
Drone Intel with Dan Willis & Alexandra Bruce | Unrestricted Warfare with James Grundvig


The Singularity of Novelty described by Terence McKenna is upon us and I joined James Grundvig Tuesday with Dan Willis, one of the 21 members of the original 2001 Disclosure Project, who was back, to give his intel on the recent drone phenomena, amid the latest blasts from the cosmic firehose.

Many had expected the world to have already been plunged into a Nuclear Winter by now but Donald Trump was uneventfully elected, certified and sworn-in to his second term as President of the United States and he's already negotiating an end to World War 3.

In his Inauguration Speech, Trump triumphantly declared that, "A Golden Age for America begins right now". It's the cheeky hubris of 'The Power of Positive Thinking', the most American religion of them all. President Trump grew up attending the sermons of Norman Vincent Peale and it shows.

An actual Golden Age is not something that can be declared into existence by a human being. We're talking about the architecture of the universe and cosmology – but Trump may be onto something.

Western, i.e., Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam take a linear view of time and they don't deal with the cyclical nature of the Universe. They acknowledge that there was an "antediluvian" world, inhabited by Nephilim and whatnot but the Abrahamic traditions stay focused on the present age.

The closest thing that Western Culture has had to a view of the cyclical nature of time is in Western astrology, which just so happens to be telling us that we're moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. According to Western folklore, we are moving from the end of one age into another. So, in a sense, Trump is right.

The ancient Hindus created a very developed system to describe the cycles of time; of a Golden Age, that's followed by a descending Silver Age, followed by an increasingly-declining Bronze Age and then followed by the degenerate, "Dark" Iron Age, known as the Kali Yuga – which we have already been in, since 3102 BC.

According to the most orthodox Hindu interpretations, we are only 5,127 years into this 432,000 Kali Yuga Age of Darkness but according to less orthodox Hindu interpretations, we are now moving out of and into the Ascending Bronze Age, which will continue to ascend to a Silver Age and on to the next Golden Age.

Proponents of the more orthodox interpretations, like author, Michael Cremo explained to me in my book, '2012: Sceince or Superstition', that, as of the 16th century, with the appearance in Bengal of an avatar of Krishna known as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, we've been in a 10,000-year "mini-golden age" within the Dark Age of the Kali Yuga. He told me, "Sometimes when winter is approaching, and the weather is getting colder, we experience a few warm days. So this golden era is something like that."

Regardless, World Age Doctrines from around the world say that the quality of humanity is expressed according to the Age or the location in the cycle in which it occurs. We're not just talking about the Precession of the Equinoxes but about the trajectory of the Solar System, as it revolves around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.


What's very interesting about the 3102 BC start-date of the Hindu Kali Yuga is that it's only a few years apart from 3114 BC, when the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar marks the creation of our current, ending epoch. Pretty wild, right?

The ancient Maya and the Olmecs in Central America had extremely sophisticated astronomical observations, records and cosmologies based on their observations and records. Something big must have happened worldwide, around 5,130 years ago!

Similarly to the Hindu, the Greeks, the Romans, the Amerindians of North and South America had (and have) very developed World Age Doctrines, which described previous ages and iterations of humanity, which were successively destroyed by their capricious creators.

In the Kiché Maya Popol Vuh creation legend, we see that when the latest batch of humans made by the creator gods became omniscient, the gods saw fit to "dumb them down." This is similar to the way the Greek god, Zeus intentionally created the Silver race to be "inferior in wisdom" to the previous Golden race. There are many similarities in detail between the Mediterranean World Age doctrines and the Maya version.

An eerie similarity between Classical Greek and Mesoamerican accounts is that of the first "recognizably human" beings, who were in both cases fashioned out of wood were intentionally destroyed by a "Great Deluge".

It's clear that we're in the midst of an epochal shift akin to the Flood of Noah, which ended the antediluvian world and heralded the beginning of the current age – which is now ending.

Legends similar to the Flood of Noah are found in earlier traditions from Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) in the Epic of Gilgamesh, from India in the Hindu flood legend of Manu, from Greece, in the Ancient Greek legend of Deucalion, from Central America, in the Classic Maya flood legend of the Popol Vuh, among others.

All of these stories from all over the ancient world tell a similar story about how God - or the "gods" - became so angry with humanity, that they decided to end the previous batch of humans and to create a new batch for a new age – and a New World Age, a New World Order. Get it?

With the technological singularity of Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing that we're in today, it appears that humanity has reached this precipice again and the "gods" must be crazy, because they're zapping us from the sky, just like in Olden Times.

The Globalists are using Directed Energy Weapons to create Climate Change Theater, as well as bonafide massacres. They want to extinguish the current human race and create a GMO'd hive-minded Borg race that's radio-controlled by the 6G Wireless Communications Network. Crazy, but true.

Terence McKenna developed Timewave Novelty Theory, which attempts to calculate the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time and his graph predicted that hypernovelty would begin surging into infinity, into a "Singularity of Novelty", starting in 2012.

McKenna did this by crossing the cycles of the Maya Long Count Calendar with the ancient Chinese Kin Wen Sequence of the I Ching, to create an algorithm that he called Timewave Zero, which graphs novelty, as it increases or decreases over time.

Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, density of complexification and dynamic change as opposed to static habituation. According to McKenna, when novelty is graphed over time, it produces a fractal waveform known as Timewave Zero.

The Timewave charts how great periods of novelty occurred about 4 billion years ago when Earth was formed; 65 million years ago when dinosaurs were extinguished and mammals expanded; 10,000 years ago after the end of the Ice Age; the late 18th century, when social and scientific revolutions progressed; the 1960s, during the great social upheavals and during the time of 9/11. It also predicted the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, with the novelty progressing towards the infinity on 21st December 2012, which was the end of the previous cycle of the Maya Calendar, when rectified to our current Gregorian Calendar.

Some argue that if you rectify the Maya Long Count Calendar with the Julian Calendar, which was what the Spanish Conquistadors were using at the time they first invaded the New World, then the end date was not in 2012, it was in 2020.

Whether or not this is true, 2020 definitely marked a break from the past for most people on this planet.

The hyperacceleration of novelty into infinity is what McKenna called a "singularity of consciousness". And the more you look at cycles of time, the more you see cycles within cycles - or fractals, like a Mandelbrot Set, where eras of history repeat or rhyme with previous eras and "mini-golden ages", etc.

What we're dealing with is much bigger than we are. It's much bigger than the Globalists – and I suspect that the Globalists are trying to stop what's coming – by poisoning us, burning us down, seizing our property and collapsing the financial system – but they can't stop what's coming.

To wit, here is an article I wrote one week after Trump's Declaration of Emergency for the Coronavirus in March 2020, talking about how elements in the military, described the coronavirus as a Globalist ploy that failed and had been hijacked by the Trump Administration to be used as cover to keep people inside and to prevent collateral damage during a military operation of mass-arrests.

I was told that some targets would be very violent and that they would fight back.

So, for the safety of the general public, it would be best to stay inside, during this period of mass-arrests of the traitors in our government and of traitors to humanity, who were at large.

Sadly, that operation didn't happen and it was just explained to me that this operation was stopped by then-Joint Chief Chairman and China Poodle, General Mark Milley, whose brand-new portrait was just ordered to be removed by Trump from the gallery at the Pentagon.

The same plan remains in place and now requires that Pam Bondi, Kash Patel, John Ratcliffe get sworn-in, in addition to Pete Hegseth and Marco Rubio. Once they're in, it's go-time to get these traitors and to prosecute them in military tribunals, such as at GITMO, where they've built a large gerontology clinic at the base hospital to treat all these treasonous octogenarians and to give them all the vaccines they could ever want.

Running Time: 82 mins

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