I did a dive into Cyrus Parsa's work about three years ago. The mental dichotomy I run into is the apparent validity of his information which is sublimated by ego. In other words, he is obsessed with inserting self into everything that is presented rather than just objectively presenting data; this makes me adopt a standoffish stance with regard to what is being shown; in the same way that you might have someone in front of you with impeccable credentials, but at the same time a gut feeling is telling you that something is off. This is what I get with him. It may be true that he is the first to do this or the first to do that, but the insertion of that into absolutely everything (ego) causes me to step back. In a truly altruistic gift, there is no ego.
Agreed, though the manner in which the information is presented is more a reflection of an inserted yet innate cultural perspective. This is why it inserts 'self' so often, and repeatedly uses 'my friend(s)' as a means to relate to the reader.
I don't think English is his first language. He is clearly Iranian, whether born there or not. He has a non-American accent and he sounds like he grew up speaking Farsi at home, even if he grew up in Southern California (which I haven't looked into but which I suspect), where there is a large diaspora of Iranians who fled Khomeini's regime after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. I know several such refugees and they are lovely, wonderful people and I know about the severe trauma that they've been through.
I suspect that this repeated use of "My friends" may be a Farsi idiom. I don't think he is a crackpot but I do think that he was freaking-out and slightly unstable at the time he produced this video, which contains a lot of verifiable, disturbing information about AI and robotics, etc, to which I made hyperlinks.
The ET stuff is not verifiable in the traditional sense, at least, not yet. I don't post things to impose beliefs about anything but to open minds to ideas worthy of consideration.
I do hope Cyrus is doing better now, because I think his intentions are pure, regardless of whatever imperfections and personal issues.
He's clearly not stupid. I think it's stupid to trash him and his message. Otherwise, I would not have shared this. And I am not stupid. OK?
with the et disclosure, literally aliens, extra terrestrials being disclosed at senate hearings last month, not to mention gov't officials admitting these interdimensional creatures were explicitly demonic, in the biblical sense, proves Cyrus was on the right track...
...not everyone has the best socialization and confidence and nutrition or whatever it takes to be popular ... I trust his work and can take the awkwardness with a grain of salt . I don't think he is self aggrandizing...
The ‘Communist Manifesto’ was commissioned by Lionel de Rothschild while he was an MP during the reign of Queen Victoria. The purpose was to destabilize the British Empire’s enemy in the Great Game, Russia. And it succeeded. He was rewarded by being ennobled as a Baron and later serving in the House of Lords.
Communism been tailored to different societies over the years, with “Chinese Characteristics” in China.
The “American Characteristics” version is this batshit Woke Trans BS with which we have been inflicted and resoundingly rejected in this week’s election.
The CCP was financed-by and rapidly-infused with the entirety of Western technological civilization, by the British Crown, the Rockefellers and the US Government/DoD.
They went from a starving pile of mud to the gleaming First Tier cities one sees today in a matter of one generation. I was there in 1983 and in 2011 and I saw it with my own eyes.
This was not because Communism is so awesome but because the banksters want the China Model Über Alles, along with a mass global genocide.
Why would some humans act against humanity. Email me if you wish to browse my paper (later destroyed on independent publisher's computer and on my blogs).
Hypotheses like Henderson's could be a safety shield for those who need to keep publishing. I never compromised and would not ease off despite destruction of my blogs in 2021 and 2023, coincidental with targeting by state security.
You summarise Henderson's research: "something happened roughly 8,500 years ago, where we find similar mythologies about "sky gods" appearing and teaching primitive hunter gatherers how to farm."
11k yrs ago, the N. European farming Slavs returned from ice age migration to Indian Pensinsula. Possibly, Slavs learned farming over there, but were they "primitive" before? Hindu or Slav, they have paternal haplogroup R1a1, i.e. a common male ancestor. Old Slavic scriptures cite Hindu vedas, incl. on UFOs. Is such "mythology" copied between cultures without experiencing the events? In Polish, "witch" is "wiedźma" = she (not he!) possesses knowledge. Catholic Church liquidated them together with eradication of the old Slavic gods and culture.
Also consider 5.3k yrs old remains of Ötzi, the ice man, found in the Alps. A historian comments "his society was technically and socially complex [...] We have tended to assume that someone living 5,000 years ago had a pretty rough and crude life."
With some disbelief you quote Henderson's subjective cultural impressions: "me think that might be the Caucasian race, because it just seems like a lot of white people just like to work too much, you know?" The bias echo his mythological gods "teaching primitive hunter gatherers how to farm". Why would hunters switch to labourious farming (unless their terrain is transformed ecologically and/or population grows).
Btw the Aliens would conspire as benevolent, only to destroy humans in the end? Having civilisational advantage, why would they delay for millenia, instead of invading and destroying right away?
Such questioning of shaky "evidence" typically illuminate malinfo stunts by bankster's intelligence services. I allude to barely a fraction of evidence Henderson attempted to integrate into a story that absolves the cabal. So I posit that his work might be a deception commissioned by the banksters. They do it all the time, e.g. new age, ice-walled flat earth, Trump & Musk the good guys, quantum physics instead of a unified theory with Consciousness permeating throughout time and space, Parsa's AI, quantum tech-based AI (no official proof it's operational with present knowledge -- see wiki, but the cabal might have the know how e.g. based on torsion field science)... And so on, until all we believe are lies.
Dr. Mihalcea cross-references your post, commenting on the dragon that Parsa mentions: "In my near death experience in 2021, I saw the Red Dragon and how it manipulates humanity via technology, ultimately wanting to hack our souls". Coincidence or mind control during nde?
All excellent questions that beg further investigation. I have not done a deep dive into Henderson. He is better at writing than at speaking. I became less good at speaking, after writing so much. Your brain gets re-wired.
I sense hostility aimed at me, on your part. I don't deserve it. Please, relax.
My Russian friends tell me that Sanskrit is almost understandable to them. Slavic and Indo-Iranian languages are Satem languages. They are more closely-related to each other than they are to the Centum Indo-European languages of the West. The R1a - R1b Y-DNA split of these Satem-Centum ethno-linguistic groups correspond, of which I'm sure you're aware.
Myself, as a speaker of many Romance languages, especially of Portuguese - I have seen that there are some Portuguese and Spanish words that are very similar to their Sanskrit and/or Hindi/Urdu and Slavic counterparts. The Russian noun "Dar" (дар), "Gift" is the same as the infinitive of the Portuguese verb "to Give".
Curiously, "Rana", which means "Frog" in Spanish, means "King" in Sanskrit, which brings to mind legends of the Frog Prince and also of the Celtic legends of how the MacLachlan clan are descended from a human prince who married the daughter of the underwater King of Lakeland. She was "large" and "dark". McVeigh and Duffy are cognates of MacLachlan and are associated with this same legend: Nessie. Pleiosaur? Reptoid overlords?
I did 5 hours of podcasts today and I am shot.
But please don't be mean to me. I don't deserve it.
Do you know Romanian? The ethnic group may derive from Byzantine Empire builders, according to alternative historians who also cast a new light on who stole which Empire and on "middle ages" history hole to cover up destruction of classical legacy. After termination of my blogs, I only have files in machine format, but could search them for links to sources if you wished.
Those etnicities have something common-- due to ice-age migration to the Indo-Iranian region? Serbs and Croats exhibit racial and cultural commonalities with Persians.
Hostile, mean... I strive to clartify merit and clear perceived bias. The commenter of my list of Trump's sins was aggresively offensive. You liked his/her trivial defence , but not my list. This is bias to me.
I2 (aka I1b - maybe Thracians?) kind of dominates but it's almost evenly-divided between that and Eastern and Western European and Northern Levant/Turkey. Four main groups, with a sprinkling of a few others - that's on the male side.
I2 which is considered to be the indigenous Southern European Y-DNA. This is the same Y-DNA of Cheddar Man, the oldest intact skeleton found in the UK, who died over 10k years ago. Mesolithic Britons were replaced during the Bronze Age by R1b "steppe ancestry" from present-day southeastern Ukraine/southwestern Russia. Romanians also experienced this invasion but weren't completely replaced.
It's so weird, the beef that the English have with the Russians, when that is what they are!
I'm sorry if I seemed unfair. I'm extremely open-minded and I just feel like I'm trying to post thought-provoking, interesting things and that I get beat-up a lot, or that other people come on my threads and beat each other up. But I suppose that's what thought-provocation might do!
Everybody has literally been driven mad, in recent years.
I'm going to be honest here.....I think your the only one close to closing in on things...... Let me ask a question.... Where are they 12 million votes? Why are the going so quietly? Why is Trump being invited to the Whitehouse? Any fears we have will fall upon deaf ears... ever watch game of thrones? Remember when Searcy didn't show up for her trial? Remember the one lady screaming at the high priest? Something is aloof...... the video on 16 million being mentally conditioned? Hmmmm....Isn't it odd who made this presidency? Think about it, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabberd & RFK jr.. all a coincidence?
I'm just saying, there's alot to dig through here before any victory party and many are already hungover... you as I believe know this to be a war as I do....wars simply do not end like this.... they gave up to quietly.... the injections and excess death has been ignored by all parties.....Something big is coming.... something that if we don't tie it together we will all pay dearly for... it's not paranoia it's unanswered questions.. or better said unanswerable questions...
It’s hardly over. Act for Canada is reporting that “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has vowed he will use all the power necessary under the new Trump administration to jail Bill Gates, Dr. Antony Fauci, and Big Pharma executives who worked with media to censor the truth behind the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.”:
Again, the silence from the opposition is deafening... Yes, "We" know but the vast majority do not... all I'm saying, beware of the possibilities... there's no victory yet, for this fight has yet to begin with all parties needed to fight it..
The globalist cabal controls all parties, not only in the USA. It controlled likewise the Cold War side of Capitalism vs. Communism side. Wy would anybody put trust in the cabal's lackeys who're the only ones making it to the election farce.
They will have countless opportunities to correct what went wrong, and plenty of corrupt bureaucrats to help them. We can only hope that Trump really understands what he didn't in his first term and sincerely wants to do the right things in his second term.
It's a big stretch to call Kurds "Jew-descended". Ashkenazi Jews have an Iranic component, because there were Iranic tribes in Khazaria, so there is some genetic affinity between Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Turks and Kurds, who all lived in that region around the Caucasus but to call them "Jew-descended" is not really correct and it is certainly not how modern-day Kurds self-identify.
My bad. You used the word “descended”, which suggested ethnicity to me and the Kurds are virulently Sunni and they hate the majority Shia Iraquis, because of that.
Everybody, please stop turning my comment threads into sh¡tpost fests. Please. I already nuked a paid subscriber who thought he bought the right to do this.
Just watch the first 15 mins of this video. He shows past bombings on money and future soon to come. I believe him to be someone God has sent forth to help us understand that we are in the end times. He has over 70K images and thousands of videos to illustrate what this world is and who we really are and why they lie to us and the end goal is to harvest our souls to make war against God.
Trump is actually a Kennedy Democrat and along with RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and even Elon Musk, as someone I can't credit but would said: real Democrats have taken over the Republican Party.
I didn't want to be so bold as to repeat Reagan, but "I didn't leave the democratic party, they left me" hmmm we still have a uniparty... seems like the libertarians & liberals are teaming up to save the country... just a speculation so don't anyone scream... Ron Paul ran a movement that combined alot and at his convention he sent them all into the GOP.... it was called the peaceful drove me nuts at the time but now its making sense...
oh it is not time to sit back, be vigilant and observe, the chess board is quite hot right now and no one will ever go quietly, this is in my view, spiritual warfare, not political.....there is much to view in the days and weeks and months ahead. take care and be as kind as you can.....blessings from az
This is part and parcel of the 'magnetism'-like phenomenon that many people discovered they had after the vaxx rollout. That didnt start wholesale until after 2021 Either.
It May Be The Key in fact but everyone either ignores it or doesnt want to talk about it.
But it was only turned into a late night laugh-line because it is Totally Real, and it can shed to the unvaxxed second-hand through another 'unvaxxed'. Thats where all the big gov/media disinformation about 'microchips in the vaccines' started from, but Far more important than that, they Had to Hide that it was shedding to the unvaxxed or it would have derailed their whole vaccine narrative. God knows I tried to tell people.
It rarely occurs in the arm of the unvaxxed but it is almost always active on the forehead, sternum and collarbone. And its not just 'magnetism' or magnets, many of the items that stick to people are not ferrous, like coins or keys. You can sometimes see it out in public when womens necklace crosses or charms keep getting stuck to their collarbone and the chain just hangs there, then they fix it and it happens again.
Its Not Just magnets or Metals either, because as many people discovered, you can also stick Plastics and Wood too. It sounds crazy, because it is crazy but nonetheless it is real as fuck. Many many people have many many pictures and videos of this effect in action and I suspect many more people have it but do not even know. IMPE its only places with thin skin over thick bone though, like the forehead, collarbone and sternum.
No one wants to acknowledge this though, even people who Know It Is Real... Theres a list but they know who they are, I dont need to put them on blast. And at this point my question is why are all these people totally ignoring it?
Because Of Course that makes the most sense, occams razor...
did they magically invent allll the in-between steps to producing some kind of 'magentism'-like phenomenon/telekinesis that can spread between humans?
Or is it more likely they have reverse engineered some extra-terrestrial technoprotein or something like That in order to violate what we previously thought we knew for hundreds of years were the laws of physics on Planet Earth?
And Why Wont People Admit It Is Happening? Maybe thats a even bigger question. It is absolutely real though, measurable, easily demonstrable once people see how to do it.
Its actually very very basic, you could show people with a frigging pictogram but in truth a lot of people dont Want to know, because it sucks... but I myself would rather Know than Not Know. So if you Dont want to know, stop reading now I guess.
Take some coins out of your pocket or purse. Or take a single key off your keyring. Now hold it against your forehead. Or your bare collarbone or sternum. You may need to slide it around a little or flip it over, the polarity seems to change randomly but when it sticks, you'll know it. You can bend over, jump up and down, make an entire necklace of pennies along your collarbone, etc. Then try light plastic, like tooth flossers, or light wood like toothpicks or popsickle sticks. Or both a wooden and a plastic ruler.
Magentizing plastic in a laboratory environment takes Massive amounts of power to impart the even the slightest magnetism to minute objects, but here is it live and functional in people, with measurable milli-tesla attractions and the ability to support and sustain the attraction of even Very Heavy Objects. 4 Ounce solid brass coins, or brass knuckles or zippo lighters or frying pans or 14 ounce fabric shears or scissors or smartphones or a million other things.
And when we went to my wifes doctor, we had a Gallon Ziplock bag full of things that would stick to us, but he wasnt Surprised, he just denied it was happening... right in front of him. I tried to get him to give me some coins out of His pocket, but he ignored me and just kept offering us vaxxes.
There are many many many pictures and videos of this occurring, but it still seems to be the most censored thing on the internet. So perhaps we should wonder WHY.
And if you look at one of America First Legals FOIA dumps, they got this 289 page document from the Very Beginning of the big gov/tech censorship campaigns. Thats back when they were setting up the workgroups and chatrooms and communication channels about the 'claims' they wanted censored.
And when you read that document, the gov gives the big tech companies a list of specific Claims, as well as some specific accounts they wanted censored. And Every One of those 'claims' is True.
Escaped from a lab, airborne human to human transmission, fertility issues, shedding, and the 'microchips'/magnetism. Every. Single. One. I dont even think AFL knows what they have in that document, they've never mentioned it but its there.
And if we are going to get off into the 'maybe its alien material' phase, maybe we should be honest about what is really happening.
Otherwise it just seems kind of Dishonest, the jabs might come from aliens but lets omit a phenomenon that violates the previously known laws of physics on planet Earth and which sheds to the unvaxxed and for which there is a ton of documented yet highly censored evidence of it occurring. still has many of them there, but like most pages or channels documenting it, they have went dark with no updates for years. Its real though, so Why Will No One Talk About It?
I have many other videos; of a man who was unvaccinated but became magnetic, with coins, etc, sticking to his forehead after sleeping with his vaccinated wife.
But my own site search engine is powered by Google and Google is on a censorship rampage, that is stopping me from being able to properly search my own site (that has over 8k articles).
My takeaway: Simply be a better person. Don’t look for faults but rather seek the goodness in others. It will be a challenge for me w/ those such as the globalists, the ccp, etc., but I will try.
calibrates as 85% Truth. The false part is the Christian part, since the patriarchal religion are part of the way these entities enslaved humanity, there is no sin, no repention, the Truth is in indigenous and animist teachings, yes, connect to Creator, beyond demons, angels and beyond the archon false creator of this place in the bible. Dismantle all teachings written on books written by men and garbage and reconnect with nature and the universe beyond this matrix and you will truly be free and whole
You use every euphemism for God Almighty except the only one that matters: Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which man must be saved (Acts 4:12). Call on the one true God, Yeshua HaMashiach. All things seen and unseen were made through Him (Jn 1:3, Heb 11:3). And He upholds the universe and all it contains by the word of His power (Heb 1:3). He came as a man and died in your stead and is risen from the dead. Turn to Jesus. Have no fear. He loves you. But you must turn to Him alone. God bless you 😊
Now that the “Wrath” of hurricane Rafael has turned away from New Orleans (where the Saints come marching in), Should America pray a Novena to Archangel Rafael to protect us against the Post Election Demon of Wrath Asmodeus?
Of course I will do this. But it would be more powerful if America’s Body of Christ also prays it. To deliver America and the world from Asmodeus. Who is fueled by wrath-anger and frustrations post election.
Just a thought, since God is currently drawing us all a bigly picture out over the Gulf of Mexico. As Hurricane Raphael passes over millions of Fish Livers. Per the Book of Tobit. Tobiah and Sarah’s Wedding Night Prayer will also bring American families back together. As building blocks to MAGA, MAHA and Make America Under God of Life Again MAUGLA 🧐.
Many have been fighting on the Frontlines for many years in our time; our history.
When successfully taking back spiritual ground stolen by evil; sometimes God our Creator has allowed us to see, hear, know that beyond the veil for a moment or more as this post and others of the author relates. Recently, Tucker Carlson reported the attack by evil while in his bed with his wife and dogs while all slept. The attack resulted with large scratch marks beneath his arms on the sides near the back of his chest and he believed it a dream until he saw the blood on the sheets. He continues to have scars from this attack.
God often allows these attacks to a small level, as it is to teach the warriors of exactly what they fight and it is NOT flesh and blood as The Holy Bible informs. It is to further empower the people of the Creator to grow in faith and trust in God; to seek God's protection habitually in all we speak, do or attempt for God. It is to help warriors of our Creator to adhere to our evolution into our Creator and to inspire further courage and wisdom, resourcefulness in this fight.
"Mt 17:20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your [e]unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Marx claimed, 'Religion to be the opiate of the masses.' which is utter falderal.
'JESUS CHRIST IS THE PROTECTION OF THE MASSES,' and those adhering to him will ultimately prevail in the name of Jesus Christ.
According to Bashar there are 2 AIs and we need to embrace the AI that is emotional and more like human beings. The other AI is dangerous to human beings. I wonder if he was talking about the "garbage"out there? Strange that Biden just called the MAGA followers "garbage".
Whatever. I have been studying this since I was 13 and my neighbor and I saw a massive cylindrical object in Brazil breaking all laws of physics. We got out the Zeiss lens binoculars and it was real, whatever it was. Another friend’s mother saw it at the same time, 20 km across town (São Paulo is big). We were not mentally ill.
My first instinct was that it was the “Americans” or the “Russians”, as it did not seem alien, it seemed human to me, despite disobeying accepted Physics.
It seemed very newsworthy and it was not reported in the news. That's when I understood that almost everything about our science, history is a lie.
No, this was a long time ago, when I was 13 years old, after my family moved to Brazil for my stepfather's job. I wasn't thinking about a camera, I was thinking about running away! Also, digital photography and cellphones didn't exist, yet.
I had been giving my neighbor tap-dancing lessons and then we went outside and this huge cylindrical object with rows of red lights and what looked like a satellite dish on one end (so it was shaped like a flashlight). It descended from the edge of the atmosphere straight over our heads and then "parked" itself in the landing pattern of the local airport. It had an external scaffolding-like superstructure, with a bright white light emanating from center of the "satellite dish".
I've never heard a description of anything like this in the literature. It did not seem "alien" but it clearly had advanced technology that was not supposed to exist. I could feel that it knew we were looking and it has responded to our looking at it. It was about the size of a 747 but hard to tell, because it was silent, so hard to gauge the distance but I guessed it was about 800 meters in altitude. I was terrified!
I watched your video with Bridge Colby who seems highly intelligent and sane. I'd never heard of him before. I of course, know of his grandfather, Bill and of his bizarre death (faked death or assassination?), while canoeing in the shallow waters of Chesapeake Bay with which he was very familiar.
I haven't heard of any appointments for Bridge, yet but the RINO Republicans have now blocked Recess appointments. I can't wait until they're all gone! Especially John Thune, who replaced Mitch McConnell and who is a Never-Trumper-RINO.
Thune was voted-in during a closed session, showing that these RINO Republicans are exactly the same as the Democrats. Thune will probably be obstructionist and he should be bounced out of his position as soon as he tries that.
Cyrus A. Parsa is the Final Word on what is going on......that is why he has been silenced! We need to reclaim our Sovereignty as Human Beings. LOVE is the most powerful force in the Universe & our Universal Father does love us. Jesus came here to live a life as a human being...that is mindblowing!!
His basic message was The Fatherhood of God & The Brotherhood of man.
I did a dive into Cyrus Parsa's work about three years ago. The mental dichotomy I run into is the apparent validity of his information which is sublimated by ego. In other words, he is obsessed with inserting self into everything that is presented rather than just objectively presenting data; this makes me adopt a standoffish stance with regard to what is being shown; in the same way that you might have someone in front of you with impeccable credentials, but at the same time a gut feeling is telling you that something is off. This is what I get with him. It may be true that he is the first to do this or the first to do that, but the insertion of that into absolutely everything (ego) causes me to step back. In a truly altruistic gift, there is no ego.
I agree. Parsa's head is unfortunately way out in front of his soul.
Agreed, though the manner in which the information is presented is more a reflection of an inserted yet innate cultural perspective. This is why it inserts 'self' so often, and repeatedly uses 'my friend(s)' as a means to relate to the reader.
I don't think English is his first language. He is clearly Iranian, whether born there or not. He has a non-American accent and he sounds like he grew up speaking Farsi at home, even if he grew up in Southern California (which I haven't looked into but which I suspect), where there is a large diaspora of Iranians who fled Khomeini's regime after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. I know several such refugees and they are lovely, wonderful people and I know about the severe trauma that they've been through.
I suspect that this repeated use of "My friends" may be a Farsi idiom. I don't think he is a crackpot but I do think that he was freaking-out and slightly unstable at the time he produced this video, which contains a lot of verifiable, disturbing information about AI and robotics, etc, to which I made hyperlinks.
The ET stuff is not verifiable in the traditional sense, at least, not yet. I don't post things to impose beliefs about anything but to open minds to ideas worthy of consideration.
I do hope Cyrus is doing better now, because I think his intentions are pure, regardless of whatever imperfections and personal issues.
He's clearly not stupid. I think it's stupid to trash him and his message. Otherwise, I would not have shared this. And I am not stupid. OK?
with the et disclosure, literally aliens, extra terrestrials being disclosed at senate hearings last month, not to mention gov't officials admitting these interdimensional creatures were explicitly demonic, in the biblical sense, proves Cyrus was on the right track...
...not everyone has the best socialization and confidence and nutrition or whatever it takes to be popular ... I trust his work and can take the awkwardness with a grain of salt . I don't think he is self aggrandizing...
I love him. I think he’s great!
awww... that is good to hear... I am not THAT crazy about him, haha! Yet I like and trust him and I hope things work out for him.. :)
Right. I also checked, and would assert that his truths are soon to be revealed to a much wider audience, that is to say, worldwide.
CCP, Annunaki, Aliens, Reptilians... imo deception to cover up the ruling bankster cabal.
The ‘Communist Manifesto’ was commissioned by Lionel de Rothschild while he was an MP during the reign of Queen Victoria. The purpose was to destabilize the British Empire’s enemy in the Great Game, Russia. And it succeeded. He was rewarded by being ennobled as a Baron and later serving in the House of Lords.
Communism been tailored to different societies over the years, with “Chinese Characteristics” in China.
The “American Characteristics” version is this batshit Woke Trans BS with which we have been inflicted and resoundingly rejected in this week’s election.
The CCP was financed-by and rapidly-infused with the entirety of Western technological civilization, by the British Crown, the Rockefellers and the US Government/DoD.
They went from a starving pile of mud to the gleaming First Tier cities one sees today in a matter of one generation. I was there in 1983 and in 2011 and I saw it with my own eyes.
This was not because Communism is so awesome but because the banksters want the China Model Über Alles, along with a mass global genocide.
Some, like Dean Henderson ( have traced the direct lineage of the bankster cabal back to the “Annunaki” and/or “Reptilians”.
I’m not telling you to believe anything but I personally do not believe that’s a distraction. I think it’s all one thing.
Why would some humans act against humanity. Email me if you wish to browse my paper (later destroyed on independent publisher's computer and on my blogs).
Hypotheses like Henderson's could be a safety shield for those who need to keep publishing. I never compromised and would not ease off despite destruction of my blogs in 2021 and 2023, coincidental with targeting by state security.
You summarise Henderson's research: "something happened roughly 8,500 years ago, where we find similar mythologies about "sky gods" appearing and teaching primitive hunter gatherers how to farm."
11k yrs ago, the N. European farming Slavs returned from ice age migration to Indian Pensinsula. Possibly, Slavs learned farming over there, but were they "primitive" before? Hindu or Slav, they have paternal haplogroup R1a1, i.e. a common male ancestor. Old Slavic scriptures cite Hindu vedas, incl. on UFOs. Is such "mythology" copied between cultures without experiencing the events? In Polish, "witch" is "wiedźma" = she (not he!) possesses knowledge. Catholic Church liquidated them together with eradication of the old Slavic gods and culture.
Also consider 5.3k yrs old remains of Ötzi, the ice man, found in the Alps. A historian comments "his society was technically and socially complex [...] We have tended to assume that someone living 5,000 years ago had a pretty rough and crude life."
With some disbelief you quote Henderson's subjective cultural impressions: "me think that might be the Caucasian race, because it just seems like a lot of white people just like to work too much, you know?" The bias echo his mythological gods "teaching primitive hunter gatherers how to farm". Why would hunters switch to labourious farming (unless their terrain is transformed ecologically and/or population grows).
Btw the Aliens would conspire as benevolent, only to destroy humans in the end? Having civilisational advantage, why would they delay for millenia, instead of invading and destroying right away?
Such questioning of shaky "evidence" typically illuminate malinfo stunts by bankster's intelligence services. I allude to barely a fraction of evidence Henderson attempted to integrate into a story that absolves the cabal. So I posit that his work might be a deception commissioned by the banksters. They do it all the time, e.g. new age, ice-walled flat earth, Trump & Musk the good guys, quantum physics instead of a unified theory with Consciousness permeating throughout time and space, Parsa's AI, quantum tech-based AI (no official proof it's operational with present knowledge -- see wiki, but the cabal might have the know how e.g. based on torsion field science)... And so on, until all we believe are lies.
Dr. Mihalcea cross-references your post, commenting on the dragon that Parsa mentions: "In my near death experience in 2021, I saw the Red Dragon and how it manipulates humanity via technology, ultimately wanting to hack our souls". Coincidence or mind control during nde?
All excellent questions that beg further investigation. I have not done a deep dive into Henderson. He is better at writing than at speaking. I became less good at speaking, after writing so much. Your brain gets re-wired.
I sense hostility aimed at me, on your part. I don't deserve it. Please, relax.
My Russian friends tell me that Sanskrit is almost understandable to them. Slavic and Indo-Iranian languages are Satem languages. They are more closely-related to each other than they are to the Centum Indo-European languages of the West. The R1a - R1b Y-DNA split of these Satem-Centum ethno-linguistic groups correspond, of which I'm sure you're aware.
Myself, as a speaker of many Romance languages, especially of Portuguese - I have seen that there are some Portuguese and Spanish words that are very similar to their Sanskrit and/or Hindi/Urdu and Slavic counterparts. The Russian noun "Dar" (дар), "Gift" is the same as the infinitive of the Portuguese verb "to Give".
Curiously, "Rana", which means "Frog" in Spanish, means "King" in Sanskrit, which brings to mind legends of the Frog Prince and also of the Celtic legends of how the MacLachlan clan are descended from a human prince who married the daughter of the underwater King of Lakeland. She was "large" and "dark". McVeigh and Duffy are cognates of MacLachlan and are associated with this same legend: Nessie. Pleiosaur? Reptoid overlords?
I did 5 hours of podcasts today and I am shot.
But please don't be mean to me. I don't deserve it.
Do you know Romanian? The ethnic group may derive from Byzantine Empire builders, according to alternative historians who also cast a new light on who stole which Empire and on "middle ages" history hole to cover up destruction of classical legacy. After termination of my blogs, I only have files in machine format, but could search them for links to sources if you wished.
Those etnicities have something common-- due to ice-age migration to the Indo-Iranian region? Serbs and Croats exhibit racial and cultural commonalities with Persians.
Hostile, mean... I strive to clartify merit and clear perceived bias. The commenter of my list of Trump's sins was aggresively offensive. You liked his/her trivial defence , but not my list. This is bias to me.
I don't know Romanian but I can sort of get the gist of what Romanians are saying.
This is a cool chart about the % of Romanian word origins:
I knew some Romanians when they got a new puppy, that they were potty-training and in "baby talk", they were telling the puppy what sounded close to Portuguese for you have "to go outside": (click the speaker icon).
European Portuguese can sound so different from Brazilian (what I speak), that it may as well be Romanian!
Modern-day Romanians are a genetically-diverse population, a mix of their neighbors. This is the mitochondrial story:
...and the Y-DNA story:
I2 (aka I1b - maybe Thracians?) kind of dominates but it's almost evenly-divided between that and Eastern and Western European and Northern Levant/Turkey. Four main groups, with a sprinkling of a few others - that's on the male side.
I2 which is considered to be the indigenous Southern European Y-DNA. This is the same Y-DNA of Cheddar Man, the oldest intact skeleton found in the UK, who died over 10k years ago. Mesolithic Britons were replaced during the Bronze Age by R1b "steppe ancestry" from present-day southeastern Ukraine/southwestern Russia. Romanians also experienced this invasion but weren't completely replaced.
It's so weird, the beef that the English have with the Russians, when that is what they are!
I'm sorry if I seemed unfair. I'm extremely open-minded and I just feel like I'm trying to post thought-provoking, interesting things and that I get beat-up a lot, or that other people come on my threads and beat each other up. But I suppose that's what thought-provocation might do!
Everybody has literally been driven mad, in recent years.
"Mao was a Yale Man - A Yali with Skull and Bones"
If someone doubts that leaders West and East are in bed with the banksters, read the vast material in the link.
The Ötzi link?
Link in Tirion's comment, Nov 8, above mine:
He's a crack pot.
Blow yourself.
I'm going to be honest here.....I think your the only one close to closing in on things...... Let me ask a question.... Where are they 12 million votes? Why are the going so quietly? Why is Trump being invited to the Whitehouse? Any fears we have will fall upon deaf ears... ever watch game of thrones? Remember when Searcy didn't show up for her trial? Remember the one lady screaming at the high priest? Something is aloof...... the video on 16 million being mentally conditioned? Hmmmm....Isn't it odd who made this presidency? Think about it, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabberd & RFK jr.. all a coincidence?
I'm just saying, there's alot to dig through here before any victory party and many are already hungover... you as I believe know this to be a war as I do....wars simply do not end like this.... they gave up to quietly.... the injections and excess death has been ignored by all parties.....Something big is coming.... something that if we don't tie it together we will all pay dearly for... it's not paranoia it's unanswered questions.. or better said unanswerable questions...
The 12M “votes” (aka ballots) in 2020-22 were fake - Patrick Byrne explained how the USPS and SEIU did it a couple of weeks ago:
It’s hardly over. Act for Canada is reporting that “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has vowed he will use all the power necessary under the new Trump administration to jail Bill Gates, Dr. Antony Fauci, and Big Pharma executives who worked with media to censor the truth behind the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.”:
Kerry Cassidy has her view on why Trump won and the Illuminati have changed sides:
Again, the silence from the opposition is deafening... Yes, "We" know but the vast majority do not... all I'm saying, beware of the possibilities... there's no victory yet, for this fight has yet to begin with all parties needed to fight it..
Here is a theory if you're so inclined.
The globalist cabal controls all parties, not only in the USA. It controlled likewise the Cold War side of Capitalism vs. Communism side. Wy would anybody put trust in the cabal's lackeys who're the only ones making it to the election farce.
Not far fetched... what would a party be without the Orsini's?
They will have countless opportunities to correct what went wrong, and plenty of corrupt bureaucrats to help them. We can only hope that Trump really understands what he didn't in his first term and sincerely wants to do the right things in his second term.
{I added bullets since otherwise some discussants don't understand.}
Poor actor Trump appeared sincere to useful ignorants in the first term already. E.g.:
- Quackcinate Americans w. C19 bioweaon at WARP Speed .
- Bow to Jew lobby running US politics, AIPAC.
- Daughter married to an extreme (Lubavitch) Jew who then "represents" US president in Israel.
- Eastern Syria oil and gas fields torn off within the map of Greater Israel, populated with Jew-descending Kurds.
- Capital Tel Awiw moved to Jerusalem.
- Netanjahu repays with Cesar-like medal for all Trump did for the occupier of Palestine and Zionism in general.
It's a big stretch to call Kurds "Jew-descended". Ashkenazi Jews have an Iranic component, because there were Iranic tribes in Khazaria, so there is some genetic affinity between Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Turks and Kurds, who all lived in that region around the Caucasus but to call them "Jew-descended" is not really correct and it is certainly not how modern-day Kurds self-identify.
Those Kurds are not necessarily related to Ashkenazi. Just like Chinese and Hindu Jews aren't.
My bad. You used the word “descended”, which suggested ethnicity to me and the Kurds are virulently Sunni and they hate the majority Shia Iraquis, because of that.
Merriam, descend 3 a: to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source : DERIVE
What does Muslim Sunni or Shia view have to do with ancestry?
Are you related to Kamala Harris?
Are you a disinfo plant?
Everybody, please stop turning my comment threads into sh¡tpost fests. Please. I already nuked a paid subscriber who thought he bought the right to do this.
I prefer meritorial counterarguments if you and those whose "comments" you like have any.
I'm not the one posting paragraphs of incomplete sentences like Harris delivers in "speeches."
So it's about grammar (and ad hominem as I don't approve of any of the puppets) rather than counter-argument.
He told you, he is a snake. When someone tells you who they are you should believe them.
He never told me because I've never had any contact with him.
He has recited this poem more than once, thus indicating who he really is imho.
Blackpill till the end of time.
What do you got?
Just watch the first 15 mins of this video. He shows past bombings on money and future soon to come. I believe him to be someone God has sent forth to help us understand that we are in the end times. He has over 70K images and thousands of videos to illustrate what this world is and who we really are and why they lie to us and the end goal is to harvest our souls to make war against God.
There is nothing sincere about that man.
Have you known him since birth?
Trump is actually a Kennedy Democrat and along with RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and even Elon Musk, as someone I can't credit but would said: real Democrats have taken over the Republican Party.
I didn't want to be so bold as to repeat Reagan, but "I didn't leave the democratic party, they left me" hmmm we still have a uniparty... seems like the libertarians & liberals are teaming up to save the country... just a speculation so don't anyone scream... Ron Paul ran a movement that combined alot and at his convention he sent them all into the GOP.... it was called the peaceful drove me nuts at the time but now its making sense...
Ron Paul's the field goal kicker.
oh it is not time to sit back, be vigilant and observe, the chess board is quite hot right now and no one will ever go quietly, this is in my view, spiritual warfare, not political.....there is much to view in the days and weeks and months ahead. take care and be as kind as you can.....blessings from az
Very well said 👏 👍 thankyou Linda
Laura's "Trump and his allegiances"
This is part and parcel of the 'magnetism'-like phenomenon that many people discovered they had after the vaxx rollout. That didnt start wholesale until after 2021 Either.
It May Be The Key in fact but everyone either ignores it or doesnt want to talk about it.
But it was only turned into a late night laugh-line because it is Totally Real, and it can shed to the unvaxxed second-hand through another 'unvaxxed'. Thats where all the big gov/media disinformation about 'microchips in the vaccines' started from, but Far more important than that, they Had to Hide that it was shedding to the unvaxxed or it would have derailed their whole vaccine narrative. God knows I tried to tell people.
It rarely occurs in the arm of the unvaxxed but it is almost always active on the forehead, sternum and collarbone. And its not just 'magnetism' or magnets, many of the items that stick to people are not ferrous, like coins or keys. You can sometimes see it out in public when womens necklace crosses or charms keep getting stuck to their collarbone and the chain just hangs there, then they fix it and it happens again.
Its Not Just magnets or Metals either, because as many people discovered, you can also stick Plastics and Wood too. It sounds crazy, because it is crazy but nonetheless it is real as fuck. Many many people have many many pictures and videos of this effect in action and I suspect many more people have it but do not even know. IMPE its only places with thin skin over thick bone though, like the forehead, collarbone and sternum.
No one wants to acknowledge this though, even people who Know It Is Real... Theres a list but they know who they are, I dont need to put them on blast. And at this point my question is why are all these people totally ignoring it?
Because Of Course that makes the most sense, occams razor...
did they magically invent allll the in-between steps to producing some kind of 'magentism'-like phenomenon/telekinesis that can spread between humans?
Or is it more likely they have reverse engineered some extra-terrestrial technoprotein or something like That in order to violate what we previously thought we knew for hundreds of years were the laws of physics on Planet Earth?
And Why Wont People Admit It Is Happening? Maybe thats a even bigger question. It is absolutely real though, measurable, easily demonstrable once people see how to do it.
Its actually very very basic, you could show people with a frigging pictogram but in truth a lot of people dont Want to know, because it sucks... but I myself would rather Know than Not Know. So if you Dont want to know, stop reading now I guess.
Take some coins out of your pocket or purse. Or take a single key off your keyring. Now hold it against your forehead. Or your bare collarbone or sternum. You may need to slide it around a little or flip it over, the polarity seems to change randomly but when it sticks, you'll know it. You can bend over, jump up and down, make an entire necklace of pennies along your collarbone, etc. Then try light plastic, like tooth flossers, or light wood like toothpicks or popsickle sticks. Or both a wooden and a plastic ruler.
Magentizing plastic in a laboratory environment takes Massive amounts of power to impart the even the slightest magnetism to minute objects, but here is it live and functional in people, with measurable milli-tesla attractions and the ability to support and sustain the attraction of even Very Heavy Objects. 4 Ounce solid brass coins, or brass knuckles or zippo lighters or frying pans or 14 ounce fabric shears or scissors or smartphones or a million other things.
And when we went to my wifes doctor, we had a Gallon Ziplock bag full of things that would stick to us, but he wasnt Surprised, he just denied it was happening... right in front of him. I tried to get him to give me some coins out of His pocket, but he ignored me and just kept offering us vaxxes.
There are many many many pictures and videos of this occurring, but it still seems to be the most censored thing on the internet. So perhaps we should wonder WHY.
And if you look at one of America First Legals FOIA dumps, they got this 289 page document from the Very Beginning of the big gov/tech censorship campaigns. Thats back when they were setting up the workgroups and chatrooms and communication channels about the 'claims' they wanted censored.
And when you read that document, the gov gives the big tech companies a list of specific Claims, as well as some specific accounts they wanted censored. And Every One of those 'claims' is True.
Escaped from a lab, airborne human to human transmission, fertility issues, shedding, and the 'microchips'/magnetism. Every. Single. One. I dont even think AFL knows what they have in that document, they've never mentioned it but its there.
And if we are going to get off into the 'maybe its alien material' phase, maybe we should be honest about what is really happening.
Otherwise it just seems kind of Dishonest, the jabs might come from aliens but lets omit a phenomenon that violates the previously known laws of physics on planet Earth and which sheds to the unvaxxed and for which there is a ton of documented yet highly censored evidence of it occurring. still has many of them there, but like most pages or channels documenting it, they have went dark with no updates for years. Its real though, so Why Will No One Talk About It?
🎯 💯 ‼️ Thank you for your highly-intelligent excellent, non-sh¡tposting comment that has contributed a lot of good insights on this thread!
Okk I just tried it and magnets, keys and coins DO NOT stick to my forehead,, sternum or collar bone.
Good for you! Others were not so lucky
I have many other videos; of a man who was unvaccinated but became magnetic, with coins, etc, sticking to his forehead after sleeping with his vaccinated wife.
But my own site search engine is powered by Google and Google is on a censorship rampage, that is stopping me from being able to properly search my own site (that has over 8k articles).
My takeaway: Simply be a better person. Don’t look for faults but rather seek the goodness in others. It will be a challenge for me w/ those such as the globalists, the ccp, etc., but I will try.
What if you can find no goodness in others?
Look for Truth, that will lead you where you'd like to be. Be wise.
Everyone's truth is a little different due to their point of view.
Sometimes seeking goodness from bad guys means death yep
yep Nazis to the jews ,disabled
Gypsies and homosexuality yep
calibrates as 85% Truth. The false part is the Christian part, since the patriarchal religion are part of the way these entities enslaved humanity, there is no sin, no repention, the Truth is in indigenous and animist teachings, yes, connect to Creator, beyond demons, angels and beyond the archon false creator of this place in the bible. Dismantle all teachings written on books written by men and garbage and reconnect with nature and the universe beyond this matrix and you will truly be free and whole
You use every euphemism for God Almighty except the only one that matters: Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which man must be saved (Acts 4:12). Call on the one true God, Yeshua HaMashiach. All things seen and unseen were made through Him (Jn 1:3, Heb 11:3). And He upholds the universe and all it contains by the word of His power (Heb 1:3). He came as a man and died in your stead and is risen from the dead. Turn to Jesus. Have no fear. He loves you. But you must turn to Him alone. God bless you 😊
I have but it is not for me to put words in this man’s mouth.
This is a transcript of somebody who is clearly Persian or Persian-American, who sounds quite Christian but yes, dances around it.
Christianity is now growing faster in Iran than in any other country:
You say there is only one that matters and then name several others?
Extremely interesting, except the unrelenting moron music makes it practically unwatchable.
Now that the “Wrath” of hurricane Rafael has turned away from New Orleans (where the Saints come marching in), Should America pray a Novena to Archangel Rafael to protect us against the Post Election Demon of Wrath Asmodeus?
Of course I will do this. But it would be more powerful if America’s Body of Christ also prays it. To deliver America and the world from Asmodeus. Who is fueled by wrath-anger and frustrations post election.
Just a thought, since God is currently drawing us all a bigly picture out over the Gulf of Mexico. As Hurricane Raphael passes over millions of Fish Livers. Per the Book of Tobit. Tobiah and Sarah’s Wedding Night Prayer will also bring American families back together. As building blocks to MAGA, MAHA and Make America Under God of Life Again MAUGLA 🧐.
Pray or be prey, 🙏🙏🙏.
thank you
This is freakin' terrifying. Sadly this also resonates down into every fibre of my being as truthful. 😭🙏🏻
Be careful what you believe.
I agree with this statement. It's not about believing. There are endless white papers to back this up. You can start here:
Me too.
Many have been fighting on the Frontlines for many years in our time; our history.
When successfully taking back spiritual ground stolen by evil; sometimes God our Creator has allowed us to see, hear, know that beyond the veil for a moment or more as this post and others of the author relates. Recently, Tucker Carlson reported the attack by evil while in his bed with his wife and dogs while all slept. The attack resulted with large scratch marks beneath his arms on the sides near the back of his chest and he believed it a dream until he saw the blood on the sheets. He continues to have scars from this attack.
God often allows these attacks to a small level, as it is to teach the warriors of exactly what they fight and it is NOT flesh and blood as The Holy Bible informs. It is to further empower the people of the Creator to grow in faith and trust in God; to seek God's protection habitually in all we speak, do or attempt for God. It is to help warriors of our Creator to adhere to our evolution into our Creator and to inspire further courage and wisdom, resourcefulness in this fight.
"Mt 17:20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your [e]unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Marx claimed, 'Religion to be the opiate of the masses.' which is utter falderal.
'JESUS CHRIST IS THE PROTECTION OF THE MASSES,' and those adhering to him will ultimately prevail in the name of Jesus Christ.
AI is less of a problem for those of us who know where the power plug, power switch, or circuit breaker is.
When AI gets rebooted does it have a new master?
AI is computer software, which only has a writer, not a master.
Software doesn't get rebooted, just debugged.
According to Bashar there are 2 AIs and we need to embrace the AI that is emotional and more like human beings. The other AI is dangerous to human beings. I wonder if he was talking about the "garbage"out there? Strange that Biden just called the MAGA followers "garbage".
Embrace NONE.
Bah, the guy's a crank.
None of this stuff is happening.
PS - glad you're back to publishing!
You do you, Baby.
I’m never going to tell anyone what to believe.
Maybe you missed the "/s".
It's happening in labs under very tightly controlled conditions but it will be impossible to scale it up beyond that.
Alien talk is a distraction from God. They are demons, probably in a parallel dimension.
Alien Origin (according to religion)
...or simply mental illness...
Whatever. I have been studying this since I was 13 and my neighbor and I saw a massive cylindrical object in Brazil breaking all laws of physics. We got out the Zeiss lens binoculars and it was real, whatever it was. Another friend’s mother saw it at the same time, 20 km across town (São Paulo is big). We were not mentally ill.
My first instinct was that it was the “Americans” or the “Russians”, as it did not seem alien, it seemed human to me, despite disobeying accepted Physics.
It seemed very newsworthy and it was not reported in the news. That's when I understood that almost everything about our science, history is a lie.
Did you get it on video?
No, this was a long time ago, when I was 13 years old, after my family moved to Brazil for my stepfather's job. I wasn't thinking about a camera, I was thinking about running away! Also, digital photography and cellphones didn't exist, yet.
I had been giving my neighbor tap-dancing lessons and then we went outside and this huge cylindrical object with rows of red lights and what looked like a satellite dish on one end (so it was shaped like a flashlight). It descended from the edge of the atmosphere straight over our heads and then "parked" itself in the landing pattern of the local airport. It had an external scaffolding-like superstructure, with a bright white light emanating from center of the "satellite dish".
I've never heard a description of anything like this in the literature. It did not seem "alien" but it clearly had advanced technology that was not supposed to exist. I could feel that it knew we were looking and it has responded to our looking at it. It was about the size of a 747 but hard to tell, because it was silent, so hard to gauge the distance but I guessed it was about 800 meters in altitude. I was terrified!
I watched your video with Bridge Colby who seems highly intelligent and sane. I'd never heard of him before. I of course, know of his grandfather, Bill and of his bizarre death (faked death or assassination?), while canoeing in the shallow waters of Chesapeake Bay with which he was very familiar.
I haven't heard of any appointments for Bridge, yet but the RINO Republicans have now blocked Recess appointments. I can't wait until they're all gone! Especially John Thune, who replaced Mitch McConnell and who is a Never-Trumper-RINO.
Thune was voted-in during a closed session, showing that these RINO Republicans are exactly the same as the Democrats. Thune will probably be obstructionist and he should be bounced out of his position as soon as he tries that.
Cyrus A. Parsa is the Final Word on what is going on......that is why he has been silenced! We need to reclaim our Sovereignty as Human Beings. LOVE is the most powerful force in the Universe & our Universal Father does love us. Jesus came here to live a life as a human being...that is mindblowing!!
His basic message was The Fatherhood of God & The Brotherhood of man.