We lived in Mexico legally for 7 years. But if we had participated in any political demonstration there, we would have been deported immediately. That is their law. The U.S. should do the same.

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Absolutely. My parents lived legally in Mexico City for 3 years, where my stepfather bought a PR firm, which he then sold to Edelman.

So he had one kind of visa but my mother would have to go back to the US every 3 or 6 months (I forget) to renew her tourist visa.

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That has always been our law too until the foreign operative, Obama came on the stage...we saw corruption go sky high, news media turn into mass propaganda to push UN Agenda 2021/2030, the Queer agenda, transgender and pornographic insanity on very young and formative children and now the invasion through our southern border.

People you have to realize this is outside of our civil jurisdiction, this is going to require military intervention b/c it is a planned foreign interference on our election and therefore, an attack on our country and people...it was awesome that Trump kept repeating over and over "get our and vote, make it "TOO BIG TO RIG" our elections by democrats!" It worked.

They better leave ASAP or they will be considered "enemy combatants." Just a matter of time before the Democrat operatives begin to arm these deranged invaders. Not going to end well for these people. Americans are armed to the hilt.

We The People have spoken in this election. They MUST get the hell out of our country ASAP!

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Guns up!

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I’d like to say good luck to all of those sanctuary cities who welcome these illegal immigrants, criminals, thugs. You’re going to need it when the debit card programs are canceled and these people get rounded up. Because they are going to protest and cause havoc like you cannot even imagine. All of those liberals out there virtue signaling that no human is illegal: go ahead and adopt these people into your family and get them some citizenship. Bring them into your homes and let them live with you. Buckle up everybody is going to be wild and interesting ride.

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I just saw yesterday that the buses to the sanctuary cities from Texas and other border states are now taking the illegals back to the states that sent them. This is since the election as far as I can see. We have yet to see the damage Biden's deep state will cause with this. It was ironic to see the last frame....the girl holding a communist newspaper claiming that there will be class warfare no matter who wins. This has long been planned, probably for well over a century.

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All I can say is DEPORT

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Exactly, .... there's nothing else to be said because ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is self explanitory if you have COMMON SENSE!

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The faster we get them out, the fewer problems they can cause on the way out.

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No doubt some illegal migrants will ask for 12-month severance packages, first class tickets and limo service to go the airport.

Joke apart, NYC and other "sanctuary" cities are going to go down the highway to hell.

One may wonder what these people, supported by Soros-funded NGOs and indoctrinated by the woketards and blue Dem(ent)s, are planning to do on Inauguration Day. A violent and armed insurrection can't be ruled out.

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Trump never used these helpless illegal immigrants for cannon fodder, the Democrats did. The illegal immigrants don't know that they are disposable pawns in a political game and they fell for the trap. I can also see possibly many Dem cities being destroyed by Dem policy... again.

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Many were trafficked here against their will and many of those seen protesting here may not have a lot of choice in the matter, either.

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Not to mention unrepayable debt to the cartels . . .

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True. Its a total mess.

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Protest, get caught = straight ride home, do not stop to notify people, you get to, go straight to airport holding tank and onto a waiting transport That's the ticket. Lucky not jail. Try it ANY OTHER NORMAL COUNTRY and you won't like what you gets...

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Then you set them free by sending them home safely.

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What do you want to do with them?

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Deport them home = send them home, safely. After they get home that's THEIR problem not OURS.

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Something must be done.

I cannot ‘like’ this post or the news it brings.

It is sad to see how these migrant people have been used and are being used as political canon fodder.

They were enticed and bribed to enter this country by people with less than honorable motives. If the motives were above board, the migration process would have been done and should have been done legally and sustainably. But they were deceived intentionally to create a flood of souls into America.

And now as this invasion operation is being scrutinized and evaluated for reversal, it is becoming obvious that more chaos will result from the actions contemplated and implemented.

Nevertheless, to do nothing is not acceptable.

The sanctuary city concept is a flawed piece of activist chest beating that dared the invasion to continue to ramp up its velocity with the intended result to create massive stress loading of our systems and infrastructure.

I truly wonder how those who advanced this over the past decades have justified their actions to themselves. How could they have thought this was a good idea and that it wouldn’t have catastrophic consequences on not only the migrants but every American citizen?

Something tells me they knew it and they are now celebrating the outcome.

To me that classifies them as evil doers of the highest order.

That is my protest. What’s yours?

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The world is controlled by Satanists, so it behooves us to understand their philosophy and to normalize conversations about Satanism.

Learn more here:


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Wow! People need to learn what this is all about and the pure evil behind it!

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Exactly, the corporate oligarchy of BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, STATE STREET et al have been financing these NGO'S to overwhelm the American system. This is the MARXIST playbook of CLOWARD & PIVEN & SAUL ALINSKY. The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals are filled with these GLOBAL PLANNING INITIATIVES. We must stop this AGENDA 2030 BS !

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The US miliscary has been doing this for ages. They invade countries & then sell us a story that they are helping these people...NEVER leave until the resources have run out that they infiltrated to steal in the first place. War is HELL. We are at WAR.

This is on the people too. We WATCHED it happen for YEARS! Now that it's getting uncomfortable & you see where your tax dollars are going ... Everything was fine when it was cheap labor ... we need SOME of these migrants because the ugly truth is that young adults won't get off their video games long enough to learn how to cut their own lawn.

It's a contrived MESS.

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NO! You are dead WRONG! Our U.S. military have been ABUSED via by an organized, many decades long, foreign deep state "occupation" holding the highest office in the land with powers of Commander in Chief!!!!

Trump's agenda has always been from the beginning to "drain THAT damn swamp!" Aka, "Military Industrial Complex." We have been "at war" since WWII...but this time, the enemy is DOMESTIC, right here in our government via infiltration. Look at all the people who were recruited to be members of WEF and are now holding office??? They HATE America, Trump and WeThePeople, with a vengeance.

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Kathleen, I have an image in my mind of a DEEP Sleep akin to a Deep State of hypnosis. The DEEP STATE has had most of humanity in a DEEP STATE of SLUMBER.

I agree we are occupied. It goes much further back than the Biden regime.

That was the first OPEN takeover by a belligerent "government". I believe they were gauging the people... to see if anybody revolted, Rose up & caused a revolution. They saw us as fast asleep & knew the MK was sufficient to move forward with their plans.

I don't know exactly what Trumps intentions are. He has SHOWN us A LOT! I SEE that Hillary is not in jail... but J6ers still are. Operation warp speed .. The Tesla papers...& now ELon Skum to usher in transhumanism. It's all too, what's the word? SCRIPTED....He's just acting out his role on the stage. .. They ALL are. Coordinated efforts.

So humanity is in the crosshairs of bankers wars & corrupt global government & NGOs. Dare I say, Dark against light & good vs evil? US against the powers & principalities. Or THEM against US. We may not agree on all the clown show tactics...

2 WINGS of the same bird!!! Kep us fightng amonst ourselves over trivial BS.

We DO NEED to agree that the Dark Slumber is OVER as people begin to wake & SEE & there is no time to wait for an idolic savior or a govern mente to steer the mind. Peace.

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Yes. I too have wondered about that. It is a worse case scenario from an citizen/civilian point of view. Trauma based MKultra is real. They have developed this over 100 years now re: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (see book). I saw a video that went around showing Trump as a Freemason 'Worshipful Grand Master' and his associations with Zionists (who are totally behind the private banking cartel since 1913). I too don't know what Trump's true intentions are, but I do get a strong gut feeling he may have been U.S. Military Intelligence for decades. He was the perfect person to penetrate those dark elite circles of the Clintons, NYC, Hollyweird, Jeffery Epstein/Diddy Combs and turn in evidence...the deception on the "foreign occupation of USA" has to be even MORE deceptive than they are imo, if we are going to be victorious in this horrific, demonic war.

Trump invokes our Lord Jesus Christ and that alone tells me a lot.

A kind of wink to us devout Christians who are paying attention. I am cautiously optimistic, but I do know we Americans are also deserving of the worst chastisement from God b/c so many millions of abortions/IVF, and now euthanasia...THOU SHALT NOT KILL! God cannot bless mortal sin! So many Americans have turned their backs on our Savior and His redeeming blood who paid the ransom for our original, mortal and capital sins.

We also know how Our Lord loves us and His Mercy is endless. He only desires that we come to Him for our guidance and absolution of sin to be in a state of grace.

I pray Americans return to our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings in droves!

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Good point

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Thank You :)

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The catastrophic consequences have been the plan all along

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Precisely. Used to be only skilled people, with sponsorship could come. Bring that back. Ban any non citizen (eg green cards, not yet citizen or illegals) from demonstrating politically, that right is reserved for citizens! Found fomenting discord and violence and demonstrating? Insto deport.

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……..then we get to January 12th(?) Longshoreman Strike which I believe will be a grizzly one because it was “settled” UNTIL the new administration…deep state demons

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All I can say is DEPORT

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They willingly broke the law- you cant tell me they dont know the difference between illegal & legal immigration. They took a chance, their choice.

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OR they were made promises of a better life in the USA ... NOT fully understanding what they were getting into... False contracts were made, many were separated from their children & they are victims of a systemically broken war mongering cult.

Some of them are paid mercenaries to bring down the USA. Their hatred runs deep after we broke their countries & left them with few options. I don't like it, but I do understand it.

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They were bribed to vote for democrats and make a mess. Not improbable, we will soon see the communist violent gangs and young men from middle east whose families were horribly abused/murdered and raped by Bush Administration thugs and mercenaries for Haliburton/Dynacorp... they soon will be armed by the foreign operatives.

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The people who planned this kind of overload of civilizations in order to destroy them and bring in a tyranny are long dead. The majority of their conceptual work was done in the late 19th century, arguably the framework was established a century or more before that. History since has been fleshing out their plans. Hopefully, karmically/reincarnation-wise, the originators of these sick plans may be the very ones who are having to live them out now. In any event, the illegals are not innocents. Their overt intention to criminally take advantage of us...get past our laws, extort us financially, and threaten our destruction when that fails speaks not of potential good citizens but of a mob mafia. Not surprising they're getting their cupidity shoved back into their own teeth. I hope Trump also shoves it to the UN and NGOs who promoted it and got them here. They are all our enemies.

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Yeah! These bastard globalists absolutely know the outcome just like they did with the death clot shot jab! Their goal is to completely destroy America! Their goal is to control and enslave humanity and America's Freedom has to be destroyed first! I'm concerned that all of the chaos that's gonna take place now is gonna accomplish the goal for these globalist! These globalists bastards would love to see chaos out in the streets of America, then Trump can bring in martial law! If that happens it's over for America because Americans could be in permanent lockdowns that's gonna be disguised as "peacekeeping!"

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What's the definition of "illegal"? A president who controls immigration sends planes to pick up immigrants or simply lets them in and processes them in a way that makes them legal immigrants, even if temporary ie with a visa that will expire. These people won't be deported until their visas expire. But that happens today anyway. And truly illegals - those without visas - get busted all the time, eg in meat packing plant raids etc. So I'm not sure where Trump's supporters are getting the 20 million deportation figure I keep seeing. If you take even half of 20 million people out of the workforce it's going to clobber businesses which has always been the true magnet for immigrants anyway. Still I guess condemning people they invited into the county is easier for politicians than redesigning the program in a more equitable manner and without so many loopholes.

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Are you pretending to be unaware of the UN's massive human trafficking operation, in tandem with Mexican drug cartels and the US military (https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/?s=muckraker), that has smuggled millions of people from all over the world into this country during the Biden administration, flooding the US and especially Blue Cities with this human cargo, that is making billionaires out of complicit hotel owners in New York, making billionaires with US Taxpayer money. GTFOH.

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Tyson chicken fired over 1,000 people and replaced them with immigrants.

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C'mon, like it... Mikey likes it

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Send them back with some money and the understanding that if they don't accept it, they will be arrested, convicted, and after their prison term will be deported anyway.

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Theyve received enough $- way more than is available to the American citizens getting assistance.

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Doesn't work. Other countries have tried to pay them to leave and stay away (Switzerland with the Roms, they bussed them back home with $$). Guess what... they come back... again and again

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Well, you have to do this AND cut the inflow, especially the organizations that bring them. In Europe is more complicated, because a country have to fight the EU. But in America, just beef up the border patrol, fortify the laws and go after the accomplices in the courts of law.

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There are the “Sanctuary Cities, Counties and States to contend with, in the US: https://cis.org/Map-Sanctuary-Cities-Counties-and-States

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"Sanctuary cities" are constitutionally ILLEGAL and TREASONOUS...see constitution: no one can establish a "foreign country" within our borders! Its totally absurd!

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I just looked at this, wow!

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It works in Poland and Hungary. Polish border patrols are empowered to shoot at whoever try to enter their country illegally. The Polish government makes its position clear and loud - we are a Catholic country and we protect our people and faith.

Meanwhile, in England, France and Germany, there are hundreds of neighborhoods that live under the sharia law.

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England, USA, France and Germany are in fact controlled by Freemasonry...freemasonry must be abolished when all is said and done.

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Yes, cut the 501K funding, cut the benes out. AND make it illegal to promote in anyway shape or form ILLEGAL immigration. Make them file the paper work, find the sponsorship and pay for everything ON THEIR OWN DIME. Not the tax payers.

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Sometimes it's difficult to get rid of cockroaches.

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Since the govt is SO GOOD with their PsyOps, and have done things similar to this........

Open up 'out posts' for SNAP/Housing/Medical/PHONES/ect benefits. Then cut these things OFF (stop the funding), and 'advertise' that there is a 'problem with the system'......and if they'd all show up/go to, in person, to these addresses (welfare out posts), they would all get new cards/paperwork. THEN, when they show up, they get 'disappeared' out 'the back door', put on buses and taken to the airport, to be flow out of the country. Their cell phones will be shut off, and then taken, when they are at the 'out post', of course, so they don't warn other illegals of the Sting Op.

They (govt) has done this many times, to criminals. 'You have won a trip!'; 'You have won $$$!', ect. Then the criminal shows up to collect their 'winnings'.....and get arrested. lol

There are many ways to catch illegals. And they ALL need to be done! There are STILL many 'camps', filled with illegals......THAT should be an easy one, rounding them up!

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Or an invite to Kamala and Doug's for free empanadas . . .

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'New Comer' Parties......FREE SHIT......and they WILL come! lol

MANY ways to catch/round up illegals. We should think up ways, and submit them to the WH, in January. LOL

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The entire staged operation globally seems much more a fascist agenda pitting working people and the poor against each other as corporations move manufacturing jobs to low wage territories and bilk the west of it’s money selling products made in low income and environmentally caustic economies. Smedly Butler story of the 1930’s seems eerily similar and more like the same plans of ultra rich oligarchs that he condemned. His book “War is a racket” is the playbook of today’s corporate fascists and now another monster in play seems Zionism and its terrorist State Israel. Chris Hedges book on Christian fascist in America seems spot on as well as “Inverted totalitarianism “ claim by Sheldon Wolin “Democracy Inc”. William Cooper book “The structure of power in America” is in my humble opinion a must read as well. “This to shall pass” but we must be vigilant war is at the gate now guarded by no one interested in the preservation of our Constitution!

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Yes, the UN, NATO, WHO, CDC, NASA, CIA and many more post-WWII institutions and agencies were either founded by Nazi generals or else had a lot of Nazi employees and/or influence. In other words, the Nazis covertly won WWII (not the Germans), not the Americans.

The UN is orchestrating these invasions. It is a Nazi (Fascist) project. I should add a link in this post to our film, 'Splintering Babylon' on this topic:


Nazism is a form of Satanism. Conversations about Satanism need to be normalized, because our world is controlled by Satanists. Read more about Satanism, here:


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No not "Nazi," but Stalinist International communism. Hitler fought to take down Bolshevik communist world invasion and its globalist network: Freemasonry!

You got the wrong target. After WWII, before he was murdered, General Patton told Americans "we fought against the WRONG enemy! Our true enemy was Soviet Russia and International communism!" U.N. was established by scumbag Rockefellers.

Ask yourself what was illegally established into congress on December 23, 1913? THE FEDERAL RESERVE...the Fed is a private banking cartel of Zionists which includes Rothschilds. Rothschilds were instrumental in establishing a fake state called "Israel." Its blasphemy and a curse on this world.

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These seemingly separate entities are all part of one Globalist Crime System. You know this. They control both "sides" of every war, "Two wings, same bird, same sh¡t"? https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/darkness-by-design-part-1-baalenciaga

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These illegal migrants are criminals...not “the poor”. The working class is being beaten into submission through the illegal importation of criminals.

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Did you see the story of the poorest school in Maryland? Its tucked up in Garrett Co. which is just across from WVa and is very poor coal country. This school has the tiniest funding for its students but has become a community school, as in days o yore. Statewide it ranks as one of the BEST schools academically. No eprinters, maker's labs, no wokeism, no fluff - its more about survival and skills. Children do chores, feed the chickens, milk the cows, maintain the gardens... children do projects (created trout stream, cleaned acid waste from coal that polluted water by building dam) and learn from these skills about reclaiming lands, as well as practical knowledge, applied concepts. Parents assist as well. Of course ahem, there are no illegals, no brown or black people native or otherwise. Its just dirt dirt poor, but the kids are well behaved and disciplined and learn very early hard work = results. No pandering. No easy grading.

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This type of learning was replaced with the United Nations S.E.L. method of learning. Social Emotional Learning became to mantra of COMMON CORE folfollowing the RIO DECLARATION. This was used by GHWB #41 to institute all of those executive orders to our FEDERAL Education system to implement all the necessary pre requisites for the upcoming C.R.T./ D.E.I. policies ... the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals are actually going after PRIVATE PROPERTY AND RELIGIONS ...

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Good. He knows who to kick out lol

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Perhaps start with these TRAITORS...

John Brennan, James Clapper, Bill Barr, Michael Atkinson, Mayorkas, Judge Boasberg, Mary McCord, Col. Vindman, Senator Warner, Avril Haines, Victoria Nuland, Samantha Power, Gina Haspel, Marie Yovanovitch, Jen Easterly, all their deputies, and many more unknown to the public.

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Communist infiltrators dedicated to the goal of destruction of USA - the concepts on which founded, GOD GIVEN rights - freedom, pursuit of life and liberty, and happiness because this threatens their CONTROL and that is why we must be reduced in number diluted and erased, so they can CONTROL without resistance... and RULE without CHALLENGE... 1,000 years of the boot grinding humanity down. Or worse, the AI empties out the brains and people are replaced by robots until humanity is divorced from their divinity, soul purpose and spirit and no longer has a reason to exit...

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Correctamundo! 💯

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You missed Big Mike

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Big Mike, yes he is a given !

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Hey in case someone needs to hear, 1st amendment protection of peaceful assembly only is extended to citizens ;-) deport at will, en mass

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Deport them before the cards run out.

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I can't help but think... what happened to all these illegal's children?

Can you deport parents without their children in good conscious.?

This is a nightmare for everybody involved. .. It NEVER should have happened & those who facilitated this crime spree need to be hunted down & heavy handed justice brought upon them.

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Children go home with the parents UNLESS they have a legal sponsor willing to take them. Other family members or church members.

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PS and don't even get me started on the 300,000 plus that 'disappeared' in to the system - to be exploited trafficked etc. Because I assure you they aren't enjoying their lives very much and the parents who sold them to the cartels (oh sorry paid to have them smuggled over)... would shudder at what they suffered are suffering. ...

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I hear you loud & clear. It's such a huge construct of EVIL!

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Yes. They crossed our border WITH NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!! The children cannot be recognized by civil jurisdiction b/c they have no documentation. The parents have NO CLAIM to their children. The only thing that may save them out of mercy are our military. They will need very very special care as to what was done to these innocent souls. God knows every one of them. These crimes in addition to abortion and IVF, are crying out to heaven for God's JUSTICE! We Americans demand ACCOUNTABILITY AND JUSTICE!

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Many of these children were separated from their parents ... Never to be seen again.

Anchor children are lucky if they get to stay with their parents & are NOT trafficked.

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Without birth certificates they have no identity, no way of parental claim, no witness to their existence. Imagine how the devil can use this for nefarious purposes...

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A true crime against humanity!

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Where did the city of New York put these wonderful people? Hopefully in a hotel that matches their status, like the "Trump International Hotel & Tower New York" or something like that.

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Many were put up in fancy Manhattan hotels. One of many of these hotels had been purchased by the Pakistani government just before this all began and they are being paid $3 million/mo by the Government with US Taxpayer dollars to house these people.

These hotel owners are becoming billionaires and they don’t want this invasion to stop.

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This is happening because our stupid fucking politicians never anticipate the consequences of their stupid decisions. I said from the beginning of this asinine program. What’s going to happen when the money runs out. Obviously never a thought in the simple minds of our politicians.

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No. They want our country to totally collapse into total chaos, grind us down and impose a One World Government.


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No. I don't think you realize what is unfolding here by what passes for Democrat party (foreign agents who infiltrated and have occupied U.S.A. their allegiance is to the "World Economic Forum"/U.N./current Vatican, certainly NOT to God, our Constitution/WeThePeople!)

They know EXACTLY what they are doing and why. These people are psychopaths who have been made compromised by doing unspeakable things to children, being filmed doing it, and then blackmailed. Re: Jeffrey Epstein/P. Combs...

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This website shows who and what: Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama!!

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This is the true “greatest reset”: to recapitulate all things in Christ — Instaurare omnia in Christo (Eph. 1:10) — because it is to Christ alone that universal Lordship belongs. Christ is King. And he is King not only of individuals and families, but of all earthly societies, of all nations. - Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano ('Some considerations

after the election victory by Donald J. Trump')

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Escape From New York! A movie coming to life in a city near you😵‍💫

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I already did – and I ended-up in a place with 3 FEMA camps going up around me that FEMA claims not to know anything about, because 30% of their budget is Black Budget!


Only 20 Congressmen know the details of this budget and I found out who they are: the DHS' Emergency Management and Technology Subcommittee 


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I dated a ‘mercenary’ some time ago - when he got drunk he told me how The Pentagon Black Book Cash/Gold works

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