The MK U;tra programm (MI=6 CIA) medical mafia institues) has infused humanity with so many psychotic drugs that there is a war on reality -the lines are blurred are the words become absurd. The Commila is a product of her mothers work in Montral with LSD-hence the cackling and word salad expressions, The whole Uniparty is under a spell, and rember the new 10 commandments from the Georgia guidestones!

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Kerth Barker explains how MKULTRA was the CIA's scientific approach to deploying Satanic Ritual Abuse and to Satanism, in general.

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

It's why we have Clif High. And bushido.

Not sure which came first.



He kinda fell off the PSY tip as much, although people are supposed to be working on their DISCIPLINE!

HYPERNOVELTY gonna lead to more hyperspace interactions and relationships.

Time to brush up on the super powers people. Stay focused. Directed. More powerful that way.

And instead of devolving into FEAR, grow some BALLS. Or default into insane laughter. They can't stand that either. Being laughed at.

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Mock them! Relentlessly 🤡🎪

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

we tried that during the Bush jr. administration. When one does't have a conscious well the magic bullet always does the trick...not that I am promoting violence, just stating facts...

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What's funny is that these creatures, because I have no other evil word I can think of, think we are their toys to be played with and thrown away when done playing. I have lived among these creatures most of my life. The entire 2 Beltway road systems running around Washington DC and the Baltimore Metropolitan areas are filled with opportunity zones for their existence. It's hardly a secret in all the major cities. The fact that these familial 'Coats of Arms' have been battling since the beginning of time should not come as a surprise. Our historical record has been completely manipulated by these people since the beginning. America was not a land just filled with natives as is told by our government. America was a conglomerate of European settlements of familial wealth and power. These people were the movers and shakers of the world and America was ripe with resources and land to expand their corporate oligarchy. To this day these battles continue. And the sorcery & worship goes right along with it. I often wonder if Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley & Eli Hubbard had something to do with taking this shit to the next level with the experiments of Babalon Working ?


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Absolutely. I think his ex-wife, first name of Cameron who was the conduit of the Babalon working took full credit for the Flower Power Hippie movement, FWIW. I know person who interviewed her and another one who published her film with Satanist, Kenneth Anger, of which I forget the title.

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first name Marjorie but went by "Cameron" (kinda like "Cher"--a one name phenomenon) -- I didn't know she made any films--total nut job but she drew, acted--she performed (ha ha if you'll call it that) in Anger's "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome"--an' ran some kinda utopian sex magick camp with kids of all races tryin' ta breed "Moon Children." I admit ta lovin' Anger's films but he was a huge a-hole & grifter--the old timers at Anthology Film Archives (Jonas Mekus's place on 2nd st) all had it in fer him as he owed 'em all money or filmstock etc. (he'd finagle free time on the optical printer they used ta have!) I would screen there from time ta time an' back then there were folks around -- permanent "film fixtures!"- that had known 'im (he was also in LA more 'n half the time too)--demonic genius tho--some say wicked funny if ya weren't on his bad side... Anywhoo.. I didn't know Cameron founded that flower power hippie movement--she was such a mess that I think they drugged her up good an' she was mkultra'd--she had kept all the Parsons notes & stuff but I think the spooks have it now...

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Yep! That’s the one!

I worked at the DVD publisher that owned the rights to the film (and most of the Dalai Lama stuff and ‘Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth’)


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ah, interestin' same publisher--the obvious Satanists (Anger, Crowley, Parsons et all) were easy ta pick out--but since that ol' pervy pedo "Llama" asked that little boy to suck his tongue (enuf ta make me wretch) I'm learnin' they're "all in" too... likely were all the time, just need someone ta dig in, connect the dots...

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I'm normally skeptical of these kind of topics, but there's enough smoke present to assume there's actually a fire, so I just bought the book to study it further. Thanks.

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You won't regret it - it's tough but extremely eye-opening – and it ends beautifully.

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Kerth wrote 7 books in all. They connected the dots for me. Best wishes.

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" The inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome." (Detrich Bonhoeffer) " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God' curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

God is indifferent to man's plight...it is and always has been for man to save himself...discover the divine within...

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God is at the feet of anyone who wants to know what is Real, the divine within. May be 'indifferent' to the stories we invent, but not at all indifferent to those who want to experience their Oneness with Him.

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i agree

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Freedom is Choice.

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

The Globalist idea of choice is: Do you want the gun or the poison?

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

There are spiritual traditions that explain God's seeming indifference in a way that seems valid to me. They see our experience as a dream, today called a hologram, an illusory experience in our own heads, projected outward. The Creator is in the act of creating us as he sees us, which is at the level of soul, perfect. This involves the idea, coming from physics now, that we didn't get created a long time ago, but we are created in every moment. (Some edgy physicists say billions of times a second.) So creation didn't occur as primitively described in most traditions, like God passing through and leaving creation droppings across the heavens. What this all means is that the creator is preserving his creation as he created it. What we are doing is making a reality that at its most basic is a thought system based on duality/separation. So we are dreaming we are these separate personalities we identify with. Actually we're much more expanded non-physical Beings, behind that separate barrier we call a body. The implications of an experience of separation are what we see as the human drama.... everyone separate when our real condition is unity. These personalities are referred to as "ego," meaning 'I," not meaning pride, although pride is part of it. The "I" personality itself is an illusion, although we do have an identity created by God. It's just that it's not separated from him. Our brains don't grok that, it seems like an irrational Zen koan. Ego possibilities include relationships that can run the gamut from inconsistently satisfying to the worst forms of enmity and mayhem. The Reptilian entities we talk about are at the most separated extreme of this continuum. We've explored this particular illusion for a very long time. But from the Creator's point of view we are like sleeping children, entertained in our own dreams. And, having been given free will, God does not actually entertain what we're dreaming any more than you would your own child dreaming away. His mind, universal mind, must be on holding your perfect soul in continuous creation. There are those who say what's referred to as Holy Spirit is a fail safe guide created by God so that we can't get forever lost in our illusions. Some call this the Inner Self or the Soul, or even the "thought corrector", because that's what needs changing. So this creation of God knows what's happening in the illusion as well as in the unity state, and can guide us out if we request it and listen to the guidance. (Think of those people who sat on high platforms guiding others out of the mazes that were very popular in other centuries.) Meanwhile, God holds your perfect real self in continuous creation...that's what His mind is on...or you would disappear. Poof. We can reach God if we move our minds to what He is..... ultimate love continuously creating and recreating itself.....as all of creation. This is quite a different view from Christianity which says if you beg very well God will eventually hear you. But the real experience of God, knows no insecurity and is joined love....in other words, actual reality. If we want out of an illusion that can be very cruel, it's our minds that have to change what they're entertaining from separation back to love. The Creator has never seen us as having left. What do you think of this way of seeing things? Does it explain why it's really up to us when we wake up from an illusion and does it say exactly what you said....that the way out is to discover the divine within? Does it also illustrate that God is in a state of loving us that sustains our real reality, so he has not failed to love us at all?

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I like it, a lot! But there’s always more.

I had a weird experience, back around 2019, when I railed at God and asked Him how could He allow all of this horror to exist?

I had bottomed-out. Both of my parents (long-since divorced) had just died horrific deaths of cancer, I was being de-platformed everywhere without warning or even evidence, let alone recourse. My business was being destroyed by AI and nobody knew what the Hell I was talking about and everybody just thought I was crazy.

I was saying, “You think you’re SOOO CREATIVE! WTF?”

He replied meekly, “Can you forgive Me?”

That was wild, because most Christians are always asking God for forgiveness.

Was that “Christian Inversion”?

It has been through the study of Evil that I, as an inculcated atheist have come to accept Christ.

I later spoke with a Rudolf Steiner-style esoteric Christian about my conversation and he said, “The answer is YES!”

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

I wonder if it's studying evil that so much caused your change or whether it was an encounter with the love of God. The former will get you there intellectually, but it's the latter that will really win you over. In the last analysis, evil is an illusion some are temporarily playing out. God's love is the permanent thing and it's everything that creation is. It's just amazing when you experience it directly and after that no one can tell you it's not real. Most of Jesus' parables leave me scratching my head, but the one about the prodigal son is a clear reference to the love of God. Like the father in the story, I believe He runs out on the road to meet us as soon as we've had enough and we're heading home, no forgiveness necessary because we were never judged. It's a great story.

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

I'm starting to read Nagarjuma's philosophy which by the way is just completely blowing my mind...the concept of emptiness...nothing beyond yourself can make you fearful or loving, because nothing is beyond you.

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That’s what all of this DS pummeling has done to me. I no longer exist.

Nothing is about me, anymore and it is totally liberating.

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I'm not familiar with him. Sounds like Japanese Zen, something so wonderful. The no-thing idea? I took it to mean that there are no things...meaning no things outside the self, since it's the ego personality that conjures up definitions for what is otherwise the unified field, consciousness, maybe the mind of God although God isn't a Zen thing. There's something fascinating there though that over 2,000 years of devotees have been focused on, although it doesn't have a "location" and it isn't separate from the self. I've wondered if the unified field might be the "kingdom of heaven" Jesus spoke of. I personally think the "nothing" is love. Not sentimental egoic love, with all its demands and contradictions, but the profound connection of all that is or will ever be. You might be interested in this link I gave to Tirion a while back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRgGyfNyXZ0 It's the physicist Nassim Haramein talking about the source of all energy in that field. It's the field of all possibility that contains no thing but out of which comes the 10,000 things as the Chinese say. Beastly clever, those Chinese. Haramein says he learned what he knows mostly from spiritual teachers although he expresses it in the complex mathematics of physics. His interview is not full of equations though. He once said that if you can't explain it to a 7-year old, you're probably on the wrong track. While ego makes the world complex, it's actually elegantly simple. How fortunate we are today to have the benefit of so many great teachers.

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You have a good point. Besides being spontaneously psychic, I am and have always been a nature-lover, despite being a city kid. I always cried when we had to go back home, to our high-rise apartments.

I have managed to live in resort locations, ever since 9/11, except for a hellacious 5-year stint in Los Angeles (a veritable Pit of Hell, along with much of that massive state, sadly. To me, being there feels like a mass extinction event. I don’t understand how anybody can be there. It just feels dead).

I say this, as someone who identifies as a New Yorker but who doesn’t care if I ever go back there, as much I once loved it. It has been killed. It is enemy territory, completely captured and destroyed, IMHO.

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Nature is so cleansing and beautiful. To my mind, cities are basically ugly, although there can be great art and creativity there that brings truth into these pretty desolate places. As things go now, the cities are degenerating into show places for the worst ideas humans/not humans have come up with. And places that used to be busy hives have become hive mind. They say it's always darkest before the dawn, so let's hope that's what's going on.

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

I so look forward to the rumblings of your mind Margaret...

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

That was my tummy!

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Whitley Streibers experiences with the Greys is very interesting. They seem to be able to enter, in and out, of different dimensions. So they might be demons or Anunnaki aliens from a distance galaxy.

Another interesting aspect is the same shit in ‘alien’ abductees implants is the same stuff in vaccines. They have been perfecting our extermination for decades.

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Roseanne, do you think its a coincidence that Diddy is exploding the same week the Netflix documentary on Prince Andrew and the facts of the civil suit brought by the 17year old girl against Epstein and Prince Andrew, is coming out because the girl, Virginia Giuffre Roberts, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome

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"Trump Derangement Syndrome"

No Beth, DPF.

Demonstrable Public Facts.

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Acosta has been unalived - true and it's all for optics. Don't worry about Donald J. Trump - he knows exactly what needs to be done to drain the swamp. USSF (US Space Force OPERATION STORM) Please catch up!

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"Acosta has been unalived"

Mary, I am red-pilled, and the red-pilled require proof, evidence or DPF (Demonstrable Public FACT) in order to accept something as True.

Like the documented PROOF that Trump's frat bro Epstein TRAFFICKED girls to and from Mar-a-lago and that Trump REWARDED the corrupt State Attorney with a PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT.

DPF Mary.

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You need to catch up with the current happenings Proberta as one who is "red-pilled" Go to RUMBLE platform - type in PASCAL NAJADI USSF - all the evidence you need is contained in the daily emails being sent out to us red-pilled people. The current World War III is in progress NOW - OPERATION STORM offically launched May 1st - US led cover military alliance with 40 other nations taking down the cabal, the pedophiles, the predator elites and royal families and yes this includes Khazerian Jews, WEF (Schwab has been hung) and Biden is dead. Charachter actors abound but not for long. CLintons are long-gone.

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Mary, that is what we call White Hat Hopium, the CabaI's QAnon Scam fan fiction for the pink-pilled to keep them captivated on the Political Circus while the New World 0rder unfolds right in front of our faces, administration after administration, after administration.

Here's another red pill for you Mary, there NEVER WAS A VIRUS!

Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


35million vaxxed are dead Mary.


So either Donald Trump is the stupidest president we've ever had, or he lied to the American people about a deadly virus, and then he lied about the deadly vaxxine.

Either way, Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

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Heh heh heh! Roberta, Roberta darls ... you and whose army inventing new labels to stick on those of us who've been researching well beyond what you know - you still need to catch up! Please, just catch up! I told you where to look.

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"inventing" Mary???

Here's another red-pill for you Mary:

There never was a genocidal virus, but there WAS a GENOCIDAL VAXXINE:

In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was listening that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".

Not a genocidal virus Mary, a genocidal VAXXINE.


So again Mary, either Donald Trump is the stupidest president we've ever had, or he lied to the American people about a deadly virus, and then he lied about the deadly vaxxine.

And Trump is STILL LYING!

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Praying your power comes on asap. Praying for all the suffering in North Carolina. I was watching a show that mentions the fact that these major catastrophes are created for multiple nefarious purposes. One is to swoop in and take all the children who are wandering around due to dead parents. Which would explain why FEMA was threatening anyone who went in to help. They want to get all of the children first. https://youtu.be/3zm4nh3S66I?si=hYP--j74OHmB1Z3T

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Yes, I saw reports of naked children walking around, asking where their parents were...

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

God within us will be who saves us. When you wake up to know who we waiting on is inside us. Not something outside us. We have to save ourself. So those of you waiting for someone to save you, good luck with that.

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I forgot to thank you for this post...sending you strength to get through this...

thought I would share a post I had been working on for the past few days...added your post to it just now before posting.


thx again...and keep your eyes open for bulldozers down there...

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Excellent article. Thank you. I heard someone say they saw Elon being tortured in that mansion when he would have been 12 years old. Also on ForbiddenNews, https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/jessie-czebotar-elon-musk-was-a-victim at the Biltmore. He sold a software game when he was 12 - A trip to the US might have been related to that.

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Interesting. I hadn't heard about the software game. I got a lot of guff from people saying that "Elon lived in South Africa when he was 12."

I think I had already flown to 4 countries by that age, plus yearly trips to Brazil from the US and I am 7 years older than he is.

There are these things called airplanes and commercial international travel that has existed since the 1940s or maybe even earlier.

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Oct 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Mathis on Musk:


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will check that out...thx. Elon's mother is in the club...would not surprise me...maybe she is his handler...will check that stack...

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

I pray and meditate everyday, I bless myself with Holy Water and pray the Rosary often.

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I put it out clearly back in '21...

Google william watkins elohim...

It's all there..

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I am heartened - and Kerth would be too, Alexandria, if he was still alive - to see his second book quoted and featured on your site... Thank you. I got chills from reading that segment, tho I'd read it many times before... many proofreadings, edits. The last revision Kerth made before he died, I really GOT deep in my gut that he had been treated so cruelly and had heard firsthand the amazing information from what I call LuciFEARians... the Ill-dark-and-naughty. I finally wept, that final time through, unable at last to see what he wrote through the eyes of a detached professional. Now there is Nathan Reynolds, there's always been Cathy O'Brien... and I'm happy to see that Roseanne is getting a wide audience to speak about her experience, tho I am sad she had to go through it. Yes, it's all coming out. The bad guys are in the crosshairs of history. EVIL has been steering planet Earth for way too long; its lease is up. Draining the swamp = the eviction of those who perpetrate and are loyal to, evil. "We have it all" = all the evidence needed for the eviction. Is it any wonder they are terrified of those secrets coming out?

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I’m so sorry to hear that he has passed! It was recent, because the updated version I bought was right before the 2020 election.

I would have loved to have interviewed him face-to-face in our upcoming film.

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

That was a great interview. It started out very calm and peacefully. Rosanne was almost meek, timid, studying the situation I'd guess. Then, she gets going and suddenly it's a hellfire and brimstone sermon with her now standing up and going ballistic. It was great.

As an aside, I lived in the Asheville area for a few years and just love that part of the country, the natural beauty is overwhelming. Good for you hanging in there and being a survivor. I've hauled plenty of water in buckets at times and a side effect of doing so is developing a gratitude for......how to put it ?...... life, I guess. Still working on not taking things for granted and being thankful for each new day.

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This is very true. Our apartment complex is totally kumbaya! lol

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

I can imagine !! Well, we're in northern Alabama and can offer our spare bedroom as a place of refuge until things get put back together up there. One thing you should know, though, is we have a small dog who loves to be petted, never gets enough. LOL. And, we have buckets and a stream nearby if you want to keep in shape.

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Thank you, but I have another movie to make!

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I can't believe that you moved there...we all wish we could move to a rural area...just a sad reminder that there is nowhere to run to...nowhere to hide...

This book sounds amazing...and Kerth is singing my song...thanks for sharing it. Awesome information for those of us who are hip to the ghoulz at the very top of this control grid pyramid...it's always been the ETs/ultraterrestrials/archons... unfathomable revelations for most...

Hang in there, stay safe...so sorry you're dealing with this insanity...💖

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Oct 5Liked by Forbidden.News

I've read Kerth Barker's book... a very difficult read and graphic...you must prepare yourself mentally before you start this read...

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8 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

They are called the Annunaki. When they biologically engineered the human race using existing cro- magnum DNA and their DNA ( we all have their reptilian brain) they believed it would easily control us, they tweaked our 12 strands of DNA so that only 2 strands work, therefore making it extremely hard to use our psychic abilities to raise our consciousness. We should easily be able to perform everything Jesus did but they shut off our other 10 strands of DNA. They will stop at nothing for their genocide and New World Order.we all need to raise our consciousness and stop with fear, and hatred, and anger. LOVE IS THE ANSWER .

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