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Possible but methinks Mossad aims for bigger tuna than small fry Stew who wuz always a mite louche (also a wife beater! an' that's AFTER he went all christian on the world...yup)... Now Stew may hold "chewish producers" accountable for his lack of a rap career (sigh, he stunk--I forced myself ta listen--he ain't even a "beastie boy") an' a chip on yer shoulder weighs heavily--and might'a joined Kanye somewhar in bitterland... who knows? But my guess is he saw an anti-chew bandwagon gettin' started an' jumped on, already associatin' with the white "supremacist" crowd--like the TPV guys...

I think he "thought" that was the way the wind wuz blowin'....

But/too if ya recall the first indication he had "issues" with the "tribe" was that he totally excluded Dr. Jane Ruby (a chew nee Rubenstein--an' a good egg in my book) from his "Died Suddenly" doc-- which FEATURED Jane's own hard-won research. That was same time Jane & Breggins' got sued by The Mal One.

Talk 'bout back stabbin'... Mebbe Stew didn't know 'bout Jane at first? Dunno...

Jane was polite an' said nuttin' unkind 'bout that Stew to my surprise--but many've us felt it wrong--like plaigerizin'!--as it was Jane who GOT the morticians on board to talk 'about the clots--they were her "finds"--including embalmer Richard Hirschman (his rubbery clots were the most compellin' thing about that doc)

So I dunno--I know Israeli MeeDia did some bribin'--as did Quatar! to find folks to "play" the virulent "other side"---so it's kinda equally awful--but I sense that Stew was not their man even to "play the role" of hater as he was a loose cannon--and agin' he had a 2021 order of probation an' arrest for bein' drunk an' disorderly an' threatenin' his wife--with I think little kids around (long 'fore he went full out anti-israel/anti-chewish)


"His wife told officers that her husband regularly became belligerently drunk, saying incidents like the one that night were, in the words of one officer on the scene, “happening too frequently.” According to the report, his wife said she would normally lay low and wait until Peters passed out, saying she was afraid to call the police."

He was convicted of theft as a teenager for stealing stereo equipment from a Radio Shack where he worked. Peters was arrested in Florida in 2006 for falsely impersonating an officer, unlawful use of a blue light, and robbery of less than $300 while using a weapon. Those charges were later dropped.

But the February arrest might have been the most serious for his bounty-hunting career. As the officers handcuffed Peters, he complained that the arrest would destroy his bounty-hunting job.

“You are ruining my kids’ lives, I’ll never earn a goddamn dime!” Peters said, according to the report.

Look ta the link above--OBVIOUSLY it's pro-jab, yadayada but on Stew it's the beans! I think he's got blood on his hands fer bein' an a-hole at bounty huntin' an' causin' a few deaths... illegally impersonatin' a cop...

I think he's just a jerk that had his "golden 15 min" of fame... got lucky...?

Mossad would want (imho) a more reliable con man--I could be wrong tho'--all that money is green!

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ps as ya likely know The Wellness Co dropped 'im like a hot tater....

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They dropped you? Were you not selling enough? They recently threatened me with being dropped. I'd just seen a couple of sales come in, some of which were recurring – and then, I get emails from TWC, telling me they were going to drop me for not bringing in any NEW customers in the past 45 days. This is the first time I've ever heard of this concept in affiliate marketing, which I've been doing for 7 years, now. Perhaps the naysayers were right, after all.

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no no, not me!-- the 'im means him--i.e. Stew--for his unhinged rantin's includin' some bodacious boffo chew-hatin' on steroids (not good when Zev's products were featured... I mean Stewed Tomatoes was profit'in' off the formula made by one of the tribe he so hates... bad look...)

BUT that said, re TWC, I think they ARE a mite dubious--less iffy perhaps than the Not Any Longer Amazin' Polly who clearly had some help in her "expose"--

It's like a rodeo of behind-the-scenes monkeyshines that few know about... (lotta GOOD folks promotin' TWC like yerself, but that mebbe is the point? respectable / trusted folks "in front" ? dumpin the douches like Stew?)

If it's all 'bout money their threats to drop ya make sense but ya'd think then it would be a commission set up--which it's not--so perhaps there is something funky 'bout their biz model AND those behind 'em...

NYMusicDaily sez (quotin' him here):

"Foster Coulson's wellness company is a cia/transhumanist/genetic engineering scheme"





(which has Polly's initial coverage)

An' this ya saw:


Wuther they're on the up 'n up or not--dumpin' the Stew was a good idear as he went off the deep end an' that was obvious--but puttin' the screws on you to "produce" is atypical--also that Dr. Drew shilled the clot shots...

Even tho' I agree that Polly went off her cracker in accusin' honest sellers (that was Hope Girls angle, one I think was just), I still think TWC has some NWO skellytons in it's closet....

Not fer me to advise but they do seem a bit sus as the kidz say

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ps one more...


and a velly interestin' fact:

The founder of Vigilant News Network, Foster Coulson, is also the founder of The Wellness Company. (that means: Vigilant Fox)

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I didn't realize Stew's rap sheet was so long.

I thought Dr Jane said she was Sicilian in one of her podcasts.

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one moment of "zen" (if laffin' does ya good!)


bonus hilarity...


....listen ta the "good christian" swear worse than any gimlet-eyed sailor I met!

It's all ACTIN' (this seems ta be gig numba 4)

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As a former player in the world of Hip Hop, who was BFFs with Russell Simmons and who knew every major and minor artist of note, due to my work at MTV and as a director of music videos and hanging out in that world, knowing and meeting with and getting jobs from the players in the industry during the Golden Age of Hip Hop, I must say that this track and artist, Fokiss - while the video is of fairly high quality for an unknown - the only problem is that this is not Hip Hop. It is awful. It's good that he stopped doing this.

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that's puttin' it mildly--I know this is your wheelhouse totally--that's why I said it's for a laff and I wuz purdy generous when I said "crummy"--even your "awful" is generous! he stinks an' looks like a bad white boy immitatin' the likely mind-controlled Eminen! Also such a dumb name... he's beyond cringey... didn't make much've a bounty hunter either--

ps. I'm no fan of the new stuff but my kinda rap is ol' Grandmaster Flash / Melle Melle, Fab 5 Freddie...veeeely old skool 'fore it got too nasty... (former DJ here among my many hats! now I jus' wear the Minnie Pearl one when my crackpot "pot" comes off!)

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Yeah, it was a real grassroots movement that got usurped by the West Coast, which, allegedly made a deal with the US GOV to exclusively create "Gangster Rap". It didn't start out that way. That was the beginning of the end. I was involved in 4 crossfires of shootings (one on my set) and thankfully, I got out alive.

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Wow, didn't know how W. Coast got involved as it started out totally local (I'd say original)--Sugar Hill, etc.--Also had no idear 'bout the US Gov but it makes sense they co-opt anythin' original an' turn it dark -- like Laurel Canyon too (an' a lotta young'uns went dark with those changes)-- That "Gangster Rap" was not my cuppa tea (it also wasn't as clever by half either!)--I think some'a the old guys are still around but they left the biz long time ago... Rammellzee & Freddie went inta art--kinda graffiti stuff connected but both got outta rap an' had gallery representation... some fun stuff even tho' not my typical "thang." (I went to some shows that were actually not half bad) I heard Afrika taught at Cornell (most improbably but true) but then it came out--he was like Puffy--molested a lotta fellas--dark stuff, mebbe illuminatti-related?

All those guys came/went to the E. Village venues (Peppermint, Danceteria) -- it wasn't all separate then, right? Now it's so compartmentalized.... (mentalized!) an' bad... (not baaaad but just bad)...

Thankfully the awful "Stew" mess came 'round long after I too got out! But he's like "The Great Pretender"--pretended to be a white rapper, pretended to be a cop while pretendin' ta be a decent bounty hunter, pretended to be a good white Christian talk show host while gettin' drunk, cursin' like a maniac, an' throwin' stuff at his wife (mebbe worse?)---an' now he's taken on a cause celebre against the chews--which may be an' act fer "likes" an' paid subscribers? I dunno but he's just a big fake...

OMG the shootin's--you were there? All that Lil' Kim / Biggie stuff? One other guy that got taken out uptown... not recallin' all the names. Read bout it all in the funny papers--those guys meant bizness--serious stuff--drug traffickin'....lord know what else... Even the white rap producers I knew packed heat IN THE STUDIO!

Thankfully I was spared all've that--the rock / indie side got funky (many've those fellas played totally wasted)---but that's not at all like what you saw--risked! ...nobuddy went out gunnin' fer anyone!

We all gotta thank our lucky stars 'bout near misses (got my share too!)..

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Rap Sheet (lol)--given he was such a crummy rapper too (spare yerself -- a few of the "turds" are still on the innertubes tho') Nope, Jane Ruby's a "chew" thru 'n thru-- a nice goil from LongIsland -- left for Miami when SHTF... Has a lotta Israeli ties an' took heat fer her "views" over time:

One minute long--she shares that she comes to the rebbies as a "jewish mother and a grandmother!" (didn't know she had grandkids!)


Took the same risks as Zelenko which was BRAVE.... in fact she accompanied him on the trip to Israel where both testified--she had threats on her life too...

She also tried ta help folks in Israel even back in 2019 an' took heat for it...




"Dr. Jane Ruby is a Jewish Medical Doctor who understood early on in the PLAN-DEMIC the conspiracy against humanity of lies, malfeasance and murder, which focused early on to recruit Israel and the Jewish people as cannon fodder to convince the world that the Luciferian injections were safe and effective. Dr. Jane Ruby has strong ties to Israel and she testified early on along with Dr. Zev Zelenko in front of the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, regarding the lethality of these shots and the conspiracy of the Globalist Cabal of psychopaths to commit a world genocide unseen before in the history of mankind."

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ps didn't hear that but there are Sicilian joos! (we know joos that originally came from Napoli!) -- not sure if that's her roots but Italian joos are called (generally) " Italkim " -- if yer a N. Italian joo ya likely have Ashkanazi genes (many migrated there) an' S. Italian joos would be Sephardim (also by migration--from Spain which wasn't too friendly ta chews back in the day)

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