They couldn't accomplish all this without significant cooperation of elements of the various US agencies, like border patrol, CIA, FBI, DOD, State Department, many NGOs, etc. Most of the people in those organizations are likely honest Americans, but there always are the corrupt ones. There are enough of these corrupt individuals participating in the trafficking of drugs, arms, and people that it may be difficult to turn around at this point. Fighting the cartels might help, but it is essential to identify and weed out the corrupted Americans who are aiding and abetting this.
We've been told that the Black Nobility owns the cartels. It's really time these "people" were dealt with directly. If they're going to use assassins, now's the time.
Why its like watching RED DAWN all over again. This time its Venezuela.
Ever hear that "Israel is a flattop carrier?" Or if Israel didn't exist we'd have to invent it?" = Biden.
News Flash: Venezuela; The proven oil reserves in Venezuela are recognized as the largest in the world, totaling 300 billion barrels.
7 Countries in 5 years. All happen to have Oil or LNG. The US was illegally in Syria stealing oil and grains. Proposed Pipelines? What about the Anglo Iranian Pipeline? This is like listening to that idiot Blinken after the US illegally overthrow of yet another democratic elected government in the Ukraine breaking all promises, Budapest meetings, No Mean No of the Burns CIA that Russia wouldn't allow Ukraine to become NATO.
Blinken has the nerve to talk about Russia invading a Sovereign Country or it's borders when speaking to Venezuela's government whom the CIA has tried to overthrow repeatedly.
Let's jump back to the Ukraine:
( JTA) — Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine's Jewish president, said his country will look more like Israel, a democracy on constant military alert, than like their more relaxed European neighbors...
Over $200 Billion for this Kosher project as Americans can't pay their own bills. The Genocide in Gaza which is overflowing to Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and also Iraq. Now Yemen joins as the Al Qaeda ran new Vichy government in Syria who's still cutting heads off, is also joined by Ukraine's soldiers. They are in Mali and Gaza also. All side by side where the NYT said, "The Pentagon's terrorist are fighting along side the CIA's jihadists. Where Sen. Dick Black says the US is paying all their wages, though Turkey is paying ISIS, and the HTS. The HTS who has strong links to Israel.
So far we have a slow genocide or ethnic cleansing in the Ukraine where they'll by proxy fight to the last Ukrainian. The Gaza conflict where Bibi's famous Green Map at the UN shows the new territories Israel is taking in Syria are in conflict with Erdogan's goals of the Ottoman Empire who wants Damascus and Mosul Iraq. Just the Kurds are getting in his Whey. Little Joke there.
Partially Correct: "A major objective of the Chavista Revolution is to overthrow the United States and to impose Global Communism, a goal shared by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the EU, the Vatican, the British Crown (i.e., MI6, Serco, CIA, US State Department, Senior Executive Service), the CCP, Cuba and their associated organs and NGOs."
The WEF is ran out of Brussels. Glad to see the US was added as they are financing it all. How many times will you listen to Trillions missing before you realize what's happening.
Trump's team is more of the same cloaked as Zionism.
You don't see Rep's from Venezuela coming to the US and addressing CONgress and their speaker is an indicted War Criminal only to receive dozens of standing ovations. Or how during a staged 9/11 Oct7th event, as globally people protest the genocide, that Bibi makes a phone call and mass arrests of Americans, Students, and peaceful Jews are all arrested. Rebranded from Pro-Palestine, to HAMAS which Israel has supported for decades with over a Billion dollars laundered through Qatar. Why wasn't Qatar being sanctioned? Why was the US Military training the PLO?
The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.
Oddly the overthrowing of government just happen to be where they have Oil.
Like Russia, a Large Gas Station masquerading as a Country. The US as well as all them think tanks, the media are all for talking about dividing up Russia, don't you think Russian's should have a say in that? Wait, they are saying it about China too! The US has used this so-called threat of Communism for decades, the Commie's are some of Americas largest trading partners.
Free Trade: The US won't buy another countries resources, they steal there. If they did buy them it would help to bring those countries out of poverty, the US has sanctions on 1/3 of the planet or on 3 Billion people. The death's, Starvation, crippled economic outlook as the US uses the IMF as a military arm to devalue a countries currency, all which causes mass poverty and the immigration we see today. Since the so-called War on Terror, the US and their illegal wars have displaced over 37 Million people, and with Bibi's new Green Map there be tens of millions more immigrants to come. Plus the UN's own Forced Immigration.
The Crux of this story is by sanctioning Russia, the US destroying the EU's economy, Zelensky not allowing transit of LNG through the Ukraine that Europe's economy is toast. So the US is building up more regime change or will go to war to secure Venezuela's oil for America. Just as mentioned the US stealing Syrian oil. Blow up Russia's Nordstream then the US can sell their LNG for four times the cost to the EU. The US would steal Venezuela's oil, gold too (Mines) so they can increase their booty, and the people can still live in mass poverty under US sanctions.
Maduro is a Narco Kingpin who sells Machine Gun's. Great headline, like "Saddam is that Evil Hitler, this coming from GHW Bush who's granddad laundered money for the Nazi's. Anything to demonize a country to get Americans on board with the planned attack. Like crossing Red Lines with Assad allegedly using gas on his own supporters. The US Bio Weapon's CV-19 has killed millions, side effects will kill millions more. All Made in America. NOT CHINA.
The US hang's with the Israeli's too much, constantly playing the Victim card. Poor America's economy is trashed, the dollar is failing. So as Blinken would say, "Money for the Ukraine actually stays here to create job's." Americans who watch some shooter at a school are to be shocked, but not when US 2,000 pound bombs blow up a school, a hospital, churches, or mosques, Food workers etc.
In the last 3 weeks you should have learned the US is supporting Nazi's in the Ukraine, the Pentagon and CIA are funding 15 terrorist groups who pulled off 9/11 as the HTS leader is former Al Qaeda. ISIS is there, Ukraine is there, Al Nusra is there, and the IDF is there. America is broke and out of $36 Trillion in debt all we have to brag about is LGBT Pride Rainbow colored crosswalks.
Venezuela is 88% Catholic. Not Communist. The war on Religion also is continuing. Need to get that pesky DO NOT KILL out of the minds.
In 1982 CONgress gave the CIA protection under Official States Secrets, like the British 007 it became a license to kill. Under that you can't name an agent.
This government would have you believe that America is hated for it's alleged democracy, even worse is that a soldier goes 4-9,000 miles away to protect freedoms here in America. Only a slave has to fight for their freedoms.
Imagine you are a parent working your butt off in a country under US Sanctions imposed on your country for decades. With low wages you try to eek out a living, raise a family putting your child in school.
Just like in Iraq where the US starved 500,000 children to death saying, "The price was worth it." As a parent you have the "joy" watching your crying hungry child slowly dying in your arms, but you are full of joy just knowing your child's death will make it so an American can pay their mortgage, perhaps two auto loans a SUV for the wife and your kids, a big 4X4 for the husband, an RV in the driveway along side a 21' foot Bass boat. Pay all them credit cards.
Then the Wife and children along with self can take the SUV to church where you can pray to god thanking him for a job at a arms manufacture that builds 2000 pound bombs that are sent to Israel to be dropped on a school, hospital, church, mosque, aid workers serving food, or a journalist documenting a genocide shot by a sniper in the head. When you get home after a long day you can sit down watch the news of some mental case shooting kids at a school and you are to be so shocked that you welcome the government to take your means of self defense.
I've studied the CIA for years. Off of here (This platform) I could steer you a directory that would blow your mind as to what was done the last 4 years.
Personally I am tired of watching worthless US politicians #Quislings who create wars that they send other parents children to fight and die in, if they survive the pending suicides when they later find out it was all over lies.
Sadly they don't teach history in school these days, one can learn geography by researching what country the US has bombed. Most people are like watching a Jay Leno clip standing before a global map and asking them to name a country that starts with a "U?" They can't think of United States where they were born and lived?
They also don't teach economics either. While a politician says "China China" they won't highlight that China is today where America put it. First Nixon went to China, the Reagan (Another Actor like Trump) started China's entry into the WTO, Clinton would sign it. Lou Dobbs would warn about it, while Ross Perot would with his excellent BIG EARS warn about the Giant Sucking Sound as American jobs would be lost as the US started to de industrialize.
Jimmy Hoffa?
The Unions were attacked, same MO from WWII when those in the EU needed to rebuild and bury their loved ones they'd need a job with a livable wage.
Gone were the full time jobs, paid health insurance, overtime, sick leave, pregnancy leave, and a paid 2 week vacation. Then the CEO made about 35% more then the employee, last time I looked the CEO gets over 400% more then the employee.
There are 350 US Businesses in China, tax breaks, and this government allowed that to happen. Cheap slave labor. Same with Central and Latin America. Over 2,000 Right's and Union rep's assassinated in Columbia and El Salvador, a teacher in Venezuela gets about $57 dollars a month. Blame Socialism? Or blame the US who's sanctions on their oil sales so they can't support their own people. Mayorkas who throws sugar on the floor to "Chum" the ants.
Food Cards, Thousands of dollars, Free Phones. Free Plane tickets to bypass Texas and California to bring them inside inner America.
U.S. offers nearly half-a-million Venezuelan migrants legal status and work permits following demands from strained cities
Naturally that drives the local wages down for Americans who are so in debt their mortgages are behind, Credit Cards not paid, personal loans, Cars getting Repo'd etc. Plus the anti-White agenda with catchy phrases like, "Whites are breathing the air of Blacks and Hispanics." They are your replacement workers.
The aforementioned (blow your mind) as the Banks have stolen everything, Get Granny Jabbed, you do it too Communist Collectivism - Do it for granny who's already past here shelf life, so you are to screw up your life in the current depopulation agenda.
That was since SSI is depleting, when granny dies they don't have to pay that SSI out, her pension, home, etc can all be liquidated. After all, the Ukraine refugees are coming and they are getting SSI. ET Phone Home?
Yes, Ukrainians living in the U.S. may qualify for Social Security benefits
There's a *.pdf called "UN FORCED IMMIGRATION" You can select the country you might be interested in like the USA, and see that by 2050 America is supposed to have 1 Billion people here.
As Col. Mcgregor said, most Americans don't care what's going on outside of this country which is true. Its only when the salesman is knocking on their door that they get pissed. As mentioned China graduates engineers, while Harvard has Anal Sex 101 classes, Imagine putting that down on a job application. Or listening to Trump talking about DEI, Trans in Sports, or Bathrooms, and then there the Great Military he wants to clean up.
Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
Then as BLM and Antifa were burning down government buildings, burning prowler cars, toppling statues and destroying history that a country is supposed to learn from their mistakes. The only thing Trump seemed to care about was his personal attention of restoring a Masonic WWIII forecaster.
Trump called for toppled Albert Pike statue to be restored in DC: reports
I might add that his cabinet picks are proving its in the cards.
All those Billions of dollars for wars, America was never attacked, you'd think they'd built up the infrastructure for all the immigrants that WILL be staying, only the criminals are to be vetted out. Most likely using the UN's BIO SECURITY program which is close to the REAL ID 2020 that Trump was invested in heavy.
Look's like the US is in a Depression now. Shadowstadts shows just over 25% unemployed, a minus - 2 GDP, Inflation at 7%, and Janet Yellen saying the US willsoon be at $51 Trillion dollars. This at a time when they are destroying the food supplies, shutting down farms, yes the writing in on the wall and its no wonder they want our self defense guns. And why they install a fence around the fence in DC.
Aren't these cartels the machinery of the WEF bankers? Is'nt the illuminatti bankers with the intelligence agencies their protectors? Lets not forget that Soro's mission in life is to destroy the US as an independent country. Look at a map of the NEW World ORDER 1942, and listen to Trumps rant about "buyin" greenland. 61 st state Canookville, Panama Canal annexation, and on iand on it goes! Its all part of the war on humanity.
Yes, this immense amount drug money is laundered through the Vatican and by the big WEF-associated banks (JPMorgan, etc), shepherded by the CIA. It's a global crime system:
Patrick doesn't address all these other pieces, here but I did, briefly:
"A major objective of the Chavista Revolution is to overthrow the United States and to impose Global Communism, a goal shared by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the EU, the Vatican, the British Crown (i.e., MI6, Serco, CIA, US State Department, Senior Executive Service), the CCP, Cuba and their associated organs and NGOs.
"Patrick doesn't get into the finer points, here about how these Major Cartels fit into the grander scheme of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet (which includes all of the above), or about how Venezuelan voting technology has already overthrown the governments of over 70 countries.
"Patrick also doesn't get into how the Globalist WEF-UN agenda is to not only overthrow nations but to overthrow the human race, itself, through Transhumanism, via injected/inhaled nanoparticles and the 6G wireless communications network.
"However, Patrick did post separately to Telegram on December 29th: "The Catholic Church has, over the last two decades become the bitch of the Venezuelan mafia. A Venezuelan archbishop criminal oversees the Bank of the Vatican. Patrick Michael Xavier Byrne (i.e., raised Catholic)."
The CIA controls the Cartel's. The DHS cut deals with the Cartel's. Their SENTRI program allows drugs in through trusted travelers with special speed pass lanes, zero inspections. ATF armed the Cartel's, and the Cartel's are better armed then US SWAT teams are. Who sells all that gear to the Cartel's?
They never mention the Sackler family who through their opioid crisis killed 400,000 Americans. It's only Fentanyl sourced from China, yet how many Billions annually go to the FBI, DHS, DEA, Border and Customs and yet all the drugs just "Sneak" into the country?
Unifying Canada and the US has been a cabal goal moving toward breaking the world up into more manageable chunks. Mexico was to come in also. They had a currency in mind as well for the whole North American continent. I wonder if we're looking at that goal or another one by Trump, hoping to flip Canada and join forces.
The plan was to kill enough US military pilots with the Death Shot to enable a military land invasion by the Commies, from the North and South (look at those corridor maps). They were going to divide the USA in half through that “Super Corridor”.
There are rumors that, as a result of all of the revelations of all of this crime, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will fall away from the Commonwealth and from the EU, and they will become more allied with the US.
This NAU jazz actually looks like it might just help move that along.
I forgot to say that this-long-planned land invasion (Bill Cooper was writing about it in the early '90s) would be accompanied by Chinese nukes from the Pacific and Russian nukes from the Atlantic. I don't think this is totally out of the realm of possibility.
The relationship between Musk and the CCP will eventually make the United States sober. Next year in 2025, the United States will shrink strategically, and the CCP will expand its global strategy. Japan will be dealt with by the CCP, so the CCP will have no obstacles in the Pacific. India’s relationship with the CCP is now easing, and the CCP will have no obstacles in the Red Sea. Israel cannot defeat the Houthi armed forces because of the equipment and intelligence provided by the CCP. The Houthi armed forces’ Yahya received training in the CCP last year. With the CCP’s complete autonomy in manufacturing in 2025, the autonomy of the industrial chain will give the CCP the capital to fight. Human democracy has encountered the biggest challenge of autocracy! Trump needs to clean up the corrupt traitors in the United States, and the rest is the real competition! Democracy faces a stronger challenge since the Soviet Union
All Americans will finally wake up. The biggest enemy is the dictatorial CCP. Only the pain of Americans can wake up Americans. As a Chinese, the current situation of the United States is very dangerous. The CCP's drone equipment, sixth-generation fighters, AWACS 3000, battleships, and many other quantities and qualities have surpassed the United States. The United States has been stolen technology and infiltrated by the CCP for many years. The globalized Boeing has purchased many parts from the CCP, which has led to crazy remote control destruction by the CCP this year. In addition, Boeing uses Indian manufacturing, and the United States is in big trouble! The CCP education I received since I was a child is that the United States is the enemy, and there will be a war between China and the United States, and the United States must be defeated. This is the thought that the CCP has instilled in the Chinese!
Funny, The Declaration of North America reads just like a page out of the cabal playbook, doesn't it? Has that goal changed from cabal to MAGA now? Just musing...why would Trump be resonating with making Canada a US state unless he thinks Trudeau's already politically toast and the people of that state want to Make Canada Great Again? Unless erasing the former national Canada/US border would end our northern illegal immigration problem, negating tariffs, at the same time as the US benefits from all their industry, trade and their to-be newly minted electoral votes? And he could build a bridge direct to Greenland! Meanwhile, why has Mexico been dropped out of the former cabal equation? What do the drug cartels that run Mexico and apparently all of Central America have to do with omitting Mexico? They belong to the Black Nobility. Is Trump ready to take that on in Mexico? Or even here? I doubt seriously that he wants to remove the Mexico/US border. Can we figure out from here whether considering Canada as a state is a Trump or a cabal idea or maybe both? It's an interesting puzzle.
Yes, the pieces of the puzzle are certainly in flux at the moment, aren't they? The Canada piece also has implications for the Commonwealth and the British monarchy.
Thanks, Alexandra!! Very informative!! Thanks for putting up the Cyrus A. Parsa one too, if I forgot to thank you!! I keep wondering how your "living conditions" are improving??? Hugs!!
Yep 100% no doubt. It’s all NATO/Op Gladio/Nazi/STASI/Kharzarian/Muslim Brotherhood/Cult of CHE/Cult of Cybele/Sataurn/Satanism/Nimrodism anything that’s the opposite of sovereignty or family or God.
The WEF, UN and other illegitimate transnational organizations don't want to instaurate global communism, which, on its various forms, dramatically failed throughout the XXieth century killing millions of people and breaking billions of lives in the process. They want to impose global fascism 4.0, which is the alliance between Big Money, Big Brother and armed groups (be they police forces, armies, gangs, militias, private contractors and security companies). Marxism-leninism promised mankind a bright future. WEFUNNATO don't bother with this lie. The future is dark, very dark indeed. And it starts tomorrow.
Patrick Byrne likes to remind everyone that Benito Mussolini, who coined the term “Fascism” was actually not “Right Wing”, at all, he was a rabid Socialist and publisher of a Socialist magazine before he became “Il Duce".
“Communism”, “Fascism” - we’re really talking about Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism, and now, in China, it’s become this AI-driven social credit techno slavery (the US already has the 1.0 version of our credit rating system).
The next phase includes radical global depopulation and transhumanism, caused by injected/inhaled nanoparticles, activated by the Starlink 6G Wireless Communications network, that routes the Internet of Things through a network of human bodies; that removes Free Will and creates a Borg race of automaton drone/zombies.
Will Drumph and his ziocartel cabinet stop the genicide s? Lol. Imagine 10 major fires raging while 100 more are gaining rage status. Not looking good for us the firefighters. Fuk, we don’t even have water.
Get to a safe place, preferably under ground and wait for a signal to emerge. Hopefully they will have killed each other off…
What the hell? Such upside down info. Yes, there are likely Venezuelans who have come to the US and crated gangs, but the government of Venezuela strives hard against US crippling economic warfare via sanctions, and has built over 1 million homes for people since the Chavez-Maduro leadership. The US needs to stop trying to strangle other countries an clean up its own hideous mess. If US elections were handled as well as those in Venezuela, we'd be in far better shape. The Venezuelan government is not out to "overthrow the US government,' just to get its knee off their neck! Anyone who appreciates sovereignty ought to cheer them on in that regard.
Cut off the head of the snake... the United Nations. Turn NYC UN HQ into homeless shelter.
Turn the UN into Presidential library for Trump!!
… only US Citizen homeless people -- no illegal alien or other foreign homeless … they need to be sent back home -- voluntarily or involuntarily …
They couldn't accomplish all this without significant cooperation of elements of the various US agencies, like border patrol, CIA, FBI, DOD, State Department, many NGOs, etc. Most of the people in those organizations are likely honest Americans, but there always are the corrupt ones. There are enough of these corrupt individuals participating in the trafficking of drugs, arms, and people that it may be difficult to turn around at this point. Fighting the cartels might help, but it is essential to identify and weed out the corrupted Americans who are aiding and abetting this.
Absolutely. I speak to that but that is not in the narrow scope of Patrick’s presentation, made specifically for the attention deficit disordered.
Okay so for me. Lol :)
We've been told that the Black Nobility owns the cartels. It's really time these "people" were dealt with directly. If they're going to use assassins, now's the time.
Very astutely stated!
Who wrote this the CIA?
Why its like watching RED DAWN all over again. This time its Venezuela.
Ever hear that "Israel is a flattop carrier?" Or if Israel didn't exist we'd have to invent it?" = Biden.
News Flash: Venezuela; The proven oil reserves in Venezuela are recognized as the largest in the world, totaling 300 billion barrels.
7 Countries in 5 years. All happen to have Oil or LNG. The US was illegally in Syria stealing oil and grains. Proposed Pipelines? What about the Anglo Iranian Pipeline? This is like listening to that idiot Blinken after the US illegally overthrow of yet another democratic elected government in the Ukraine breaking all promises, Budapest meetings, No Mean No of the Burns CIA that Russia wouldn't allow Ukraine to become NATO.
Blinken has the nerve to talk about Russia invading a Sovereign Country or it's borders when speaking to Venezuela's government whom the CIA has tried to overthrow repeatedly.
Let's jump back to the Ukraine:
( JTA) — Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine's Jewish president, said his country will look more like Israel, a democracy on constant military alert, than like their more relaxed European neighbors...
Over $200 Billion for this Kosher project as Americans can't pay their own bills. The Genocide in Gaza which is overflowing to Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and also Iraq. Now Yemen joins as the Al Qaeda ran new Vichy government in Syria who's still cutting heads off, is also joined by Ukraine's soldiers. They are in Mali and Gaza also. All side by side where the NYT said, "The Pentagon's terrorist are fighting along side the CIA's jihadists. Where Sen. Dick Black says the US is paying all their wages, though Turkey is paying ISIS, and the HTS. The HTS who has strong links to Israel.
So far we have a slow genocide or ethnic cleansing in the Ukraine where they'll by proxy fight to the last Ukrainian. The Gaza conflict where Bibi's famous Green Map at the UN shows the new territories Israel is taking in Syria are in conflict with Erdogan's goals of the Ottoman Empire who wants Damascus and Mosul Iraq. Just the Kurds are getting in his Whey. Little Joke there.
Partially Correct: "A major objective of the Chavista Revolution is to overthrow the United States and to impose Global Communism, a goal shared by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the EU, the Vatican, the British Crown (i.e., MI6, Serco, CIA, US State Department, Senior Executive Service), the CCP, Cuba and their associated organs and NGOs."
The WEF is ran out of Brussels. Glad to see the US was added as they are financing it all. How many times will you listen to Trillions missing before you realize what's happening.
Let's look at Communism:
Trump's team is more of the same cloaked as Zionism.
You don't see Rep's from Venezuela coming to the US and addressing CONgress and their speaker is an indicted War Criminal only to receive dozens of standing ovations. Or how during a staged 9/11 Oct7th event, as globally people protest the genocide, that Bibi makes a phone call and mass arrests of Americans, Students, and peaceful Jews are all arrested. Rebranded from Pro-Palestine, to HAMAS which Israel has supported for decades with over a Billion dollars laundered through Qatar. Why wasn't Qatar being sanctioned? Why was the US Military training the PLO?
The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.
Oddly the overthrowing of government just happen to be where they have Oil.
Like Russia, a Large Gas Station masquerading as a Country. The US as well as all them think tanks, the media are all for talking about dividing up Russia, don't you think Russian's should have a say in that? Wait, they are saying it about China too! The US has used this so-called threat of Communism for decades, the Commie's are some of Americas largest trading partners.
Free Trade: The US won't buy another countries resources, they steal there. If they did buy them it would help to bring those countries out of poverty, the US has sanctions on 1/3 of the planet or on 3 Billion people. The death's, Starvation, crippled economic outlook as the US uses the IMF as a military arm to devalue a countries currency, all which causes mass poverty and the immigration we see today. Since the so-called War on Terror, the US and their illegal wars have displaced over 37 Million people, and with Bibi's new Green Map there be tens of millions more immigrants to come. Plus the UN's own Forced Immigration.
The Crux of this story is by sanctioning Russia, the US destroying the EU's economy, Zelensky not allowing transit of LNG through the Ukraine that Europe's economy is toast. So the US is building up more regime change or will go to war to secure Venezuela's oil for America. Just as mentioned the US stealing Syrian oil. Blow up Russia's Nordstream then the US can sell their LNG for four times the cost to the EU. The US would steal Venezuela's oil, gold too (Mines) so they can increase their booty, and the people can still live in mass poverty under US sanctions.
Maduro is a Narco Kingpin who sells Machine Gun's. Great headline, like "Saddam is that Evil Hitler, this coming from GHW Bush who's granddad laundered money for the Nazi's. Anything to demonize a country to get Americans on board with the planned attack. Like crossing Red Lines with Assad allegedly using gas on his own supporters. The US Bio Weapon's CV-19 has killed millions, side effects will kill millions more. All Made in America. NOT CHINA.
The US hang's with the Israeli's too much, constantly playing the Victim card. Poor America's economy is trashed, the dollar is failing. So as Blinken would say, "Money for the Ukraine actually stays here to create job's." Americans who watch some shooter at a school are to be shocked, but not when US 2,000 pound bombs blow up a school, a hospital, churches, or mosques, Food workers etc.
In the last 3 weeks you should have learned the US is supporting Nazi's in the Ukraine, the Pentagon and CIA are funding 15 terrorist groups who pulled off 9/11 as the HTS leader is former Al Qaeda. ISIS is there, Ukraine is there, Al Nusra is there, and the IDF is there. America is broke and out of $36 Trillion in debt all we have to brag about is LGBT Pride Rainbow colored crosswalks.
Venezuela is 88% Catholic. Not Communist. The war on Religion also is continuing. Need to get that pesky DO NOT KILL out of the minds.
Patrick avoided talking about the CIA here but I mentioned that and more. It's a global criminal system and it's been like this for a long time:
In 1982 CONgress gave the CIA protection under Official States Secrets, like the British 007 it became a license to kill. Under that you can't name an agent.
This government would have you believe that America is hated for it's alleged democracy, even worse is that a soldier goes 4-9,000 miles away to protect freedoms here in America. Only a slave has to fight for their freedoms.
Imagine you are a parent working your butt off in a country under US Sanctions imposed on your country for decades. With low wages you try to eek out a living, raise a family putting your child in school.
The USA is there to help? [Video]
Just like in Iraq where the US starved 500,000 children to death saying, "The price was worth it." As a parent you have the "joy" watching your crying hungry child slowly dying in your arms, but you are full of joy just knowing your child's death will make it so an American can pay their mortgage, perhaps two auto loans a SUV for the wife and your kids, a big 4X4 for the husband, an RV in the driveway along side a 21' foot Bass boat. Pay all them credit cards.
Then the Wife and children along with self can take the SUV to church where you can pray to god thanking him for a job at a arms manufacture that builds 2000 pound bombs that are sent to Israel to be dropped on a school, hospital, church, mosque, aid workers serving food, or a journalist documenting a genocide shot by a sniper in the head. When you get home after a long day you can sit down watch the news of some mental case shooting kids at a school and you are to be so shocked that you welcome the government to take your means of self defense.
A very intelligent and insightful exposition!
i hope you are speaking about Keith's contribution and not this original preposterous article!
Keith, Thanks for this breath of fresh air. See my comment above just added.
You are welcome Jon,
I've studied the CIA for years. Off of here (This platform) I could steer you a directory that would blow your mind as to what was done the last 4 years.
Personally I am tired of watching worthless US politicians #Quislings who create wars that they send other parents children to fight and die in, if they survive the pending suicides when they later find out it was all over lies.
Sadly they don't teach history in school these days, one can learn geography by researching what country the US has bombed. Most people are like watching a Jay Leno clip standing before a global map and asking them to name a country that starts with a "U?" They can't think of United States where they were born and lived?
They also don't teach economics either. While a politician says "China China" they won't highlight that China is today where America put it. First Nixon went to China, the Reagan (Another Actor like Trump) started China's entry into the WTO, Clinton would sign it. Lou Dobbs would warn about it, while Ross Perot would with his excellent BIG EARS warn about the Giant Sucking Sound as American jobs would be lost as the US started to de industrialize.
Jimmy Hoffa?
The Unions were attacked, same MO from WWII when those in the EU needed to rebuild and bury their loved ones they'd need a job with a livable wage.
Gone were the full time jobs, paid health insurance, overtime, sick leave, pregnancy leave, and a paid 2 week vacation. Then the CEO made about 35% more then the employee, last time I looked the CEO gets over 400% more then the employee.
There are 350 US Businesses in China, tax breaks, and this government allowed that to happen. Cheap slave labor. Same with Central and Latin America. Over 2,000 Right's and Union rep's assassinated in Columbia and El Salvador, a teacher in Venezuela gets about $57 dollars a month. Blame Socialism? Or blame the US who's sanctions on their oil sales so they can't support their own people. Mayorkas who throws sugar on the floor to "Chum" the ants.
Food Cards, Thousands of dollars, Free Phones. Free Plane tickets to bypass Texas and California to bring them inside inner America.
U.S. offers nearly half-a-million Venezuelan migrants legal status and work permits following demands from strained cities
Naturally that drives the local wages down for Americans who are so in debt their mortgages are behind, Credit Cards not paid, personal loans, Cars getting Repo'd etc. Plus the anti-White agenda with catchy phrases like, "Whites are breathing the air of Blacks and Hispanics." They are your replacement workers.
The aforementioned (blow your mind) as the Banks have stolen everything, Get Granny Jabbed, you do it too Communist Collectivism - Do it for granny who's already past here shelf life, so you are to screw up your life in the current depopulation agenda.
That was since SSI is depleting, when granny dies they don't have to pay that SSI out, her pension, home, etc can all be liquidated. After all, the Ukraine refugees are coming and they are getting SSI. ET Phone Home?
Yes, Ukrainians living in the U.S. may qualify for Social Security benefits
Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine - #NeverAgain?
What,,, The Jew's are arming Nazi's?
The Ex-Nazis Collecting Social Security
There's a *.pdf called "UN FORCED IMMIGRATION" You can select the country you might be interested in like the USA, and see that by 2050 America is supposed to have 1 Billion people here.
As Col. Mcgregor said, most Americans don't care what's going on outside of this country which is true. Its only when the salesman is knocking on their door that they get pissed. As mentioned China graduates engineers, while Harvard has Anal Sex 101 classes, Imagine putting that down on a job application. Or listening to Trump talking about DEI, Trans in Sports, or Bathrooms, and then there the Great Military he wants to clean up.
Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
It would seem he helped create the problem eh?
Then as BLM and Antifa were burning down government buildings, burning prowler cars, toppling statues and destroying history that a country is supposed to learn from their mistakes. The only thing Trump seemed to care about was his personal attention of restoring a Masonic WWIII forecaster.
Trump called for toppled Albert Pike statue to be restored in DC: reports
I might add that his cabinet picks are proving its in the cards.
All those Billions of dollars for wars, America was never attacked, you'd think they'd built up the infrastructure for all the immigrants that WILL be staying, only the criminals are to be vetted out. Most likely using the UN's BIO SECURITY program which is close to the REAL ID 2020 that Trump was invested in heavy.
Look's like the US is in a Depression now. Shadowstadts shows just over 25% unemployed, a minus - 2 GDP, Inflation at 7%, and Janet Yellen saying the US willsoon be at $51 Trillion dollars. This at a time when they are destroying the food supplies, shutting down farms, yes the writing in on the wall and its no wonder they want our self defense guns. And why they install a fence around the fence in DC.
Morning from Montana
Aren't these cartels the machinery of the WEF bankers? Is'nt the illuminatti bankers with the intelligence agencies their protectors? Lets not forget that Soro's mission in life is to destroy the US as an independent country. Look at a map of the NEW World ORDER 1942, and listen to Trumps rant about "buyin" greenland. 61 st state Canookville, Panama Canal annexation, and on iand on it goes! Its all part of the war on humanity.
Yes, this immense amount drug money is laundered through the Vatican and by the big WEF-associated banks (JPMorgan, etc), shepherded by the CIA. It's a global crime system:
Patrick doesn't address all these other pieces, here but I did, briefly:
"A major objective of the Chavista Revolution is to overthrow the United States and to impose Global Communism, a goal shared by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the EU, the Vatican, the British Crown (i.e., MI6, Serco, CIA, US State Department, Senior Executive Service), the CCP, Cuba and their associated organs and NGOs.
"Patrick doesn't get into the finer points, here about how these Major Cartels fit into the grander scheme of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet (which includes all of the above), or about how Venezuelan voting technology has already overthrown the governments of over 70 countries.
"Patrick also doesn't get into how the Globalist WEF-UN agenda is to not only overthrow nations but to overthrow the human race, itself, through Transhumanism, via injected/inhaled nanoparticles and the 6G wireless communications network.
"However, Patrick did post separately to Telegram on December 29th: "The Catholic Church has, over the last two decades become the bitch of the Venezuelan mafia. A Venezuelan archbishop criminal oversees the Bank of the Vatican. Patrick Michael Xavier Byrne (i.e., raised Catholic)."
The CIA controls the Cartel's. The DHS cut deals with the Cartel's. Their SENTRI program allows drugs in through trusted travelers with special speed pass lanes, zero inspections. ATF armed the Cartel's, and the Cartel's are better armed then US SWAT teams are. Who sells all that gear to the Cartel's?
They never mention the Sackler family who through their opioid crisis killed 400,000 Americans. It's only Fentanyl sourced from China, yet how many Billions annually go to the FBI, DHS, DEA, Border and Customs and yet all the drugs just "Sneak" into the country?
Agreed. That's essentially what I wrote in my intro.
This site covers alot of bases. It was much better the last time I looked at it. Apparently the author is constantly harassed and threatened.
Unifying Canada and the US has been a cabal goal moving toward breaking the world up into more manageable chunks. Mexico was to come in also. They had a currency in mind as well for the whole North American continent. I wonder if we're looking at that goal or another one by Trump, hoping to flip Canada and join forces.
Yes, Biden's "Declaration of North America" largely slipped by unnoticed at the beginning of 2023:
It didn’t go unnoticed by me. Bush Sr tried to pass it - he was the architect of it - this is the NAFTA, the SPP, the Amero.
This is the CCP Super Corridor/Superhighway, the “Inland Ports”, they were talking about, way back in the ‘90s!
But nobody was able to do it until the Biden Regime did it, by Executive Order with that CCP Toady, Trudeaux and Fellow Commie, AMLO.
The plan was to kill enough US military pilots with the Death Shot to enable a military land invasion by the Commies, from the North and South (look at those corridor maps). They were going to divide the USA in half through that “Super Corridor”.
There are rumors that, as a result of all of the revelations of all of this crime, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will fall away from the Commonwealth and from the EU, and they will become more allied with the US.
This NAU jazz actually looks like it might just help move that along.
Miles Guo talked about this in 2021:
And he was arrested and his luxury suite at the Sherry Netherland burned-down by the FBI
I didn't know that. I guess he works with the ONI/Bannon/Trump faction?
He was a real estate magnate in Beijing and now he’s in US Federal Prison on what his anti-CCP followers believe to be false charges.
Don’t know about the ONI bit but he did bankroll Bannon for a while.
Let's hope Trump is not too late to un-do most of the damage?
I forgot to say that this-long-planned land invasion (Bill Cooper was writing about it in the early '90s) would be accompanied by Chinese nukes from the Pacific and Russian nukes from the Atlantic. I don't think this is totally out of the realm of possibility.
But I think Old Blighty would probably be nuked first. I mean, they just told us what it would look like, a few weeks ago:
The Garmisch-Partenkirchen [home of the George C Marshall European Center for Security Studies:] is an interesting target that I'd never heard of. They want that Biatch gone! lol (it's in the transcript).
Oh, and I just saw this on Telegram:
旋转 火花, [Dec 31, 2024 at 5:04:24 AM]:
The relationship between Musk and the CCP will eventually make the United States sober. Next year in 2025, the United States will shrink strategically, and the CCP will expand its global strategy. Japan will be dealt with by the CCP, so the CCP will have no obstacles in the Pacific. India’s relationship with the CCP is now easing, and the CCP will have no obstacles in the Red Sea. Israel cannot defeat the Houthi armed forces because of the equipment and intelligence provided by the CCP. The Houthi armed forces’ Yahya received training in the CCP last year. With the CCP’s complete autonomy in manufacturing in 2025, the autonomy of the industrial chain will give the CCP the capital to fight. Human democracy has encountered the biggest challenge of autocracy! Trump needs to clean up the corrupt traitors in the United States, and the rest is the real competition! Democracy faces a stronger challenge since the Soviet Union
All Americans will finally wake up. The biggest enemy is the dictatorial CCP. Only the pain of Americans can wake up Americans. As a Chinese, the current situation of the United States is very dangerous. The CCP's drone equipment, sixth-generation fighters, AWACS 3000, battleships, and many other quantities and qualities have surpassed the United States. The United States has been stolen technology and infiltrated by the CCP for many years. The globalized Boeing has purchased many parts from the CCP, which has led to crazy remote control destruction by the CCP this year. In addition, Boeing uses Indian manufacturing, and the United States is in big trouble! The CCP education I received since I was a child is that the United States is the enemy, and there will be a war between China and the United States, and the United States must be defeated. This is the thought that the CCP has instilled in the Chinese!
Funny, The Declaration of North America reads just like a page out of the cabal playbook, doesn't it? Has that goal changed from cabal to MAGA now? Just musing...why would Trump be resonating with making Canada a US state unless he thinks Trudeau's already politically toast and the people of that state want to Make Canada Great Again? Unless erasing the former national Canada/US border would end our northern illegal immigration problem, negating tariffs, at the same time as the US benefits from all their industry, trade and their to-be newly minted electoral votes? And he could build a bridge direct to Greenland! Meanwhile, why has Mexico been dropped out of the former cabal equation? What do the drug cartels that run Mexico and apparently all of Central America have to do with omitting Mexico? They belong to the Black Nobility. Is Trump ready to take that on in Mexico? Or even here? I doubt seriously that he wants to remove the Mexico/US border. Can we figure out from here whether considering Canada as a state is a Trump or a cabal idea or maybe both? It's an interesting puzzle.
Yes, the pieces of the puzzle are certainly in flux at the moment, aren't they? The Canada piece also has implications for the Commonwealth and the British monarchy.
Yes...there are many things to be considered that may not be so obvious. Thank you, Tirion.
Fear and war, the age old mechanism for controlling the masses to protect the “rulers”….
Thanks, Alexandra!! Very informative!! Thanks for putting up the Cyrus A. Parsa one too, if I forgot to thank you!! I keep wondering how your "living conditions" are improving??? Hugs!!
Barely getting by…
Thank You FN
Thank You, Frances!
Edit: Thank you, Alexandra ❤️
You mean Alexandra lol. Maybe I should finally "come out" on Substack. I can't believe I haven't been de-platformed yet.
Sincere apologies, Alexandra!
I was confusing you with Frances Leader…somewhat similar interests and posts.
Wow! This is scary!
Yep 100% no doubt. It’s all NATO/Op Gladio/Nazi/STASI/Kharzarian/Muslim Brotherhood/Cult of CHE/Cult of Cybele/Sataurn/Satanism/Nimrodism anything that’s the opposite of sovereignty or family or God.
The WEF, UN and other illegitimate transnational organizations don't want to instaurate global communism, which, on its various forms, dramatically failed throughout the XXieth century killing millions of people and breaking billions of lives in the process. They want to impose global fascism 4.0, which is the alliance between Big Money, Big Brother and armed groups (be they police forces, armies, gangs, militias, private contractors and security companies). Marxism-leninism promised mankind a bright future. WEFUNNATO don't bother with this lie. The future is dark, very dark indeed. And it starts tomorrow.
Patrick Byrne likes to remind everyone that Benito Mussolini, who coined the term “Fascism” was actually not “Right Wing”, at all, he was a rabid Socialist and publisher of a Socialist magazine before he became “Il Duce".
“Communism”, “Fascism” - we’re really talking about Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism, and now, in China, it’s become this AI-driven social credit techno slavery (the US already has the 1.0 version of our credit rating system).
The next phase includes radical global depopulation and transhumanism, caused by injected/inhaled nanoparticles, activated by the Starlink 6G Wireless Communications network, that routes the Internet of Things through a network of human bodies; that removes Free Will and creates a Borg race of automaton drone/zombies.
Stop the funding. No Mon no fun.
Will Drumph and his ziocartel cabinet stop the genicide s? Lol. Imagine 10 major fires raging while 100 more are gaining rage status. Not looking good for us the firefighters. Fuk, we don’t even have water.
Get to a safe place, preferably under ground and wait for a signal to emerge. Hopefully they will have killed each other off…
What the hell? Such upside down info. Yes, there are likely Venezuelans who have come to the US and crated gangs, but the government of Venezuela strives hard against US crippling economic warfare via sanctions, and has built over 1 million homes for people since the Chavez-Maduro leadership. The US needs to stop trying to strangle other countries an clean up its own hideous mess. If US elections were handled as well as those in Venezuela, we'd be in far better shape. The Venezuelan government is not out to "overthrow the US government,' just to get its knee off their neck! Anyone who appreciates sovereignty ought to cheer them on in that regard.
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