Latest on the Great North Carolina Land-Grab
Ann Vandersteel reports that FEMA denies knowledge of the three concentration camps being built all around Asheville and it turns out that this is because 30% of FEMA's budget is "off-the-books".
She says only 20 Congressmen supposedly know the details of this budget and I looked it up and found out who they are: the DHS' Emergency Management and Technology Subcommittee, which seems to be overly-represented by New Yorkers.
What is happening in Asheville is so baleful, that it beggars belief. It is a Directed Energy Weapons-enabled land-grab, like Lahaina, like Northern California and like Viña del Mar in Chile. The weather catastrophes occurring in Spain, France, the Philippines, China, the Arabian Peninsula and Brazil are all so anomalous, that they appear to be engineered, as well.
I can't help but think that the timing of these DEW displays is to give some oomph to the Cop29 Climate Change Freak-Off in Azerbaijan, that began yesterday. My niece, who works for a Globalist charity is in attendance and my brother and I jokingly warned her to avoid any after-parties!
My friend's house in remote Blackberry Cove had a chink of her foundation knocked-out and is otherwise OK, after three small outer buildings were ground into piles of lumber, when a six-foot wall of water slammed into them from the Woodfin Resevoir that breached above her house. The outer buildings slammed into her house – while she was in it! She was rescued by her neighbors.
She tells me that various government agencies are now putting her into a bind, such that, no matter which option offered to her, the intended result is that her house will be condemned and she will be forced-out and paid pennies on the dollar for what her beautiful property is actually worth, after 20 years of sweat equity.
Her property was a Fairy Tale cabin next to a small creek that has been exquisitely well-maintained and manicured and it was totally adorable. Flooding like this has never occurred in her lifetime, let alone, in centuries – if not, ever. Or in a loooong, long time. The Appalachian Mountains are extremely ancient and are said to have been as tall or taller than the Himalayas, hundreds of millions of years ago.
They told her that her house would be condemned, unless she would raise the foundation a couple of feet. Then, she was then told that if the cost of raising her foundation was over 20% of the value of her property, her house would be ruled "condemned" by the Government. And then, she found out that cost of raising the foundation would be just over 20%!
I don't understand how that can even be a thing! How can any government agency get away with this kind of thievery?
Might it be because FEMA is 30% a Black Budget Operation?
She is resolved not to budge. She and her neighbors need a superlawyer to file a class action suit. Does anybody out there know anyone who can represent them?
She may have a case, because it was recently revealed that FEMA and DHS employees working in Florida to assess damages after Hurricane Milton were instructed to skip any properties with Trump 2024 Campaign signs or any other evidence of Trump support, in order to deprive them of an assessment that would make them eligible for Federal Funding Aid to repair or replace their structures.
Running Time: 2 mins
This is the same kind of prejudicial treatment of Trump voters that we have seen in Red jurisdictions, like in East Palestine, Ohio and in Western North Carolina – and also, in the pattern that we have seen, of rural white people in Red Counties across the US having a 1,900% higher chance of "Dying Suddenly" from the COVID jab than residents of Blue areas, such as those of Coastal California.
On another front, the Red Cross has reportedly decided that it's time to close their shelters for families made homeless and they are now kicking them out. North Carolina Family Services has swooped-in saying, "You're homeless, therefore, we need to take your children away".
Running Time: 1 min
@AppalachianPrepper2.0 on TikTok confirms the many reports that I've seen on several video-sharing platforms, including on YouTube Shorts and TikTok, that families made homeless by the Great North Carolina Land-Grab will be kicked-out of Red Cross shelters this Friday and how the North Carolina Department of Family Services has already informed them that their children will be removed from them, if they can't find another place to stay.
Appalachian Prepper asks people to contact him, as he is coordinating with households in the area who will take in these families, in order to keep these children together with their parents.
There are uncounted thousands of people – potentially over 10,000 – dead and missing, buried under the toxic mud, none of which is being reported by the mainstream media. The truth is only known to independent aid workers, because FEMA is reportedly more focused on helping their own family members in the area and they are basically grifting off of the event, with multiple reports that the "Federal Government is actively working against recovery" , complete with a helicopter disrupting a local relief operation with a practiced rotor wash.
I heard the most horrific story, from my abovementioned friend, with the house under siege by the Government, about a man who went out on his deck to smoke a cigarette, when a mudslide suddenly crashed through his house, ripping his wife's body in half, leaving her and everything jumbled in a big pile, while he and the deck were left untouched.
He was isolated on a mountainside, with no electricity, no water, no communications for days. And then her body started to decompose and stink. After 4 days without water, food or anything else, he started to think about eating her.
All of this now yesterday's news, post-Election – but we can't let this be yesterday's news!
Running Time: 1+ min
Time to dismantle FEMA Mr. President Donald Trump!
"She is resolved not to budge. She and her neighbors need a superlawyer to file a class action suit. Does anybody out there know anyone who can represent them?"
Consider reaching out to attorney Jeff Childers at the Coffee & Covid Substack. He is a superlawyer and has connections all over the US.