ike the 3-dots (scar) on the right cheek.
That's OK. I'll have to find that and drop a link. Politics is all theater, or as Zappa said, it's the entertainment division of the military industrial [comgressional] complex.
Of course not! Everybody knows Juan O Savin is JFK. And JFK survived his assassination after being put on a medbed. JFK, Jr too. Right now, they're wearing high tech million dollar masks but they're out in the open. Biden's probably somebody. I saw a video on it.
FN, I am unable to locate the link I saw but here is a link that isn't necessarily convincing 100% because it doesn't show the right side of the face comparison.
not ta be crude but when I sawr that list of award-ease.... I thought of it as one big fahrt in the face of the nation... one big "OhBiden" diaper deposit ta leave stinkin' 'fore his cabinet (more like the WC!) toddled outta the white house... i.e this was insultin' to the nation & a puerile obscenity... (an' I gotta strong stomick...) beyond egregious!
lol, love that...yup, the "Gitmo Awards!"... imho Trump's was a middle finger with a few whiffies but THIS, this is like a festerin' rotting carbuncle... rubbin' it in our faces (hmmmm... kinda like Killary & Huma...) Anywho, most of these folks should be in the 9th circle!
They aren't Gitmo awards by any means. Remember, they will have to try them convict and set punishment. The senate will never vote to do anything tangible. Their vote is to Erich themselves on our dime leaving us penniless. The. You have the uniparty. Dems have zero honor and should never be trusted. Then you have the repugnicants. Who's only job in congress is to act like opposition. Their vote is the guaranteed to lose vote.rwpublicans could fuck up a wet dream.
Shouldn't there be a posthumous award for Jeffery Dahmer for his culinary skills? For Ted Bundy for his dedication to nursing students? For Ed Gein for his upholstery genius? So many yet to be given out, Joe. Get with the program. Who was that guy in the south who murdered all the children.....Joe, you are slipping.
Yea, Killery of all people. I agree with Aelred and Martha. The worst of the worst, in my opinion. Completely destroys Libya, and proclaims, " We saw, we came, we killed ". Or something close to that. The most prosperous country in Africa, run by the man Mandela called the " greatest man in Africa". The man who set up the world's largest irrigation system, made sure every citizen had a place to live and tried to get a gold based currency for Africa - which is why he was probably done in. It's just Planet Normal being normal - run on fear, not love.
You're right. She can't be a human being. Must be some sort of bad alien, so bad that the typical bad aliens cast her out. What's that Amish word they use for such ? Aha, shunned. She was shunned and sent here to torment us. ( And, she brought friends. )
I say we cut them off at the pass. People like her will never be seen in public without body guards. She and her ilk have so much money, they have someone else do the shopping and cooking.
we came, we saw, he died, followed by an insane cackle is what I remember. Similar to what sec of state albright said about thousands of children dying as a result of sanctions- "we think it was worth it " paraphrased maybe.
If they are people they don't have a conscience or worse.
Oh, Alexandria, you are SO right. "Awards", fame, fortune, pomp & circumstance are some of the ways the Luciferian "elite" reward their minions for their service to the cult. I once knew a man who - although very intelligent in other ways - would go somewhat ballistic when I would mention the 9-11 issue, stating my doubts about the official story. His son was a special effects guy in Hollywood. A few years later, the artist received an major industry award for his special effects on TV... I wondered if it might have been for his work on the 9-11 graphics we were supposed to believe were real, such as airplanes disappearing into buildings, coming out the other side... The artist's child was badly injured when (supposedly) a dog bit her face... I wonder if that was a message from 'THE Cult" for him to keep quiet about his work on the 9-11 show. After all, it's how they do things. Kerth Barker's books connected the dots for me, between "THE Cult", which I had inklings of over a period of 30 years - and how it controls people it wants to serve it - in strict secrecy. I think Kerth's books started an avalanche of victims' stories. "Grooming" is the word of the day, today and it will be going down, thanks to "X" and Elon Musk's push against the UK PM - a glorious end to a very bad worldwide issue. Kemi Badenoch in the UK Parliament made magnificent waves today: "Do you not see that by resisting an inquiry, people will start to worry about a cover-up." We, the people, need to educate others so they understand about the ped0/Luciferian subject. I know no better way of introducing them to it than through the books and videos of Cathy O'Brien, Kerth Barker, Fiona Barnett, Nathan Reynolds, TheShameCampaign...
That's wild about the SFX guy and the 757's nose coming out of the other side of the tower, like a Balinese shadow puppet ( the poor child.
One of the most famous shots of the 2nd impact looks like it was taken from the roof directly above my ceiling. It mostly films the explosion coming out of Tower 1 with some projectiles that came out of the other side. It starts at exactly 6 mins in, here:
That was my view out of my living room for 8 years. Luckily, I wasn't there, at the time.
I don't have time to read a whole book these days, I'm too busy writing to pay my rent. But there was just a 3-week blackout here, so I got to read a whole actual, physical book in 2 days, which was a totally luxurious experience and actually liberating to finally understand the philosophy driving a lot of what we've been seeing.
That story you ran about composites completely destroyed the official narrative. It is just unbelievable. I certainly never believed it and it changed my life.
I love Kathy O'Brian. She gave a talk, maybe a book signing, where she answered questions from the audience. One questions was, why don't the controllers (her handlers) want you to have cannabis? Her answer was that it opens pathways in the brain.
I think Hillary at least deserves credit for getting a fresh wash and set for the occasion. Who can forget all those photo ops as Sec of State with her sporting a long greasy ponytail? Hopefully, she topped it off with a pre award shower.
Remember, that WikiLeaks email of John Podesta complaining that she smelled like a sulfuric combination of cabbage and urine and begging for somebody to tell her take a shower.
It's all being done in the hopes that it'll reflect badly on Trump if he goes after these criminals; they want people to think that Trump is out for personal vengeance since he's going after people awarded the highest honors in America. Nice try. As Q posted once: "We have it all." Wait till it comes out! (Remember Weiner's laptop w/ videos of Huma and Hillary doing things that made the NYPD cops seeing it puke? Yeah, that stuff)
They need to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Praying that a Trump presidency brings this about… 🙏
That, Martha my dear, will be the test of whether Trump is what everyone thinks/hopes he is; last time, he didn't arrest Hillary because he said it would look bad to do that to a former First Lady, so I'm taking the wait-and-see position for now.
Allred, politics is all theater. Trump is a Talmud thumper. Gov. Co. Is a total scam, and they are trying to kill us.
We're on our own. It's time to develop strategic partnerships as it pertains to food and defense. It's beyond time to lock-and-load.
🎯 the sooner people realize NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU, the faster we can rid the planet of this diseased, Zionist parasitic control.
It's refreshing to hear you all saying this; that's what it will take.
Pitchforks. Torches. ROPE!!!
You couldnt get more Zionist than that bloke Trump
I'm in.
Hillary is gone. We have many masked, doubles, and clones running around. Just like the fake Biden. The truth will eventually come out. Flights to Gitmo have been running on almost a daily basis. This has been going on since Trump's first Presidency. Take notice to all the resignations, people stepping down, retiring, etc, also. This is worldwide.
A lot has to do with Trump's capitulation tour. It was a sign.
It doesn’t look like her. Wrong wig. 80 lbs lighter.
That was my first thought: wow, she really did her hair for this! But wrong wig sounds more like it.
Yeah, that hairdo is not really Hillary's style. Looks more like Betty Crocker in the 60's.
but then... ozempic... "did she or didn't she, only her HAIRdresser knows fer sure..."... (is it live? memorex? silicone? a hollow-gram? AI?)... guess we'll never know fer sure!
You forgot AI. lol
Remember the Crowdstrike crash that affected all MS platforms, like totally knocking-out the GPS in my car?
That was when Sleepy Joe also disappeared for 2 weeks and it was humorously (or not?) suggested that so much of him that we saw was actually generated by AI.
Ozempic, and women do change their hair styles on occasion.
You're a man, right?
I hope you are not just blowing smoke.
That will never happen remember Trump is an opportunist that hasn't got the balls to do half of the crap he carries on about ,and to think he will be the savior of USA is preposterous to say the least once these people gain power everything changes as we all saw the last time he was president ,, just another war monger youl see sorry bout that but lets watch and see it all unfold ,, cheers
Never say never...
No he won't save us but we are better poised to save ourselves. The savior mentality has to go. The victim-oppressor era is over.
I won’t hold my breath!
Aelred, I wish not to be the bearer of bad news, but please wake up and smell the coffee. Trump is part of the hideous swamp creatures. It’s a horror show we are all watching. They are all in on it. It’s all being exposed as we watch; you must open your eyes. Best of luck to you!
Trust me, Liam, the smell of that coffee is overwhelming; I'm sure not a "Trump is our savior" guy; after watching his "Israel-firsters" he appointed, I lost all faith, but, as I said, have not given up all hope just yet.
Liam, I highly resonate with your sentiment. Cognitive dissonance (great word), mass mind control and mind virus still have a strong hold on many. It is a show and we have all been in it. In my opinion- there are no saviours and I don't do worship. That is a major issue of why we are currently where we are at now. The only way out of this is to face head on what really is, then say NO compliance and no fear and live from the heart. We all innately know how to live in balance with the earth and all that it is. They are attempting to steal our power forever,but now is the time we take it back!
We are simpatico!
What Hillary did was so blood soaked and soul-splintering that it sent hardened NYC detectives to shrinks to recover their sanity. And, funny, after a big fanfare by the cops that they would expose everything in the "Insurance" file on Anthony Wiener's laptop....POOF, CRICKETS. Never heard from again. Laptops, from Seth Rich to Wiener to Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden seem to have that same vaporizing power.
It is impossible to adequately describe how much I want your post to be true.
Allred, yes I remember the video/audio of Killary/Huma all to well. When I'm not studying the fraud of legal and the fraud of quackcines, I spend the rest of my time studying SRA. Fiona Barnett, 'Eyes Wide Open' 2019 is by far the most comprehensive expose on the worldwide SRA plaguing mankimd.
Tony, speaking of legal fraud, see Martin Armstrong's comment today on his incarceration in NYC (I posted the url on my Substack, but here it is:
Thanks. Substack is where the critical thinkers are. Thank God for SS.
Tony, have you watched the SRA survivors testimonies on YT- "50 voices of ritual abuse"- of course there are so many more, as you put it "plaguing mankind"? It is an essential eye opening watch for those of humanity who need to wake the fuck up once and for all- you cannot deny or pretend it isn't happening, and if you do you are part of the problem!! Max Lowen with support from Rachel Vaughan and Doug McIntyre (all survivors of SRA) has a website called Unbroken. There are interviews and other resources opening the floodgate on the heinous crimes of these satanic psychopaths against innocent children.
And Cathy O'Brien's book Trance-Formation of America; you'll never revere a president again (if you ever did).
Yes, I have both of her books- the other one is "Access denied: For reasons of National Security". Yes Aeldred, the content is not comfortable reading and is a definite wake up call as to how this realm is engineered. The top down pyramid have been feeding off of us in every way. Without this they die off! I was lucky enough to sit in on part of a zoom session- with Max Lowen as the host and Cathy O'Brien as a guest. Both women are a testament to how a human can endure such torture, survive it and then go on to help others. Beautiful souls :) I am reading another book that a YT channel (Inspired-Jean and Kristen Nolan) did a video on recently. The book is "the new order of barbarians-the new world system". It was a seminar that was hosted by a Dr Richard Day in 1969 (who was part of planned parenting and paediatrics at Mt Sinai Hospital). It was recorded by a Dr Dunegan- who was a former student of Dr Days. At the time the audience of this seminar was asked not to record or write down any of the information he was to impart, as Dr Day must have been passing over info that he wasn't supposed to?? Dr Dunegan wrote things down on a napkin, and made tapes about all that he remembered and published after Dr Day passed away in 1989. It basically sets out the plan that had been devised by the global cult around 1969. You can get a free pdf online- The thing is, almost all of it has played out, as it said in the book. So, in my lifetime (born in 1968), I have been part of a big game of cat and mouse. To work towards truth is the only way forward.
For those who haven't read her book, it is a grisly story of a CIA mind-controlled young child who was put into sexual slavery by her own father for money. She was called a "Presidential Model," and was catered around to the famous and rich like appetizers and drinks at a party. She was raped as a child by Dick Cheney, Gerald Ford and apparently the holy Ronald Reagan. There were many, many others. She watched George Bush elder shape shift to a Reptilian form, although she thought it was some kind of special effect to terrorize her. Her story was one of those that leaves you not-quite-right from then on, just to know stuff like that exists.
O'Brien's book is so important. Here is one that goes deeper, into the 'spiritual' (ie non-physical) side of MKUltra:
That was the most horrific book I have read; it took me months to finish, and I had to process almost every page. I had never been so revolted by what men can do to women...This courageous woman is now a beckon of light to an otherwise dark world...
That one human can do that to another, period.
Thank you Sally, no I had no idea. I work alot. I know, these people, the Freemasons (of the higher degrees), should be lined up against the wall and shot.
It's probably not a coincidence that Alex Soros married Huma Abedin, who was formerly married to Anthony Weiner. What a threesome they could have, eh?
Nope! Not a coincidence, at all. These are Satanists.
Reptiles giving some love to other Reptiles. Pass the adenochrome.
Reptiles are so heart-warming, aren't they?
Literally the worst of the worst being “honored” with this now-demeaned award. I’m still in shock. George Soros and Hillary Clinton…. Unbelievable.
IMO the same with music and acting awards... They don't rocket you to fame without paying the piper. When they have a lot of awards, I think they must be the worst of the worst.
Dawn, in the same vein, I have seen that the more money someone makes, the more harm they are respnsible for. This is not always the case however, but a good rule of thumb.
The signs are a fast rise, big praise and bigger money, lavish lifestyle, social prominence, power and occasional exposures for dark business quickly covered up. That's your basic satanic agent. All the suspects in Diddy's ring fit the profile, including Oprah. Hillary Clinton without any doubt. Obama, MANY Hollywood celebrities and politicos out the wazoo.
Margaret, they are all homosexuals. I call them globohomos. All pedophiles are homosexuals. Not all homosexuals are pdeophiles.
There's lots of straight men who have a taste for young girls! Why in the British Parliament alone....
Sure, their public persona is straight, but behind closed doors its gay city.
Yes not always but 99.9% then. Jesus said this about the rich.
Matthew 19:24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
I knew it was politicized, but never did I think it would sink to such shocking lows as this.
It’s completely ruined the stature of the award. It’s meaningless now. What a shame!
Yes, turned it into some kind of bizarre joke. Sad.
Don’t forget that Trump gave both Fauci and Birx Presidential Commendations for their work on Operation Warp Speed on his last day in office.
Factcheck: True
James Grundvig was saying, during our podcast Monday that these awards have now become a kind of "comms". He was essentially saying, "These are the Gitmo Awards".
Like, "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!" "You're going to Gitmo!"
These two did the most valuable work for the satanists and they got the awards for it.
I love people who are not afraid to speak...
You can bet that national and international awards are part of the propaganda used to give us favorable opinions of cabal operatives. You can tell who cabal political candidates are by who the media push and lionize. They also publish the often ghost-written, sappy autobiographical books and then hype them to kingdom come. The worse the agents are, the greater the hype. Pulitzer's incoming. The line goes back a long way, probably to the beginning of history, but the slime Barack Obama's Nobel Prize for Peace is probably the most transparent and notorious example. That anyone would give Hillary Clinton an award for other than abject amorality and murder is remarkable and of course it would be Biden, another criminal, who pinned it on her, just as Obama pinned one on him. See how that works? Now would be great time for someone to form a true awards platform and give these people awards for what they really did.
Once it's understood to be Satanic inversion, it becomes a convenience, to have your enemies hauled-out and perp-walked in front of you.
There's a story about the Nobel Prize that goes like this: An obituary was accidentally published in the newspaper about Alfred Nobel, the late 19th century Swedish inventor of dynamite, owner of over 350 patents, etc ( and the article wailed about all of the death and devastation that his inventions had wrought.
So, Alfred bequeathed his fortune to the creation of a foundation that would rehabilitate his legacy.
This is exactly what the Rockefellers and Bill Gates have also done. It's a formula.
They are where the term 'philanthropaths' came from?
Yeah, all those robber barons, Rockefellers and Rothschilds..... Old man Rockefeller used to go out into the streets and pass out dimes to waifs to show how nice he was. Didn't stop the good citizens from later digging him up from his grave and hanging his body out. Couldn't happen to a nicer feller.
What? I’d never heard that!
Honest, I saw a video on old man Rockefeller's disinterment years ago. So I went looking today for any reference online and couldn't find one. It's something that should have, but probably didn't, happen. But he did famously hand out dimes.
Officially downgraded to participation awards to snub the voter. It’s been a slow decline the past few decades, evident when Carter, Al Gore, and Obama were given Nobel Peace Prizes.
Nailed it 🎯 !
I saw recently that JFK was not actually killed and that he is actially Jimmy Carter. Polotocs is a psychological operation. The pictures don't lie, for example ike the 3-dots (scar) on the right cheek.
JFK ≠ Jimmy Carter. Not buying it.
That's OK. I'll have to find that and drop a link. Politics is all theater, or as Zappa said, it's the entertainment division of the military industrial [comgressional] complex.
Of course not! Everybody knows Juan O Savin is JFK. And JFK survived his assassination after being put on a medbed. JFK, Jr too. Right now, they're wearing high tech million dollar masks but they're out in the open. Biden's probably somebody. I saw a video on it.
OMG don't get me started. Not again! lol
FN, I am unable to locate the link I saw but here is a link that isn't necessarily convincing 100% because it doesn't show the right side of the face comparison.
To the world, these medals are given to those who have freedom to act out without consequences.
Good observation. There are always consequences, sooner or later. Our Lord cannot be mocked.
In the last analysis, no one acts without consequences. Natural law misses nothing.
Using the principal of its Opposite Day every day on Planet Earth, makes all this nonsense more palatable.
What's the saying about putting lipstick on a pig? Hope they're enjoying their shiny medals right now.
More like polishing a turd...
I knew you were being sarcastic when I saw “sweet” and “Hillary” in the same sentence.
Hasn’t anyone found her candy house in the woods yet?
not ta be crude but when I sawr that list of award-ease.... I thought of it as one big fahrt in the face of the nation... one big "OhBiden" diaper deposit ta leave stinkin' 'fore his cabinet (more like the WC!) toddled outta the white house... i.e this was insultin' to the nation & a puerile obscenity... (an' I gotta strong stomick...) beyond egregious!
Agreed. Sadistically in-your-face.
DJT did the same kind of thing:
Are these “Awards Comms”…Gitmo Awards?
lol, love that...yup, the "Gitmo Awards!"... imho Trump's was a middle finger with a few whiffies but THIS, this is like a festerin' rotting carbuncle... rubbin' it in our faces (hmmmm... kinda like Killary & Huma...) Anywho, most of these folks should be in the 9th circle!
They aren't Gitmo awards by any means. Remember, they will have to try them convict and set punishment. The senate will never vote to do anything tangible. Their vote is to Erich themselves on our dime leaving us penniless. The. You have the uniparty. Dems have zero honor and should never be trusted. Then you have the repugnicants. Who's only job in congress is to act like opposition. Their vote is the guaranteed to lose vote.rwpublicans could fuck up a wet dream.
Shouldn't there be a posthumous award for Jeffery Dahmer for his culinary skills? For Ted Bundy for his dedication to nursing students? For Ed Gein for his upholstery genius? So many yet to be given out, Joe. Get with the program. Who was that guy in the south who murdered all the children.....Joe, you are slipping.
Yea, Killery of all people. I agree with Aelred and Martha. The worst of the worst, in my opinion. Completely destroys Libya, and proclaims, " We saw, we came, we killed ". Or something close to that. The most prosperous country in Africa, run by the man Mandela called the " greatest man in Africa". The man who set up the world's largest irrigation system, made sure every citizen had a place to live and tried to get a gold based currency for Africa - which is why he was probably done in. It's just Planet Normal being normal - run on fear, not love.
Robert, Killery was laughing gleefully when she said that.
You're right. She can't be a human being. Must be some sort of bad alien, so bad that the typical bad aliens cast her out. What's that Amish word they use for such ? Aha, shunned. She was shunned and sent here to torment us. ( And, she brought friends. )
I say we cut them off at the pass. People like her will never be seen in public without body guards. She and her ilk have so much money, they have someone else do the shopping and cooking.
That's EXACTLY why Kaddafi was done in.
we came, we saw, he died, followed by an insane cackle is what I remember. Similar to what sec of state albright said about thousands of children dying as a result of sanctions- "we think it was worth it " paraphrased maybe.
If they are people they don't have a conscience or worse.
Oh, Alexandria, you are SO right. "Awards", fame, fortune, pomp & circumstance are some of the ways the Luciferian "elite" reward their minions for their service to the cult. I once knew a man who - although very intelligent in other ways - would go somewhat ballistic when I would mention the 9-11 issue, stating my doubts about the official story. His son was a special effects guy in Hollywood. A few years later, the artist received an major industry award for his special effects on TV... I wondered if it might have been for his work on the 9-11 graphics we were supposed to believe were real, such as airplanes disappearing into buildings, coming out the other side... The artist's child was badly injured when (supposedly) a dog bit her face... I wonder if that was a message from 'THE Cult" for him to keep quiet about his work on the 9-11 show. After all, it's how they do things. Kerth Barker's books connected the dots for me, between "THE Cult", which I had inklings of over a period of 30 years - and how it controls people it wants to serve it - in strict secrecy. I think Kerth's books started an avalanche of victims' stories. "Grooming" is the word of the day, today and it will be going down, thanks to "X" and Elon Musk's push against the UK PM - a glorious end to a very bad worldwide issue. Kemi Badenoch in the UK Parliament made magnificent waves today: "Do you not see that by resisting an inquiry, people will start to worry about a cover-up." We, the people, need to educate others so they understand about the ped0/Luciferian subject. I know no better way of introducing them to it than through the books and videos of Cathy O'Brien, Kerth Barker, Fiona Barnett, Nathan Reynolds, TheShameCampaign...
That's wild about the SFX guy and the 757's nose coming out of the other side of the tower, like a Balinese shadow puppet ( the poor child.
One of the most famous shots of the 2nd impact looks like it was taken from the roof directly above my ceiling. It mostly films the explosion coming out of Tower 1 with some projectiles that came out of the other side. It starts at exactly 6 mins in, here:
That was my view out of my living room for 8 years. Luckily, I wasn't there, at the time.
This video came out 6 years ago of that 2nd shot, which is sped-up 8X, in order to really see the building sway:
SFX? This film breaks down how that answer is yes:
Rehearsal? Die Hard: (
I've read only read one of Kerth Barker's books and it was the most important read for me of the past decade:
I don't have time to read a whole book these days, I'm too busy writing to pay my rent. But there was just a 3-week blackout here, so I got to read a whole actual, physical book in 2 days, which was a totally luxurious experience and actually liberating to finally understand the philosophy driving a lot of what we've been seeing.
That story you ran about composites completely destroyed the official narrative. It is just unbelievable. I certainly never believed it and it changed my life.
I love Kathy O'Brian. She gave a talk, maybe a book signing, where she answered questions from the audience. One questions was, why don't the controllers (her handlers) want you to have cannabis? Her answer was that it opens pathways in the brain.
I think Hillary at least deserves credit for getting a fresh wash and set for the occasion. Who can forget all those photo ops as Sec of State with her sporting a long greasy ponytail? Hopefully, she topped it off with a pre award shower.
Remember, that WikiLeaks email of John Podesta complaining that she smelled like a sulfuric combination of cabbage and urine and begging for somebody to tell her take a shower.
No. Sorry I read this after supper....
Those receiving these medals hung around their necks are marked as those deserving a rope around their necks!!!
Fake medals from a fake president