It's not so much about confusing people into voting for her, but more or less entirely about confusing people into excepting any fraudulent fix of any and all elections since the Covid19 Coup D'état. The world was to have been set on an irreversible course towards a One World Tyranny.

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or even possibly a one world trumpery, it works both ways, the masons control both sides. no matter who we vote for, we still get a politician. replacing the clown doesn't change the circus. yikes!

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As an adolescente having watched news of the National Gaurd get away with gunning down students protesting against the USA's crimies involving the perverse Vietnam War; it became obvious that WWIII would be a worldwide civil war.

We are in end game of that war, and unless there is devine intervention, wholesome humanity is lost. Perhaps a fire will ignite in the hearts and soul of hundreds of millions of true men and women to rise up wipe the likes of those behind the Freemasons , Zionists and those associated off the face of the earth. I hope so, yet my own older brother is representative of this pure evil, a yet I have never put the low life in it's place.

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I've been in the masonic lodge for over 50 years. We are accepting new apprentice candidates.

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Most accurate nickname for her yet and at the same time least funny. I think you nailed it. Whether she works for Chaldean Rome one day or the New Jew Review mostly, either way she works for Babylon. You can tell where we are from all the tribal piercings, tattoos and all the satanic flailings and costumes on stage. And if you're unfamiliar with Babylonian ritual dance moves just ask a Fr33mason...

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It's not surprising at all. The left is consumed with lies. The only counter is to run ads proving this fakery of information widely and constantly along with the truth about her position and her lack of achievements. Do the same for her VP, who is very vulnerable. Run endless videos showing her stupidity. Joe Rogan and every other heavy hitter should have programs showing these lies in motion. Trump meanwhile can also run clear ads about what he supports without attacking her directly. Let her actions speak for themselves. What these same AI programs are saying about Trump?

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I added another video and more details about some of the insanity over which Walz has presided, as Governor of Minnesota.

Like the $500 million in damages (mostly to Black small businesses), that Walz is so happy and proud of.

And then, there were the police that he militarized to shoot paintballs at city residents who were sitting on their own front porch during the COVID Lockdown, to make them go back inside, lest they spread the Deadly Virus® (https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/this-is-what-will-happen-to-you-if-tim-walz-becomes-vice-president/).

This is what will happen everywhere in the US, If these Communist piles of garbage become the next President and Vice President of the US, with backup from their imported UN Military soldiers posing as Climate Change Refugees (https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/the-mass-numbers-of-illegal-migrants) or whoever these 20+ million people are, that the Biden Regime allowed into this country over the past nearly 4 years.

And it won't be paintballs.

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Excellent, as usual. And everyone who sees videos here or from any source showing the deceptions, please forward them all over the place and request for them to be shared again. They become free ads for our side and help the content providers. It would be interesting to know just how much email forwards, shares and re-postings have done to expose the criminal cabal over the last 30 years or so. Just getting the word out does incalculable damage to the enemy.

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Here's another one: Tim Walz Allowed Somali Gangsters to Steal $250 Million in COVID Relief Funds


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Wow. Walz is a criminal, no doubt protected by the criminal cabal since he got away with allowing such a scandalous abuse of relief funds. Get this one out, folks. Glad to see it's already gone out on Jesse's show. Trump should try to use it as an ad.

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Why the spelling as you spelled it? Cabal takeoff? Does she go to Hindu temples or acknowledge any religiosity? Her father is a Marxist professor, her daughter is somehow a model, a pay a politician plan in the same way that Hunter gets paid for his art I believe. The unburdened quotes are straight out of the Communist manifesto. Tim has been to China over 30 times, I don't think either one will be the candidate if an election occurs

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Because she is not even beneath my contempt. She is an enemy of humanity, period.

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Political types have become one of the lowest forms of living simply because the current system rewards fraudulent behavior, pay backs and deceivers. The attracted profile is a narcissist with a tendency of sociopath behavior

Or even worse, a psychopath!

What good intended, humanity loving person would swim in this pool of sharks and have there every aspect of their life scrutinized and lied about.

Once again the monetary presence, fund raising, controls the outcome plus party identification as loyalist. Fake persons with a plan, And it ain’t in our best interest.

A joke. Have voted since w, 911 Cheney and Dumbsfield scam..

I would if a real person came bubbling out the septic tank. Not likely.

Planning for major unrest like the Floyd fiasco.

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Everything the cabal/Black Nobility/alien presence is involved in rewards fraudulent behavior, pay backs and deception, not to mention the security managers of blackmail, lawfare, murderous secrecy, payoffs, ruthless slander and assassination. They see authentic and honest behavior as a sucker position and the opposite as achievements worthy of respect. Nothin new here.

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Since you raise the issue, how do we know about *any* piece of communication that it isn't part of an AI psyop?

Even your posts.

I mean, really, how do we know?

Are we becoming Hannah Arendt's ideal totalitarian citizens, who can no longer distinguish truth from falsehood?

Am I an AI? Does anybody know, even me?

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Agreed. That is definitely the Pandora’s Box that has been opened up with malicious use of AI and that was largely what this post was about.

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the deep fakery/fukery of all this is insane--will ANY dems notice? sadly most of our circle in the "ahrts" back home in NYSeize are postin' pro-Cum-Maul-A memes an' pix like cwazy--the SO lurve her--no idear why 'cept the octopus sez lurve the Cum-Maul-A thang so they do. She's been featured heavily in the Hollyweird Reporter these past few... posin' with Ru Paul ("the savior" of the gay community not / gag me with a spoon...) -- All I can say is is IMHO not only will they be stealin' valor an' bios... they're gonna STEAL speeches an' deep fake 'em...

So I jus' covered (in deeeeetail) how Celine Dion did NOT perform at the Olympics... her voice was 100% lipsych'd an' there was no comeback, no "recovery." I'm near sure she didn't even stand out in the rain on the Tour Eiffel.... there are tons of fakes an' she had her own self hologrammed many times so I cover it all... NOT cuz I care much "for" Miz Dion but ruther cuz nobuddy else noticed--most folks were HORNSWAGGLED inta believin' the DEEEEP fakery 'n fukery that they're gonna pull on us for every pollly-tish-un from here ta kingdom come...

Sadly, that was a test--it worked... Daisy here noticed but most thought OH, she's back from Stiff Person SIN-DRONE how nice... nope, 'twas us who got stiffed!


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Kabala Kampain’s Core Strategy Is to Digitally Swap-Out the Bios and Policies of Their Own Candidates with Those of Their Opponents..............

Is Kabala a moniker for Kamala Harris?

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This is shocking!

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So this is awesome! We get the best of both worlds without the Trump personality and TRS. A joyous Heels Up will give us Trump's policies. All that's needed is dumbed down Americans and algorithms.

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wow! that's a lot to take in. and on top of it, where does one go to check the fake check that skewed the data in the first place. archive.org could also become compromised, in which case there is no reality. everything is subjective. my space, my reality. keep out! AI is evil.

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Insert Haven’t voted…

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